Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Nov 1893, p. 3

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burg, Pa, rails five d feat all can The living Three thousand miners in the Leigh dist trict; of Lancalhire have resumed work a. the rate of wages paid before the great strike commenced. Mia. Agnes ’McKinley, who was sentenced to six mouths’ imprisonment in Buffalo for importing a girl from Canada for immoral purposes, and was pardoned by President Cleveland, was released Tuesdayy, and left for L'oronto. Mr. Andrew Carnegie, of the homestead. 1a. . steel works, says the outlook for the winter is very discouraging, and that he does not, expect a revwal of busmess before next Spring. The village school at Coopersville, N. Y., caught, fire Tuesday afternoon, and Miss Porter, the teacher, perished in the flames while rescuing the childlen, two of whom were also burned to death The Westminster Gazette, a Liberal or- gan, declares that the Government is de- termined that Parliament: shall not be prorogued untll the Parish Counm’ls and the Employers’ Liability bills have passed the House of Commons. The Viceroy of India made a. speech at Agra. on Friday, in which he deplored the recent cow riots,‘and implored all religious sects to show tolerance for the beliefs of their fellow-men. Mr. Gladstone has informed the Woman’s Emancipation Union that- a. clause will be introduced in the Parish Counclls bill giving women the right to vote for and be elected as parish councillors. > A report issued by the coHector of Cus- toms at, Calcutta shows that the trade of that port with Germany during the past five years has increased threefold, while the trade with England has decreased from sixty five to fifty-seven per cent. of the whole trade. In the English House of Commons Mr. Gladstone stated that the Duke of Edin- burgh, who 15 now the reigning Duke of Saxe- Cobourg, would be allowedg to retain his place on the navy list without pay. M1 Duncan McIntyre’ s palatial residence at. the foot of Mount. R0 yal, in Montreal, has been offered to the city for three bun dred thousand dollars,1md the Mayor is in favour of the city acquiring the property as a residence for the Governor-General. The British Government has submitted to King Humbert the name of Sir Francis Clareford, the present British Ambassador at Constantinaple, as successor to the Kate Lord Vivian. THE WEEK’S NEWS Twnfit‘ms in South Lancas‘nire will re- open their coal mines shortlv, paying the miners the same rate of wages that; they received before the strike. The English reporter and two travelers who were recently expelled from Mllilla. are now declared by the Spanish news- papers to have been English officers in dxsguise. Mr. and Mrs. Gladstone are to spend their Christmas holidays at Cannes, where they will be the guests of Mr. Stuart Ren- del. an the Chateau de Thorence. The price of bread in Hamilton has been reduced to eight 0.1165 a loaf. The population of London, Out, shows an increase of 900, according to the assess- ment rebut as just, completed. Mr. James Power, a wealthy farmer 0f Keppel, Ont., was kiued on his farm the oth- er day. It is supposed that his horse slip. ped and fell on him. as, when he was found, the horse was lying on Mr. Power‘s head. At'n. meeting of the City Counci} of Hamflton, 01m, Dr. J. 1). Edgar was Eppmuted superintendent of the City hos- pita]. The estate of the late Sir John Abbott has offered for sale to the city of Ottawa. his house as a. viceregai residence. The idea of providing such a luxury for the Governor-General is meeting with consider- able opposition, many citlzens being of the opinion that under present circumstances the city should not go to such an expense. The Newfoundland elections have pro1 ed a. decided Government victory Sir \Villiam Whiteway, on his arrival in St. John a on Friday, was given a hearty reception. Mr. Geo. A. Stinson of purchased debentures of Kingston , Ont, amounting $101.26. Mr. Emmanuel St. Louis, the contractor for the “ark on the famous Curran bridge. has instructed his lawyers to take proceed- ing against, the Dominion Government; a have his account settled. The man Kennedy who has been con- victed in British Columbia. of the murder of John O’Connor, and who admitted that he committed a. murder in Essex county, Out, is supposed to have been the slayer of Gaoler Leach in 1883. Thesbatemenb that Mr. W. Wainwright. assistantgeneral manager of the Gmnd Trunk runway, intended to resign his position. has been oflicially concradicted from Montreal. The semi-annual statement of