Davemwc mvnsvi [‘hnruhi mama) Newmnrket Aurora, . N. RI RICHMOND H T‘hm'nhi] I .... Downsviaw . L) Inveppnrt... Newmarket TORONTO Connects w Hmme Rinlm Mai 8;, Expre Accommmlac Express Nnrt Mail South.†at léast Fifteou M mentioned hours TORONTO Cit? H: Until Yurthe Richmond Iii} Rxcmtoxn IIn MORNING 'â€"(; EVEN ‘ a:â€"G Division Court will 1); day. the 4th of January PROCTUR Can'vme corxvspond morning too late for 1xu‘ Skates, Acme terns, all at Tm Rev. Wesley D sermon to the ab qhurcb on Suuda Atkinson & Sw era and every om was New Year. The Pbouom‘ Hall was poorly In reply to n that the result tious has not 3' publisher. Good Wmc? sale. Apply at. A pair of f1 ï¬'aher Eyer. “1 market a! the r. Call and see Lhn ' Leggings at Shun; The New Year‘s Illustrated Buffalo others in beauty. Harrison. Lemons.0ranqes, Dates, Ems, Raisins. Currants, Extracts. the best quality and the best value in the country, at Atkinson & Switzer's. Pure Lard and C at the Concrete. The Epwortu League meeting will be postoned this Week to give all an oppor- mnity nf attendzug the temnersnce meeting in the Temperance 11aâ€, to be addressed by loseph Gibson, Esq. There will bMethodist chur usual hour, by the deceaaed M Owing to the unfavorable weather the reg- ular programme at the “At Home" in con- nection with the Epworth League was not given on Diday evening. A pleasant hour was. however, proï¬tably spent by those present. Christmas lndu at the Concrete was the largest that [us been there for some years; bar-gins are attractive. Atkinson a Swit- zer. A writ. for $3,000 has been issued agmmt Mary E. Graham, of this n'llnmv for distrain- lug (or to»! certain goods and chattels of Henry J. Graham, lot 43, Is! an. Vaughan. You can‘t ï¬nd beHe Black Teas any place the Concrete. Their A family part-y can hava a. vcry nice New Year‘s dinner party provided they leave an order for Atkinson & Swilzer tn ï¬ll. 0. Mason has one Parlor COuk Stove left which he is prepared to sell at cost price for cash. This is a bargain for any person wzmQEDg a Parlor Cook. ’l‘urn o‘er a new leaf and mice a vow that next year you will economise by trading with Atkinson & Switzer. Review. Next Sabbath will be Review Sunday in the Methodist S. 8., commeming at 2.30 o'clock. There willbe uhorz addresses by 016 teachers. appropriate singing by the scholars and music by the urchuatra. Visi- zoxs always welcomc‘ ' Skates, Straps Hand Sleighs c Queen 'Rlnlu. ’I'Ym'on City Hall POST OFF? L (V) (3 1k 13,“; a a. funeral ch 011 Sunda; Rev. J. Vicke r. Albert Am Notice. Holxduy Number of the Expraas exceeds all the Only 5 cents. See Fred. lew Ladies Blizzards and ottolene at lowest prices 16 candidalcs we mnv say 1' wish _ull £- ,e a happy 2 FEM: the -rva1uw in Green and than you can get at 30 cent Tea is a. daisy. ‘11 Andrews. e prmerty of Mr. the exhibits attbe I yesterday. among“ 4 hide known ed ermon in the morning at the '5', relative to C. M in the Masonic awning. UliLD TABLE re on Thurs- ext pufï¬ng,- :zl prosperJ :in this his week. udlund~for Star pat Jason. interesting Methodist. Mason's. ;tmnster examina- ENE. the above Alter dmner a Leaure will be delivered by the Rev. Dr. German. Subjectâ€"â€Woman ; Thu Conundrum of the Tweutieelb Century." Music by the V10- tm-la Square Church Choir. Admission. Dinner and Lecture, 30 cents; Children under 12 years, 20 cents. Lecture alone, 20 cents. That. the Sm Every now und again we hear of strangers being hit at, the Richmond Hill station who step of! the train and think they have reach- their destination, Richmond Hill Village. Mr. Joseph Gibson, the temperance lecturer, was a viciim to this illusion on Monday evening. He remained at the station for some time after Proct‘or's 'Bus had started waiting fur a conveyance to take him %0 Viclmiu Square. 1139 horse and rig were, of course, waning let him at. the village, but me two failed to connect. Mr. Gibson. how- ever, hirw a rig and gm. to the Square in time to deliver a rauliug temperance speech. owit 21 lbs. of Emma Grunulatcd Sugar for 81. 301bs. good Yellow Sugar {or $1, 1 dozen tins of good Pink Salmon for ‘31. 