Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Dec 1893, p. 5

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Mrs. Blondln lit-late“; smly or Deep In- terest lo all Women. Thousands of “’lmm Sufl‘er as she (lhl-Llfe wm Al- most Unbearable. From the Cornwall Freeholder. A Happy Release Since the publication .in these columns some months ago of the particulars of the marvellous cure wrought on Mr. William Moore by the use of Dr. \Villiams’ Pink Pills for Pale People, there has been a. largely increased demand in this section for this so Iereign remedy for the many ills that weak human flesh is heir to, and the drug- gists report an immense sale. That Dr. Williama’ Pink Pills possess genuine meriL does not admit, of a shadow of doubt. Not a. Week passes that cures of long standing illness are not. reporued through the agency of this marvellous remedy, and columns might be filled wiLh the experiences of per‘ sons who have been restored to vigorous health by reason of their liievgiving prey- erties. A very noticeable case has been brought to the attention of the Freeholder. and that the facts might be given for the benefit of other suffering mortals we have taken the trouble to verify them. Of all carnivorous and venomous creat- ures, scorpions have perhaps the worst reputation. Among the vices which they are accused of are general ferocity, can- nibalism, infanticide and suicide. But they have found a defender in a. gentleman who kept several of them for months as pets. and Observed them carefully. As to their fero- Everybody in Cornwall knows John B. Blondin, who has for several years been employed by Almon B. Warner as an agent for the sale of sewing machines, furniture, etc., especially among the French section of the town, where he is thoroughly acquaint- ed and highly respected. Those who were intimate with Mr. Blondin sympathized deeply with him in the heavy affliction he suffered for many years in the continued illness of his wife, who from a. complication of diseases was unable to render any but the slightest assistance in household mst- ters, which were perforce left to himself and his small children. Mr. Blondin at that time lived in the northwest part of the town, which for lack of drainage is rather unhealthy, and to the bad sanitary condi tion of his house, among the other causes, Mr. Blondin attributes his wife's break- down. Mr. Blondin now resides over the old post office, and when the reporter called there he was introduced to Mrs. Blondin, who appeared well and hearty and certainly very far removed from the wreck of human- ity such as she must have been from all sc- oounts, a. few months ago. Dr. Williama’ Pink Pills are manufacture ed by the Dr. Willimns‘ Medxcine Company, Brockville, 01113., and Schenectady, N. Y., and are sold only in boxes bearing the firm’s trade mark and wrapper, at 50 cents a. box or six boxes for $2.50, and may be had of all druggists or direct by mail from Dr. \Villiams’ Medicine Company from either address. Beware of imxtucious and Substitutes. Druggists say that Dr. William’s Pink Pills have an enormous sale, and from all quarters come glowln reports of results following their use. 11 very many cases the good work has been accomplished after physicians had failed, and pro- nounced the patient beyond the hope of human aid. An analysis shows that Dr. Williems' Pink Pills contain in acondensed form all the elements necessary to give new life to the blood and restore shattered nerves. They are an unfailing specific for all diseases arising from an impoverished condition of the blood, or from an impair- ment of the nervous system, such as loss of appetite, depression of spirits, anaemia, chlorosis or green sickness, general} muscu- lsr weakness, dizziness, loss of memory, lo- comotor ataxia, paralysis, sciatica, rheuma- tism, St. Vitus’ dance, the after effects of la. grippe, all diseases depending upon a vitiated condition of the blood, such as scrofula, chronic erysipelas, etc. They are also a. specific for the troubles peculiar to the female system, building anew the blood and restoring the glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks. In the case 0 men they efl'ect a, radical cure in all case arising from mental Worry, overwork or excesses. “’ Well sir,” said Mrs. Blondiu, “I was