the Bank of Montreal, just; issued, shows the profits for the half-year ended October 315$ to have been about thirty thousand dollars better than for the corresponding period last year. An important; conference was held in Montreal mhe ovher day between representa- tives of the Dominion Government and the railway and steamship representatives, to devise ways and means of promoting im- migration from Great Britain to the Cana- dian North-\Vest. Ied wiLb trichinosis, the result CRITIC!) STATES. CANADIAN. BRXTI Buchner, a farmer of Milwaukee. are Toronto, has the. city of to $31,100, for 63$ On a. snowy day he tied her to the door of his barmand amused himself by throwing snowballs at her. The village curate hap- pened to pass whilst Hodge was doing his best. to score bulls-eyes on his living target, and of course reproved him for his unmanly conduct. “ I’ve seen that Mrs. Sweetly very she cares for?” husband.“ "Oh. it’ts all right, sir,” quoth the farm- er, “ it gives us both pleasure. When I miss her she is glad ; and when I hit. her I am glad.” Both Were Pleased- A farmer who was plagued WM) :1 scold- ing wife,hit upon the following plan to cure her. Admiral Mello, leader of the Brazilian Insurgents, denies that he intends declaring in favour of monarchy. He advocates the overthrow of the present military Govern- ment, and the establishment; of a civil Republican Administration. Emperor William has decided "that the next manoeuvres of the German army shall be held in Silesia. The great Columbian Fair has gone into history and in afew months there will be hardly z». vestige of the White City 16ft on the shores of Lake Michigan. Its success was recorded from day to day in the num- bers attending and the beauty and extent of the display. But there were other features of the show, little noticed by the people, but which helped materially to make the ex- hibition the success it has been generally voted. They were the wheels Within wheels without which the machinery of so vast and intricate an enterprise would not have mo"ed as smoothly and as noiselessly as it. did. The great attendance of 131,469,461, ex- clusive of the 6,052,188 who went in on passes, making a total attendance of 17,- 539,0-Ll, has been recorded. It. has also been told that the total receipts will be almOsb $14,000,000, as compared with $8,- 300,000 at. Paris in 1889, the only fair which offers an adequate cnmparisor} with Chi- It isostvabed that a. Well~kuoWn retired English naval officer: is forming a small fleet; of crnisel‘s and torpedo boats, in command of which he intends proceeding to the 3.3- sietance of Admiral Mello, who is in rebel- lion against the Brazilian Government. The Spanish Government has sent a. note to the Sultan of Morocco askinglxim to give again-antes of the payment of the entire cost of the Melilla. expedition. Private despatchea from Cub; say that the insurrection is under full headway, but the Government controls all mawa channels. and no information is allowaa no pass. 111g diseased meat. Mrs Buckner is dead and the husband and four children are in a dying condition. M. Georgevitch, special envoy from Servia. to France, was stabbed in a restaur- ant, in Paris on Monday evening. His con- dition is serious. GENERAL. Native spies who have been among the Mambele report that Lobenguids warriors are utterly disheartened. Martial law has been proclaimed in the province of Barcelona, and the poiice and detectives are hunting the Anarchists day anti night. _ . ... .. 1 Iiessons from the Late World'- often; i' ‘Oh, m same geupleman with some one that's her Fall: [Kahlil Schindler on the C‘-0pcrntivc near- lng orchndrcn. R-obbi Solomon Schindler, has been visit- ing an Orphan Aaylum,a.xid has deemed the thoughts suggested by his visit to be of sufficient, importance to print, them, and give them to the world. His article to which is assigned the place of honour in the current number of the Arena, will be read with interest by a. good many who will not. be able to accept his conclusions. The worthy Rabbi seems to think that dry-nuts. ing is to be preferred to the mother’s breast: and that. the co-onerutive method of rearing and educating children, is to be preferred to the old method, bringing them up in the home. The officers of the Asylum visited by him were so much wiser and better than the average parent: the employees of the institution were so much kinder, and more skilful in the management of the children than parents and household servants gener- ally are ; and, a»; the result, the interests of the children were 3* much