All these reflections are introductory to the case that has come under our notice, Mr. Ira. Bentley is widely known in this district, where he has carried on business as a. pump and windmill manufacturer for years. He formerly lived in Tilsonburg. afterwards in b‘imcoe and now resides in the village of Waterford. A representative of the Reformer visited \Vaterford not long since to interview Mr. Bentley as to his daughter’s recovery. For be it understood this journal is as little prone to be carried away by fair spoken or written words as the rest of humanity, and as we had heard that Miss Bentley’s cure was due to the use of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills, we were anxious to investigate, that we might add our personal testimony, if possible, to the many who have already spoken and written on behalf of this great Canadian remedy. The result of the writer’s journey to Waterford was eminently satisfac- tory. We failed in ï¬nding Mr. Bent- ley at home for he was in Csle- donia. that day setting up a. windmill, but Mrs. and Miss Bentley who were the im- mediate beneï¬ciaries of the good effect of Pink Pills proved quite able to give full par- ticulars. Mrs. Bentley was apparently en- joying the best of health, and we were more than surprised to be told by her that it was she who ï¬rst of the family hadexperimeuted with Dr. Williams’ Pink I‘llls. She told us that a couple of years ago she had been grievously attacked by rheumatism, and had after solicitation by some friends sought relief in Pink Pills. The result had been eminently satisfactory as any observer could see. It was, however, to become acquainted with the case of Miss Bentley that we had gone to \Vaterford. en answer to our enquiries Mrs. BentlIy told us that her eldest daughter, Lizzie, was nineteen years of age, and from her in- fancy she had been a. sufferer and that her chances of growing to womanhood had never been considered good. She early be- came a. victim of acute neuralgia, that for weeks at a. time racked her body and made life a burden. She would at times go down to the very brink of the grave ; she was in appearance a mere shadow, thin, pale and Weak, unable to do anything. After ï¬nd- ing how Pink Pills had benefized her mother she too began to use them. No change from sickness to health could have been more rapid, no mm: more complete. “You can say,†Mrs. Bentley said to us, “sheisa. well girl, that Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills cured her and we are willing to tell the whole world that such is the case. †The man or woman who will give an hour’s attention to the evidence that the Dr. VVilliam’s Medicine Company have to submit, must, if able to reason at; all, con- cede that their Pink Pills contain wonder- ful properties for the amelioration of human ailments. ï¬cation amdng “doubting Thomases,†and who are quite ready to believe any long story,so that it does not trespaSS upon their pre-conceived notions and what old line physiolans tell them of the limits and capa- bilities of the medical pharmacopmia, as laid downby the schoolmhear With ashrugof the shoulder and a smile of incredulity, of cases the evidence of which is of so certain a character that no court or jury in the land would question it. Take one of the best known and striking instances of theeflicacy of DnW'illiams’ Pink Pills. We refer to the case of Mr.John Marshall. Could any evidence be clearer or more convincing even to a. sceptic. Mr.Marshall is a. well known citizen of so large a. city as Hamilton. He was paid by the Royal Templars of Temper- ance the sum of one thousand dollars, that being the sum paid by that insti- tution to its members who are proven to the satisfaction of its physicians to have become permanently incurable. Every fact in connection with the case was investigated by the Hamilton papers and vouched for by them. Not satisï¬ed to take its evidence at secondhand, the Toron- to Globe sent a representative to Hamilton. The result of these investigations was the publication by the Globe of an article in which every claim made by Mr. Marshall and the proprietors of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills was fully conceded. and the “ Ham- ilton Miracle†unreservedly endorsed by this great Canadian newspaper. In a way it reminds us of the story of the great lawyer who attended a prayer meeting. His own views of religion were of the most heterodox character. He went to be amus- ed ; he came away with all his preconceived ideas changed. He said: “I heard these men whose word was as good as the Bank of England get upon their feet and tell what religion had done for them, not theoretical- ly, it was their own personal experience of it. \Vere these men in a Witness box I would not have the slightest inclination to doubt their word ; as a consistent man I was unable to doubt them anywhere else. I had doubted, now I believe.