Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 9 Nov 1893, p. 1

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mm TO LOAN AT LOW Toronto Olficeâ€"34 B m: of Commerce Builalmgs, 19 King Street West. Thomhm Oifice â€"Post Office every Wed- nesday from xo to 12 a. m. Richmond H:1101‘ficeâ€"~Pos:0f‘r‘xce every Wednesdayfrom 1 to 4 p. m. Aurora 155.8311, 16th. End :ichmond Hill ...... 9th and (at the Palmer House Stxouflville .. . Muxkham . Victoria. Square .. . Thoruhxll W alker House. ‘ \Voodbridgge . . . Eleiuburg . bletou. Toronto Oflficeâ€"No. 15 Toronto Street. Richmond Hill Office open cvery Saturday. Collections in City and attended to. M MILLEE a}; fivwagzm Reliable man to stall our choicu and hardy Human Smelt, and Seed Parazoee, (all and cum- ]Jlem Jinn. Anny vnrzctns can (my 00 oLmiued Chm-ugh 11.5. C mink A or salary 1 aid \reek'v, Vita‘lized Air always on hand at appointments Works like u. charm. Free from pain. Address A ROBINSON L.D.S.,Auroxa0,ut. Telephone 2984 Money to Loan 83d LAWRENCE. ORMISTON & DREW A G F LAWRENCE LINDSEY, “WSW £31. EVfiNS VOL. XVI. Residence â€"T\\‘o ephone cn mm Graduate Toronr, Physicians and sistaub dunno; 8 to 10 a. £111.; and 6 to S p. m EEG. A”; EEK GSTBSEF, ELEM, M. Egg T. F. MCMAHON, DR. LANGSTAFR RICHMOND HILL. YHE LIBERALPRiNTING & PUBLISHING H0 RICHMOND HILL, ONT. IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING W. J. WILSON/11E RICHMOND HILL: Ont. G.G. S. LINDSEY BABBISI‘IYBS, SOLICITORS AND NOTARIES Pacific Buildings, 23 Scott St, Town (J $1 per annum, in advanca. J. B. MILLER Oflice hauls StonflaJn Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries and Couveynucers. BUSINESS CARDS. V! 11245. ZZEQ £19 WANTED Barrister THORNHILL OFFICE "GIVES all Dr. A. liabinson. FREE HOER§ outstandin‘ awn, wm' â€"8t010n.m SURGEON DENTIST mm mm'xzm 9th link-l 24:11 331mm: . USED BY W S Onuxs'rox. L L B .7 J DREW genial. Universipv. Member 001! oronno General Hospita. SEN @813” LT 1d Country promptly Money tuloan WEST CURRENT HATES Lorth of 1 u_ by priV Embers: BOPRXETOB. .18th .20“) .2lst .23rd .28th 29 th 3061: :itors, sec. 610 S p.311). J. B. DUNCAN 11303:, office. _T£ :rivnte line wxbh at each month do USE RESIDENCE, A19» dealer in Groceries and other Swim; AHIL’L A large amount of private funds to farm property, in small or large sums, per cent up, according to amount and offered\ First mortgage only taken. Apply to A.L.SKEELE, Every accommodation 0): travellers. First-class staining and an attentive hustler. 15 Toronto Street, Toronto 01- Rir‘hmvndflill on Saturdays. 10â€" HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. a-t. reasons Patronage [Indian-takers & Embalmu's, Funeral Flumehings Always on “and w. HEWISON, Sails 5P! Gold Medali 11-4 Nov MISS c. HARRISON, DRESS - MAKER, RICHMOND HILL. A - CALL - SOLICITED. HIGH COGRT OF JUSTICE, d Issuer of Marriage Licens RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE aggms’wm HOUSE, MAPLE THE PALMER HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. Ni. N OT " Tflgfififfllég Harm” THOS. HUGHES, Prop. Having xefitted the above house 1am prepared h thefiest acqqmmoduion to boarders 1d the Ira-yelling public. Bast brands of Liquors and Cigars. Excellent abliug nun efficient bostlerfl. Sample looms r commercial men. First-class Livery in com tiou. @fiz‘fi’x‘gfi Efifififi§ay Watch-Maker a: leweller. up; Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. used Aucfiqn LAWRENCE, URMISTON & DREW, WRIGHT BROS, HORNHILL, ONT., 91 r] A u Velériuary Surgeon: Aucti unnle r James 1 KING STREET EAST. TORONTO sale nvellars‘ 31:61 is fitted up yr health and co ! cigars. Sump vellars. ’Busse ‘aI( it}: 'ETF‘. I4“. I! WM. RICHARDSON, Proprietor Ell JOHN KELLY, Prom‘ieto‘r‘ ,ion to gnestfl. Board, 31 per day for the Coauty 0: York. eme» ts, furniture. standing on the shortest notice and Stock sales a. specialty. P. U. address Unxonville. for