better cared for than they commonly are in the home, that he was tempted to desire that all children might be deprived of parents in order that they might be in a. position to enjoy the superior advantages of such an institution as this. Of course Rabbi Schindler did not entertain this desire that sprung up unhidden in his breast. He is not quite radical enough to advocate the wholesale slaughter of all the parents in the interest of the children. Indeed the difficulties in the way of this are such that he judges it to be impracticable ; and the thought of it is, therefore, dismissed. But. as the next least thing, he advocates what he calls “com. munul education,” or what might better be called, perhaps, as it has been called shove, the co.operative rearing of children, for his scheme of education includes the housing, the clothing, the feeding, and the care as well as the instruction of the Rabbi Schindler’s metth oi rearing chil- dren is not an altogether untried one, Per- haps the most successful trial that it ever received was in ancient Sparta, to which the Rabbi refers in its support. But the Spartan system aimed at a. single object. Everything was made bend to the attainment of a single and. Even chastity was not allowed to stand in the way of this. The aim of Lycurgus was to raise a race of soldiers such as would prove invincible in the field. In such a scheme of education, of course, the principle end con- templated was physical perfection. It fair- ed ill with the weaklings. The state had no place for them, no use for them, and the first part of the process of education was to weed them out. So far as the training of the intellect was concerned little more was aimed at than the strategy and quick~wit- tedness of a. beast of prey The all-com- prehending virtue in which the Spartan youth was trained was that of physical courage. There was no place for the play of the affections,- and the only vices that were punishable or odious were cowardice, lack of fortitude, or the non-concealment of vice or crime. There was little that was intellectual in this scheme of education, less that was moral, and of the highest element in human nature, and in human character, the spiritual, it knew nothing. The dryâ€"nursing process was perhaps well enough suited to rearing and educating with such an aim. But the Spartan system was only possible under a. military disposition of the most Absolute form. E. Scammon advocates the virtual aboli- tion of childhood in the interest; of their pur- ity. The Divme Father does not teach his children everything at the beginning, but has adopted the principle “little by little” as the means of imparting knowledge. He goes on the principle in imparting know- ledge that, of the evil, so of the good that comes,to usinlife,euflicient for the day is that which belong to the day. The light comes as the need for it arriees. And when curi- osity seeks to know what is not yet. best; to be known, he does not teach us what we are nob yet. prepared to receive or to profit by, but bide no wait, telling us that what we know not; now we shall know here- after. BusMrs. Seammon thinksshehas found out a. more oxcellenb way. She thinks then while the little child is curious to kuowjusb where the baby ‘came from and all about; how it; ca,me,ibs curiosity is L0 be gratified to the full. The lisping little girl must; know all that. mother knows about. the mysteries of procreation and reproduction. But TRUTH s willing to run the risk of being regarded It is strange that in the discussion of the subject of the rearing and education of children he does not once refer to his own race. The Hebrews are perhaps as ancient a people afiche Leeademonisns, and they are equally d'eseiving of careful study. Besides, while Sparta exists only as one of the dim and distant recollections of the past, the Jews are a living people to-day, and show no less signs of life than they did many centuries ago. \Vhat means this inexhaustible vitality, this persistency of type, this survival of persecutions and all sorts of adverse circumstances. They have been in all their variou fortunes end in all the lands of their ispersion a. do- mestic people. Jacob has loved his wife, and Rachel has loved her husband; and their love for one another has only been equalled by their love of their children. Whatever have been their faults they have sacredly guarded the family. They have given perhsps more remarkable men to the race than any other nationality of equal numbersâ€"sud, not to speak of the great men of Israel, the com- mon people generally