Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Dec 1893, p. 7

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Earmless Burning Matches Applied lo a Farmer's Feet to Make Him Yield Up Money. Daniel Thomas, a wealthy farmer living near Columbus. Ohio, was seized when he went to his barn to look after his stock by three well-dressed young men, who, after beating him into insensibility, bound him and carried him to the house. Mrs. Thomas, hearing the noise, let loose 8. vi- cious dog, but it was promptly shot by the men. They then hound Mrs. Thomas, end demanded money. They were told that there was only $200 and a gold watch in the house. These they secured, but insist- ed that there was a large sum of money in the house, and, removing Thomas’ shoes, applied burning matches to his feet to make him tell where it was. He was ter- ribly burned. They finally left after ran- sacking the house, leaving both Mr. and Mrs. Thomas bound and gagged. Soft ccrns,corns of all kinds removed With- out pain or sore spots by Putnam’s Palnless Corn Extractor. Thousands testify that it is certain, painless and prompt. Do not be imposed upon by substinues, oflered for the genuine “Putnam’s" Extractor. Surefiafe, LawnlA‘- These Pills are manutactured by the Dr. Williams’ Medicine Company, Brockville, Out», and Schenectady, N. Y., and are sold only in boxes bearing the firm’s trade mark and wrapper, at 50 cents a box or six boxes for$2.50, and are never sold in bulk. There are numerous imitations and other so-called blood builders against which the public are cautioned. If your dealer does not keep Dr. VVilllams’ Pink Pills they will be senb- post-paid on receipt of above pricc. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10th day of September. 1893. JOHN HUNT. Notary Public. Druggists everywhere bear witness to the firm hold this Wonderful Canadian medicine has taken upon the public, and to the vast good it has accomplished in relieving suf- fering, and thousands of grateful people like Rev. Mr. Cummings, cheerfully testify to the benefits derived from its use, often after skilled physicians had absolutely failed to help them. If you are ailing cast preju- dice aside end gave this marvel of modern medical science a fair trial. An analysis of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills shows that they contain ina condensed form all the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shat- tered nerves. They are an unfailing speci- fic for such diseases as locomotor ataxia- partial paralysis, St. Vitus’ dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache, the after effects of la grippe, palpitation of the heart, that tired feeling resulting from nervous prostration; all diseases de- pending upon vitiated humors in the blood, such as scroiuia, chronic erysipelas, etc. They are also a specific for troubles peculiar to females, such as suppressions, irregularities and all forms of weakness. They build up the blood, and restore the glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks. In men they eflect a radical cure in all cases arising from mental worry, over- work or excesses of whatever nature. There are no ill effects following the use of this wonderful medicine, and it can be given to children with perfect safety. - “On there-commendation of thephysicians vho examined me, my church granted me a. vacation for a month, and Iwent to my old home at Oakwood, 0nt.. north of Toronto, fora. rest. 0n reaching home my father urged me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I protested on the plea of having taken so many medicines that I had lost all faith in them. But he had heard of their eflicecy and insisted on my giving them a trial. He brought me two boxes and I commenced to take them. I soon found my health improving so rapidly that I returned to my home and family at this place. oome of my friends insisted that the benefit was only temporary, that I would soon have a. relapse and be Worse than before. butI have continued to take them and now feel like a. new man. The sudden at- tacks of pain which formerly prostrated me on my bed do not recur, and I have ex- posed myself many times in a. way that would have formerly brought them on. “In my family I have Emmi them very beneficial. My wife finds them more help- ful to her than anything she has ever taken. I have spent, hundreds of dollars in doctors’ remedies and patent medicines, but, all to no avail until I tried Pink Pills. “ I cannot give you the name of my