w uisuuguisn persons at a. distance. My face became swollen and drawn, and my eyes almost closed. The doctors could do nothing for me. I suffered terribly, was a. burden to my friends and actually longed for death, which all thought was in store for me. At this time thestatementof a. man down in Cape Breton came to my notice. He attributed his cure to Dr. \Villiams’ Pink Pills, and I thought there might be a chance for me. I began the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and soon found that they were helping me, and their continued use put me on my feet again, and I went to work after months of enforced idleness, to the great astonishment of my a2quaintances, who never expected to see me around again. I feel it my duty to advise the use of Pink Pills by people who are run down or suffer from the effects of any chronic ailment. They saved my life, and you may be sure I am grateful.“ John W. Boothe, Newcomhe Mills, Ont, says :-â€"Words cannOt express ihc gratitude I feel for the great good I have received from the use of your Pink Pills. I had my full share of la grippe and it left me in a Weak and debilitated condition. My nerves were unstrung and I was unable to hold anything, such as a saucer of tea in my hands without spilling it. I had terrible pains in my head and stomach,and although I consulted a good physician I derived no beneï¬t. I made up my mind to use your Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills, and I now look upon the deal- sion as an inspiration, so great is the beneï¬t I have derived from the use of this marvel- ous remedy. My pains have vanished, my nerves are strengthened, and I am feeling better than I have done before in years.†Mr.A.VV. Marshall, principal of the Cle- nn_.n_-_r ‘1- n . Mr? George Rose. Rednersville, 0nt., says :â€"“I am well to-day and do not hesi- tate giving Dr. \Villiams’ Pink Pills the credit of saving my life. I had three at- tacks of la grippe and wasso reduced in flesh and strength I could hardly stand alone. I had no appetite. I could not sleep because my legs and feet became badly swollen and cramped. The pain was at times so violent that I could not refrain from screaming, and I would tumble about in bed and long for day to come. If I attempted to get up and walk I was apt to fall from dizziness. I took medicine from the doctor, but it did not help me, and I was so discouraged I did not think Icould live more than a few months, when one day I read in the paper of the cure of a man whose symptoms were like mine. I sent for a box of Pink Pills, and by the time it was gone there was an improvement. Icontinued the use of the pills, found that I could now get a good night’s sleep, and the cramps and pains which had iormerly made my life miserable had disappeared, and I felt better than I had in four years. I know that it Was Pink Pills that brought about the change because I was taking nothing else. I have taken in all seven boxes, and I feel as good now as I did at forty years of age." Capt. James McKay, Tiverton, N. S., says :â€"â€"“I had In grippe about three years ago and that tied me up pretty well. I wasn’t ï¬t to take charge of a ship, so sailed south as far as Milk River, Jamaica, as nurse for an invalid gentleman. The weather was simply melting, and I used to lie on the deck at night, and in my weak- ened condition got some sort of fever. When I reached home I was completely used up and continued to get worse until I could hardly move about. At times my limbs would become numb with a tingling sensation as though a thousand needles _were being stuck into me. Then my eye- sight began to fail. It was diiï¬cult for me to distinguish persons at a. distance. My face became swollen and drawn, and my eyesalmost closed. The doctors could do ,,__ ...... ,, ~.._,...