for several years a. very sick woman. I had a constant racking headache, no appetite, my skin was dry and peelingoff, I had pains in my back, neck and shoulders, and was constantly tired and indeed very miser able.” “ Yes,” interjected Mr. Blondin, “ I be- gan to give up all hope of ever seeing her well again. I had spent a. good deal of money in doccoring and she seemed to be getting worse instead of better, 111 factI had made up my mind she was going in die, and most: people were of the same Opinion.” “ VVhab was it that cured her?” “ Well,” said Mr. Blondin, “ I was talk- ing to a. neighbor one day, and he said why don’t you try these Pink Pills that; are so much talked about? I had nut paid much attention to them, but thought they might be worth trying.” “I wish you could tell me something about your case, Mrs. Blondin,” said the reporter, “though I should hardly think from your looks you had been an invalid." " I didn’t wsnt to take any more medi- cine,” said Mrs. Blondm, ” but after some persuasion I sent for a box of the Pink Bills and I must say I had not finished the first box before I began to feel better. The first benefit I experienced was that my head- aches were not so severe ; then they disap- peared altogether and with them the pains I had been complaining of. I began to take more interest in the affairs of the house. and was able to send the children to school again. My neighbors noticed the difl‘erence. and by the time I had taken five boxes I was as Well as ever in my life. I had been very thin but gradually regained flesh and strength again, and feel altogether like a. new woman. I have recommended Dr. \Viliiams’ Pink Pills to many of my friends and neighbors and know of several cases where they have done much good. There are many women suffering as I did and 1 earnestly recommend them to give Dr. Willinms’ Pink Pills a through trial." A WMAN’S TRIALS. Not “'11 ml Sulclde. mg from Years of Suffer- city, he writes, “I never saw them use their destructive weapons except: in pro- curing food and as a. means of defence when attacked. >Naturally they do non like to be handled, but wEen 013a lets them run over the hand they do not try to sting ; they hurry away, se_erfxing to want to get “ It has beau said that in captivity they become cannibals and kill and eat each other. Isaw them live together cheerful- ly, and appirencly understanding each other very well. Only once did Isee a. large one eating a litile one, and then I think the little one died a. natural death. Like many other animals, they can be exâ€" cited to combat by artificial means. but I never saw such battles have any serious con- sequences. The participants seemed to prefer to shop without: shedding blood. on a. more congenial arm-face than She human skin. “There has been much discussion as to whether scorpions commit suicide by plung- ing their stings into their own bodies,when they are driven to despair by being sur- rounded by a. ring of fire,or by being other- :vise tortured by that dread element. Certain experimenlm have shown that. the scorpion’s venom has no effect on himself nor upon ascorpion of a closely similar species. and also that scorpions are quickly killed by even a moderate heat. “\Vhen they are distressed by heat or chloroform fumes they wave their tails in the air, and thrust out the sting as if to strike some invisible enemy. Clearly the explanation of some of the apparent suicides is that the animals died of heat, though their distressed waving of the tail and sting might have given the impression that they had stung themselves. “My own experiments point to this can- clusion. I put a scorpion in a glass tube, and held him near a. fire ; he gave signs of great distress, beat the air with his tailfor several seconds and then became uncon- scious. At this moment the glass tube was only slightly Warm to the hand. The animal revived in the fresh air. I tw1ce repeated the experiment; the third time he died. He had not once tried to'sting himself. ” However, it has been positively stated yobservers that scorpions have stung themselves; in one case it; was said that bloods parted from the wound. It IS pos- sible that achance blow directed toward an invisible enemy might strike the acorp ion himself. ( ertainly it is easy to imagine that his mental