the County of York. box-test notice and at rear “th enumed. Residence 3M1 mu 1mm“, 1y attem mstantly RICHMOND HILL $30 km MOND HILL, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1893. liaamngh, with all the modem >mfort. Best, brands IN THE Veterinary Cellege 11 Countlefi of York ion consignment ‘rpgnpviy attended (an an the modem fort. Best, brands rooms for com- moet :11] trains. UNIUNVI‘LLE ‘unty of York, re~ age and friendly ne sLorti-st notice sduy and Satur‘ 16811388. fiLIC, i to. A full I hand. from 5,3 secunty Ufiii’y ; Thirty-one exhibits of Canadian cheese scored higher than the highest U. S. cheese. OCTOBER EXHIBIT or On EESE. Total number of single entries from Canada and U. S. in Cheddar or factory cl:u~ses.... . . Of them- Unnadn smut. . . _ .. Inn; :1 ‘ a (meme :1: "'3 'Adam Armstrong, Fergus, held up the credit of the province in fat ‘stnck. and won several prizes with his excellent animals. The poultry show is acknowledged to be the largest, in point of numbers and best in general excellence. there has ever besn held on this Continent. In all some 4900 entries of fowls and pet stock were lmide, including all the leading herds, Ontario showing nearly 2000. Some twenty odd judges have been at work tying the ribbons, but owing to the large number of entries were unable to finish with the week. Our pantry-breeders rank high as prize-winners and have made a great many sales, including $600 to Count Federico Mom, of San Salvador, Central America, who was also 21. pur- chaser of Canadian sheep and swine. In the cheese competition, as was pre- dicted, Cumda stood away ahead, Ontario taking the lion’s share of the awards. The following table compiled from the records of the June and October com- petitions, is interesting. JUNE EXHIBITION 0F Gauss. Tot-a1 number of single entries from Canada, and the United States...... Of these Canada sent from over 100 different. factories .......... ..... Total awards for Cheddar cheese f these Canada took ............ Leaving for United States... . . No one who has the least; eye for beauty in horseflesh could fail to be delighted with the splendid string of t-hnrnugn breds sent by Mr. Robert Davies, of Thurncliffu Farm, Turonto, whuse suc- cesses in this line in a. measure made up for the hard usage he received with his Clydesdales. Mikado, who heads (he string, is well known to all horse fanciers as an animal who has never been beaten. He is a veritable giant,16§; hands high,_ a rich sea] brown in color, and such a head and neck as an artist would choose to express his ideal. He has wun first prises galore, against all comers, in Can- ada, and last year tool: the $750 prize at it will not be bec Pufficieut reasmx. (Ontario VVorld‘s Fair Letter. in Non-Essea-Ltz'als, Press Bureau Special.) ...... 667 100 162 138 bertv cheese made in 1893 . . 414 Of these Canada took............ . 369 Leaving for United States ........... 45. One hundred and thirty exhibits of Canadian cheese in these classes scored higher than the highest U. 8. cheese. The total number of cheese in the June and October competition in which Canx ada took part, and the awards were as follows :V Lord and Lady Aberdeen had an ex- ceedingly pleasant visit this week, and leave for Canuda Monday morninv. They were tendered an informal recept- ion, and addressee of congratulation were read to,them at the Canadian build‘ ing. They inspected all the Courts, exâ€" pressing much pleasure at. the excellent position occupied by Canada in general and the Province of Ontario in particular, among the n “ions of the earth. The annual match under the auspices of King Plowmen’s Association was held on the farm of Wilfred Hancock, lot 26, Con. 3, King, on Thursday, Nov. 2nd. Fortyvone plowmen contested, twentyâ€" five in Sod and sixteen in stubble. It was the grea'est display of plowmen eVer exhibited in King. The spectators num- bered about 1000, a