~ Annuuu bad kit-tack of la. grippe which left. me weak, mentsport,N. §.,Acad'e1;17y;;éé.ry§ {â€"‘ï¬lï¬ L...l _LA‘AI p1 When, a few months ago, it was an- nounced that cholera. had broken out in Grimsby, one of England's important sea- ports, it was feared th rt it would reach this continent, yet this once dre'uled scourge was checked and exterminated with a loss of not more than half a. dozen lives. That la. grippe is more to be dread- ed then cholera is shown by the fact that in London last week upwards of a. hun- dred deaths were due to this trouble, and medical science is powerless to prevent its spread, and can do nothing more than relieve those stricken with the disease. At the present moment thousands of Cana- dians are suffering from lo. grippe and the misery it is causing would be difï¬- cult to estimate. Even when the immediate symptoms of the disease dis- appear it too frequently leaves even the most robust constitution shatter- ed. The sfter effects of la. grippe are perhaps more dangerous than the disease itself, and assume many forms, such as extreme nervousness, distressing head- aches, pains in the hack, loss otappetite. depression of spirits, shortness of breath on s‘i ht exertion, swelling of the limbs, an in isposition to exertion, a. feeling of con- stant tiredness, partial paralysis and many other distressing symptoms. In removing the after effects of la. grippe. or for fortify- ing the system to Withstand its shock, no remedy has met with as great success as Dr. VVillisms’ Pink Pills. They rebuild the blood, restore shattered nerves, and place the sufferer in a. condition of sound health. In proof of these statements we reproduce a few letters Speaking in the strongest and most positive terms as to the value of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills in cases of of]? grippe or influenza. Medical Science Powerless to Prevent Its Spreadâ€"J: is Again Sweeping Over Canada With Great §evcrllyâ€"llow Its Evil lm'ects can [lest he (fonntorncleaâ€" Only l’rompt Measures can Ensure Safely. It is stated on high medical authority that an epidemic of la. grippe is more to be feared than an outbreak of cholera. The latter disease can be controlled, and where sanitary precautions are observed the danger can be reduced to the minimum. But not so with la. grippe. Medical science has not yet fathomed its mysteries, and is powerless to prevent; its spread. Three years ago an epidemic of la. grippe swept over this country, lewing desth and shot- tered constitutions in its wake, and now once moreit has appeared in epidemic form; not so severe. perhaps, as on the former occasion, but with sufficient violence to cause grave alarm, and to warn the prudent to take prompt measures to resist its in- roads. 11 Scourge M029 to be Dreaded Than x Cholera- THE GRIPPE EPIDEMIU. Charming Christmas stories have been especially written for the JOURNAL by Mrs. Wesblake Yeigh and Mrs. Fanny Crawford Firstbrook, the Iatter'a being specially il- lustrated by); Canadian artist. The serial, “Mary St. John,†is also continued. and a new and thrilling romance, “A Fight For a Fortune,†is commenced. “Madge Merton †contributes a. clever interview with Editor Stead on Women â€"tl1eir work, their needs. etc., and Mrs. McDonell on “\Vomen’s Duty in the Plebiscite.†All the regular departments are in full swingâ€"a special feature for boys being an article by a boy on the amateurs camera, with an engraving from one of the pictures taken by the young author. The fashion plates have been selected with the co-operation of experts in leading dry goods houses in Toronto. Altogether there are 32 pages ofinteresting, profitable. varied matter, suitable for wom- en of allzranks and tastes. 31a. year, 10 cts. a number. Wilson Publishing 00., 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto. If on examination of this number of THE LADIES'JOURNAL you think it worthy the following notice, or the substance of it, in your columns we will be pleased to have you send us marked copyof your paper con- taining what you say. Let us know if you would caré' to have our publication sent you egularly as an exchange. B raternally yours, THE WILSON PUBLMHNG Courtwv, 73 to 81 Adelaide St. \V., Toronto. This large monthly closes its fourteenth year with a brilliant Christmas number under the joint editorship of Mr. Thos. Bengough and Miss J. H. \Vetherald. Every- thing about the JOURNAL shows new life and vigor. New type, new paper, beautiful new title-page, new department head- ings, specially designed by a. To- ronto lady. Miss Jeflrey, and new features, all go to make up a first-class publication that is a credit to Canada. Beautiful lialf~ tone portraits of well known ladies abound, a. large