We ask our readers to peruse the above ofï¬cral statement and see if the result is an evidence that Pro- testantism is in danger is this prov- Last week THE I. 63 some remarks a been made by Mr. ( Junction 3 she. gave as our Tribune which have been corr Mr. Syme's sp( the gentleman l‘emar lnCC Jar wav Attorneys. . . .............. .. Local Masters in Chancery .. Clelks of Court . . Registraranrx-oulate Court).. Raglstrars of Deeds . . .. Salaried Stipendiary and Po Oi balliffs, IQI were appointed by the Government, v12. 2â€"164 Protest- ants and 37 Cathohcs, and 14;) were appointed by Judges under the old law, viz.: 126 PIULCSIaEtS and I4. Cathollcs. Sucretary'a Department Agriculture . Agncnltural Col‘ege . . Public institutions. Assembly . . . . . . .. Sheriffs . Clerks of Peace and ( lice Magistrates 32 3 License Inspectors . . 81 16 According to the returns obtained in June, 1889 (the last returns ob- tained), the Division Court Clerks appointed by the Government were 166; of these 15.4r were Protestants and 12 were Catholics. Old Divis- ion Court Clerks appointed by Iudges under the old law were 151 ; 01 these r44. were Protestants and 7 Catholics. It is unfortunate that belore every general election in Ontario, in tact previous to aim Y-‘t every Dye elec- tion, the campaign turns into some- thing like a religious war. It seems strange that this should be so in this enlightened nineteenth century with all the boasted advances in civilization and Christianity. For months past scores of letters have appeared in public journals which to the careless reader went to Show that the Roman Catholics of Ontario were steadilv making en- croachments, and that the Mowat Administration were almost entirely at their mercy. It is as humiliating to write on this SthCCt as it must be annoying to our Roman Cathalic lellow cttizens to be always put on the defensive. Prevtons to one election trantic eflorts are made to prove tn Protestants that the Bible is mutilated in order to satisfy a certain church. and at another time the cry is raised that Separate Schools must be abolished in this Province. So much has recently been said that it was found neces- sary to make a statement as to the number ot Protestants and Catholics appomted to oflice by the Provincial Government. The statement which appeared in the Globe of Saturday last was no newspaper article which could be refuted, as each statement appeared over the Signature of the Deputy Minister, or high ofl‘icial in each department. The following is taken from the list : nay General’s Department" Administration of Juatlce..... Education . . ...... Crown Lands (inside service). Crown Lands (inside service). Crown Landshmtside service) men Lands (occasional)....m Public Works . . Treasury . . .. Executive Council and Au RICHMOND HILLThnrsday. Nov. 23, ’93 THE RELIGIOUS NEW AWE TIgEME’lTS Eu given“ “(1116 and County r. Geo. Syme at an held in Toronto time before. “’5: ,lthority the York )urnal appears to in its re 0t mten CRY REVIVED. [BE]: ECG Mr- h is Prat. Oath Never, 206 22 ‘ 41 34 28 ‘29 17 28 31 32 11 ï¬Ã©litic tici 1V6 Henri Mercier, son (.f ex~Premier Mer- cler, Paul DeMartigny and Joseph A. PeHaud were caught Sunday night, In a delxberate attempt to bimv up the Ne]- son mouumeu‘. at Montreal with dynaâ€" mite. All three were placed under Itch on human and horses and all animals cured in 30 minules by VVool- ford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. For sale by W. A. Sanderson A frightful Wind 8‘ ing along the coasts ships have been lost lives. Mr. D. A. Burgess died at his mother’s residence, 55 Grenville St. last week after an illness of eighteen months. Mr Burgess was 27 years nld and was a graduate in arts uf the Toronto Unwer- ally. The fuurth annual Chrysanthemum nf the Gardeners and Fluvista Assucintinn The ofï¬cers 0f the Royal Grenadier-s have decided to huld Lhu three Assemb- lies which were qo popular duril g the last three years again this season The ï¬rst one wiil be at. Webb's un Thursday evening. Dec 7th. RELIEF IN SIX HuUBS.-â€"-Distressilig Kidney and Bladder diseases relieved in six hours by the “Great Smith American Kidney Care.†This new remedy is a great, surprhe and delight to physxcinns on account 0f its exceeding urumplness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, buck and every part of the urinary pus- Rages in male or female. [L relieves re- tention of water and pain in passing it almost immediately. If you want quick relief and sure this is your remedy. Sold The Rev. Mr. Dinnick gave an excel~ lent. address at the Temperance meeting held in BrnnadWaV Hall last Sunday after mum. Mr \Vlllimna deserves special mention for the impressing way he sang the hymn emitled “ Thmw out the Life Line.