disorder. It baffled the physicians, and they could not agree as to the nature of the trouble. After the slightest exposure, as in the damp of the morning, and after the dew fell 1n the evening. my limbs would swell and become discoloured and my holly would be racked with pain. These attnvlrs would last three or four hours. but they would usually leave me helpless for utleust a day after the acute pain had passed. At night I wasunsble to sleep. The strain upon my nervous system was tremendous. I became so prostrated as to be unable to take exercise. I could do scarcely any work in my study, and frequently could not preach to my people. Sometimes fora week the muscles of my arms would be so aflected that I could not write a. letter or pen a discourse. The Troubles of a Canadian Clergyman Enajcked With 'a Disease Unknown to Physiciansâ€"lie hail Almost Given up “one When the Hand of Belief was Stretched out to Him. Rev. S.J. Cummings: the pastor of the First Baptist; church of Delevau. New York, has had an experience that makes him one of the most talked of men in Cattaraugns country. To a. reporter of the Buffalo News who called upon him, Mr. Cummings made the following statement, which he put in the form of an affidavit: “ I am now feeling so well that I am entering on a. series of special meetings, and em returning to work with all my old time vigor. I was prostrated in June last and was treated by three physicians, one near this place and two in the city of Bull‘s.- 10, but received no benefit or encourage- ment from them. They all were of the opinion that Lwould have to resign my pastorate and quit preaching. Neverthe- less I now feel entirely recovered. A PASTDB'S EXPERIENSE. TORTURED BY THIBVES. Tender Corns, 1Ulmuna'cs THE BURN The Gurney Foundry 00., Limited Heats Quick CAULD RON 1? The proof of the pudding is the eating, and the proof of the extraordinary power over pain of Polson’s Nerviline is in using in. Polson’s Nerviliue never fails to per- form wonders in every case of pain. It cannot fail, for it is composed of powerful pain subduiug remedies. It goes right to the bottom, and pain is banished at once. Nerviline cures all kind of pain, internal or external. Go to any drug store and get a. bottle, and be delighted by its promptitude in doing its work. This College has one of the most successful Conservatories of Music on the Continent in which thorough instruction is given in Piano, Violin, Organ and other instruments. Harmony, Sight Singing, &c. The chief teachers have been trained in the European Conservatories and follows a strictly classi- cal method. Alma’s graduates in many caSes have gone direct to high Collegiate appointment. VVeek]y recitals, choral classes, public concert and all similar ad- vantages to music students. One“ of the most popular schools of the kind in Canada is the Alma. School of Elocu- tion presided over by Mrs. Lucia. Julian Martin, for six years Principal of the In- dianapolis School of Expression. A thor- ough course is given in Physical Training, Respiration, Vocal Culture, Articulation, the Laws of Inflecticn and Emphasis. Dra- matic Reading and Pantomime 60 pp. Aunouncemenb free. A Maine man recently ate thirty raw eggs in five millutes: Have you Catarrh ? This Remedy will relieve and Care you. Price 500m. This Injector for its; successful treatmen’ free. Bememben. thloh’a 28990de are 3013 on a. guarantee OXFOR Cures Consumption, Coughs, (Cr-sap, Sore Throat- Sold b all Dru ' ts on a Guarantee. For a Lamp Side, geek orc est Shiloh’s Porous Planer willgive great satisfactionâ€"25 cents. Quebec’s recent earthquake recalls the first distnrbance of that nature recorded to have taken place in Canada. In their “Relations,” the Jesuits state that in Feb- ruary, 1663, there was a. great shock, when 20,000 square leagues of territory were alf- ected, and the face of the country changed materially. Parkman gives a vivid descrip- tion of the event. The St. Lawrence, we are told by the great historian, turned black owing to the precipitation of soil from its banks into the river. The ignorent people regarded the phenomenon with supersti- tious awe. The priests explained that it was a. judgment sent from Heaven upon the colony for selling brandy to the Indians. To further emphasize the Divine displeas- ure, those who were caught engaging in the traffic were flogged. Thus the first Canadian earthquake was utilized as a, pro- hibitory measure. thousands whose cases were considered desperate owe their lives. Up to