VOL. XVL IS PU BLISHEI) EVERY I33.111171}. SDAY ETORNING THE LiBERflLPRWTIMG 63 PUBLISHING HGUSE Ricmio'ém HILL, on. T. F. McMAHON. DR. LANGSTAFT ER. Eifï¬ï¬ï¬g Sigifl, Graduate Toronto University. Member College thsicmns and Stu-gums, (ML, two years As- sistant. surgeon Toronto General Hospital. Reéidenceâ€"Two doors north of post ofï¬ce. Tel- ephone communmatx‘on by privme mm with all outstanding places. Toronto Ofliceâ€"Na. 15‘ Richmoad Hi1] Orï¬c Saturday. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATE A G F LAWRENCE S to [G a. m.; and 6 lo 8 p. m. LAWRENCE. URMISTON & DREW Mmggï¬ g; flawg'gm Collections in City and attended L0. )1 Toronto OI‘ï¬;eâ€"34 B nu of Commerce Bu11.lmgs,lg King Street West. l‘horn'm“ Ofï¬ceâ€"Post Ofï¬ce every Wed- nesday from m to :2 a. m. Richmond Hm Oï¬iceâ€" Post Ofï¬ce every Wednesda) from x to 4 p. m. LINBSEY, LEEHSEY& WARS, “relephoue 2984 W. J. WILSON, MID‘. RICHMOND HILL, Ont. OFFICE HOURS as: per an u] 8 m [0 a. m.; 6 I0 8 pan. Add)‘ 06103 hoursâ€"v8 to 10 a. m. 1 to 2 RICHM BABEISTflBS, SOLICITORS AND SOTLEXEB 0.6. S. LLVDSE BUSINESS CARDS. all B‘ MXLLEB Paciï¬c Buikdiugs, 23 Scott 8b., Turouto L51 Barristers TORONTO n. Square ill \Valker House RUGE OFFICE EFOIIRS THCRNH pa; rxsters, Solicitors BIA‘PLE. u'HTOS ’m'vï¬'iml. JOHN W. EVANS. Nays cu} a. charm ital“. W S ()nmsz'rm JJ DREW N115 Toronto Sheet )licitors, Notaries and mveyuucers. Hou RS, mud 22nd at and: month 2mm 24111 do ROPIHRI'OB E3113? 111 Free fmm \miu. ON L.D.S.. Auroxa. Ont ébfwai 8| Ith 28 £11 Av Country promptly coy to 1mm ‘lst LYON LINDSEY (~9- open every Mon 6y to Loan DUNCAN HST, nutmeuts 1 RI . (FEE IS 193’. [NOTARY PUBLIC. { HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, &c. l Issuer of Marriage Licenseés. 001d Day 11â€"4-35.le License“ Auctioneer for the Countxen of York autumn) and Peel. Goods sold on consignment. Generalswles 0 stock, 660.. promptly attended to at reasonable races‘ P. 0.3.(1dress, Licensed Auctioneer to; me County of York toâ€" spectful'y solicits Vour patronage and friendly inflnex'ï¬â€˜e sales ntiended on the sLortest notice an * .1 re: msonabemtcs. P. 0. nduress King LiccnsadAuctionem- for the County of York flutes attended mun shortcatnotiue and at ten.- snnnble rates. Patronage solicited. Rosidencr Maple Licensed Auctinneer for the County of York. General sales of impleme ts, tumitln'eJmnding timber. etc.‘ “themed an the shurcest notice mm at reasonable rates. Stock sales a. npet‘jalty. Patronage solicited. P. U. address Unxonviue. Every accommodation or travellers. Firstrclase stabling and an attentive lmsflm‘. Every accommodation :0 guestï¬. Board. $1. uer day Z‘Eemmmgq 39mg, TEOS. HUGHES, Prop. THE PALMER HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. Tn_isï¬ne beta] is ï¬tted up with all the modern appliances for health and comfort. Best brands of liquors and cigars. Sam pie rooms (or com' mercm travellers. ’B'uéaas meet 9.11 trains. Rates $1.00 per day. i NOTES DISCOUNTED. ammusm HOUSE, Nov 26-91 MISS c, HARRISON, DRESS - MAKER, RICHMOND HILL. A - CALL - SOLICITED. Sums RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. THORNEILL, ONT.. Underlakers dc Embalmors. E Ezmwâ€, E3: E3533 EE’E‘EEE, Medalist of the (mufï¬n Veterinary Collage Torch 00. visit Richmond IIilx Wednesday and Satur- day afternoon of each week. or night cans prompt-1y attended to. A full apply of medicines cousmntlyon hand. Fine Wines, L1quors and Cigars. 5116 note 158 KING ETBEET EAST. ToncNto DB Veterinary Surgeon, Bank'm M arrangement» can be made for large sums left on deposit. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT WRIGHT BROS, f one do) an and in date of J amps ( ‘ . Slokcs. RECHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1893. 