8.10mi as has TORnkwb N THO Dr)“ 0 av H .11 Mai Sir meat Mom 1‘0 Mail 8011 EVENI‘N Swilz. in! be. Aumr mceLir Th9 will b: actm Men’ 5 S“ in prices right. John Alchiso ï¬ned $550 and hqnor at the M PROFTURR QT The Star Almanac. of Montreal, for 1894 has 450 pages. Thirty thousand fact-s and menty thousand subjects. It is the great popular Almanac at we day, and it. is not surprising that the demand for it is so enor- muna even before 9. single copy us ready for sake. A shooting match for 100 Turkeys: and 50 Geese will be held at the Hawthorn Mineral hprings Hotel, TbOrDllill, on Thanks-giving Day, Thursday, Nov. 23. 1893. Shooting to commence a! one o’clock, sharp. Rifle shot, 100 yards; Shot Guns, (No. 6 shot), 40 yards. 900 In the L‘ the evenh at Atkinst same. Mr. C. A ï¬ned 350 f1 burhuod of It is a problem in lhe cities what will bo- oome of the unemployed. We should be thankful that we live in Richmond Hill. and can make money go a. long way by dealing Wllh Atkinson dz Switzer. The members of me York County Council hnld their audual dinner at. the Clyde Hole-1 shia, Thursday, evening, November 16th, at 8.30. \Ve have â€"â€"chief amn Thanksgiv‘ JL Swilzex's The truste‘ (Gunilla), teacher, ‘And 50 commence Good pink Salmon at $115 per doz, cans, 37 lbs. best Rolled Oats for $1. 45 lbs. best Gold Dust Oorumealfot $1. Atkinson dz Switzer. RICH 2.1 This day week. the 23rd inst†will be Thanks-giving Day. There will be a union saxyice 1n the Presbyterian church at 11 o'- clock, a. m. The Rev. Mr. Vickery will preach. A collection will be taken up in aid of the poor. There should be a. large at‘ hindrance. White handled C Firsts, M 7%; per- Until furth ichmoud H 0791! ‘IBERAL one on ts Mt. Isrmc ‘gin amt POST OFFICE NOTH 01’ anne §1()(7 A3192}. Mi )ND HILL, Thursday l and c the Mark pri Thanks-Giving Day many things to mg them the ch Eng table dA-lium til] Stung, of Woo r shooting Moc Lake Busseau. rumg by the bright light, ( by the lump light. the bar & Switzer‘s show up juel Shooting Match are 31‘ 3rd oluss can: in January next Cups and Sam) ’eus an n! the‘ mm h‘nir an: is m ‘ iJury Drawers M. TI paid a friend!) arkham and t than n.- th mi. 1’. s. was last ncrete a, was last wee Illegally aelliu at aught in the nei 101' a remade iï¬cate. Duties ‘f H; piece ccloreJ thankful 3 this the Vaughan valiety, I Mills. 16 lentt or in amaius at the kiusun NT at next, 111E The horse rafl‘le is declared 01?. Frank having struck a trude up north. The boys are somewhat disappointed, as each fully ex- pected «o throw the bighest....A pair of ducks, which were being stall {ed for the 23rd. mvsteriously disappeared in few days ago. We have not heard whether the owner mteuds offering a rewxrd for their recovery nrnot....Tuere is talk of a Progressive Euchre Club being organized for the winter LasL Saturday night the post ofï¬ce and the store belonging to Mr. R. S. Thomson, nf Maple, was burglarired. The thieves gained an entrance by buying two large holes in the panels of the door, and then will:- drawing the bolts at the top and bottom, alter whir'h they coollv went. through the store. Cash seems to have been What they were after, but thr-y only succeeded in get tmg a few dollaru’ worth of stamps, some coppera, a silver watch, and a couple of chains. Other articles may have been taken but are not missed. No clue to the burglars has )et been found. Mr. D. A. Radcliffe, managpr of the Aurora Branch of the Ontario Bank, was in the viiluge on Tuesday and left us an adver- tisement, which wi‘l be seen on another page. We are plexused to insert [he adver tismem, but weak! prefer seeing a banking establishment in Richmond Hill. The busi- ness men of the place