one of Lady Aberdeen sitting at a spinning Wheel adorning the front page. An outline is given of this famous lady’s life and work, together with afull report of her ï¬ne address to women at the mass meeting in Toronto in October. A special article by Miss Wetherald relates to the King’s Daughters,and is embellished with portraits of Mrs. Isabella Davis and Mrs. Dickinson, of New York, Mrs. Tilly of London, and ‘ Miss Brown of Toronto. A sketch of the new movement among the Methodists re- lating to the order of Deaconesses is illus- trated with portraits of Sister Dora Steven- son (formerly of Hamilton). and Mrs. Lucy Rider Meyer. An interesting page headed “Language Learning by Mother’s Methods,’ contains articles by Mr. Bengough based on personal interviews with Mrs. Jennie Drewry, who is introducing the (Sow in method in teaching French ; Herr Haupt-â€"“ German in ï¬ve weeks ;†and Mr. Des Brisayâ€"“Latin in six weeks.†There are portraits of these three notable teachers. ' Scores of other equally strong recommen- dations might be quoted, but the above will sufï¬ce to prove the undoubted efï¬cacy of Dr. Willinma’ Pink Pills in removing all the evil effects of la. grippe or inï¬uenza..and those who have in any degree Suffered from this dangerous malady should lose no time in forbifying the system by the judicious use of Pink Pills. They are the only remedy that strike at the root at the trouble and thoroughly eradicate ire bad eï¬â€˜ects. Ask for Dr. \Villiams‘ Pink Pills and do not be per- suaded to try something else. Sold by all dealers or sent by mail, post, paid,on receipt. of 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50, by addressing the Dr. Willia.xns' Medicine 00., Brockville, 011b,, or Schenectady, N.Y. Remorse is virtue's root; its fair increase are fruits of innocence and blessedness. A panic is a. sudden desertion of us, and a going over to the enemy of our imagina- Lion. Ill-deeds are doubled with an evxl word ; the sting of a reproach is the truth of it. An orator or author is never successful till he has learned to make his words smaller than his ideas. Remembered joys are never put; at once the fountain, stream and sea, they were, they are, they yet shall be. There are few things reason can discover with so much certainty and ease as Its own insufï¬ciency. The how can not. possibly always stand bentmor can human nature or human frailty subsist without. some lawful recreation. Duty is carrying on promptly and faith- fully the affairs now before you. It is to fulï¬ll the claims of to-day: There are two kinds of repentance ; one is that of Judas, the other that of Peter - ’ the one is ice broken, the other ice melted. TIIE Luau)? JIHHKV 1L Foil DEX To the Busy L nervous :ache a. 1 many :ï¬b unb 1121‘ 5 and badly used up. I suï¬ered continually with terrible headaches, me and pans through the body. I any remedies wishout receivmg any until I began the use of Dr. Will- ‘iuk Pills, and the use of seven boxes ie me feel like a. new man, as I am strong as l was before my sickness. eartily recommend them to others so PEARLS 0F TRUTH. VI 'IEll This is eminently the case with Polsons’ Nerviline, and great pain cure. It is an honest remedy, for it contains the most powerful, the purest, and most, certain pain subduing remedies known to medical science. It. is honest, for it does all it claims to do. It is honest, because it is the best; in the world._ It on1y_costs _10 or science. It. is honest, for it does all it claims to do. It is honest, because it is the best; in the world. It only costs 10 or 25 cents to try it, and you can buy a bottle at any drug store. Nerviline cures tooth- ache, neuralgia, pain in the back and side. All pains are promptly relieved by Polson’s Nerviline. Beware of desperate steps : the darkest day, live till to-morrow, will have passed away. True eloquence consists in saying all that is proper and nothing more. For the buyer a. hundred eyes are too few; for the seller one 15 enough. Never do anything concerning the recti- tude of which you have a doubt. He who reforms himself has done much toward reforming others. EarJopping was of three degrees. For minor offenses. the lower lobe was taken 03; for graver, the upper half ; for offenses still more