a. certain point in the progress of Consumption, Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery is a positive remedy. But delay is dangerous with Consumption. In all the conditions that lead to it, the “Discovery ” is the remedy. With severe lingering Coughs or VVnok Lungs, nothing acts so promptly. Every disease that can be reached through the blood yields to this medicine. The Scrofulous affections of the lungs that’s called Consumption is one of them. For this, and for every other form of Scrofula, for all blood-taints and disorders, and all chronic Bronchial, Throat, and Lung affections, tfle “Discovery ” is the only remedy so certain that it can be guaranteed. If it ever fails to benefit or cure, you have your money back. Ca'n'anybhing'else be “ j'usb as good ” for you to buy '2 Don’t you believe it; IL cannot be denied that the influence of climate upon health is great, and it; is in recognition of this fact; that physicians send patients suffering with pulmonary diseases to great distances for “change of air.” Bub when the sufl'erer happens to be too poor to act; upon the advice his lot; is hard indeed. But it, is not necessarily hopeless. Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery can be had at, any medicine store, and to it W001), MB!) 0?» SOFT COAL. Cilmafle Influence on lleuhh Made in 5 Sizes, 20, 30 and 60 Gallons. ADAPTED FOR EITHER The Earthquake of 1663- Alma Lad les‘ College, HAS INDIRECT DRA FT MASSEY 00., UMETED, MONTREAL THOMAS, ONTARIO. Results Tell. IMPROVED ORONTO. FURNACE. 30, 40, 50 688 YPNOTISM: Its uses and abuses. The science easily acquired. Illustrated book, just out, 31â€"100 page pamphlet 100. Address Prof. Anderson, T. T.. 182 State sa, Chi- cago. 3-1; AGENTS HERE YOU ABELâ€"Samantha at the World's Fair, by Josiah Allen's Wife. Over 100 Illustrations. Nearly 600 pages No Territory assigned. Send $1.00 for pro- spectusand push the canvass if you want to make money. WILLIAM BRIGGS. Temper nce St. Toronto SAUSAGE CASINGS. 5}" SSE‘E“; Hsli constantly on hand. also prune Amencan Chle‘s Camngs. Full lines New Hams. Long gom' Bacon, Rolls, Cheese. Lard. etc. PARK BLACKWELLSzCo. LTD. Successor to JAMES Is delicious and nourishing. Highly recom- mendedby the leading Physicians. Pu up in Tins onlyâ€"and sold by the leading Grocers. Working in a Healer at the Gas Works ‘Vhen [lo W'ns Suddenly Enwrapt in Flames. An employe of the Kingston Gas Works named \Villiem Heines was burned to death at the works on Monday morning. He was at work bricking in a super-heater, and had been engaged during the whole of yesterday at the same job. The heater had been thoroughly aired for some days before the work was started to get the gas out of it. Mr. Haines used a candle to enable him to see to lay the bricks mside the heater, and Patrick Hart was assisting him on the out- side by handing in the bricks. Haines had almost completed his work and was nearing the opening when suddenly flames shot out into Hart’s face and away up the flue. Not a sound was made by Haines. Hart ran for the hose, shouting that his comrade was being burned to death. The water was immediately turned on and a. stream was directed into the heater, but by the time the flames had been extinguished Haines had been burned to a crisp. His body was brought out as soon as possible and was tenderly laid on a bench, but life was ex- tinct. There was some soot sticking to the sides of the flue and a little oil mixed with it. This doubtless took fire from Haines’ candle and thus brought about his terrible death. It was about 10 minutes after the fire was discovered when he was brought out. His father and mother are both living at Newburg. He was only 33 years of age, and a wife and one child survive him. One of the most important, but one of the most difl‘icult, things for a powerfulmind is to be its own master. A pond may lie quiet in a. plain ; but a. lake wants mountains to compass and hold it in. ELLIS dz KEIGHLEY, Sole Manufacturers, - - 2lmy5 &KRl’A SON. TOronto WMVW‘WOWWWVVV‘QW fiorrible Death of William flames in Kingston- 1Q THE'MQjT G Apm, WNW Aifiaggflfi “C A UTION.”â€"Beware of substitutes. Genuin 9 prepared by Scott. dz Bowne. Belloville. Sold. by all druggists. 500. and $1.00. 1‘ of pure Cod Liver Oil, with the pHypophosphites of Lime and Soda. A feeble stomach takes kindly to it, and its continued use adds flesh, and makes one feel strong and well. SCQ’E‘T’S EMULSEGN Royal Dandelionflofiee BUHNED TU A CRISP AT WORK. Blend, Calm and imp; 3mm. Cum}. mi Knife :nd 5 Shayna. N c Em nun-s 92’ _ EGEEQ'ES rAifi'Efl. To $951513: ‘wmfii Rafi cuuse 31mm 00,. If“: nox‘xai‘rmxito. Ont u: m_ méy xmgwpr. 