Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Nov 1893, p. 7

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raining um HOPELESS. Two Y3: of the Moat Intanss Siffr- i113. . Mrs. John W. (‘opiu of Port Stanley. SIIS' l‘en From Halnrlul Fever Followml h‘.‘ ITIcci-sfilli-‘l- Friends Despaircj of El!“- lircovoryrâ€"l (‘iii'c lv‘ouml After [Mi-ionf “colored There “'ns no Slope. From the St. Thomus Journal. " One of the happiest couples in thc_couiif,y of I‘llgin are Mr. and Mrs. John \V. Cops, who live in the house at the tollgate, on the London and Port Stanley road. The cause of their joint happiness is that VIrs. Cope, who for three your: past has been a greet sufferer, and whose recovery was not believed to be possible, has been complete ly cured by Dr. \Villiams’ l’ink Pillfi‘ for Pale People, after a number of physxcnins and many remedies had failed. The many reports of the marve‘ous cures effected by the use of Dr. \l'illiims’ Pink I‘ill4 in dif- ferent places are so well authenticated as to leave no doubt as to the absolute truth of all that has been ci.LIm9.li01‘ them. If, however, further proof is wanted it is afforded by the wonderful, almost infracti- Ions cure of Mrs. Margaret Cops. Hosting of this remarkable case n Journil i‘cpi‘e» scntativc was detailed to iiivcst'uacs it. The lady who is sixty-four ycars of age, was found engaged in her home work. evidently as well as she had ever been uni l l as active as many women not half hnr one. i i I “Yes, I was completely cured by Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills," said Mrs. (lope, in , reply to the reporter's query, “and I will be pleased to give you all the facts in re- gard to my case, in the hope that it may be i the means of inducing some other sulicrcr to try these wonderful Pink Pills and find relief. In August or September, 1830. when we were living in Tilsouburg, I was taken ill with malarial fever. After I i'c- l covered from the fever my limbs began to ; swell. They continued to swell for nearly ‘ a year. Two years ago red, sore spots, that size of a big penny, broke out on each ankle. A Tilsonburg physician was called in and attended me for more than three months, but I grew worse and worse. These spots stung and burned and caused me the most intense pztin. He finally told me that nothing could be done for me as my age was against me, and that I could not live long. Then I tried medicines given me by a. Tilsonburg druggist, but to no avail. Ayear ago last fall we moved to the toligate here. The sores kept growmg more and more painful and kept getting larger. I tried cverylhing that anyone recommended,but everyone who saw me was of the opinion that I could not get better. A physician, formerly practising at Port Stanley, was then called in and treated me forabout four months. He said he had never seen anything like my case in the whole course of his practice, and said the sores were ulcers. At this time the sores formed a. complete ring around my ankle and up the leg for about four inches. The efl'usion from the sores was like water, anl three or four heavy cloths rolled around them would soon get wet, and the water would run down into my slippers. The burning, stinging and twitching was sometimes unbearable and I could not sleep at night from the intense pain and could not keep the bed clothes on my limbs because of the burning sensation. The longer the physician attended me the worse I seemed to become: Then my son sent for another doctor: He did not say what was the matter, but that I could not be curcd. At this time my husband strongly urged me to take Dr. “'illiams’ Pink Pills, and although utterly discouraged I began taking them in Nov;, 1892: After I had taken four boxes the stinging pains in the sores began to stop and the efl'usion of water ceased. I continued taking the Pink Pills until I had taken twelve boxes, and as you now see, I am entirely cured. I have not taken any Pills since last April and my health was never better than it is now. I can stand work better than I could for years before I was taken ill, and feel like a. new woman. I went down to Tilsonburg on a. visit