Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Oct 1893, p. 4

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twinge... l‘ i e Shinglesâ€"Aldoyd. .l‘ :trui t-n Rentall. llitriling' llorx‘ezs Wullbk’(l~~.\. Morons. Wanted-«Fred E. Young. '1‘o the Front Aflttlllâ€"U. J'. Brown. “harms-Atkinson & Smtser. (‘Lmiifieâ€"T. Thompson A; bun. {Strungevt Crosby. (Hutu -]‘:obert Peters. {Elie fillies LL. Thursday, Oct. 26, 7'33 RiCiiMoND Hi Markham Council. The Municipal Council of the Town- ship of Markham met at the Town Hall. Unionville, on Saturday, Oct. 2lst, at 11 r. in. Members all present. Reeve in the chair. Communications were read from Jos. Mundey, re. allowance for sidewalks; from E. Gallanough, re. Statute Labor. A resolution was read from S. Potter and others for grant to gravel sideline between lots 10 and 11, Gun. 2. Scottâ€" ‘teesorâ€"moved that the tressr nrer psy John Miller 5336 68, being twoâ€" thirds value of three Sontlidown lambs killed and two injured by dogs, owners ‘ as testified on of which are unknown oatli.â€"â€"-Carried. Scott~Lawrie~moved that the mover heaCOininissioner to repair bridge on sideline between lots '25 and 26, Gun. 4, and to clean out ditch on 5th Con., lot 20. on condition that party interested pay half the expensesâ€"Carried. Lawrieâ€"Scottâ€"uioved that Mr. Reesor be a commissioner to repair hills at Wilicott’s Creek, townline between Markham and Scarboro’, culvert on Con. 9, lot 6, and bridge on townline Mark- ham and Scarboro’, near Mr. Freeman‘s property; amount payable on his nrdel‘ when work is completedâ€"Carried. Lawrieâ€" Reesorâ€"moved that the treasurer pay John Clark the following account, filling gravel $2.00, furnishing lumber, $1.50, cutting ihistles. $1.00, planing road, 50 cents, total 85 00 - Carried. Scottâ€"Qiiautzâ€"mnved that the treas- urer pay R. Goodyear, $1 50 for repair- ing bridge on 3rd Coir, as certified by T. F. Boynton, R. 0.; also Corsou & Son for printing 1600 collectors receipts $6.50, Advertising Judges Court of Re. vision, $6 40â€"$l2.90.â€"Carried. lees râ€"Lawrieâ€"moved that treasurer refund “lin. Jones $1.00, he being erng- fully assessed for a dogâ€"Carried. Scottâ€" Reesurâ€"-moved that in answer to the petition of S Rittrr and others Mr. Quautz be appointed a commissioner to expend, if demanded advisable a sum not to exceed $50, of the appropriation made to Brown's Curners’ sideline; amount required payable on order of commissioner when work is completed - carried. Quantaâ€"Reesorâ€"mm‘ed that the treasurer pay the foliowing gravel ac- Couuts as certified by the road Overâ€" seers. 1). Break, for 60 yards of 2ravel...$ 6 00 W. Collinsou 253 “ “ . ‘35 30 W. J. Boyd 58 “ ” 5 80 T. Reesor ,193% “ “ 19 35 T. A. Milne 96 “ “ 9 60 P. Cooney 68 “ “ . 6 80 J, Jarvis 150 “ “ . 15 00 Jno. Pike 25 ” “ 2 50 J. G. Freeman 70 “ “ 7 00 I). Annis 44g -- “ . 4 45 'l‘. Reesor 964 “ “ 96 40 J. B. Freeman, cedar for culvert in Division No. 60.... .. 50 â€"-Cnrried. Scottâ€"Lawrieâ€"mored ilmt the rel-eve be a commissioner to repair wash out on con. 3, lot 20; amount required payable on order of commissioner u hen the work is completedâ€"Carried. Lawrie~Quantzâ€"moved that the treasurer refund Mr. Reesnr 71;; cents ex~ pressagfi. 81.6., in connection With bridge at Box Groveâ€"Carded. Quantzâ€"Lawriemnioved that the sum of $4 per month be granted to hilrs. John- son during the pleasure of this council, sud that the treasurer is hereby authoriz- ed to pay tha. sameâ€"Carried. Reesorâ€"Lawrieâ€"moved that the mov- er be a commissioner to widen creek north of bridge at Box Grove; sum re quired payable on his order when work is c0mpleted.â€"Uarried. Scottâ€"Quantzâ€"moved that MrLaivi-is be and is hereby authorized to effect a settlement with P. Davies for damages alleged to have been sustained through horse taking fright at township pile driver.â€"â€"-Curried. Lairrieâ€"SCU’Ztmmoved that when this council adjourns it stands adjourned un- til Saturday, Nov. 25th.â€"Carried. Qusntzâ€"strieâ€"moved that the mm or be acommissioner to open ditch oppoâ€" site lots 14 and 15, Con. 2, providing the owners of said lots hear hall of expense; amount payable on his order w hen ivoik is completedâ€"Carried. Council then adjourned. JNO. Srsrnnxsos, Clerk â€"â€"â€"Oa.