352 inn E rka: I‘d! CUMMISSIOHER â€I THE MAPLE .g Dmce. Yongc Street B cashed or taken for collection. A DCLIFI’E. Manager. m Banking Business WM. RICHARDSON. Proprietor lur a'm‘ upwards received on xterest snowed thereon {mm deposit to wiLhdmwal. ‘ In Esï¬zï¬ï¬als ï¬allauuugh. JOHN KELL Y, Pronrietor. Jeanna, UNm'Nmem Aurom‘ Her Public Institutions HER BUSINESS MEN AS UTKERS SEE THEM Mr. Geo. Tlmmpsnn, of Brantfordï¬vho in taking :1 flip through Ontario, â€writ- ills; up†‘the inwns and cities, spent. cw" day! last, week here, and left ful‘ insertion in THE LIBERAL the {allowing synopsis uf [he village institutions tuuetlier With the principal places of bi'sinvss: We found the place beautifully alumi- ed an a raise of ground, and taken alto- gether is one of the pretiieat places we have yet, visited in Ontario There are fuur churches, viz, Methodist, Presbyâ€" ierinn. English, and R‘IIllan Catholic The ï¬rst three cnngregntiuus have ï¬ne churches. and the last named is preparing in build a handsume new ediï¬ce the pres em, winter. The High and Public schools are doing excellent wmk and are «ell ar- leuded. Sncially, the mini is in admuce of must plnCes of the same size. In H Illel'e is a thriving Mechanics’ Inautune. a Masonic Undue, Furesiers’ Cuurt. NO U. W. Lodge, Epwilrih League. R T. vi Temperance, Sons of Scutland Cmnp‘ Pnimne nf Industry, an efï¬cient. Fire Brigwde, &c ,&c‘ The citizens gs er nilv are well rfl'aml they Wlnk in har- muny together. The fnlinwuig are some of the places of business: iév ; Ea Maï¬hEs-‘szntia Among the carriage factories of this aectinn of the Pruvince the one carrml (m by the genlh-mun above named takv- high rank for the snpmiorily uf the \Vv-rk turned uut. Thla is an imlusny of great importance tn uur tuwu and slmukl nc~ cupy apmminent place in .mr rmie-w. Mr. Trench, who is one {if our must anh animal business men, has been ratuh hshed many years and has built up an exmusive business, which is widely and favurahly kuuwn. In the ï¬rst place Lh. proprietor is an A ] [mammal Wurknm. and Ma sncrvns has been achieved h: giving close personal atlenliun [n all wmk dune and allowing Int-thing to leave the factnry but what may be relied noun A visit tn the factur)’ will show the palm taken tu ham eycvything lint-class. Non’e but ï¬he bcst aeasum d material ts used and lhe Workmanship is u! 3 Huh mder of excellruue On an ave Huh ahuut hfteen hands are empluyed. Mr. Trench's celebraw’d Platform Spring \Nugnn is known as one of [11:2 has! Vehicles of its kind manufactured. Any Contelnplming purchasers vull consult their uwn \nterests lsy caning and in- specting the sunk and prices We Would call special nl'ennun h) the ï¬ne line uf cutters on hand for this sunsun‘s Lrade- Next season Hm ï¬rm purpuse pnuhlll! the sale uf the Trench Carr, which is freer of horse mnliun, and is acknowledg~ ed by competent judges to he by far the best. cart on the market to day. l : One of the must interesting articles in (nu review will be the reference to the very Mlmctivu and Wall smoked above of the enterprising gentleman unuve named. In passing along the std-act. (we cannot fail to notice the tempting display of goods as shown from the “induw, and the altogether ultractive appearance of the store. Mr. Brown has made great. pieparatinns for the holiday trade, and none uf our readers should fail to visit. his store. 0n hand is all the chmcest delicacies in the grocery line, line fancies of all kinds, Clix-rams, raisin». spices, caunud goods, excellent lens a. Spvclï¬liv). This is a large and magniï¬cently equipped mercantile establislnnent, doing an extensive trade and conductud in a capable enterprming manner. The business has a. phenomenally sumossful recurd. It was funnded nearly half a century 33-» by Mr. “'11). Alkinsnn, one of our best known citizms, who retired from the bnsnzuss the early part r-f the present year, after a long and h Inuruble inercmmle career. The Firm name re- mnined unchanged, Mr. Will D. Atkin- sun succeeding his father. Zr. Switzer has been a. purtuer some 15 yours. We may say that thrnngh the advantages this establishment offers to the public it ex- erts a. marked influence in drawing trade to the tOWn. The high ,conimercial standing of the ï¬rm enables them to buy to an advantage. They import and purâ€" chase from the best makers and the stars is noted fur carrying a lurge and superior stock. The ï¬rm hate lmd a must. satis- factory full tmdu and nuw that the holi- day season is at hand they are nfl‘ering athlllagtBillld attractinns whlch make it an nhjtct tn visit the stoic. We would any that thnse “ho tail to inspect their large nnd well selected stuck nt Dry Goods, Groceries, Ties and Caps, Fur- nisl.ings, the†will be doing themselves ‘ an injustice. The spltndid display of confucduns, nuts, &c., are alone worth visumg the store, which makes it headquarters in [his line. He also docs a. huge trade in sewing