†An Interesting Story From Norfolk County . Miss Lizzie Bentley is the Mr. Ira. Bentley, of Waterfor well-known resident of Simcoe. known that Miss Bentley w seriously ill, and it was recent that she had fully regained he' strength. Her case has excited ‘ interest in \Vnterford, and co ears of the Reformer, we felt I passing interest in the matter son that for a period of nearly there have been from time to ti Wit is (if course the common idea. that the age of miracles has long passed, and thou- gandg of people Vb? woqld not relish a classi- General Delnlily and (‘hronlc Nenrnlgla Made Miss Lizziv Bentley‘s Life. “In: r. nlnleFHer Parents Fem-ell she Wm 90-- In: into (‘mnumplionâ€"“rmulu Back From the. Brink of the Grave. A YOUNG LADY’S ESCAPE us of s‘ re at; the I Sir aired :0 the Waterford post she is employed as a. telegraph 'e had known Miss Bentley d in Simcoe. We remember- delicnte face as it was then. ‘ the bright young girl before inz Mia Reforme \V‘ hughter of d, a. former It is well as long and her It is not generally known that Juan Fer- nandezâ€"the island on which Alexander Selkirk. the Robinson Crusoe of romance, lived for so many yearsâ€"is at present in- habited. Two valleys, winding down from difl‘erent directions, join ashort distance back from the shore, and here now stands a. little village of small huts scattered around a long, low, one-storied building with a verandah running its full length. In this house lives the man who rents the island from the Chilian Government, and the village is made up of a few German and Chilian families. The Island is rented for about £200 a year. The rent is paid partly in dried ï¬sh. Catching and drying the many varieties of ï¬sh and raising cattle and vegetables wholly occupy the contented settlers, and much of their little income is obtained from cattle, and vegetables sold to passing Vessels. The cattle need no cure, and the vegetables almost grow wild. Turnips and radishes, ï¬rst sown hem by Selkirk himself,now grow rank and wild in the valleys like weeds. A wealthy bachelor declared that a horrid hag had glared at him through the night. His friends laughed at him but he insisted that the house was haunted. He grew ill, complaining of extreme heaviness in the stomach, his appetite failed,he grew sallow, emaciated and despondent, believing he was gomg to die, the spook being a. warn- ing, and declared he could hear funeral bells ringing in his ears, and even hinted at suicide. A friend induced him to use Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery, and he rapidly grew well, spooks and all his dis- tressing symptoms disappearing. A torpid liver and dyspepsia caused his suï¬'ering and the medicine cured both. The “ Discovery †is the only remedy for biliousuess and indigestion, or dyspepsia. so certain in its curative action as to warrant its sale on trial. A Guarantee, in print, wraps every boLtle. One Million Almanacs. Since the ï¬rst issue of the CANADIAR AL- MAXAC more than one million copies have been circulated. The issue for 1894 will be ready in abouta month, and will be the ï¬nest Almanac ever published in the Dom- inion. The CAXADIAX ALMAN'AG is the standard Year Book of Canada, and will be greatly enlarged and improved for 1894. There is an epidemic of insanity in the United States. Four men were arrested in one day for threatening to kill if their de- mands for large amounts of money were not satisï¬ed. This is undoubtedly the direct, outcome of the hard times, every one of the cranks bearing the impress of the most abject poverty. Crime has also increased to an enormous extent and there are indications that the coming winter will be the severest that a vast number of peo‘ ple in the United States have ever known. Our own population would do well to watch their doors, Windows and stocks and be on their guard against: marauders. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills are me. nufactur ed by the Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Brockville, Out, and ‘Scheuectady. N,Y., and are sold in boxes (never in loose form by the dozen or hundredmnd the public are cautioned against numerous imitations sold in Lh1s she. pe) at 50 cents a. box, or six boxes for $2. 