succeed in the ordin- ary pursuits oflife. A larger proportion of them are rich than of any other people; they are seldom found begging their bread, they manage to generally keep out of the Police Courts, and they enjoy perhaps more than the average share of the good things of life. as an ol<l fogy, rather than accept this doc- trine. Blessed be the memory of the dear old mothers, that told us as ymuch as we ought to know about these and other things too high for us, but who judiciously taught; us at the same time, that there were things that: we should know by and by, that it wars no“l best. for us to know just, then. TRUTH believes the old method better than the new. believing this new fang 10d idea. of filling the minds of little children wnh who belongs to people of riper years a mis- take. While RabbiSolomon Schindler advocates the practical abolition of the family and the home in the interest. of the improved physica} and social condi- Eiun of the rising generation, Mrs. Lgura. No unvaccinated man is permitted to vote in Norway. (‘Ol‘fll ITNAI. EIHI'ATH) V. m that, )y the tubion 31‘ did ng up quite Tue dusky monarch of the Matabele appears so have suffered seriously in the attack by the forces of the South African Company, reported in the last despabches from Cape Town. His impis cannot stand before Maxim and Cabling guns, and appear to be succumbing Lo the fate of dark races who have nob immense resources of popu- lution to mu hack upon. Neither can Lobengula summon to his aid, as a Maho- metan leader could in such a pass, the forces of fanaDiCism. His soldiers are phy- sically brave and trained to feats of hardi- bood, but. they are not sustained by dreams of a paradise which will he oheirs when -(.| of a paradise which will be uheirs when they die. By the latest news the Mmmbele appear to be Considerahly routed, while the forces of the South African Company have lost, very few men. Although King Lobeugula has adaptad to some extent European methods, and now lives in a. brick house surrounded by irrigxted gardens, the party in England who are inclined to side with the South African Company wish us to understand that he is I bloodthirsty savage whom it is the duty of all civilizedApeopIe to help to put, down. But the affair is regarded in diverse ways in Britain. The proceedings of the South African Company have been considerabiy reprob'gted there. They have carry on indefensible proceedings unHer the folds of the British flag. A3 amatbet oi fact, the trouble arose out, of a descent by some of Lobengula’s soldiers on the Mashouas who work in the complny’s mines, and from whom the supply of labour is maintained. This resulted in the Mashouas running away in fright, so that the mines were deserted. Lobeugu- In on his part, seems to have thought that the interference of the South African Company was altogether uncalled for,seeing that his men had only done what they had Bégn célledvthe‘employers of irrespénaible filibusterers, who have not scrupjed _to The Mail calls attention to the fact that ‘ the United States is beginning to find that i it cannot aflcrd to adopt an insular spirit in legislation affecting the security of prop. ‘ erty and the stability of value. Such laws 1 must be made to suit people who send no ‘ representatives to i ts Congress. These are ‘ the very numerous and substantial class of foreign investors. The withdrawal oi their wealth would cause incalculable disaster, beside which the consequences of the late ‘ revulsion of confidence would seem a small misfortune. It was the foreign investors who gave the initial impulse to that out- break of distrust from which the Country is i recovering. and the general steadiness of foreign investors assisted the bankers in preventing a panic. It was‘ largely in‘ deference to the same outsiders that the silver purchase law was recalled. The in- l fluence of foreign trade, as well as that of ‘ foreign investments, pressed heavily on 1 public sentiment in the country, and help- ed to force through repeal. It was large ‘ foreign trade balances that exhausted the Treasury of its free gold and a great portion of its redemption fund. External influences have, therefore, to be reckoned with even by the self-complete Republic. But it Will have to go further to assure in- vesting foreigners against loss upon proper- ties subject to its laws. The monetary prop is not the sole basis of confi lence. The laws which govern the formation and manage. ment of those great joint stock corporations which attract so much capital from abroad needsupplementingin some material