as well as many farm- ers in the nurrnunding neighborhoods, know the convenienu of each an Institution, and we have reason no beï¬eve that a good busi- ness could snon be werked up hrre. as was the case when the Central Bank was with us. The Ladies of the Women’s Auxiliary (le- aire to return their sincere [banks to those who have so promptly and liberally responded to their “Appeal for the Needy." most of the clothing being warm and substantial, and in good repair, some articles being excellent and apparently little worn. A distribution has been made of the balk of the things, a few being reserved in 6333 more needy ones may be discovered, who have been overlook- ed. If such will applv they will receive kindly attention. Those who have not been called upon by the committo for their dona- tions will be in the near future. They also suggest that a}! ebsolete articles of the wud- robe continue to be placed at their disposal :3!“ng the approaching winter, that no one n ay be vlé‘prived of the comfort of being warmly clothud; “H0 thin giveth to the uiexr bundu Lib to the her up that Is nece nut and happy childrenâ€"you Fireman‘s Concert :«lnzs- can In outï¬tting st t'nwrl)‘ 0 (ml Sch Babies' Number ier M The Muil They All Do it vays “putting rm 8L3 [eul of the Associn His friends in this Aurora Branch Card of Thanks m f. emurk tzer ul flee smells bim Elgin Mil f School ? present I awn, Out. She Headford NI the new 1 then g: dis: Burglary in Children under 12 ample nlw 1‘hey neve ud they Tor them. n1 invimnou gentleman W“ A Dunlap, (Lt mm a! Murruj rwood 1'! satis Snuud Te ay at Ross ‘1’ Headfor , anspicps of Thornhil held in Vicmliu Hall bur grmdu 1n vcliou No.3 have acher. Miss Ella at a salary of excellant teacher th 1L , princu unauim to make a L husbands‘ to furnish at Atkinson part r the wiH lh h ers «Hing ‘ 4!!) C exlen Iiseionin Elle Id Shn eel ccmf w what. begru- nmum napeL M rs Mr H) Tickets At in it.' I. int 1t ‘pvis 1893 Miss Mus Mt. fre th Mr m hc 'I‘l mntive shit: WM given ï¬ve minutes to close the debate. The discussion was very inter- esting and many good points were made on each side. Mr. Harrison in announcing the verdict congratulated the speukms on the manner in which they handled lhe subject, saving that debuting was Qne of the best means of self-improvement. After consider- ing the diï¬vrent points made on euch sit]? he said the judges hm] decided in fun: of the afï¬rmative. in!) wie his vie: {native nppeannf. picture is . picture is a huge 01mg! up'u ‘2.“ x23 i'nfluus, enlided a Mnuunl of Sn pause, pnrchnxen! from he 0w l(-'l‘ in Germany «it a very larg’e sum. In I‘Pprodnciug this picture twanty colors are called Into use by the lithograph- era. The picture represents a. group of ladies and one gentleman of the period of L mid XV. of France, dressed in the superb attire of that time, in a splvudially furnished room. The gentleman. with a stick, is opening a trap in which is n moms; a. cat crunches near bv to spring upon the captive, while the ladies have flown lur safely to the top of chairs, tables and clinches. The» lending feature of 1116 Christmas Number is The Random Reminiscencas uf w. Nile Voy- agcur by Charles Lama Shaw, being a humurous and thrilling nectunc of the exâ€" pedition of 1884 to the relief of General Gor- don, who was besieged by the Fulse Prophet behind the walls of Khartoum. There are We take p!ensure in dir»c:iu :iun of our reader-I to Torm Night’s Christmas Number, w nnpwxring on t'..e market ’1 eewrai good stories including one by Mr. Edmund E. Sheppard, entitled With Murder in His Heart. ‘his is}! story 0' cowboy life in Tnxas In poetry the number is rich. «\mong those contributing are: