Unjust in its criticisms, is a poor ariilimetician, or else liable like other editors to make mistakes. As We have no reason (or accusing the editor of unfairness, and as we know nothing of his lack of mathematical ability we surmise that he has been careless in the simple rules of addi- tion and dix'ision. By adding up the different salaries of the 54+ Protestants referred to in The Sun it will be found that. the ‘average salary is $898.47, whereas the aver- age paid to each Catholic in the same department is $752.58. that are 5.1.4 Protestants an Hes. \Nhat the Liber at [S the salaries T we make 1! is :â€"Pr3te: \yhlle the Catholic \Vhile SH‘ Uliver don‘ manv Catholics as P1 pays them better, which is quite a balm for a wounded spirit." From the above editurial note which appeared in the Markham S'm 0t last week we must conclude émploved m the Local pmtments. It gives it t1.c:s lo COUI Stunted for n ï¬he Globe's statxsti- and mwupdï¬es wmcn unduly enhance ‘thw price 01 the articles produced ’by such cvmbiuatlons or monopo- lies. upon the luxuries and (m not the necessaries ui me. 9. Recnprocal trade on fair and bq .m‘ole terms bezwxn Canada and thr world. 10 Eï¬eclual legislation that wfll protect labor and the results of ’iabur. from those ccgszénajwns and 7. A system 0! CH“ service retorm that wili give each county power to appomt or execi all county ufli~ lals paid by them, except coumyjudges. 8. Tariï¬ for revenue only, and so adjusted as to {all as tar as possible Election. 2. The reservation of the public lands for the actual settler. 3. Purity of adminisuatiuu and absolute independence ot Parliau, 4. Rigid economy in every de- partment of public service. 5. Simphfxcaliuu of the laws and a general reduction in the machin cry n1 Government. 6. The aboliuon of the Canadian Senate. ment. The Empire of Monday published the platform, as laid down by Mr. McCallum, the Patrons of Industry candidate who was elected in East Lampton on Saturday. Ifthe eon- test had been with a supporter of the Dominion Government there would have been a great difference bethmr the polizium ol the two men, but with the exception ol No. 7lhe platform of the Patrons is similar to that advocated by the Retormers of this Country and province. The Patrons policy as published is as lollows :â€" RwHMOND HILL. Thursday, Dec. 7, ’93 Pentiumâ€"Richard Wilde. For Saleâ€"James McLean. For Sale Cheapâ€"Mrs. F. W. Keech. Va.“ bun Councilâ€"J4 M. Lawrance. 019: "a Noticeâ€"John Stephenwn. Chsngeâ€"W A. Sanderson. Changeâ€"Thea. Thompson 6: Son. Onstageâ€"Thus. Meredith 5; On. Changeâ€"Jon. Dilwoflh. Changeâ€"Honinrake. Son 6: Cu. €5,112 5:] Ema! Luted {or mummpal puz’po as the pnuciple 01 rep n by population W!“ aliuw 1. Maintenance 0t British conâ€" OUT ea T) . P'ohibilion of the bonï¬sing xilways by Government grants Jnlrary to the publlc mterest. :. Prepaxakion oi the Dominion provnmiai voters' lists by the Icipal uflicus. . Conformity of decimal dis.- NEW AIVERTISEMENTS 16 HE SUN CLUUDA SIMILA R POLICIES. stern luminanr is chmond Hill Luberal 1y bout rotestar lanes he avera [ant House lmulu look $695 Min CSCUIQ eltner thele CO“ lhn ha HC TRESPASSERS expmiencea in Canada. anhmically that. out, of uud girls that have been, in the. Homes, sent nut tn legs than two per cent ha in ls added on the ofï¬cial ‘ Jnhn Carling. Canadian TV culture, ‘hut. only a fruclh cunt. have ane in form m criminal populaliun of Cm strikn RHEUIWATISM CURE!) IN A DAY Amencan Rheumatic Cure for Lism and Neuralgla radvcnlly cm 3 days. Its acLi-m “pull the s but. ear Uur enterprising slh 6 large busmess in all klm and we wish him sue-,- . Mr. Thumsuu, amre-k an Auction Sale (,f Dry the 15th inst. in the Auctioneer Saigenn i‘ r.) remarkable and If. at once the cause Inn-diut‘ely diunpp gleat‘y benefits. W . th af'ur M served Mr. I rented Edge-1y himsvH The Saturday Ediamn at the Turnntu Daily Mail is a he/mriml pa‘pcr in†of im “a of the world m.d special artxcles nf nlereat to men, numun and children. The Women’s Killgdmn Dcpnramem, td ited by "Kn." Is the brlghh‘at m Amerâ€" The \Vumen’s Kingd« iced by "Kn." Is the um. The Fla-lent an are bmh very pup"); There are over $250 ()0 ‘ lugs in each iaam: of The Yuu should hav~ it. 