faculoies mignb be deranged by torture and she prosp pee f, of death, and that in his confusion he did not recognize by sense of touch his oWn body, and stung his own body in his Wild attempts to de- fend himself. A sharp blow directed thus might, lacernte the brain or the great. dorsal blood vessel, and cause death independent- by tenure and the prospect of death, and that in his confusion he did not recognize by sense of touch his own body, and stung his own body in his Wild attempts to de- fend himself. A sharp blow directed thus might, lacerate the brain or the great. dorsal blood vessel, and cause death independent- ly of the venom of the sting. “ So it; seems to me that. if it is admitted that scorpions do sometimes kill them- selves. our verdict should be accidental suicide, or suicide from temporary insan- ity.’ A Fave 3‘5“; L‘fiianb ? This Remediyiwfill refievé and Cure you. Price 60cts. This Injeotor for its au’ccesstul treatmen free. Remvimben Shiloh s Remedies are 501 on a memes The Royal baron of beef for the Queen’s dinner party on Christmas Day will be roasted at the great kitchen fire in \Vindsor Castle, and. sent when cold to ()sbnrne, Where, after being garnished with Her monogram in shredded horseradish, it will, with the boar’s head and game pie, adorn the Royal sideboard 1n the palace dining- room. A fine wild boar from the Queen’s herd in Windsor Great Park has been sent to Ssndringham as a. present to the Prince of Wales. We learn that Her Majesty has been pleased to order Unit a. grand Christ- mas entertainment for the first time should take place for the benefit of the children of the Royal servants at Buckingham palace. There are over a hundred of these, and the entertainment will consist of an evening tea. in the Royal mews, atwhichthc principal at- traction will be a huge Christmas-tree, with valuable presents for All. The otiicials are in- teresting themselves in the arrangement of this most gracious command. A friend who has been making extensive investments of late in Christmas presents informs me (says a London correspondent) that the Queen's orders to West End tradesmen for the same purpose have been large this year. Her Majesty, it may not be generally known, entertains a. most excellent and conserve.- tive view of that time-honored festivity. Besides her semi-public gifts to the villagers near Osborne, nearly every member of the household receives some mark of the Royal regard. and of course no member of her own family is forgotten. When the goodly army of her sons and daughters, grand- children and great-grandchildren, is taken into consideration, it will be seen that such wholesale kindliness must cause Her Ms- jesty some expenditure of time and trouble. of course, the Princess is ready on all occasions to come to her mother’s assistance with a well-trained taste in matters art- siitc. - Yéung' ladies desiring Music, Fine Art, Elocution, Commercial Science or better general education will find Alma. one of the best; as well as one of the cheapest of Col- leges for young women. ‘ 60 pp. Announce- ment. free. Principal Austin, A. M. V a. v9 vvâ€"uumyuuu, virus-4:, wrung, cure Throat. Sqld by all Druggists on a Guamntee. For a Lamp Sgde, Back or Chest Shiloh's Porous Plane: ml] Ewe great satisfactiou.â€"25 cents. The past year in attendance and scholas- tic results was the best; in its history. A graduating class of 23, an attendance of nearly 200, a. record of about 100 Certi- ficates in the Provincial Art Examinations including the Silver Medal for Design and Bronze Medal in China. Painting, with 3 Awards (Oil Painting, Water Color Painting and China.) at the World’s Fair, 8. fine health record and growing favor with the public are among the evidences of Alma’s growing prggperity‘ and popularity: Al ma Ladies College, St. Thomas. Olunrlo. Escsocvlgj Cures Cogsugpptmn, Coughs, Cronp, Sore The Royal Family": Christmas Cheer. A.P.659 " I positively will not use casmatica.”said alady to the writer, “ yet my complexion is so bad that it. occniam m3 constant mar- tificatlon. \Vlmt. cm I do to get rid of these dreadful blanchea '2” “ Take Dr. Pierce‘s Favorite Prescription," was my prompt reply. “ Your complexion indicates that, you are suffering from functional {lgmqge‘ Favorite Prescription," was my prompt reply. “ Your complexion indicates that you are suffering from functional derangev manta. Remove the cause of the blotches and your cheeks will soon weer the hue of health. The ‘Favorite Prescription' is a. wonderful remedy for all diseases peculiar to your sex. It: proprietors guarantee to return the money if it does not give satis- faction. But it never fails. Try it.” The lady followed my advice, and now her cgm- plexion is as clear as a. bibe’s. and she enjoys better health then she has for many years. To permgienifircuil-Ve éorlstipation, bilious- ness and sicklmeadache take Dr. Pierce‘s Pellets. Of dealers. Paris fruit deaZers paint fruit to make it appear ripe. DONT Buy a. Watch Or any Jewelry before seeing our New Catalogue. IT'S FREE. Write far one toâ€"R. B. MUWRY & 00-, Toronto, Can, 4 DMONTON. Alberta. N. W, T., Farms and 1 Town Property for sale by COWIE &, ROUND, Real Estate Agents. ”I MI“ W %@ Q at Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Hypophosphites acan make it rich again by restoring flesh and rich Mood. and so giving h and perfect physical life, cures Cougl Consumption, Scrofula and Bronchii ALMOST AS PALATABLE AS MILK. Prepared only by Scott 55 Bowue, Be! mm DONT Buy a. W atch 01‘ 03“ (2.5. 'nnâ€"I‘\ 1'1"; F‘llhme She ‘vnl‘llll Neither Paint nrn- Powder. PIN“) GENTS HERE YIDU ABELâ€"Samantha. at the World‘s Fair. by Josiah Allen's Wife. Over 100 lllusu-aLiom. Nearly 600 pages No Territory nsx’igncd. Send $1.00 for pro: spuctusand push the canvass if you want to make money. WILLIAM BRIGGS. ’l‘empcr nce SL. Toronto cures all diseases and irregularit‘es peculiar to Women. Health. Strength. Beauty. As a. tonic for females no better can be found. and we advise all delicate or debilitated woman, whether suffering from any irregularities or take it. Every ingredienn entering llr. Sloculn's Cor-manual Pen-yroylu ‘l'Nt pos~ sesse< superb tonic properties for the female constitutimLand exertsu. wonderful influence ’in toning up and strengthening her frame. Samples free. Sold by ulldruggism in 25 cent packages. or mailed to any midi-0:9 on receipt; of 25 cents. ’l‘. A. SL001”! & 00., 185 Adelaide Sn. W.. Toronto, Ont. SAUSAGE GASING éfix‘féifitfifi‘: llnli constantly on hand. also prime American Chle's Cawings. Full lines New Hams. Long gear Bacon, Rolls, Cheese, Lard. etc. PARK mcxwmmk Co. LTD. Successor to JAMES BLKH PA SON, Toronco' ST. JAGQS 95L Hypophosphltes can make it rich again by restoring appetite, flesh and rich Mood. and so giving him energy and perleci physical life, cures Coughs, Colds, Consumption, Scrofula and Bronchuis. IT is 0: Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil and Prepared only by Scott A; Bowue, Bellevillo. COMPOUKD PENNYROYAL TEA “'0th Ten Dollars a Bottle n. Win-1t. cm 1 1 Matches '2” 3 Prescription “ Your compl‘ suffuing from Ramon the c r cheeks wills The ‘ Favori OLD, CHRONIC and seems to'b'e in a rapid de- ;but FAKEfi succuma To IT HITS 'fl-IE SPOT AND OURES. Facâ€"simi!e of Mammath Quartette Bar The Best Soap in fihe Worm. DR. SLOC UM'S The most interesting Parlor Game ever invented. Only 2.5031i. Address Pluto. 59 Yonge 8:, Toronto. 73'IVW7/L'ft{IIIr'M'lf/l/r'li/[ll/N "I ’v‘ll/ II is the beginning of Cntarrh. and Catarrh often lays the foundatinu of consumption. The last disease may be avoided by curing the first t\v0_ either of which yields at once to Dr. Clark's Catarrh Cure. price 50 cean.‘ It clears the head. restores the some of smell, and drives away the dull headache which all experience who have Camrrh in any form. One Bottle of Dr. Clark's Uamrrh Cure will work wonders. If the (lrgggigt has no} 20!; it adgresj,‘ 186 Adelaide Sn. \Vest, Bermuda. Nova Scotia‘. New Brunswick, Que- bec, Alberta. British Columbia. Massachu- setts. New ank and all parts of Ontario- are TO-DAY repxesented at ONTARIO â€" BUSINESS - COLLEGE, BELLl-ZVILLl-l, 0ST. For the 25th annual catalogue, addrcsaâ€" Robinson dz Johnson, Bellevillo. 