TO SKATERSHJ MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, SATURDAY, nfsuahers entitling them to certain mivilegasund exempt-inns. Wm. H. Pugsley. Chief, W. E Wiley, Secretary. .3. 0. U. W. Ivy Lodge, No. 114, Meetsin the Masonic Hall on the secnnd and fourth Tuesday of each month at 8 o'clock p.m. llenet‘lcury cer- tiflcucegivcn for $2.000iucuse of deutlv. Wm Glass. Master Workman R E Law. rec R. T. of Temperance, Richmond Hill Council No. 43, Meets in Temperance Hall,ench alter- na-te Tuesday evening ntSo‘clookp in. Bone- flcinry certiï¬cates issued to mule or female members for *1.000 or in vase of dent-h $2,000, (me hnlr nnyablc in case (-fdisability. J. E.Sanrler- son Select. Councillor; J A E Switzarï¬ecoru‘ing Becretarv Pn'ruoxa OF INDUSTRY meets in Lorne Hall the lst and 3rd Saturdav of each month at 7.30. PATEONB OF INDUSTRY meets in Lorne Hall the lst and 3rd Saturdav of each month at 7.30. W D.Clubiue. president. E E SISIBV. secretarv. SONG or SCOTLANDâ€"~ Camp No hi6 meets in the Masonic Hall on 2nd and 4th \Vednesdav evenâ€"- 113:: a} 8 9‘clock. Thomas Newton, Chief; W. h. Skeelc Richmond Lodge.AF & A END 23, G R C meets in the lodge room,Ma';onic Hall. on the Monday on or before full moon, at 8 o'clock p m. J E Clubine. WM. T F McMahon. secretuv Methodist Church~Servicem 10.30 a m and 7.00 p m. and Sunday school at 2 30 p 11:. Young yeople’s prayer merging Wednesdav evening. General pmver meetmg Thursday evening m the lecture room. Rev J Vickery, superintenuent. Rev Wesley‘DeaI}. assistgnt Pxesbyterism Churchâ€"Sew ions at 1] a. m and 530 p m. Sunday school at 230 p m. Frayer meeting on Thu rsduy evening at 7.30. dew W W Percival‘ Pastor Roman Cathol.c Churchâ€"Services in order as tolluws: ’l‘hm'nhill at 9 u m and Richmond Hill at 10.30 a m ; the following Sunday at Rxchmond Hill at 9 u, m and I‘hornhill at 10.3oam. Rev P McMahon Pastor St Mary sEpiscopnl Churchâ€"Services at 3 p m, except the third Sunday of even? monthwhen the servxce and sacrament are held at u a m. Sunuav school at 1.30p m. P»? W W Buns, Recmr The Richmond mu Skating n to skate“ on MEG Secretary REGULAR PRK CLEARING I‘ll! Prices reach :1 point entirely out of proportion to the mums Nothingr but the best goods left. ALL l’) B} ‘1 SOLD A] PANIC PRICES. gThe $7 50 tables looked imrc m1mqh last night, but this morning have been 11.31) 1a; 1) upcnished from 2131 parts of the stock. Plush Dolmans, Huck silk p 511k, all embroidered ; regular price Of I’inc E2» vcr. Serge and Bouclc Cloth REGULAR PRICE 5 . . . $[1 PRICE 01 'lIIESE G ‘I’MENTS NO‘HV fancy e Bouc'le, this 522 regular prices, 3’ QQA'E § £010 {‘illagt Churches. m‘ (in: Socwlies LOT Iâ€"Ladfes’ Handsome Capes. fur-trimmed 11m mb: oimcred ï¬rcgular prices $16 to $34.. Ladies Full Length Coats of Beaver Serge am this season's goods, ma: It; by best Berlin tailors ilirrtznry. 0% th@ Mantie? 83$ , . Rink will be open W C ALL AT ONE 1’ s, Bca 14C)’I‘ 3. EA.L1§KEELE, Also dealer in Gr Have you seen our stock of fine Christmas Perfumes and Bottles? Nothing like it in town ; cheap and good .