recently and my children and old friends and neighbors could hardly credit that I {as put-ed, but it is a joyful fact neverthe- iBS. , Mr. Cope was present during the inter- view with his wife and said: “ I know that every word my wife has said is true, and both of us are prepared to make affidavits to its truth at any time. She sufi'ered so much with the sores that I thought she would go crazy, and had little hope that she would ever be cured. You may be cer- tain that we are profoundly grateful for this wonderful remedy, and that we never lose an opportunity to say a. good word for it. It has brought my wife heolth and strength after everything else had failed. and we have reason to be deeply thankful.” Dr. \Villiams' Pink Pills contain all the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood, and restore shattered nerves. They are an unfailing specific for such diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus’ dance, sciatica, neural- gia, rheumatism, nervous headache, the after effects of la grippe, palpitation of the heart, nervous prostration, all diseases de- pending upon vitiated humors in the blood, such as scrofula, chronic erysipelas, etc. They are also aspecific for troubles peculiar to females, such as suppressions, irregular- ities, and all forms of weakness. They build up the blood, and restore the glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks. In men they efi'ecta radical cure in all cases arising from mental worry, overwork, or excesses of whatever nature. - Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills are manufactur- ed by the Dr. Williams’ Medicine Company, Brockville, Out., and Schenectady, N. Y., and are sold only in boxes bearing their trademark and wrapper printed in red ink,a.t 50 cents a. box, or six boxes for $2.50, and may be had of all druggists, or direct by mail from Dr. Williams’ Medicine Com- pany, from either address. What It ‘Vlll Do. Polson’s Nerviline, the great pain cure never fails to give prompt relief in th following complaints 2â€"Sprains, bruises cuts, tic douloureux, rheumatism, spins. pains, neuralgia, toothache, lumbago sciatica. Buy to-day at any drug store a 10 cent sample ottle and test it in any of the above complaints. It never fails, for Nerviliue is composed of the most powerful pain subduing remedies in the world. Get nbottle at any drug store. You will be made happy. Ten and ‘25 cants a battle. i\ n \Voni in liver Jintlfii-il In Proposing? Alwaysnit has been considerel that it is tho part to l): wooel, not to woo. So that {no wmnau‘s question at the head of this l'lfiW'IClt‘ Will. no doubt, com-3 with something ‘zki‘ a. thrill of horror tom my pcoplc. But there I113 been all t irough the world‘ s ‘izsi u'v cxwptioiis which go to prove the thii :t \VJm'in is the passive aigont in an m titers. In curly Egypt, where the v: mi ‘.II 251:2 held to occupy a. higher position thin the mtu, Lb» \vouiin naturally pro- p and I‘.‘ ”ridge. Through all the ages of a i'>‘l".lill,{ s woreign, if that sovereign \vorc feminins, :ml to offer her hand to a sub- jecr, or our lower in rank than herself, if she wished to be his wife, since it would have been an impossible audacity for him to have been the proposer. lliii in modern times and in ordinary life, is it over cvi-uslblcâ€"nny, meritoriousâ€"for Fl. womm to oiler herself to a mun? One can easily imiginc cases in which it might be ROâ€"-\VllL‘I'L‘ the woman is of higher social position, and the mun would think it pre- sumption on his pmi‘t to propose; or where she has wealth and be has none, and he fours his motives might be misunderstood if he spoke. In such cases, if enough had passed between them to make her sure he was only withheld by the fancied difference bctwecn the-m from making her his wife, she might well. without any loss of femi- nine dignity or sclf-rcipcct, take the matter into her own hands. Thislns, indeed, been oftener donc than the outsido world has any idea of, since people do not generally bluzon abroad the sacred details of their love-making. Under certain con liiions a. woman is per- fectly justi tied in proposing to a man ; but before