36 lbs. of best Rolled Outs (OHM, 28 lbs. ï¬ne Wheat Flakes for $1 (lhis last is fully equal to I’cuijohn’a (lulifcrnin Bmakfust Food). M Alkiuson & Swilzer‘s. Nest Muuday morning, Tm; LIBERAL Cflllicl‘ Bay will dou his brightest smile, make an early call to each of his patrons in the village. wish them nli a. Happy New Year, and present them each with a Calen- dui- for 185“. We believe that. the calendars :0 be dismbnted will surpass any remem- bnmce yet sent out from this ofï¬ce, and as we huve mason to think that our carrier live LQCD fuiihful in the discharge of his weakly ‘taek during the year we hope mere will be a generuus response. Victoria Square. The Christmas Trr-e and Entertainment of S. S. No. 1 was quite a success, in spile of the rough Ulgbl. The wheel house was beumifany deuomled, and reflecis much credit on those who did the work. The en. :erzuiumvnt was of a good order. although no! leugnhy. The tree looked very hand- some, and everything would have passed bfl quite well if â€the order had been good. But it 56611.15 sad to think that young men who him come to the years of accountability do not know how to conduct. themselves when they get away from home. The conduct displayed might have been conmdered highly proper among the savages, but among civil- ized people of the 19‘}: century, it is nothing but rowdyism. The proceeds at. the door amounted to 314.â€"C(|M. Supper and Entertainment. The Richmond Hill Fire Brigade will hold their Annual Supper and Entertainment in the Masonic Hall on New Year's night, Mon- day, January 19a, 2894. Al six o'clock a amok-light. procession Will be formed at the Fire Hall, and bended by the Band will march up and down Yonge sheet in the village. The procession will be 0.000 nied by a ï¬ne display of ï¬reworks along lb line of march. Allu- the procession a. Supper followed by an Einerleinmem will be given. The entertainment will consist of solos. duels, ch0ruses,_ readings. recitalions, ac. A unique part of the programme will be a number of Fan Drill exemises by young ladies of the town skilfully disuplined. Supper served from 6 o’clock. Entertain- menv. lo commence at 8. Admieeion to sup- per and entertainment, 2:5. cams ; Children, 15 cents. Au enjoyable time may be ex- peeled. )D At the regular meeting of ivy Lodge, No. 114I A. O. U. W.. held on Tuesday evening of this wetk the runowmg were elected ofli- ceta to: the ensuing 12 moythl : Bro. W. H (Haas P M W. T. E. McMallon, M W. “: H. F. Hopper.Forema-2. †J. Startup, Overseer. " R. E. Law, Recorder. .. Isaac Crosby. Financier. " F. McGouaghyLRcceWer. ‘ B. Joyce, Guide. W. Vaudeburg, 0 W. “ A. J. Cumpbellll W. Trusteesâ€"Bros. Dr. Wilson, W. H. Glau, J, Brown. ' L‘mmd Lodge Repâ€"Bu) Law ; Alternmâ€" Bro McConnghy. The Christmas Tree Ewercainment in the basement of the Presbyterian cbuxch on Fri- day evening Ian was very euioyable although- the unfavorable weather kept many away. The enzertainmflat consisted oz tecflationsh singing, (20., by the scholars of ma Sabbath. school. Mr. A. Mchmmt Supermtmemlenz of: the school, presided, and gave an 'mteresh'flg address. The presents were alterwsrda dis- tributed and uh went. home feeling glad ‘hni §hey bud ventured on: on such a we& even- my Auditorsâ€"“BE“ Moll-hon, Pngsley and; Brown. the; who umptuom‘ w}. &c.. wi Temperancc Hall. ~, Joseph Gilisnn, oi Ingersoll, will give Jdress iu the Temperance Hull on the ildliou question, to-morrow, Friday, iug commencing at 5 o‘clock. Mr. Gib- } one of the most forcible speakers of muse of tn-mpemnce. A collection will Emu to defmy expenses. All should at- DIVC arv selmons will be preached in must church, Victoria Square on Dec.3lst.1893, at 2 30 p. m. by Manna, uf Maple. and at 7 p. m. l. Vlckury. 0n Mouduy.Jan. lab, was dluner. consisling of Roast .. will be served from 4 to 7 p. m. dinner a Leaure will be a hammer [1! w oppiresses mg 41 premiu ducementa :35 her the n :ervea the [)8 t vou can go mreal A Sign Board Needed. ‘A Happy New Year." Jtl‘ A Happy New Year. Presbyrniam Church, Brest inducements. real V'cekly Herald is rapidly lefront m the race of great ekhcs. The Herald advocates causu in every issue and is deal- nmmer bluws at. the legislation )ppressee him. The Herald is a premium supplement. in which leentE are oï¬uod for sub- sud a post card for a copy of H real Herald 00., 603 Craig street. always ways hoping for the best. the noble being she is. And he bestâ€"the very best New an get for her at mkinson & The Anniversary sorvwes in connection with Hope Mothodist church will be held as (allows.