respects by provisions protecting the interests of shareholders. This is a. matter. however, for the various States to legislate upon, but it would conduce greatly to the end aimed at by recent Federal legislation, namely,the dissipation of distrust. Though the great stringency of the past summer was due to a monetary cause, it abounded in incidents which disclosed other dangers than those which proceed from a depreciation or infla- tion of the currency. The first approach to a panic,that caused by the astonishing break in industrial stocks last April, brought before the attention of shareholders the urgent need of laws to suppress the increase of capital by the watering pro- cess. In order to effect the combination of a group of industries this process had been freely resorted to. The various buildings plant, stocks, and other proper» tiesof the individual manufacturingcancerne which combined to form such at company as the Linseed Oil Trust, for example, were taken by the Trust at an excessive Value ‘in order to induce each concern to come in. ' The aggregate of these values was presented as capital, though it was cnOrmouslv more i than the real capital. Among the original members of the Trust were divided the isharcs of the preferred stock, represent- ing about all the real value of the com- bined property. The common stock, representing the water, was allotted to the public. Attention was drawn very sharply to this state of things when the Trust stocks were struck by the Whirlwind that visited the New York Exchange last spring. Outsiders will uot be eager to buy shares in a property of which oneâ€"half or more of the value is .fictitious. The South African Company. They Can't Stand Alone. the Matobele rionsly in the louth African ist despatches cannot stand us, and appear of dark races irces of popu- Ncither can , as a Maho- l a. pass, the chem are phy~ feats of hardi- neil by dreams a theirs when the Matahcle routed, while can Company I-. Although :ed to some i, and now urrouuded by ‘ in England th the South 0 understand tge whom it is le to help to l regarded in e proceedings iy have been They have irresponsible t scrupled to ings under the i a matter of of a descent )ldiers on the le compsny’s ie supply of 5 resulted 'in in fright, so ed. Lobengu- have thought South African Lliell for,seeing 'hat they had the past fifty e whole ques- te commercial and supported ritiah Empire, critics of the that they have engula. did not impany wished e pretence of 2 him and open r their future ng the feel~ these savage e the methods ’eeling on the is show at least ing wiih the ned, and that do and other be borne in :h, the High Government, l, an attempt tgo well, to upport of free- which will be Lord Ripon 30mpany that come in and nny’s charter before be inter- : l land the ‘warthy. Number of Passengers Carriedâ€"other ln- Ieresllng Flutes. In the last number of Engineering we find som triking statistics in connection with Eng ish railways. Here the returns for 1892 are compared with those for 1879. It appears that in the year last mentioned, the number of first-class passengers carried in England represented 6.5 per cent. of the total number. the second-class passenger: 11.3, and the thirdâ€"class 82.2. Les t year. on the other hand, the proportion of first- class passengers had dwindled to 3.27 per cent., and that of the second-class to 7.43 per cent, while the proportion of the third~ class had risen to 89.3 per cent- In Scot- ilitl’erenee was still more note- In that kingdom during 1879 the first-class passengers constituted 11-05 per Cent. of the whole number, the second‘class 7.45 per cent, an<l the third-class 81.50 per cent. The latest returns credit the first- cless with only 5.3 per cent-, the second- class with less than lper cent., and the third-class with 93.8 per cent. Even in Iro- land the same tendency is mauiiest,althongh in this, the poorest of the three kingdoms, the first-class and second-class passengers are relatively numerous. This is because in Ireland the whole number of passengers is comparatively very small, the masses of. people being too poor to pay even third- class fares. Thus, last year, in Ireland but five railway journeys Were made for each inhabitant, whereas in Scotland there were twanty railway journeys to each inhabitant, and in England and W ales the number of passengers was equal to twenty -six times the population. Still, even in Ireland. 8.: we have said, there has been, between 1879 and 1892, a. falling oilr in the number of first-class and second-class passengers, the former declining from 10 per cent. to 6.63 per cent. ,and the letter from 23. 