she docs so she must be perfectly certain of two thingsâ€"first, that only a mis- taken feeling of honour prevents his speak- ing for himself ; and secondly, that he loves her. . (7m anyone imagine a position more full of humiliation than that of the woman who offers herself to ll. mun only to be politely :‘tfuscd 2’ She feels she has forsaken the trariiiimis of her sex, and lowered herself in in“ rcxpi‘ct in vain : and that she has ruined any olmuw she might have had up till then of winning; his love. \lomclmios one is shocked by the way in whinh the rcluiious between the sexes are undergomg revolution in these days. Not only do girls Sfiilltfllllll‘S allow a man openly to see their preference for him before he has shown tun least Sign of desiring it, but they even in mire sometimes whether it would not be inlowublc to tell a man that they love him, mid to suggest his marrying them. Needless to say. :i. girl who could seriously contemplate such it stop uould be a girl do- void of all womanly feeling and all refine- ment of mind. There are said to be (373,612 Freemasons and 647,471 Oddfellows in America. The best edible frogs dressed for table at Paris come from Alsace, packed in large baskets. The Home of Commons. Those of our readers who are interested in political matters will find most valuable a list of the members of the House of Com- mons, which has been prepared for the CANADIAN AinAXAC for 1894. In it are given the names of the members, with their politics,the defeated candidates,the number of votes they each received, the members’ majority and the population of the constitu- ency. This political chart will be invaluable to all who care to follow the fortunes of the next session and especially at the coming general election. British Politics. Imperial parliament resumed business last week. Mr. Gladstone proposes to give up the whole session, which is only expected to last about six weeks, as an adjournment must be had over the Christmas holidays and the regular session must commence in February, to domestic business. There is every indication at present that this pro- gramme will be carried out without exces- sive friction. The attitude of the Opposition is transient, as if it had been determined to rest from fighting for the present. Some little ripple has been caused by the attitude of theParnellites under Mr. John Redmond who demand a. general amnesty for the imprisoned dynamiters and the immedicate passage of a bill for the relief of evicted tenants ; but as they can only command nine votes all told and the opposition are disinclined to accept their aid, it is not anticipated they will succeed in causing any serious trouble. It is probable that the local option bill will be shelved, as likely to create a division in governmental ranks, but it is regarded as almost certain that both the Parish Councils and Improved Registration bills will be successfully put through. " Now good digoztion wait on appetite, And health on both," says the great Shakespeare, but :he did not have in mind a. coated tongue or torpid liver with all the symptoms of biliousness, so common in this country. All this, and more, can be cured by Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, a purely vegetable com- pound, which restores the action of the liver, gives tone to the flagging energies of the dyapeptic’s stomach, and thus enables “good digestion to wait on appetite, and health on both." By druggists. Asthma, and Hay Fever cured, by a new- ly discovered treatment.:Adilress for pam- phlet, World’s Dispensary Medical Associa- tion, Buffalo, N. Y. A. P. 87 Cures Consumption, (Ion his Croup,oro Throat. Sold b all Druggisgts oh 3 Guarantee. For a Lamp Side, ad: or Chest Shiloh‘s Porous Plaster Will give great sntisfaction.â€"25 cents. H: REMEDY. Have you Oatarrh? This Remedy will relieve and Cure you. Price sects. This Injector for Its successful treatment free. Remember. smloh’a Remedies am sold on a guarantee The Origin ofVVall-Papcr. In answer to a query as to the origin of wallpapers, an English authority states that the art of paper hangings was copied from the Chinese, among whom it has been practised from time iinmcmorinl. “'3.”