†Evanuehstic services are being held every night In Cullege Strr-et Bapnst Church. Rev. J B. Meet and J. M. White, of the White 3105., aasiated by the: puny". are cnudnc-ting these services twok place at the Hurticnlmml Pavilliun this week. by W. A only fair to make this explanation. Like our cmem., had we known that what Mr. Syme said in his after-supper speech 01) thc occasion referred to was only made by way of a joke we would not have criw cized his remarks. ht $1 AT FAB Toronto Notes. Sanderson, Druggist News Notes. wind storm has been sweep- coasts of England, many an lost with hundreds of Edgely rt] bendtur ‘lns, these secur- second only to cm'ities. These mld by Messrs. They have also of Township of ) lhulu‘ :emvnm. \ w r amc, a (u have} Ming. 'each 20th per 33 tn A. G. ELLIOTTQ The best that can be pro- cured, and sold as cheap as the cheapest. Men’s Overcoats, Boys’ Overcoats. Men’s Suits. Boys’ Suits. The goods have only just been passed into stock, so you may rely on getting new goods, and the prlces are away down. We guarantee these goods all pure wool and of the best make, and prices the lowest for» this quality of goods. taken in exchange; highest prlces allowed. This department is well supplied with fall and winter goods, and our trade in this department is increasing ; prices tell every time. BOGTS Butter and Eggs GROCEBIES. BLANKETS. RICHMOND HILL. BARGAINS THE CHE AP This week in anti SHOES. In men’s \Vaterproof Felt Telescope boots, men’s Felt Arti Russet Felt bouts, men’s Long Felt Boot-s, half fox, four cliff bermeu‘s Hose, four different kinds of men’s Stockings, m: Seamless Wool bouts, nun a Snnw Flake Merino Wool boot been carefully selected fmm the best manufaclmers \\ 1m ex line 1n the Dominion. Also an extensive stuck of Ladies W Lace boots, Felt Gaiters, I'elt Slippers, Women’ 5 Skating bw stock of Rubber szds. I11 men’s Pure Gum Lumberme1 Rubbers, men ’s Sandal Rubbers, Ladies’ Storm Rubbers, 1. Ladies’ Gipsy’ Rubbms, men ’s Overshues 1n Snow Ewluders shoes, women ’s and children’ 8 Plain Oveishoes L:.dies’ ( Laced Boys in all kinds. [11 boot and shoe leather goods w: tensive stock of Long Boots in men’s. buys’, youths’ and chi Opp. (,ilyde Hotel WINTER FOOT-WEAR Font View in all thoâ€"l: these goods the cheape This is not Greek, but merer spelis backwards the best Cough Remedy in the worldâ€"Davids Cough Balsamâ€"â€" which is fast becomingr the most popular Cure. It advertises itself. No person uses it without recommending 1t 10 their friends. en's a: are open for offers for the entire stock and outï¬t, or any part thereof. In the meantime the stock will be rushed off at a double qulck rate to anybody or everybody. lay in your winter supply of goods We will sell anything or everything in connection with the entire business (you car. reckon on buying cheap). , Inspection invited. Terms made known on application. TALK ABOUT BARGfCINS! flthil‘iflflhfl, QUJN 65 UU., 123 Sis. East, who have been down; a large and successful cash business at the above store (which is situated in the heart of one of the best busmess blocks in Toronto), are going to re- tire tom the retail business as soon as the stock is sold off (preparatory to embarking in the wholesale business. Store-keepers, farmers 21nd others, now’s your chance to r" E-Eigllimake Ema éï¬h m1! The burchas'e of our magï¬iï¬cent stock would be the chance of {I li1etime for a live to drop into a growing and active cash has YO 11’s and \Vomen’s Cork f van. Silk and Braid. E Ladies’ Buttons and Paste Blacl Hus HGUOC EDWAB! FOR SALE. ‘EGLLEN ROLLENRAKE. SGN £6 (30 1'71 King St. East, Toronto, .123 King 37-416. East, Toronto. FOR. SALE {I work :k conflsts and ()ildn Ses, Bouts with all th sale and <11 (OPPOSITE THE CATHEDRAL) EVERYTHING GOES! 1t 145130 IN ST€)CK 1M MENSE STOCK OF ERUGGESTS, ll] Long Felt. 500 Tent. kinds of n u’a Snnw Flake )E RAKE, 8QN & GO“, UST ARRIVED AT ER“? SEVERS’. 11') f Dry Goods, Ready-Made Clothi u, Millinery and Manfles, Tru: NIEL 81 C0,, ‘hllmerjy and Manties, lrunk: shOCS, amounting to $40,000.00 :p furniture, tables, counters also horse, harness, dog~cart livery waggon ilnkey’s J swax 0!] uned in the well-know Successors to jos. Davids & Co ERESPASSEBS Winter c Buckled boots, men’s :rent grades of Lumâ€" Ai’i‘ï¬mï¬ï¬w Hanover Standard ’l‘ncse goods have in this particular It 1 ubb 1 buqmess m wi: hing pt Wear. l‘elt lined. A full )ers, Muskoka anet Rubbers, ’Iuiu Felt Uver- Butmued and m store, Trunlzs epamn 1nd Curd Polish, ine’s 0 an ex- n flies‘ Fme u will ï¬nd mg