'I‘w Address, The Mall Tul‘l :Lambton and North Bruce. In the lormer constituency Mr. McCallum, the candidate of the P. P. A., was elected over Dr. McKinnon by a majority 01 4:03.3nd in the latter rid- ing'Mr. McNaughton, the Patron of Industry nominee, deleated his 0p- ponents by about 400. In Lambtrxn the Conservatives put no man in the ï¬eld, so it is likely they voted almost aolidly for the P. P. A. If the election was Won on the score of sectarian prejudice it is to be re- gretted. It must be remembered, however, that Mr. McCallum being a farmer, probably had an advan- tage over a protessional man in a rural constituencv. If it is any con- ; solation to the Grits the succebslull candidate has always been a Liber- : at in politics. l dy We presume our cotem wili correct the error so as not to be in cluded among those who have un- justly charged the Mowa: Govern‘ men}. wuh givmg the principal ofï¬ces of emolument to members L§ the Catholic church. Saturday last Was a cold day for the Mowat candidates in East In all prnbabxllty lllH cun‘lest .runtu Mnyuralry will he btetwe J. Fleming and Mr. Warring The «.in FRED E. YOUNG, â€I? D wlnc KOCH ESTER, N. Y; Saudemnn hiuh games Were plan by the ladle-s of the k hyaepb Cuuains. mi a blacksmith shup at , and intend; 105m: enundlv the m ZN OTICE TO 0 mm“ era r' [h‘éh‘ I): News Notes {Que rm form additio )ulatiun of Canada. clerk Maple LY su- ‘5 cent» ding to law. JARSEALL Pine Grove facle M the Kl nter Nurserym 1h H’t wield the gavel editor's recent He reiterates the 6,571 buys flier training Hm Dominion. authm liniste HO Luya and Glrls r departments urth uf engruv Saturday [Hail Duilars a Year. A Butâ€"S nth : fur Rheuma- lly cums m l to the system 18 .4. It removes h: disease inl- The ï¬rst. dnse a. For sale by nncerning that mm which his 28 years past 1|)Pllfl “ilh an Maple, 1. Un- village business f juy» kick“ g agamss Um Canada. 1hr! Sn Innrnin ity of 0116 1M parties 15 date blitz )r the n ‘M 1'. Kenn- IL.“ In the {l'l =1 V6, )It‘ A. G. ELLIOTT, RICHMOND HILL. RICHMOND HILL. , ELLIQTT RIOI€MOND IEILL EiHARDWARE - STORE, ’ECHRESTMAS SABEZ G60. A ï¬ne black hide Rube that. made for the umney alw or any uthet kind 0 Whips and other supplies 211‘, and see my stock before k FEEE HAREESS A. SPEGEALTY. Opp. (.31) de Hotel This is not Gree.<, C0 ugh Remedy ‘ P. S-The 53 HOLLENGAKE SQE‘E Ge. GO’S. GERESE‘MAG GAE E OE“ Ready EEEade Clothing Grâ€); Gems, Mai/1:193, Furs Radius, Gents Gurhishings, facets and Shoes. GWEE 23m. EEK WHES A .N [CKEL A POUND. MAELAEEE flow in stock, a full “I Rubber k Wth {aï¬imwake 171 King )9 place to best stock 1V1 ATIEL advertises 128 King {0 P POSI T See the Candy Show in our East Window. McDoaald How it did {all on Sunda And down tumbles the pm Here’s a (Ioâ€"To start If you wa 1%l( u want ll 5‘ he Ghristmas Sale Starts??? iï¬iez‘row ; Reducefl. Pricesg Mantle you want a If you w; The pm; but 1th buun 1161’] SHOW Uta. bmt ( §UG Sis. East; Toronto, 3 THE CATHEDRAL) bu St. East. Toront n6! in an RH GLEQG 8E§VAE New Dress, W Dr 11m the trougmng, (Xe. Hardware of all kinds. done both in and out of All the above at right 0‘ want a GQESTS, mpeti N pla ‘est lccessors to El) an u may Every‘ se to go 13 ate H was th way, oh 1 prices of goods for Hot Air latest patt the ball a rolling Bio 3 1115514 t Lace Lurtams Pair of Boots, $"E'QV iiohmond Hill E,()E tirm supply you wannauy si HUG hmond kmanshil. Blankets, W a right. SflON um Sto BURN ptly m )OU r‘BJ Kepalrlng the shop. “CG ndcd to 1 Farm: toves oi YT] the 1pes in JCSt Call