50, apnd may be had of all drugg ists or direct, by mail from Dr Williams’ Nigedi- cine Company, from either address. to be credited to Dr. W'illiams’ Pink Pills. An analysis shows that Dr. \Villiams’ Pink Pills contain in a. condensed form all the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood, and restore shat- tered nerves. They are an unfailing speci- ï¬c for such diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus’dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache, the after effects of la grippe, palpitation of the heart, nervous prostretion, all diseases depending upon vitiated humors in the blood, such as scroiuln, chronic erysipelas, etc. They are .also a. speciï¬c for troubles peculiar to females, such as suppressions, irregularities, and all forms of weakness. They build up the blood, and restore the glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks. In men they effect a. radical cure in all cases arising from mental worry, overwork, or excesses of whatever nature. means or her race from our interview ' satisï¬ed that we 1 knowledge of at Iez to be credited to Dr us, her cheel was sufï¬cient before us. lie the one told us an added der Robinson Crusoe‘s Island . :heeks aglow with ruddy health, :ient. The days of miracles were The happy subject of one stood . Her story was a repetition of old us by her mother, only with l depth of thankfulness to the flier recovery. \Ve came away interview with Miss Bentley fully that we now knew of our own {8 of at least one marvellous cure lited to Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. lesis shows that Dr. \Villiams’ The Opium Tramc. To Down Spooks. evil. The Standard of London, should lots of the case than 3y attempt; to prove The man is poor indeed who cannot in some way help his neighbor, if only by words of sympathy, and unless he has the disposition to do this when he is poor, there is little likelihood that. the possession of riches will transform his nature 1 0f suffering relieved in as many days Corns cause in the aggregate as much suffer- ing as any single disease. It is the magic solvent power of Putnam’s Corn Extractor that makes it speedily successful in remov- ing corns. Take no substitute, however highly recommended. Putnam’s Painless Corn Extractor is the best. Sure, safe, and painless. The crem atiou of the late King of Siam cost $450,000 . \Ve may divide thinkers into those who think for themselves and those who think think for themselves and those who think through others ; the latter are the rule, the former the exception. Only the light which we have kindled in ourselves can illuminate others. measure would be carried, and there seems to be no doubt that the arrangements for a. compromise were all but completed. The plan was defeated simply and solely by the Will of the President, who was determined that there should be unconditional repeal, and had caused it to be clearly understood that he would give his assent to nothing else. It is nearly four months since Mr. Cleveland called Congress to meet in special session, nearly three months since he declared fhot the interests of the country required ‘he stoppage of the purchase of silver. In these months there has been at no time the slightest doubt as to Mr. Cleve‘ land’s position, or the slightest hint but the 50?“: the discussio the silver-p11 When the su will proceed immediate c« of the tariff. 7 ~ nu».- "5 unavaava, iScrofua and Bronchitis. 112': “most I as palatable as milk. | Prepared .nly by Scoit & Bowne. Belleville. [WW "HITS.†favor of unconditional repeal is shown by the much greater majority in the House of Representatives, in which the pure prin- ciple of representation by population pre- vails. Some days ago it was asserted with the utmost conï¬dence that n. compromise measure would be carried, and there seems to be no doubt that the arrangements for a. compromise were all but completed._ The After two months of uu United States senate by 45 the bill providing for the pea] of the Sherman silve' It is noteworthy that ah Cleveland stood unflinchi 0f Pure Norweglan Cod Liver‘ Oil and Hypophosphites will stop a Cough, curea Cold, andl check Consumption in Its earlier stages€ as well as all forms of Wasting Diseases, Klll it by feeding it with Scott’s Emulsion. It is