- On Sunday, 1)ec.3lst,scrmona will be preached at2. 30p. m. by Reiv. J. Vickery, of Richmond Hill and at? p. m. by Dr. John Btu-wash T-.oionto On Monday. Jan. 1st, 1894, Dinner will be served in the School Home from 4 to 7 p. in, after which on Entertainment will be given in the church to consist. of an addmsa by Rev E Large, of King City; Solos by Miss M Tense- dnle. of Toronto; Mr W Brown, of Strange, and (llees by the Choir. Recitation by Miss Emma Browne of Maple; Rev E B Yonn 3,01 Scarboro'; Rev T E T‘. Shore. Maple and Vi T Kirby, Toronto. Chair taken at 8 o ’clock. Tickets to Dinner and Entertainment, 30 cents; Children. 15 cents. Opinions are.a1most as numerous as humuui'oy.but.in our town all the ppop'ld unite on one of these opiuiunsâ€"tbat Atkiu~ soudSwiczer’s is the place to den} to; bargains. Happy New Year. The Methodist Young People of Thnrnhill purpose holding a. ï¬rstâ€"claés concert and oyster supper in the Methodist. church, on the evening of Monday. January lat, 1894. The entertainment will be given by Mr. Owen A. Smiley, the popular Humoriat. Dramatic, Dialect and Charncter Elocution- ist, Toronto; Mr. Walter Sparks, Bul‘llone Soloist of St. Paul’s church, Bluor (street, Toronto; Miss Marion Scoley, Eloculionist, Toronto; Mr. A. Teusednle, Tenor Soloist. Toronto, and others. Supper served from 5 to 7.30. Tickets, Adults. 30 cts.; Children, 20 on. Sunday School Anniversary Ser mons on Sunday, Dec. 3lst, 1893. by Alfred Day. Secretary oi Ontario Sunday School Association. Subscription and Collection in aid of S. S. About 400 people attended the Christmas Tree Entertainment in the School Room ml the Methodist church on Christmas evening. The programme consisted of an address by the Superintendent, Mr. Harrison; music by the school orchestra, and recitalione by the scholars. Mr. J. H. Sanderson acted as manager. and Mr. \V. A. Sandersun cheered the hearts of the children by officiating in the capacity of Santa Claus. The room was neatly decorated with evergreen wreaths. metro-a, (itch, and n guardian angel cut from paper by the elulful hand of Mr. Asliiord Wright, was suspended from the ceiling directly above the richly laden tree. The eflcot was pleasing, and no doubt the artist was unconscious of Scores of compliments paid to him in his absence during the even- ing. A pleasant leature of the evening was the presentation vi a wall-ï¬lled place in Miss H. H. Wiley by the teachers and schulna of the Sabbath School as a mini: of appreciation for her valuable services as org-mist. The entertainment by the child- ren was very good considering the short time spent in practice. Alter Santa Clnus had seen that all of the children and many of the grown-up pcunle had been provided with presents, a very happy evening was brought to a. close by Rev. Mr. Vickery pronouncing the benediction. Tlns large moulhlv closes its fourteenth year with a Christmas number under the joint editorship of Mr. Thus. Beuauugh and Miss J. H. Wetberald. EVerytbiug abnn; the Journal shows new life uu'd vigor. NL'W type. new paper. beautiful new title pnge, new department headings. sprcially designed by a Turonto lady. Miss Jtï¬rey. and new tantalumallgolo make up a good publi. cation. A large portrait cf Lady Aberdeen. sit ling at s spinning wheel, adorns the front page. An outline is givw of this lumous lady‘s tile and Work, together with a full re- port of her ï¬ne address to women at the mass meeting in. Toronto in October. A special article by Miss Wetherald relates to the King’s Daughters and is embellished with portraits 0! Mrs. Isabella {trivia and Mrs. Dickinson. of New York. Miss Tillsy. 