â€"â€" Winona Boquet, Crab Apple Blossom, \Vood Violets, White Hyacinthe. Every- body says they are just love- ly. Get in the swim by using the Best. vers and Mcltons â€": How to Shine :â€" USE ROYAL WINDSOR POLISH Call at my store and see what it will do; W'ill polish anything that will & take a polish. Perfume in Bettl's ! Perfume in Bulk I $4000.00 on First-Class Farm Properly. :-: YORKSHIRE WHITE BOAR :~: For particulars upplggï¬ 18 months old, bv Mr. Davis' best imported Boar and Bow. “'uu'lI-“nkor & lvwclior. Price‘s right PERFUME! ï¬rw @dvmiacmmts. WAN TED )lush,1ined with quiltc 5, $25 to $37 50. FOR SALE A Registered Improved Of? RICE, Wanted to borrow B. QUE’I‘TON 51‘. (313939}. W. A. SANDERSON, Articl Uruu ner Yea: 7rm: LIBERAL OFFICE tronnae Richmond Hill other Staple (O to Oak Bldgus ilod Both light and heavy, all of which are guaranteed to give satisfaction as the work is under my own supervisru. I am also prepared to do all kinds "f black- smitlnng w repairing in the most work manlilm manner, on the shortest notice, and on the moss reasonable terms. ‘ The LIBERAL. \‘V'NI. TI} EN C H (Ionlocuon y. Oranges. l. ‘ uts and fruit. Wedding Cakes on Shortest Notice In returning thanks to mv mimetnus friends fur their liberal patronage during the past thirty years, I beg to remind them and the general public that having erected erLirely new and commodious p.'emises I am enabled to supply Phaetons, Buggies, Carriages, Cutters, BAKER & CUNFECTIONER PLATFORM SPRING W A G 0 N S. TRE N CH ’ S -CARRIAGE WORKS.- \" 1KOLESA LE and BETA] L. DAVHD HILL, DAVID HILL, ZHorse-Shoeing Subscrib c for Paid special attention to. Richmond Hill. RICHMOND HILL Proprietor. Sleighs and FULL LINE OF ‘lll I Large stock ( l\Nall Papers, PAints, RESIDENCE w. HEWISON, Glnzwr, Gunner aud Payer- 'Z’égfl élï¬ï¬‚ï¬aflé.’ $1.09 IE4 ï¬BVANGE. Is prepared for it with a larger and better 561 everything the heart desires for the coming 1893. CHRISTMAS. 1893. THOS. - MEREDiTH - &- 00., Wish to announce that their stock of Christmas Goods is complete consisting in part of REEQICE FOR XMAS 5% AT HANS} 1000 Pairs of Skates, Sleigh Bells in great Variety, Pocket and Table Cutlery, Plated Ware and Cruets. Our Rapid Transit Crossâ€"Cut Saw is a lance tooth saw; made of silver steel, four gauges thinner on the bank than lront, at 50 cents per 1001. A lull stock of Model and \"Varnocks Chopping Axes. Also best American and Canadian Coal Oil. GOODS FOR TEA; urhiture in all de: presents; Pic'ux size made to 1 moulomgs; 1 Wire Spri REAI) 14()()Ii 156 KING STREET, E. TORONTO l‘t'ext Door 10 Cl} do Hotel. TEA DRINKERS E HOUSE PAINTER, THOS. MEREDITH Hanger. O. J. BBOVVN RICHMOND HILL 8512218 , Oizs, Turpentine, utty, all low in price O W 76 acres we of Vanni: an. and I have the bes‘. 01 down in price. 1 not sway down. Don G rocoric Black or mixed, original three-pound car- tons, $1 each. This is 50 per cent. less than retail price. It is .the strongest. most economical, ï¬nest flavor, moat. nour- ishingz and healthful, and only takes abuut half :lm usual quantity to make a. lovely cup of tea. I have 3150 weeired a ï¬ne lot of 61 Coibornc St. P. G. SAVAGE, A BRAND CHANCE KALALA CEYLON TEA, rd wood Wholesale Grocer and Supply Warehouse FGB t bot NEW RAISINS HQ; ZQAVS SUGAR 86 CO. ected stock of anmversarv. IA‘M, Nur I} 0 that I am ,ul 31' Toronto ABE OLD f0