remark- able how '. JAGQBS OIL SWTT’S om, CHRONIC PAINS SUQCUMB IT HITS THE SPOT AND @URES. Goad. Repenlof the Sllver Bill even Years sure is emine known that as a marked York. Tl 5nd therefore it took ie what the House \ ohe e_u_d public opi_n- 3 since Mr. Cleveland at in special session, since he declared he country required purchase of silver. e has been at no lbt as to Mr. Cleve- the slightest; hint When the vote was there was general the majority. The vut by the continued 50 Democrats fc 2 Populists an That; the over Iecbomte was i A. P. 87 Eh an WATEHUUS, Branlfaad, Canada SIMPLE, DURABLE, VERY FAST. STANDARD GHUPPER FARMERS, Monastery Iv = Vellum Paper Manufactured They are Superb in Finish, and Superior in Quality of Material & Workmaqship. They Excel in Baking Quali- ties, and in Economy of Fuel and Convenience. If you are in want at a. Cock Stove or Base Humanâ€"don’t bu until you have seen this Elegant. Line. 50 d by leading Stove Deal- ers everywhere. Manufa atecur The GUHNEY, TILBEN 80., [id Made from ORIGINAL DESIGNS :-: Patterns :-: Ask your Stations? for tha “Chester Ssries†of Writing Tabï¬. SNVES & RANGES promptly. never fails t wait an hon pain cure‘ Feed your Stock chopped grain To do this economically buy a. †SGWEN! R †B.“ Can be run with any 4 Iiiâ€"ave you {Satan-h {This Remedy will relievé and Cure you. Price sects. This Injector for Its. sufceasiul treatments free. Remember. thloh a Rgglecues are sol on a. tuaranOee Cures Consumption, Coughs, Cronp, Sore Throat. Sold b all Druggists on a Guarantee. For :1 Lame Side, ad: 0:- Chest Shiloh‘s Porous Plaster will give great satisfactiomâ€"zs cents. 9 Ԥ 25¢5n¢s§122_% The are made to burn wood ex- clus velypr Coal and Woodman: in a Great Variety of Sizes. and are therefore adapted to the re: gulrements of Large or Small amllies, in any part of the Do- minion. _ ï¬amilton, Ont. SEND FOR CIRCULARS. :rvous pain purchase f1 pain trial bottl Every Stove Wmanted. The Boundary Line omfort an rge bottle for It is sure, ple: 70 cure all km 5.1‘6 1V8 Iv ite Irish Linen Queen City W White Paper Linen Paper ON ured ny THE BOPP GLARK 00., LTB OBS MERE. J to 12 horsepower discomfort is often vou rheumatism or a. auï¬'crer from ob- Why suffer longer? .0 cents a bottle of | Nervilineâ€"or you tr 9.5 cents. It cures 0 cents a bottle of Nervilineâ€"or you r ‘25 cents. It cures leas¢nt to take, and mds of pain. Don't I to any drug store Nerviline the sure STocK RAlSERS, $9, w >v. / \ - -_..... v-’ TORONTO, OJN'I' and ESE , MWEP See this Stove before buylug any other. It Is Heavy, Large and Durable Sold by all Leading Dealers. The Forty-Seventh Annual Issue of this book will soon be ready and will contain an 1m- mense amount, of information of great: vzflue. Aprominent feature will be a Post Oï¬ico Gazetteer of the Dominiongiving the name of every Post Ofï¬ce with the Hall- road on which located. or nearest Railway Station. Political Epitome of the House of Commons. of all kinds i; as complete and accurate as ever. Price 20 centsâ€"3o centsâ€"50 cents, accord- Ing to binding. The Copp Clark 00.; Ltd Tot-on to, Ont. Mfd. h_y Gurney Foundry 00., Canadian Almanac & _ Ofï¬cial Directory EleCtrical Supplies. Bell Outï¬ts Sac. Ra- dairs prompt and reasonable. School and. Experimentera’ Supplies and Books. THE IMPROVED STANDARD CHOPPER" OXFORD W000 000K! blue, a deep, dark, unfading. dyed- inâ€"the-wool, eternal blue, and he. makes everybody feel the same way â€"August Flower the Remedy. How does he feel?â€"He feels a. headache, generally dull and con- stant, but sometimes excruciating-â€" August Flower the Remedy. How does he feel?â€"-â€"He feelsa violent hiccoughing or jumping of the stomach after a meal, raising bitter-tasting matter or what he has {:_ate11_ or drunkâ€"August Flower eaten or drum the Remedy. How does he feel ?â€"He feels the gradual decay of vital power; he feels miserable, melancholy, hopeless, and lon sfor death and peaceâ€"August F ow'er the Ram- edy. How does he feel ?â€"He feels so full after eating a meal that he can hardly walkâ€"August Flower the Remedy. 0 G. G. GREEN, Sole Manufacturer, Woodbury, New jersey, U. S. A. How does he feel ?â€"He feels 35 8: 37 Adelaide at. W., Toronto The Canadian National Hag TORONTO ELEGTRIOAL WORKS. The ADjrectory of ofï¬cials LATEST & BEST ! Toronto, Ont Very useful to every one in- terested in political matters. All about the Flag of our country on land and sea. 2'01- 189%. “USES BEST FRENCH Crea m Ppe BUHR STONE