- papers did not come into common use in Europe till the eighteenth century, but stamped papers for the purpose appear to . have been made in Spain and Holland about I 15.3.3. The first allusion to wnlI-piipers iknown to exist is in the examination of lIcrmnn Schinkcl, a printer of Delft, who was accused, in 1338, of priming books which were forbidden by the then prevail» inglaws. lining interrogated as to cer- tain ballads, he said they had been printed by his servant in his absence, and that when he came home and found they were not delivered, he refused to deliver them, and threw them into n corncr, intending to print roses and stripes on the back to paper attics. It is probably to King William III. that England owes the introduction of wall-p1- pers into that country. Paper hangings of n. sort, it is truc, were in use in England , before the time of \Villium of Orungm but they usually consisted merely of lll’dip'i of the world, as it was then known, with fan- tastic borders of Indians, negroes, and ele- phants, and other natives of far-off regions. The art of paper hanging in imitation of the old velvi-tIflock was new when William came to England. It was on the Walls of the drawnig-room at Kcnsington I’alnce that those new hangings were first seen in Britain. They took the fancy of the fash- ionables of the day, and their cheapness being an additional recommendation, they speedily came into general use. _.. . - A German scientist maintains that dia- monds originally came from meteors. An Extended Experience. Writes a well-known chemist, permits me to say that Putnam's Painless Corn Ex- tractor never fails. It makes no sore spots in the flesh, and consequently is painless. Don't you forget to get Putnam‘s Corn Ex- tractor. now for sale by medicine dealers everywhere. counting shred :IO omgiuauctuiafl Dim idwmd alive I" [on Yes, but feed it with Scott’s Emulsion. Feeding the cold kills it, and. no one can afford to have a. cough or cold,acute ’ and leading to consumption, lurking around him. Ofpure Oil and Hypophosphi tes strengthens Weak Lungs, checks all Wasting Diseases and is a remarkable Flesh Producer. Almost as Palatable as MlIkJ’rcpuod only by Scocunoneuseiieviiia. Hwy-\â€" A.EHTS “WEB, n'inlc and female, ci. . 1'. sell our new Home on". Entirely iulv: lells to our) kfilllh‘ltfptf Also our Bread, (lake and PM Knives. Culver, And [wife and Schism Sharpener. No up! required Easy lrllrrs. big rivals. CLAUSS SHEAR CB . lad l‘v' -"1 'r . - a, 0M. OUNG MEN! Learn to out. no better trade. Good wages and steady employ- ment. Write for articulars. Tonox'ro (lur- TING SCHOOL. 123 'onge St. Also agonts [or McDowell's New York Drafting Machine. GENTS HEIIE Toll ABELâ€"Samantha. at . the World's Fair, by Josiah Allen's ’Wlfc. Over 100 Illustrations. Nearly 600 pages No Territory assigned. Send $1.00 for pro- spcctuszmd push the canvass if you want to make money. WILLIAM BRIGGS. Temper- nco St. Toronto 1m ortutions SAUSAGE CASING amnesia... I-Isli constantly on band, also prime American Chle's Casings. Full lines New Hams. Long gear Bacon, Rolls, Uhcese. Lard, etc. PARK LACKWELLEL Co. LTD. Successor to JAMES Built PA SON, Toronto 11st out, $1.401) page pamphlet blc. YPNOTISM: Itsuses and abuses. The science easily acquired. Illustrated book, Address l’rof. Anderson, T. T., 182 State St.. Chi- cago. ‘ Sâ€"b __.._l. vuâ€"uâ€"m ”370 UllellIIi’. “August Flowsr” For two years I suffered terribly with stomach trouble, and was for all that time under treatment by a physician. He finally, after trying everything, said stomach was about worn out, and that I would have to cease eating solid food for a time at least. I was so weak that I could not work. Finally on the recom- mendation ofa friend who had used y 0 u r preparations with beneficial re- sults, I procured a bottle of August ..-on.