fair proportion of which Were indies. The day wasall that could be wished. The sod was not Up to the average, yet the work done was very creditable. In some of the classes the judges had much difficulty in arriving at a decision. The judges in the first, sec- ond, third and fourth classes were John Morgan, of Willowdnle; Wm. Jeffrey. of Vaughan; and Jos. Thompson, of King. In the remaining classes, Alex. Cameron, of Vaughan; Fred Kefl'ei‘, of Vaughan; and Seth Hancock, of Aurora. The lady judges, whose duty it was lo judge the nest. looking plowman. were Misses Fox, Walton and Lawson. The Kollowing were the successful contestants: FIRST CLAss.â€"â€"lst, Spencer Uroley SILLICJE,’ 2nd, Thmnas Cain, of King; John B Russ, of King; 4Lh, James Lean, uf Vaughan. SECOIND CLASSâ€"lst, Mark Gillhum King; 2nd, Wm, Manny, of Vang 3rd, Albert Walls, of Klug; 4m, E Exhibits. Awards. United States,.............586 54 Canada, ................ .. .687 607 Out; of the 275 exhibits of cheese made by Ontario 200 awards were secured and of these five lots scored 99% points out of a possible hundred. Of all the triumphs of Ontario at the World’s Columbian Ex- position rhia is the greatest, and the most likely to bring us a. substantial money return. RHEUMATISM CURED IN A DAYâ€"South American Rheumatic Cure for Rheuma- tism and Neuralgia radically cures m 1 to 3days. Its action upnn the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the disease im- mediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. For sale by W. A. Sanderson. T111130 CLASSâ€"13f. D. Bennett Suucoe; 2nd, J. H. Wells of King; J. W. McCulluul, 0t King; 4le, Q Ramsay, of King. Judges, directors and plowmen were dined at Lowe’s hole], Kuttleby, when the cables were spread with all the deli- Cacies of the season by mine host Albert. Thus ended one of the most successful matches that King has ever had. In ex- amming the list. it will bu seen that, King caniml .fl‘ 5 firsts, fiat-eunds, 5 minis, and :3. inurim; Vaughn: 2 firm», 1 sea-umi‘ Uhjpelle, of King FOURTH ULA:ES(17 to 21 yearS)â€"1 James McLean, Vaughan; 2nd, Ju Lawson, ng; 3Id, James Cameron, Vaughan; 4m, 0. M. Huacuck, King. FIFTH CLASS (boys under 17 years’ lst, Bcnj, Ross, King; 2nd, Jus. Lem: King. JOINTER CLASSâ€"lat, Wm. (.‘lau'kson, of King. STUBBLECLASSâ€" ht, R. W. Fox, of King; 2nd, Elmer Patton, Km"; 3rd, Duncan Darra; King; 4le, Babe” Davis, King. SEVENTH CLASS (stubble, buys under 17 years)â€"lst, Lewis Bluugh, Vaughan; 2nd, J. S. Ferguson, King; 3rd, A. Rum» ble, King; 4th, Frank Buadwuy, King. SPEUIXL CLASS (double furroivud su'lky plumâ€"lat. W. H. Hutt, King. SPECIALS. Best six crown furrows in field, Thus. Cain, King; best equipped team in field, Wm. Cairns; best equipped team in lJt class, 'l'lius. Gain; best equipped team in 4th class. John Lawson; best equipped team in btli class, Joseph Lemon; best equipped team in stubble, Wm. Cairns; best looking pluwman. Chas. McUill, of 'King. The lady judges decided that all that Charlie needed was a moustache to make him a peifect man. The lady judges presented the veteran pluwmau, Mr. James McLean, of Vaugh- an, who is over 60 years of age, with 13 beautiful bouquet of flowers. in all things, Charity.” King Plowing Match. years) â€"lst, 2nd, John 3rd, John mun ban ,ot 3rd, Mc4 Sncosn CLASS(12 entriesâ€"lat F Weir, Scarburu“ ; 2nd Juhn Shadlock, Scurburo , 3rd, Albert Wells, King 4th, John Marquois, Sunderland; 59h, John Bum net, Scarboru’; 6th, Jno Gray, Markham. East York Plowing Match byayoung man 21 years of age, the aecund was 22 years, and the third 20, showing that the rising generation is made of the right kind. 0% material for plowmen. After suppet was served at. the Bee Hive, the secretary, Mr. T. Hood, read the names of the successful winners, as fullows: FIRS’II CLASd (ll entriea)â€"lat, J‘imes Hood. Markham; 2nd, Mark Gilliam, King; 3rd, Gen Little, Scarboro’; 