â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€" The Saturday Edition of the Toronto Daily Mail is a beautiful paper full of iuews of the world and special articles of Interest to men, women and children. The Women’s Kingdom Department, ed- ited by “Kit,” is the brightest in Amerâ€" :cu. The Flanenr and Boys and Girls are both very popular departments. There are over $250 00 Worth of engrav- ings in each issue of The Saturday Mad. You should have it. Two Dollars a. year. Address. The llIail. Toronto, Canada. â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"Qv Toronto Notes. filth}; revistcrr-d 72 1mm, '. Elia. Z“: l;, The street commissioner has commenc~ ‘ ed the. Widening of Broudview Ave. be~ tween Gerrard and Queen streets. Ci'cil, the beloVer-l son of Rev. \V. A. Hunter, of 12‘) Cecil street, died on Fri- (lay lust, aged three. years From faraway Nova Scotia, three little 1 girls residing in 'l‘aminauonshc, lmd bazaar and made $3, which they sent our Hospital for t'sick Children. is most acceptable, and has been sent to the treasurer of the hospital. At the Deer Park l’resbyteriali church, Vctlni-sduv, a Verv pretty wedding took place. The contracting; parties were i‘IlsS Skinner and Mr. 'l‘rerhewny, of Chicago. toy. Mr. Freeman. assisted by Rev. Mr. \Vhite, performed tho ceremony. Flow- exs in profnsion were grouped all parts of the church, which gave addiiinir al hriliiancy to the scene. to in The city council has voted 31.000 in , entertain Lord Aberdeen and party on their arrival in the City. This Cl'uZi‘. enteiiaiuing distinguished Visitors at the expense of the already overburdened tax payers is one of the many faults of our council. Lord Aberdeen could be wel- Ciinicd to our city in a suitable manner without this expenditure Governor- Generals are becoming costly ornnnwnis to Canada, without in any way belilu useful. The first annual “At. Home” of the East End Creche was held in the Creche building, 161 Sai'kville street, on Monâ€" day evening. This institution is a day nursery for small children whose mothers. many of whom being the sole support of their families, are compelled to woik out during the day, and have no one with whom to leave their little “"08. The Mission at the North End Church Hall, Yonue street, is in a very flourish- ing condition. The. attendance at. the Sunday evening' service now numbers About 100, and the “H k night meetings we also Well attended. Rev. Geo. M. ‘er'ong, University College, is in charge and conducts the Sunday evening invet- ings. Mr. Wrong is most earnestly iii-(l zealously assisted by a number of lady Workers, to whom too much praise can- not be given for the good woik they are doing at the Missmn Hull and also as district visitors. 4-’â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" RELIEF IN six Kidney and Bladder diseasas relieved in six hours by the “Great South American Kidney Care.” This new remedy is a great surprire and delight to physicians on account of its exceeding proiuptuess in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, buck and every part of the urinary p215 sages in male or female. 1t relieves re- tention of water and pain in passing it almost immediately. If you want quick relief and sure this is your remedy. Sold by \V. A Sanderson, Druggist. m tanfiilemial i m the tallies. Ladies, do you know that there are some preparations on the market that are so adulteratcd that they are unsafe to use? especially in the preparation of the food supply, and no preparation can admit ol adulter- aiion so much as baking powder; don't use a cheap or any other kind of baking powder that you do not know what it is composed of; well it you use a baking powder use one which you can place confidence in; my baking powder is perfectly pure and mixed wiih the greatest caution and of the purest articles in the market, and the composition of our powder is no secret, you can mix it yourself, or I sell it ready prepared tor twenty-five cents per pound. W. A. SANDERSON, Druggist, Richmond Hill DAVID HILL, BAKER & CONFEETIONER Richmond Hill. “WHOLESALE and RETAIL. FULL LINE OF Conlectlonery. Oranges. Lem- ons. Nuts and Fruit. Wedding Cakes on Shortest Notice. DAVlD HILL, Proprietor. NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS I hereby give notice forbidding the public to trespass through my lune. Any party or parties found trespassing in my lane after this date will be prosecuted according to low. Hahn JAMES MARSHALL. Pine Grove NERVE BEANS wiuw: mm mm BEAR: us a new (lib covery shut cure the Worst: Llot‘S o! Nanci. Deluiity. Lost Vigor and “Ink Manhood; rostrum-3 the wukuu of body or mind caused by over-work. or the errors or ex- mol youth. This £0111:le ab most simulate cases when all other rnnmaxn we!