serious, the whole ear was shorn away. - Happiness has no history. Too much rest itself becomes a. pain. Osbenmtion is the signal flag of hypoâ€" crisy. . The impromptu reply in the touchstone of the :1 an of wit. He that will keep a monkey should pay for the glasses he breaks. For constipation and headache, use D1: Pierce’s Pellets. and weakly when eight or nine years old, and in fan-t was nearly a skeleton. Six bottles of Dr. Plerce’s Golden Medical Dis- covery wrought marvelous changes. A1- thouglz the sores were heeled in eight months. I did not quit taking it until I was sure it hurl been entirely routed from my system. The only signs left of the dread- ful disease are the scars which er er remind me of how near death’s door 1 was until rescued by the “Discovery.†I am now eighteen years old and weigh 148 pounds; and have not been sick in ï¬ve years. Yours respectfully, Cure» Consumption, Coughs, Group, Sore Throat. Sold by all Dmggists on a Guarantee. For 3 Lame Side, Back or Chest Shiloh's Pol-out Pinter will give great satisfaction.â€"25 cents. ï¬ve you Catarrh ? This Remedy will relieve and Cure you. Price 500m. This Injector for lta_ successful treatment free. Rememben‘ vsgloh’a Remedies sre sold on a. zuarsï¬tee Roi,†and making a. descent on a. little island forced some of the inhabitants to come and man the ship. Possibly they might have remained undiscovered,but for the fact that some time afterward they threatened to kill the half caste, who thereupon went and gave information to the authorities of one of the Caroline Islands. How often do we hear of this in domestic life at this day. But what; is more appal- ling than the living body made repulswe with skin and scalp disease, salt-rheum, tetter, eczema. and scrofulous sores and swellings. Dr. Pierce‘s Golden Medical Discovery is the positive cure for all of these diseases. If taken in time, it also cures Lung-scrofula, commonly known as Pulmonary Consumption. By druggists. WATEROUS, Bermuda, Nova Scotin, New Brunswick. Quo- bec. Alberta. British Columbia. Massacuu- secm, New York and all parts of Ontano- are TO-DAY replesented at ONTARIO â€" BUSINESS â€" COLLEGE, DR. R. V. PIERCE. Dear Sin-When about three years old I was taken with mumps, also had fever, ï¬nally I had that dreaded disease Scxofula. The most emi- nent physicians in this section treated me to no avail. I had running scrofulous sores on left side of neck and face. I was small S¢utb$ (a (1: $1121th 'I'nal. A writer of thrilling stories of adventure for boys would ï¬nd aplot ready to his hand in the charges brought against two French- men named Rorique, brothers, Who are at present awaiting their trial at Brest. Ac- cording to the case for the prosecution, these men are latterdsy pirates of a. par- ticularly daring description. On Dec. 15, 1891. the French schooner Ninroahiti, trad- ing with Tahiti, left that place under the command of a native skipper named Tehac 9. Tara. The ï¬rst mate was Joseph Rorique, one of the accused, and the crew consisted of an Englishman named William Gibson, who was the supercargo, four natives, and a. half caste, who acted as cook. The ves- sel carried 40, 000 francs' worth of goods, to be exchanged ll] some South Sea. islands for mother of- -pearl endother products. At one of these out- of- the- -wa.y ports Joseph Rorique’s brother, Alexander, came on bosrd, and then planned the mutiny. The Captain and the Englishman were shot, and the crew, all but the cook, were killed by means of poisoned food; whereupon the brothers took command of the vessel, paint- ed out the name, substituting that of “Le Roi,†and making a. descent on a. little island QMMï¬thnï¬ï¬‚ comm THE GREAT]; BELLEVILLE, ONT. For the 25th manual catalogue, addressâ€" Robinson 6: J ohnson, Belleville‘ On A Fair-Fahgdicmlegé HILOH’ s E REMEDY. HARVEY M. HOLLEMAN. Agb. for Seaboard Air Li! A Skeleton In the (‘loset DRV PRESS, PLASTIC Honest and True. TILE AND PAVERS BRANTFORD. KEYSER, N. C‘ 1689 CANADA. SAUSAGE CASING iï¬ï¬ï¬iï¬â€˜Ã©ï¬? Hsliconstantiy on lmnd also prime American ChiesC-imiugh. Fuillinei New Hanu Long goar Bacon °,Rolls Cheese. Lard. etc. PARK BIACKWELLSc Co. LTD. Successor to JA‘uEs &K111’A SON. ’I‘Oronto GENTS HERE you AltE.