41h. W McBrien, Whitby; 5th, John Rubb, Whitby; 6th. Thus Cain. King. THIRD CLASS (3 entries)â€"lst, Thomas Shadlock, Scarboro’; 2nd; John Cooper- thwaite, Markham; 3rd, Sam Penny, Markham. FUURTH CLASS (4 entries)â€"13t, Rob Shiver, Markinm; 2nd, Walter Hood Markham; 3rd, Len Morgan, Markham 4th, Walter Pilkey, Scar-bare. Furm CLASS (stubble, 13. entries)â€"lst, F Fisher. Scarbuw; 2nd, Fred Collins, Scrxrbnro’; 3rd, Arch Bennett. Scarboro’; 4th, Albert Mason, Scarboro’; 51h, Wm Buynmn, Markham. SIXTH CLASS (boys m stubble; 5 entries) â€"lst, Campbell Blakey, Sandfield; 2nd, Ernest VVilIis, Sczxrboro’; 3th, B. McLean, Vaughan; 42h, Arthur Gllray, York; 5th‘ Vaughan; 42h, Arthur Gunny}, York; 5”); Thus Brown, Markham. SPECIALS For best groomed, team, lat, I W \Vells, 2nd, Tims Shadlock; best finish in buzs’_class_ in stubblg, CamprbeAllABlarkely. The fifth annual plowing match 05 the East, York Plowmen’s Association Wu held on the Well-kept. farm of Wm. Millikan, Esq, Hageiman’s Corners, yea- teaday. It was unduubtedly the be“ match ever held in that section of coun- try, and that is saying a. great deal. The a d field was in good cunditiun, and t! a plowmen tuck advantage and did excel‘ lent work There weie 48 men at work. Some of the plowing in the buys’ class was very creditable. In fact it was prophesied by many of the spectators that with plowing matches as a stimulant. the next generation would be much bettel: workmen than their forefathers. And here let us say that in the first class,open to the Dominion, the first prize was “on Judges in lat, 3rd, 4th and 6th classen -Geo Morgan, Scarbom; R J McLean. Yolk; Thns Russ, King. In 2nd and 5th classesâ€"“'11) Payton, Scarboru’; Adam Hood, Markham; A Campbell, King; Ed Pickering, York. Daily [Hail is a beautiful paper full ofi iue ws of the world and special articles of ntereat tu men, wumen and childrenl The Women’s Kingdom Department, ed- ited by "Kit,” is the brightest in Amer~ ion. The Flanenr and Boys and Girls are both very popular departments. There are over $250.00 worth of engrav- mgs in each issue of The Saturday fiIail. You should have it. Two Dollars a year. Addreas, The MuiL Turuuto, Canada, The entertainments given by the Lang~ staff Literary Society was well patronized last Monday nighs, although the pro- gramme was sliurt the audience appeared to appreciate what was given. A debate will be held next Mondey evening, sub- ject :â€" “Resolved that the people are not justified in_ granting a bunus to the Street Railway running fmm Toronto to Richmond Hill ” Mr. D. James leading in the aifirmatiye and Mr. ‘N. H. Clubine in the negative. This is a subject in which all the retepapers are interested. While Mrs. Derling and her family were at the entertainment on Monday night burglars entered the house and after searching drawers, di'c. . they found a. watch which they curried away with them. ' Miss Grace Darling has reenvered from her recent and prutracted illness. The Weather is all- that could be desir- ed; beech-uniting is still in vogue. 'l‘he debating society intends giving a mock trial shortly, the defendant to be accused 0f breach of promise. Further particulars will be announced later. The junior branch of the W. A. is progressing favorably in this parish. These young Missionary workers are a: present busily engaged in preparing a bale of warm clothing to be sent to Mr. Tims’ Home. N. W. T. Miss Mary Cl-Ibine and Miss Ingliss spent Sunday last in Lsskoy. Miss E. Buyrton, nf Victoria Square, is visiting her sister, Mrs. B. VVeldriuk. The chain that was broken by a Link being removed from this town about a years agn is being very neatly and care- fully repaired by a young blacksmith ufi’ Tlmrhixllb The Saturday Edition of the Toronto Mr [Single copies, 3 cts. A. James who was horns sick raw. ad to Newmmi’c: luu‘ Langstaff No. 19 Robb

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