“ manta relieve. Ixild bydrug «to in. 81 per pus-(mm stx (or $5. or mt by mail on roomy. a. r u» a: mango. leiK Janna. Minion": x“... toss/”'35, Handlin- Vault)“ mâ€" ill The. gift: for, HoURS.â€"Distressiiig~ l l l E ii . WWWEWAEIhILH.cmXu Alli nil: New Dress {Bleeds at Wholesale prices among , them the latest Hopsackings, ‘, ' Serges, Fancy Plaids, Fancy Bourettes. Tweed. Suitings, C shmeres, 650. Style, quality and cheapness combined is what you want, in i" To unload their immense stock or” goods before the ist 01 November. In the ordinary course of CGRAND CLEARENG SALEI' ....:-sx...~i:ga-r.<>uzvmm ”.EALQZBJ‘MZV may $592..” new. ow “3.5mm fly, sciâ€"emf, gs, g ES. ., pump, have transpired recently whicl. make it necessary for noisinasac. sets a; no. business it would be impossible to do so. Tofic'ilitate matters, and reduce the stock by that «late, a ); \‘. \ "‘1 i.'\ ‘-. '1 Sighljlh l! 'V T 7.1 ’1 _ A bV‘i' lultl ‘Nill be under way by the Lith )ctoher. You may not be aware of the cxtenswc stock of goods contained ‘ " in the large store, OPP. THE ()I’P. THE gzg Egg??? gfig E3 l '5‘ ECATHEDRAL Tormm'r‘o. lCATHEDRAL and we can give it you ; call and see for yourselves ; this is no Vain boast. Flannels 8r. Blankets ' in large variety of qualities and price. Hosiery, Plain and Ribbed. in Wool, diashmei‘e and Cotton, 21 special line of heavy rib- bed for boys’ wear. Gloves & Mitts, lined and unlined, in Cash- mere, Wool and Kid, mens’ Buckskin Gloves and oil dressed Mitts, quality unsurpassed. Underwear for ladies, men, boys and in- fants. Top Shirts in large variety of colors. Hats, Caps, 850., for men and boys. Overcoats 8c Suits for men and boys. Boots, Shoes, Slippers, 850., to suit all ages. i Groceries new goods, fresh, clean and cheap. Butter and Eggs taken in exchange ; highest prices allowed. I A. G. ELLIOTT, RICHMOND HILL. sorted up every week with' EThe four laige flats in the building contain the following .37 ,% classes of goods: ‘ Basement Floor Oilâ€"Gioths. .................... .. ......... it will pay you to read. the ISt Floor Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes. 2nd Floor Mantles, Furs and Millinery. ft llowing 3rd Floor - Carpets, Trunks pages! and Valises. ................................ It seems the height of folly so early in the season, when trade is at its best, to sacrifice NEW iAlt Efiilhgg But in order to carry out the contemplated change the goods must be turned into ready money. The stock ’ has been carefully gone through, and goods marked down so low as to make quick selling and save time. Ye who relish Bargains how’s your opportunity l _. When you come to the Great Sale, don’t make any ;? mistake and get into the wrong store. Our number IS ‘7? 123â€"first store east of the New Oak Hall Building. Remember, Only One Entrance Now. “/6 have now on hand a choice selection oi SPRING & SUMMER DRESS GOODS. In Black, Navy Blue, Brown, Cardinal, Grey. Also Prints, Cottons, Muslims, Hose, Handkerchiefs, Ties, &c. Call and See. Groceries, Fresh and Clean. Crockery, Hardware, Flour & Feed. Goods delivered. A. ~MOODIE A DRUGGESTS, Keep always on hand a large stock of '7 hugs. chemicals, its this. PATENT MEDICINES, OILS (MACHINERY & PAINT), and being large purchaseis they are enabled to sell very low, and quality is guaranteed. NOTE THE ADDRESS ; 1'71 King St. East, Toronto, Directly opposite Lilyde Hotel. T. SAieEoN', Insurance Agent -â€"â€"FORâ€"â€" GGRE BEST. hillTUAl. FIRE INSURANCE 00.; The British America, Also the SLABS Delivered on shortest notice at reasonable °“”E“sp:e’lw"*=m lEl’l ERWGE 3. GENERAL Wm. 3' Fromm": RESiDENCE MAPLE. RICHMONDHILL. ’ ' -â€" FORCEALE. A:..§:.:.§E§i§l;§’ 1s ““3“ west end ‘0‘ ND. 46,15tCon.Township Also dealer in Groceries and other Staple of Vaughan. . En uire o! Articbs. . . l fill-t! J. B. ARNOLD Prices right. Patronage Solicitor}.

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