3 per cent. to 18.57 per cent. The only part of the railway system of the United Kingdom where no marked change has occurred is that comprising the Metropolitan Under- ground roads and the suburban lines which carry season-ticket passengers to and from London. Here, as the distances are short, and the ditference in fares, therefore, small, the proportion oi third-class passengers is sometimes as low as 75 per cent., and in no case is it over 85. It is a. matter of ob- servation that many passengers will travel second-class on a short journey, and yet go third-ciaSs when on a. journey, of more than forty miles. Where considerable distance! are traversed, the difference in fare between third-class and second-class carriages is so rest that few consider as of any import- ance the fact that a. second-class carriage [has n carpet on the floor, and perhaps a slightly better cover and finer hair in the cushions. Otherwise, it offers no extra accommodations, not even in respect of space, which is remarkable, when we keep in View the advantage enjoyed by the first class passenger in this respect. In a. first-class compartment, there are but six seats, whereas there are ten in the second or third '. moreover, in each first-class carriage, there are but four com- i partments against five in most other cor- riages ; so that a. railway compsny 'is satis- fied with twenty-four first-class fares each carriage, although fifty fares are exacted { when the York 1 not The decrease of the second-class passen- gers is due, as we have seen, to the gmd~ ually imprOVed accommodations of the third-class carriages, and the latter fact is traceable to the immense influence exerted upon railway managers by the greatly pre- pouzlerant Contribution of third-class passengers to the receipts. Last year the first-class passengers on all the railways of the United Kingdom paid 3.12 millions of pounds sterling, the second-class 2.37 mil- lions, and the third-class 22.21 millions of pounds sterling. In other words, of the receipts for ordinary passenger isres,season tickets being excluded, 80.3 per cent, Icomes from passengers travelling third- class, 8.5 per cent. from those by second- class, and 112 per cent. from first-class whereas thirteen years 8.20 out of each $100, the first-class mini $18.40, the second- clsss516.30, leaving only $65.30 to be con- tributed by the third-class. The obvious meaning of these figures is that, eventuilly, English railways will provide for only two classes of passengers. The second and third classes will be amalgamated. with the result that what used to be called second- class accommodation will be procurable for third class fare. This is one of the satisfac- tory results of the strong drift toward political and social equalization observable in the United Kingdom. Imperial parliament resumed businesa last week. Mr. Gladstone proposes to give up the whole session, which is only expected to last about six Weeks, as an adjournment. must be had over the Christmas holidays and the regular sesaion must commence in February, to domestic business. There is every indication at present that this pro- , gramme will be carried out without exces- sive friction. The attitude of the Opposition is transient, as if it had been determined to rest from fighting for the present. Some little ripple has been caused by the attitude of theParnellites under Mr. John Redmond who demand a general amnesty for the imprisoned dynamiters and the immedicate passage of a. bill for the relief of evicteli tenants ; but as they can only command nine votes all told and «the opposition are ‘disiuclinod to accept their aid. it; is not anticipated they will succeed in causing any serious trouble. It is probable that the local option bill will he shelved, as likely to create a. division in governmental ranks, but it is regarded as . almost certain that both the Parish Councils and Improved Registration bills will be successfully pub i through “Just think of it,” excla Luahby’s wife. “Just think of “Just think of what ‘2” asked “This newspaper states than there are 150, 000 saloons and u l Lushhy was silent 1n thought “What, do you think of that. "' wife “Wlny-er-ain’t that a. g for such a. small country Refused- Fabher vDid Mr. Sex at night? PPY {”0903 Umnéhterâ€"Yes. Fatherâ€"43nd in he to be my son Daughterâ€"No. Son. BRITISH BALI-WAYS. Brit fish l’ol [tics Total Depravity- 0d many school: kclaimed Mt. ‘00 ked his aw? V01! mm

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