01 London. and Miss Brown, of Toronto. A sketch of the new movement among the Methodists relating to the order of Beacon- ess is illustrated with portraits of Sister Dora Stevenson and Mrs. Lucy Rider Meyer. An interesting page headed "language Learning by Mother's Methods," contains articles by Mr. Bengough. based on interviews with Mrs. Jennie Drewry, who is introducing the Gouin method in teaching French; Herr Hsuptâ€"“Gerrnnn in ï¬ve weeks: " and Mr. Des Brisuyâ€""Latin in six weeks." There are portraits of these three notable teachers. Charming Christmas stories have been speetatb written ior the Journal by Mir. Westluke Yeig h and Mrs. Fanny Crawford Firetbrookâ€"the letter being specially il- lustrated by I Canadian artist. "Madge Merton" uo'utributes a clever interview with Editor Stead on Womenâ€"their work. their neede.&o and Mrs. McDouell on “\Wotueu‘s Duty in the P'lebiscite." Altogether there are 32 pages of interesting. proï¬table, varied matter, suitable for women of all ranks and tseten. 81 a year, 10 cents a number. WiL son Publishing Co . 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto. Falwmbâ€"Kmrtnâ€"On (the 2m inst, M: the resideuco u! Mr. Geo. Kager. on Due 3n] Cuu. Vaughan. by RemJ‘Addeu Dunlap, Aux-on Feuwick.to Hannah Jane Keï¬er, both or Vaughan. SXsLEvâ€"JAcssoxâ€"At St. Andrew's chm-ch, Land- BM“. on Devembur‘bth. b Rev.0. A. Camp- belL Agnes Uuuuhlu, edosc dauqhter 02 Andrew Jackson. Esq†governor of gaol.‘ Lindsay..w1£ustuu Slaley, B. A., M†D, Muple. ANDREWSâ€"In Richmond Hill. on Thursday morning, the 28th 01 December“ Albeit Andrews, aged 38 veal-s. 6 munths.. Funeral cu King cametony on Saturday. Dem 30th, leaving his late residence at 1 p. m“ prev- lous to which a. service will beheld at. the house. The LadieS‘ Journal for December. Men‘to work for us who desire to make money. this {9&1an winter during slack times Excellent. chance. Ihibeml puv If yam have spnrq time.out at work or looking to: a. paying business, write me an ouch Methodist S. S. Xmas. Tree. RED†3. WWW, Nuseryman, ROCHESTER, N. Y. WANTEB I MA IRRIAGIIS DEATHS Dinner IT The Biggegt Chance LASTS TILL to ï¬ll their THE NEW YEAR DAWNS. stockings In rich profusion. To make the season. pleasant, to make the season possible for you to be happy. You cannot enjoy the day if you keep thinking that you have gone beyond your means. You needn’t do that if yau trade with us. Because you can make your holiday fund which you have set aside in your mind as about the limit, buy 8.101; of pretty things at HOLEDAY GQQDS Atkinson & SWi‘ézzer’s WHAT CLEARING. . EALE DBEESO GGEEE THE FIRE In men’s Waterproof Felt Telescope boots, men’s Felt Artie Bucde boots, men’s Russet Felt. boots, men’s Long Felt Boots, half fox, four '1in :'c:.t grades of Lum- bermen's Hose†four different kinds of men’s Stockings, men‘s Hanover Standard Seamless Wool boots, men’s Snow Flake Merino Wool boots. l‘lzeza goods have been carefully selected from the best manufacturers who cxceEl :n this particular line in the Dominion. Also an extensive stock of Ladies‘ Winter Fuut Wear, Belt Lace boom, Felt. Gamers, Felt. Slippers, Women’s Skating l-uom, fer: lined. A full stock of Rubber Glands. In men’s Pure Gum Lmnbc‘rmen’s lint hers, Muskoka Rubbers, men’s Sandal Rubbers, Lndies’ Storm Rubbers, lulllx’s' quuet Rubbers, Ladies’ Gipsy Rubbers, men’s ()vershoee in. Snow E‘xdudera. men’s Blain Felt UVer- shoes, women’s and children’s Plain 01731611085. hull-25’ C:u‘:x.»ul Buttoned and. Laced. Boys in all kinds. [u boot. and: shoe leather goods we are showing an ex- tensive stock of Long Boots in men’s, boyb’, youths’ and children's. Ladies’ Fine Foo‘ Wear in all the latest styles and patterns. For quality and price you will ï¬nd. these goods the cheapest in the market. WINTER FOOT- WEAR GOOD DRESS SZHEAP Men's and Women’s Cork Soles and Blakey’s Plates. Laces in Pox-poise and 00deâ€" van. Silk and Braid. Sabiu's Beeswax Oil, \Vaterprlmf Oil, (llycerole Polish, Ladies’ Buttons and Hutton Hanks, and Button Fasteners. Antoine’s Paste Blocking. Trunks all sizes at wholesale pricss. Custom work a specialty, pegged and sewed. promptly and neatly done. This is What you are looki and it is ISAAC CROSBY. ROBERT SWEET-4231 As these goods are an new :11 ALSO IN S'1‘()CIK WE ARE HERE FOR! IMMENSE STOCK OI“ Now is the txme to get a AT COST PRICE AT IUST ARRIVED AT mg for Repamng