-- A wornâ€"out Stomach. Flower, and comâ€" menced using it It seemed to do .. .. ....... me gOOd at once. I gained in .......................................b strength and flesh rapidly; my ap- petite became good, and I suffered STOVES & RANGES no bad effects from what I ate. I feel now like a new man, and con- :o:â€"â€" sider that August Flower has enâ€" - may cured me of Dyspepsia in its Made from ORIGINAL DESIGNS and worst form. JAMES E. DEDERICK, :-: Patterns :-: Saugerties, New York. -0- lV. B. Utsey, St. George’s, S. C., writes: I have used your August Flower for Dyspepsia and find it an excellent remedy. 6 ONT Buy a. Watch 0' ”'Y ““7” before grain: our New Catalogue. IT'S FREE, Wrim for one to B. B. MOWRY .3: Co. TORONTO ,CAN. They are Superb in Finish, and Superior in Quality of Material 3: Workmanship. -â€"â€"â€":o:â€"â€" They Excel in Baking Quali- ties, and in Economy of Fuel and Convenience 301 A Far-Famed College. Bermuda, Nova Scotia. New Brunswick. Que, heft, Agicrtq, Illiptisli Columbia, Massnclin- . .......................................... . ..... :3 SC g. CW ’0!‘ an, all CITES of Ontario- ............................................ ..... arc TO-DAY l‘cpremnted] at :1 T111031; axis mage tpfugnwvzggfaix‘i 3 I 2: c us ve y.or on n . ONTARIO 'â€" BUSINESS â€" COLLEGE, :: Ina. Great Variety “Sizes. and :3» BELLganp, oyr, :: at? thereiorefafiapted to tgie ZTI I; -< . . :: uremenso area:- m .. For the 2 lb annual catalogue, addressâ€" :; fiamilles. in any anz-t o! the Do- :2 Rob inson dz Johnson, Bellevxllc, Ont :: minion. ‘3 . 1 Royal [land elion toffee Isdelicious rind nourishing. Highly recom mendedbythc lending Physicians. Pu" upm'I‘ins only~and sold by the leading If you are in want of a Cook S ove or 8h" Burner,â€"dcn‘t buy until you ave seen t in Elegant Line. Sold by leading Stove Deal~ ers every where. Manufactured by The BUBNEY, IllllEll It, lld Hami lton, Ont. im-m J Dress and Mantle Cuttin g LABIES by (his new and improve (‘1 TAILGRS’ SQU A I: 12‘ Satisfactron guaranteed to teach ladI e the full nrt of cutting all garments worn by ladies and children. PROF. SMITH, 392 QUEEN ST. W.,TOR0 NTO Agents Wanted. IT ISAâ€"IGREIIT ’MISTITKE \ To think that you must wear wide, ill-looking shoes to have comfort Our shoes are both Solo Manufacturers. - 2 Bay St., Toronto_ Get the Genuine! BELLEVILLE, ONT.. (25th YEAR). Grocers. Sold Everywhere! g Most widely attended business college in Best intlie Worldl ONTARIO BUSINESSGOLLEGE SEND for the new lll-ooge catalogue. Address ROBINSON & JOH NSON. Belleville. Ont. PORTABLE easy and elegant . nice to look at AW m... WILL OUT :23: Scattered For-ease Moot Economically” able Moot Profitable Investment for Small Means. - . while in wear. mm WATEROUS The J. D. KING &. 00:, Ltd Canadian Events ! Amusing, Instructive Brantford, 9 canadn. No better we t ‘ tlonalHisto y 01m Price If your nearest dealer has not got this G Send us your address press on the minds of the child e '. - ry than playing this Winter Everuii-rngn 03321;. 25 Gents Each. ame in stock. on receipt of price will send post-paid. and we Will mail you illustrated catalogue. THE GOPP GLARK 00., LTD., TORONTO, omT Wesleyan Ladies’ College AND CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC. HAMILTON. ONT. (Founded I860.) It is the Faculty that makes the College Ever ‘ ' 'Y . ‘ . y teacher mthe “W ‘ " ‘ liiiiiirI-gitgf Sgtir'llclgiiityo?b§§glt°-§°ar give Tli‘iwiptylbcontaim honor grndifdigsyi‘oll thee a’lloriigdgd , . . , . ' ., run ‘3’, 0 art. and of Hamilton - II 'I 'I to the College. Ladies desiring the most sciiolurl ' t t' ' ' "I I “ ng full time Art. and Elocution with the social and educatior {Imdi’uc mu m Literaturg. science, Music, . ‘ _ w‘. ‘_ . . [a esofa'it of'OOOU‘h” Wlll send for our catalogue. 'Jhis College has fui-nisliedln g ' t y o ’ m aoitants, . ,. V mi - . ‘k ' . [Ladies Colleges of Canada. and for several of the more I‘iggtneuspdliddlzl. Ilfsgiitdriinflegfdgd in the best homes of our land. including the homes of Lieutenant-Gov- mannors, etc. ’I‘hoso students Speciahattcution given disclplineuphysical culture, health ve full information by addressing the Principal, A. BURNS, 8.110.. l.l..lD. X /l/l//li Fac-simile of M The Best Soap in the W / ll/Il ./ ,lf/‘lillliilil/i/I‘ ffl/f / ’ Quartette Bar orld. ‘ l/l’“ ///' / / ll’ {xi/M //i///l , /, All/fr i3“ “ft; ammoth

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