0n WATEROUS, of the Trout Itls the Faculty that makes the College. Every teacher in the “ Wesleyan " is an honor raduate ofa University or College. The Faculty contains honor graduates of the Toronto iTniversio . of Victoria. of Queen‘s. of Trinity. of Albert, and of Hamilton. all giving full time to the Col ego. Ladies desiring the most scholarly instruction in Literature. bcicuce, Musld, Art. and Elocution. with the social and educational advantages of a. city of 50,000 inhabitants. will send for our Catalogue. This College has furnished lady principals for at least five of th: Ladies‘ Colleges of Canada, and for several of the more grivate schools. Its graduates on students may be hand in the host homes of our land. inclu ing the homes of Lieutenant~Gov- ernom. Special attention given discifinlino, physical culture, henlth. manners, etc. Those thinking of sending their daughters wil receive full information by addressing the Principal. Those who have not A Throat used Boschee‘s Ger- man Syrup for some and Lung severe and chronic Specialty. trouble of the Threat and Lungs can bard- ly appreciate what a truly wonder- ful medicine it is. The delicious sensations of healing, easing, clear- ing, strength-gathering and recover- ing are unknown joy\;. For Ger- man Syrup we do not ask easy cases. Sugar and water may smooth 3 throat or stop a ticklingâ€"4m a while. This is as far as the ordinary cough medicine goes. Boschee’s German Syrup is a discovery, a great Throat and Lung Specialty. Where for years there have been sensitiveness, pain, coughing; spitting, hemorr- hage, voice failure, weakness, slip- ping down hill, Where doctors and medicine and advice have been swal- lowed and followed to the gulf of despair, where there is the sickening conviction that all is over and the end is inevitable. there we place German Syrup. It cures. You are a. live man yet if you take it. 0 FRUIT, CHEESE BOXES “German gymp” A GROWING TRADE Wesleyan Ladies’ College A Far-Famed 9°"ege V/l/l/A DR. SLOO'WJ‘M. OXYG ENIZAD Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil Write at once for our Illustrated Catalogue. If your nearest dealer has not got them, on the receipt: of price we will send any game post-paid. P.S.7Next Lcrm begins November 10. A Cold in the Head SLO'CUM 86 Ct”) it for Difiicu Chest. “’35 Requires only Small Investment 'T.""AI SLOCUM' & c'o AND CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC. HAMILTON, ONT. (E THE 60W GLARK 00., rm, mm. Coughs, Catnrrh, Colda, and Techs of La Grippe. Almost as 9 cream. It 02m be taken with delicate persons and children. Ask x Emulsion. price 35 cents per bottle. all druggiatfi. Manufactured by UM 8c 00., Toronto, Ont. Try the Parlor Game for your Children these long Winter Evenings. An Obstacle Race ! Basket Machinery lty of Breathin . Tightneas in): away of F esh. Throat: nption, Bronchitis Weak oughs, Cutarrh, Colds, and Trfibnto; Canada. BRANTFORD, CANADA. rice Is an amusing Spectacle. TORONTOfi ONT ifiiave yam lthe Rimes ‘2 St. Leon Mineral Water Go’y. Ltd ET IS A 'GBEATWMISTAKE while 121 wear. The J. D. KING 8:, Co;,_ Ltd ' 79 KING EAST; If you are in want of n Cook Stove or Base Burner. â€"don‘s buy until you have seen this Elegant Line. Sold by leading Stove Dealn ers every where. They Excel in Baking Quali- ties, and in Economy of Fuel and Bum matured in The Guam mun? 1:0,, m Elem] omx-n â€"l{lng St. ‘1. Toronto. All dragging, grocers and hotels. They are Superb in Finish, and Superior in Quality of Material 8: Workmanship. Made from ORIGINAL DESIGNS STWES & RANGES ” SQWEN! R ’f’ To think that you mua wear wide, m-lookm shoes to have comic Our shoes are hot easy and eleganfi nice to look at? and com- fort- abla They are made to burn wood ex- oluaivelypr Coal and Wood,a.nd in a. Great Variety of Sizes. and are therefore adapted to the re- uirements of Large or Small amines, in any part 0: the Do- minion. Do you ever get, worn outwith busines: troubles or mental ex- haustion! Do you ever have the Blues! It you do then ‘a the Blues? It You nothingthat will re cheer you liko a gal of St. Leon Water. ] directly on the liver, plains if»; cheering m directly on the liver, which ex- p‘.ain~x in; cheering and exhilar- ating effect. Every physician of nobe recommends it. Next time you have the Blues try it. Hamilton. Ont. A; J-“ .. ,ngthat will refrea -you liko a good tumbler .Leon W'nzer. Its action is tly on the lunar, which ex- iiti cheering and exhilar- 'cfl‘ect. Every physician 0! recommends 1t Nexttime Every Stove Warranted. Patterns A. BURNS. S.T.D.. LLB. (Founded I860.) and convenience. .........ogi m and

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