2 Bay St.. Toronto anle, Kama It is the Faculty that makes the College. Every teacher in the “ Wesleyan ” is an honor raduate ofa University or College. The Faculty contains honor graduates of the Toronto niversity. of Victoria. of Queen's, of Trinity. 0! Albert. and of Hamilton. all iving full time to the College. Ladies desiring the moat scholarly instruction in Literature. cience. Music, Art. and Elocution. with the social and educational advantages of a. city of 50,000 inhabitants, will send for our Catalogue. This College has furnished lady‘principals for at least five of the Ladies' Colleges of Canada, and for several of the more private schools. Its graduates and. students may be found in the best; homes of our land. including the homes of Lieutenant-Cow ernors. Special attention given discipline. . physical culture, health, manners, etc. Those thinking of sending their daughters will receive full information by addressing the Principal, Wesieyan Ladies’ Co . ‘ > : ’ 6 . . NA YOUNG MEN! Learn to cut, .10 bette1 trade. Good wages and steady employ ment Write for particulars. TORONTO CUT TING SCHOOL. 123 Yonge St. Also agents to McDowell’s New York Drafting Machine. Bermuda, Nova. Scotia. New Brunswick, Que bec, Alberta. British Columbia, Massacnu- setts. New York and all arts of Ontano- are TO-DAY represente ah Price ONTARIO â€" BUSINESS â€" WATEROUS, I had been troubled five months with Dyspepsia. The doctors told me it was chronic. I had a fullness after eating and a heavy load in the pit of my stomach. I sufiered fre- quently from a Water Brash of clear matter. Sometimes a deathly Sick- ness at the Stomach would overtake me. Then again I would have the terrible pains of Wind Colic. At such times I would try to belch and could not. I was working then for Thomas McHenry, Druggist, Cor. Irwin and Western Ave., Allegheny City, Pa., in whose employ I had been for seven years. Finally I used August Flower, and after using just one bottle for two weeks, was en- tirely relieved of all the trouble. I can now eat things I dared not touch before. I would like to refer you to Mr. McHenry, for whom I worked, who knows all about my condition, and from whom I bought the medi- cine. I live with my wife and family at 39 James St., Allegheny City,Pa. Signed, JOHN D. Cox. 8 G. G. GREEN, Sole Manufacturer, Woodbury. New jersey. U. S. A. FOBESIGâ€"HT I FOEESIGHT I BELLEV! LEE, ONT. For the 25th annual catalogue. addressâ€" Roblnson & Johnson, Belleville, On A Far-flame?! 9°"ege. On receipt of price we will forward post-paid P.S.â€"Next term begins November 10. 0,1“? Buy a Watch, OUR JUBILEE YEAR New camlogu'e. 11's FREE. wu’wvm onE‘Eo' B. 3. MOWBY a co. TORONTO ,CAN The Latest Parlor Gamg. Twohfour or 50 Years of Successful Busi- ness in one place, 15 your Guarantee from THE 69?? BLARK 3%., LT]. Every Music Teacher in Ca nada. should know where they can. get their Music cheapest. Wme us for Catalogues; also sample copy of the CANADIAN MUSICIAN. a live monthly jour- nal with 81.00 worth of music in each issue. 33 to $6 per day madeb canvassers. See prem- iumlis . We carry everything in the Music line. WHALEY, ROYCE & CO. l58 vanes 27. Tanomo. ONT. mUSlC! Mm AND CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC. I‘ON. ON T. (E Brantfopd, Canada. e. Two, four or eight persons can play. In handsome box. cards and rules complete,â€" Or any Jewelrfi before seeing our fiAMELT Mam COLLEGE, TORONTO, ONT- ufacture AM 6W SEW «Wyn Qâ€" ELTflN,0NT. sums JKBE. 15 Cents Each. i while 1n wear. §The J. D. KING 85 00:, Ltd | 79 KING EAS'D: iT IS A GREAT MlSTAKE They are Superb' In Finish, an d Superior In Quality of Material & Workmaqship. They Excel in Baking Quali- ties, and in Economy of Fue! and Convenience. I! you are in want of 9. Cook Stove or Base Burner,â€"don't buy until you have seen this Elegant; Lino. Sold by leading Stove Deal- ers everywhere. Manacrenftu The GUHHEY TILUEN Cm, ltd Made from fifllfllNAL DESIGNS and :-: Patterns :-: STOVES & RANGES “‘SUUVENIR” They are made to burn wood ex- clusivelyor Coal and Wood,and in a Great Variety 01‘ Sizes, and are therefore adapted to the re- ;ulrements of Large or S 117 amines, In any part of the o- minion. _ Hamilton, Ont. my bV Every Stove Wan-embed. A. BURNS. S.’l‘.l)., LLD‘ (Founded l860.) and com- fort- able

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