machines and organs. He handles the celebrated New Williams, {aymund and RICHMOND HILL. ATKINSON oz SW1 1 ZE R‘ \VM. TRENCH. BROWN fail to via". the chmcest '. ï¬ne fancies Standard, and hnying outright for cash can sell cheaper than where a. commiss- ion business in dune. Mr. Brown is one of out anecesaful businesa men. R0 BE RT SIVERS. Our tom: possesses the advantages of an excdlcut bunt and shoe establishment uf svlwch a few words in our review will he. of interest and prnï¬t to our readers. Th9 prnprielor of this business has been estublmhcd a number of years and has always dune a large trade. This azure is human» as one of the best. places to buv m -lwear in this section of the Province. Mr. Sivera thuruughly undemtands the b.m‘. and shoe business. He buys from the hast manufacturers and his neatly appointed store is ï¬lled with a large and v ell seluutud stuck 0f all the latest and beat. mukes of bunt! and shoes, from the indivs’ ï¬nest Fren‘ch kld to the men‘s and buys†heavivr wear. What Would be ulcer (or a Xmas present than one of {base excellent, pairs of slippurs ’l The business is very popular thh the people. In referring tn the grocery trade of our mwu we vmuld make prominent, meminu nf the pnplllar and long established busi- nesa nf \he gentleman abow named who has been identiï¬vd wnh this branch fur a number of years back. Mr, Hall is nne nf nur substantial anccaaaful business men. He has a large trade and the bus mess is pnpulnr With the peoplv for his cilmble. upright. umimgement. The neat lv appuinlt‘d awre is always ï¬lled With a. v-huice stock of all kinds of pure family urnceriea, pruViBIOHS, fancles, lL'Ci’ and fur the holiday season any delicacy III the grtacery lme is on hand. Mr. Hall does a. large. trade in family flnnr. Bu bnys from the best. mills, and handles the leading brands uf family fluur, feed, meals, needs, 626. In reviewing the buqineas places of our town use Wish to make prnmlnmn men- Iirm uf the popular and successful tailoring business carried on by the gentleman ahme llzuned. Mr. Hume has gentleman ahme llzuned. Mr. Huine has hum established here a number of years and has built. up :1 very satisfaCtury pa; runage. Of his abilities as a. cutter it is unnecessar) for us to spvak as his work well slu-wa fur itself. Sufï¬ce it to Bay lhdt [he rim-st class of [merchant tailnring is dune eqlml to Mint mu he ubtniued in the huge Dimes. The business desnrves HS SUCCESS No business of our town 15 more do- ‘ serving of prominent and complimentary ‘ mention in our review than our ï¬rst- clusa bakery, fl‘lllL and cunfectinnery More successfully carried on by Mr. Hill. Since emuhlishing here abuut a year ago Mr. Hill has met with graiifying suc cess. He has built up a splendid trade and made the business popular with the people for his capable management. The bakery is noted for turning out 8. sn- peiinr quality of bread. Unnstantly on hand is uclioice line of coiifeutiuiiery, fancies, nuts, bukers’ sundries, 62:0. The busineee has an appreciative patronage. THE PALMER HOUSE. In referring to the hotel accuiiimodni, ions of the mini we Wish to make promi- iieiit mention of the popular house above named, which is doing a large share of the trade ui the tow“ in this line. Mr. J. Kelly. the present pi‘upi'ietur; is a. gentleman Well and favumbly known to the people. He touk hold nf the hotel ‘ about two gears ago and has made 11 ene- cess of it, and has made it popular with the local and travelling public. We note the recent improvements in reï¬tting and papering the house. It. is splendidly furnished ili:oiiu_liout. seta geod tables. :Mr. Skeele is uno of our lungest estnb liuhed businessmen and Without a. proper reference cu hlS popular business uur re view Wr-uld be very incomplete. In ad- dition tn representing the jewehy branch of our mercantile trade. he also keeps constantly on hand a nice, altâ€"ml), choice stock of ï¬ne family gruouries In the jewelry line he 0H1; nflhr every possible advantage to the pnblm. in ail £1155? JOSE PH HALL. G EU. MCDONALD. A. L‘ SKEELE DAVID HILL. J'. HUME. Charity.