E. Pauline Johnston, Charles Gordon Rogers, Ernest Hawthorne, K Wheeler, Gus M. Beers. George ulufl'at, Rueben Butchart and G.E.D. Five lull page engravings adorn this number. The price of the number remains as in pre- viuus yeari, 50 cents per copy. Buy it of your bookseller, or on receipt of th t sum at the Saturday Night ofï¬ce, 9 Adelaide street. west, Toroum, a copy (along Willi premium picture) will be sent, poslflge paid to any address in the world. SPF BRILLINGERâ€"UII WedneSduy, the 8th of Nc bex, Levi B., only son of Jonathan Bnlli jr., aged 13 mouths, 24days. SOMERVILLRâ€"On the 12611 of November, at father's mmdence. 10th Con. Vaughan. J Somervine. aged 25 years. 10 months. Somervine. aged 25 years. 10 months. WAITESâ€"At the Toronto General Hospital. on Friday, the 10th of November. Hattie WaiLes aged 21 years. ,Iuterred in Richmond Hill cemetery on Satur- day, the 11th inst. MCWILLIAMS â€"Ou the 2nd. Cnn. Vaughan, on Saturday. the 11th of November. Joseph Mc- ,Iuterred in Richmond Hill cemetery on Satur- day, the 11th inst. MCWILLIAMS â€"Ou the 2nd. Cnn. Vaughan, on Saturday. the 11th of November. Joseph Mc~ Williams, aged 2! years. Funeral toR. C. Cemetery on Tuesday, the 14th inst. ANDERSONâ€"0n the 12th of November, at the Innes House, Bradford. Margaret Anderson. Relict of the late John Anderson, in the 72nd year of her age. Funeral from her late residence to Richmond Hill cemetery on Tuesday, the 14th cf November Cars; W “ «gamma Mm A plea ) wields a greuler influence tum Wm; H speukers on the nï¬â€™inmutiva side Hull(leudet),O.Vickery nnd W.A.G|ns zalive wvre James Wnuhl (leads-r), E dditt and Wye Trench The judges W. Dean and Messrn W. Harrison F. McMahon. Each of the mung or s nllowed ten minutes in Much to exp ; vimvs, aftur which the lender of the mt the Mann NGLEYâ€"'l‘AYLOB-â€"At the residence of bride’s father, in \Nhitchm'ch, on the n1t.,by the Rev. E. S. Mnntbewg, Rir. Bureucley. of King, to Francis ’Iuylc Whitohurcb. :rnet and clariunut. i Miss Annie Miller not al nub Mch-we l'he 9 hit!» 1: ly thirty What Canadians Can Do th mt tit m. Tb the SH nt, rm the Epwonh League Sale Regisner Th e n V v' 1t he s s Severely Hurt MA RHIAGFS‘ Wee nk mm mm m my n paper h Wi I. DEATHS at vnlu uter nly Witness Kly “ï¬tness em‘ Duper. M MID rir uch of the mung oratmr 11193 in which to exponm h the lender of the afï¬r »n ï¬ve minutes to 0105‘ paper Mi It is hoped â€)8 Witness :r in Montrea IDS! Hunt of the ex- Lef of General Gnr- um False Prophet mm. Them are ling one by Mr. itled With Murder tory 0' cowboy life fluent in men! in free Me HE ness has treal,t.hu ‘eet. with building 3 ï¬ne a be seen. I‘ll' \Vr-allh Epwonh paste form typo derl'u of the atten above In In at iRichmond Hill, Oct. 26th 1893. 1 BOTTOM PRICES. Flannelettes at all prices. Ladies’ Vests, Ht French Flannel in all the leading colors :1 Top Shirts, Under Shirts, Drawers. Fla Blankets, &c., &c., heavy and go For low price and good quality our stoc Terms Cash, or Butter and Eggs taken it highest prices. THE FIRE FEE Fresh Japan Teas, Fresh Ceylon Teas, Fresh Assam Fresh 3 New ï¬mckew :3 & 8333mm. DRESE GQQDS 154 Ki“: Wee East W.- A11~W Shot and Plain Whip Cords at 35 cts. per yard, double fold. Some Special Lines flew Fall ï¬ï¬ï¬‚ï¬s For wine-makin ISAAC CROSBY 001 Henriettas at cts. per yard. GIVE Us A CA RAW SUGAR in great variety and colors. Atkinsen 8;. 531%st THE CENTRE â€"â€"BIGâ€" Has to sell _(_) 1:- English Breakfast, Fresh Young Hyson, Fresh Gun P Wm See the Kittens H errings Kippered Herring, Preserved Bloater Bartons Baking Powd‘ Roval Arms Cheese. English Regul very hc other suga Novelties in 1n Sauce. )\' 1 patterns. omato zloves. etm 0 W wék