â€"\"1manbha at the World's Fair. by Josiah Allen's \ ire. Over 100 Illustrations. Nearly 600 pages No Terflmry assigned. Send_ $1.00 for pro- spectusand push the canvas If you want to make monay. WILLIA.“ “HIGHS. Temper nce SL. Tut-auto "" New Catalogue. IT’S FREE.â€" ‘ ‘ one toâ€"kt. B. MU WRY 85 00., Toronto, Can. DMONTON, Alberta, N. \V, ’1‘.. Farms aft? Town Property for sale by COWIE 8:, ROUND, Real Estate Agents. PENN DO‘NT Republicanism is not the phantom of a deluded imagination. On the contrary, under no form of government are laws bet;- ter supported, liberty and property better secured, or thppiness more efl‘ectually dis- pensed to mankind. In every respect mony of thousan‘ Corn Extractor for corns. The c made by those ex tations for the superiority of “I nam’s Painless C painless. Elegance is something more than easeâ€"- more than a. freedom from awkwardness and restraint. It imp lies a precision, a. polish, and a. sparkling which is spirited, yen delicate. Order is the sanity of the mind, the health of the body, the peace of the city, the security of the State. As the beams to a house, as the bones to the body, so is order to all things. ETheWealth If you would relish food, labor for it be- fore you take it; if enjoy clothing, pay for it. before you wear it; if you would sleep soundly, take a. clear confluence to bed with you. possoses blood enriching properties in a remarkable degree. Areyou all run down? Take Scott’s Emulsion. Almost as Palatable as Milk. Be sure and get the genuine. 0fPure florweg/an 00d liver 0/7 Is in Pure Rich x v ', Blood; to enrich " the blood is like ’ putting money out at interest 5:0‘ Write at once for our Illustrated Catalogue. If your nearest deAIer has not got them. on the receipt of price we will send any game post-paid. Prepamd only by Scott 3: Bone, Belleville. ï¬rth? Préfnpf‘aqd Pgrgnaneni'Cure. of' Rama and'flches of Health 3 SGGTT’S THE GDPP DLARK 00., LTI., and Hypophoslibites Buy a. Watch vvluw @ï¬mia‘é 01ft Is an amusing spectacle. Try the Parlor Game for your Children these long Winter Evenings. GOLDEN NUGGBTS. The most interesting Parlor Game ever invented. 0n1y25cts. Address Pluto 59 Yonge St ,Arcaje “:lomnto WAKE DEA SGAP Strictly True An 0bstacle R ace! BAY? and attested by the testi- ds that Putnam's Painless is a. sure and painless cure :laim that it; is just; as good ndeavoring to palm oil†imi- genuine only proves the ?ubna.m’s.†Use only Put- 1orn Extractor. Sure, safe, em ztbe mgugg “-1 f‘ â€w luA‘v ‘v‘av‘ ‘1 rm MQRTGN & SGNS “ HAMIEATONï¬) NT. m 45: g ï¬ï¬ï¬faifufgd any Ev Price $1.00. Or any Jewelry before seeing our USE The Gurney Foundry 00., Limited TORONTO. THE GURNEY, MASSEY (10., [WITH CA ULDRON FURNACE. Heats Quick OXFORD HOG “ I have been afflict, Billousness, “ ed with biliousness , “ a n d constipation Constipation,u for ï¬fteen years; “ ï¬rst one and then “ another preparaâ€" Pains. “ tion was suggested “ tome and tried but “ to no purpose. At last a friend “ recommended August Flower. I “ took it according to directions and “its efl'ects were wonderful, reliev- “ ing me of those disagreeable “ stomach pains which I had been “ troubled with so long. Words “ cannot describe the admiration “ in which I hold your August “ Flowerâ€"it has given me a new “ lease of life, which before was a. " burden. Such a medicine isaben- “ efaction to humanity, and its good " qu alities and “wonderful merâ€" Jesse Barker. “ its should be “ made known to Printer. “everyone sufl‘erâ€" Humboldt, ‘ ‘ ing with dyspep- “siaor biliousness Kansas. 0 G. G GREEN. Sole Man’fr,Woodbury.NJ. Stomach “August “‘~ Flower†ADAPTED FOR EITHER W001), HARD 0R SOFT COM. Cleaner Ennrely m ‘ all: In "a", housekeeper Brand. anonnd Flying Kuhn Cunt. nu] Knâ€. l Shawna. N EGEHJ'S WAHTED, â€â€œ131“: Made in 5 Sizes. 20, 3C and 60 Gallons. HAS INDIRECT DRAFT cuu'sé snuffed. Lock nai'a'a MONTREAL. Every Music Teacher in Ca. Dada should know where the ca_n_ get their Music cheapesg ane as for Catalogues; also sample copy of the CANADIAN Musmuu, a liVe monthlyjour- nal with 31.00 worth of music in each issue‘ 93 to 3“ per day madoby canvassers. See prem- iumlist. We carry everything in the Music line. WHALEY. ROYCE 8:. CO. 158 vanes 21. mammom. IMPROVED MUSIC! 30. 40. 50 male an Tamnio. Onl- in and Salaam 1; 1;“! hm.