†The bar is stacked with the choice“ brands of liquors and cigars. Large and cummodinus stabliug in connection. L :3 NES & SUNS. A ï¬-nlrishing successful industry 0‘ our tmsn which deserves spacial mention in mm review is that carried cu by tha en~ terpriuiug ï¬rm u‘auvé nmned proprietora uf uni saw and planing mill, and shall and dunr fact-WY, and contractors. Mesmi [um-s dc Suns have built up an extensiia business for which their experience and ability amply qualify \heni. Their com> mudiuna factury ll equinped Wllh all the latent machinery fur doing all kinds 0E Work in planing, matching, dressing, the manufacture of sash, doors, blinds and interior ï¬nish, besides the manufacture uf lumber. The yard is cun'szantly «tools~ ed with a ï¬ne_ line of linnb‘o'r‘ lath; shingle}: antl all kinds of building may terial. They rank among lhe most suc< cesaful contractors in this section, and any one contemplating building will con- ulilt their own inteteats by calling on them. In the purchase of household furniture our citlznné and the people of the surâ€" rounding country have special advant~ ages at. Lhe eeiablishment known as Th! People’s Store, This is one Inf the bear. places to buy furniture in this section 02 me pr'oviu‘ce. Mr Savage In the (in: place has the admnlagea uf lung practical experience and thoroughlv understanée the business. He buys from the bent manufacturers and a visit to his store and an inspectiun of his stock will she‘s the bargains he can «Her. Mr. Savage carries the largest stuck uf wall paper: i'n the town, and besides his grncery de- partment, he dues an extensive busiueis in picture frames, paints, oils, varnishes, glass, dc, (he. The proprietor in also general agent for the Confederation Life, which company fully appreciates his valuable servcea. In referring to the bunt and shoe store-a of our town we Would call tha attention Hf the public in an especial manner to the advantages to be had in dealing a? the popular store of the gentleman above named. It generally means a saving of money and always perfect. satisfaction to deal here. Mr. McCunaghfy’s thorough knowlcdge of the boot and shoe! trade is a guarantee to the public. A call and an inspection of his stock now will show the baigains that are offered. Mr. McCon- nghy is a ï¬rst, class workman and gives spacial attention to custom Work, in making to order and repairing. Thu) proprietor’s genial disposition coupled uitli his struightforward manner of doiue business have won for him a large puf- “Hinge, many of his customers being 1h! most prominent cnizens in the town and Gun“! unity. We cume next in our revtew to our popular hardware, stoves and tiuware stare successfuily carried on by the gen- tlemm) ab'n'e named. Mr. Mason has been iacutzï¬ed with this branch of our mercauule trade for many years back and has aquys supplied the town and lur- ruundmg Country with a ï¬rst class busi- ueas in Ins line, Much he couducks in a calmlsle manner 4nd alwavs dues a. largo trade. The public 5m! every advantage‘ In deu‘ting here. From lung experience Mr. Mann“ Lanl()l)gh1y understands the lIUsiurss and knuws the wants uf the pew pie. Besides a Coalplflte stock of all kinds uf general and shelf hardware, larmers’ supplies, &c , we nute specially a. fine line uf awn-s, ranges, &c.. well Wul‘LllY uf inspecting Special attention is gn’eu t0 suéh work as muting, enve- truughing, furnace \vnrk, &c., which ii dam: in the bear. manner. “’9 wish to include In our review refcrencu Lu om faultlars underuk establishment which isone of the b conducted undertaking business's. w t BHCLl m of the province. The prupnur. Messrs. ‘eright 13mm, are gentim Widely and favorably Lnowu, 'l‘lu 3‘ joy the advantage of lung practicnl perieuce and have a thorough khxn-«lv of Lhe business. They are cwln ‘ funeral directors and skilled emba. . and kuep constantly on hand a in]! of caskets and nll kinds of fuueru ~ piles. They mulu: a specialty of em?»- lug, and give thomluh Bullsfunh-r. thaw.- who require their serVIces. 15.\ AC CROSBY. In reviewing our business p112: may any that, no name is more fut known than that of Mr. Isaac L‘ whuse popular buginess is the snhj: this sketch. Tina More cmnmanda share hf 11m trade of ï¬n: village w: public find in dealing here evu‘J 8. age which capable management c‘ cure. The stoCk is always wall and carefully sclccwd embracing w of general merchandise as dry grocui'ies, furnishings, &c. Mr. is one of the early business men (Continued on Fourth page.) PETER G. SAVAGE. Single copies, 3 cts. CHARLES MASON. F. MCCON AUHY. W RIGHT BROS. mg 6U ‘na 1p: