St Mary 5 1‘» -i 111, except the t. the service and ï¬cinry um m members fox lmlt Daynbh sou Select C Secretarv PATRONS the lst and Sundav scL Rector Methodis 7.00 p m. an people's p1 General 1)» lecture ror 126v \Veslc; \T Percivn} ‘ P 101mm Cat! follows : Thr at 10.30 a. m ; Hill at 9 a. m a McMahon Pas Richmon meets in 131 Monday on J E Clubin Al‘cient ( N1) 70-16, 1m 4111 F ridu‘v' (J B, W E The Me sncgntion desu‘ed. MECHA ralumesx sonic Hal rixm. '1‘ 1 VILLMH cillnrs. BL John Puh Feats. Season tickets m ‘50:: tojhe caretaker, My V Presbyie (2 30 p 111. lv reeling m No. 43 nuts the lst \V D.( SUNS Muse n i TO SKATEBS.) A. 0. 1‘ Masonic, of each n‘ tiï¬categi Class. M Skéelc MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, SATURDAY Epwon' oi the My (- o’clock. secretary 8 p. m. D members exempti; Wiley. S From '730Qo_10v m d and comfox- ‘ e \xuit gentlemen. ndmissi. The Richmond Hill Skating [link will be open to skateru ou qu last night, but from 3’] parts of REG U L A R P R CLEARING 1‘1 310%ch Qirttinry. \V D wry Tn)ge,AF &A 11,140 23, G R C lodge room,Mn.snnic Hall. on the 1- before full moon. at 8 o‘clock 1) In. W M, T F McMahon, secretary dcl‘of Forestersâ€"Court, Richmond is in the Masonic Hall on 2nd and naming MB o'clock. H A Nicholls ley, secretary dist sabbath schoolTempemnce As 1:: pledge curds every Sunday when n‘llzxrrisou supf LAXAGUE meets in the school room rii <1: church every Friday evening at. J Hume, presmduxt, Thos Trench, . Ivy Lndge, No. 114. Meets in the nu the second and fourth Tuesday l1 utfl o’clock 11.111. Beueflcal'y cor. Y0)'$2.000ih case of death. Wm 1- Workman R E Law. rec mpemnce, Richmond Hill Council sin Temperqpcq _Ha_ll,ench puer- INDUSTRY meefs in Lome Hall a Saturdav of em:b month at 7430. ‘presideut. E H stlev. secreturv. tTLASD~Camp No 106 meets in the on 2nd and 4th Wednestmv evan- R. Thomas Newton, Chief; W. B. y evezizxfg atSo'clock p m. Bene- vntcs issued to mule or female $1,000 or in case ofdeath 92,000, one in case “disability. J. H. Sander- uncilior; J A E Switzerï¬ecording P GSamgo, Jeremihh ’Mortson, .\'m. Atkinson. Clerk. M. 'leefv >n.â€"I‘»egu)ar meeting 15‘, Monday \. held in the Council Chamber. at m‘ship free. Cert-iï¬cntcsissued to ling them to certain wivilegesund Wm. H. Pugslay. Chief, W. E lxsl‘ITUTE.â€" Library of over 1500 very Tuesday evening. in the Ma. n 7 to 9 o'clock. R. E.Law,Libm Inhou. Secretary Churches. «lay school at '2 30 p 111. Young meeting Wednesday evening. uceting Thursday evening in the av J.Vicker,v. superintendent, c. assnstant hurch~Serxic9s M 1] a. m and y school at 230‘}; m. Prayer sday evening at 7.30. ï¬ev \V c Church~Sewices in order as ï¬ll at 9 n m and Richmuud Hi1) rollowiug Sunday at lhcbmond Thornhill at 10.30 a m. Re" I’ 31ml Church-Services at 3 p A Sunday of everv monthnvhen cramcut are held at 11 a. m. 1.301: 3;. Br? W W Bates, Socu‘lics Of 1‘ TLAR [2 OF HS 'UH Wm.Pugsley. Conn ‘ Jeremiah Mort/son, 11. Clerk. M. 'leefv meeting 15‘, Monday ‘ Council Chamber. at )ILl 1)!) ms for tents; fl ’R 1C1 1;»th t'n \'\' C 10.30:; In and ,0 pm. Young [1151118 latli Chllt applico. W In L07? 3 \T ()N] U: Sczn‘cr GARM {£9 H pomt entirely out of pmgw To borrow from private individual, on good 55- clu'ity, $400, act} per cent. per unnum for eight years, with privxlege of paying interest. and $25 of vrincipnl each year. Apply to EUQTEQE - SALE The undersigué‘ uhlic auctxon, at ‘aturday, Dec. 301 Isl; Can. of White in g 100 acres more THOJnus. is erected with story the day 0.1106 to Pezi 11171161 11180111931 Perfume :11 Bull: l Have you seen our stock of ï¬ne Christmas Perfumes and Bottles? Nothing like It in town ; cheap and good .â€" Winona Boquet, Crab Apple Blossom, Wood Violets, White Hyacinthe. Every- body says they are just love- ly. Get in the swim by using the Best. -â€"â€": How toShine :â€" USE ROYAL WINDSOR POLISH Call at my store and see what it will do ; Will polish a anything that will mg‘tx take a, nolish. 1N -: YORKSHIRE WHITE BOAR :â€": st< Term 1’1 18 months 01(1,_]zv Mr. quis' best imported 53158 )f '1‘ H PERFUME! )C Elm: ï¬dumiscmmis. of sale. ‘ Tim suit purchase; 1nd I VVANTED “I ,_ LL19“ 1N ri Whitchurch res more or 1 Sale at 2 o'clc a new fmme Z a foundation. Of Farm Land. FOR SALE AI H. QUETTON ST. GEORGE. Oak lhdgos Clio 1 has been instructed‘ 0 sell bv Cuwis' Ho'el Oak Bldg es 011 11,1893 the Weschalf of lot 69 buwh [Yonge sheet), contain- 01 less belonging to Wm. 20’clock sharp. 011 the lace rmuc house and frame am )UCK cit. Dru ggist, Richmond Hill W. A. SANDERSON. N ()VQ vered Improved THE LIBERAL OFFICE C. STOKES. Auctioneer nt. of purchase money on will be given for the be.)- 0th rhn $4 to $7 50 $xot0$1 immcd \LL' To be U) quilted and In returning thanks to my numerous friends for their liberal patronage during the past thirty years, I beg to remind them and the general public that having erected entirely new and commodious premises I am enabled to supply Phaetons, Buggies, Carriages, Both light and heavy. all of which are guaranteed to give satisfaction, as the work is under my own supervise .1. I am also prepared tn do all kinds uf black- smithing & repairing in the most work~ manlika manner, on the shortest notice, and on the mdst reasonable terms. Cutters, TRENCH’ S -CARRIAGE WORKS.- PLATFORM SPRING W A G U N S . \‘VIVI. 'FRICNC [I DAVID HILL, BAKER & CONFECTIONER Richmond Hill. WHOLESALE and RETAIL. J’I‘LL LINE OF Conicmioncry. Oranges. I ons. Nuts and Fruit. Wedding Cakes on Showesl Notice The LIBERAL. DAVID HILL, Horse-Shoeing Proprietor. Subscribe 101' Paid special attention to. [$10 (I) RICHMOND HILL. Sleighs and 1’) If L‘Ill Furniture in all designs ; cha: presents ; Picture Frames : size made to order from mouldmg s; Bedsteads, Wire Springs $2 00; Other g00£ Large stock of Groce Wall Papers: Pam‘s, Is prepared for it with a larger and better select everything the heart desires for the coming am ~7WV WM mun-.1. gr...»- GOODS FOR THE HQLmAYs REEOICE FOR XMAS E8 AT Hï¬aND Sultana Raisins, ï¬ne Valencia Raisins, selecte Raisins, and layer Raisins ; Vostizza Currai Filleatra Currants ; Lemon, Orange and citro spices, extracts, chocolates, coccoas, sugars and coffees at lowest prices ; lemons, oran ï¬gs, dates, almonds, filberts, Brazil nut \Valnuts, &c. My invoice oi candies purchased Dec. 11th, was the public can see the largest display of e' kind for Xmas. Oysters, Finnan Haddies, IO per cent. off all old year. C Wish to announce that their stock of Christmas Goods is complete consiSLing m part of 1893. CHRISTMAS. 1893 1000 Pairs of Skates, SleighiBeEs in great Variety, Pocket and Tame Cutlery, lated Ware and Gruets. THOS. - MEREDITH _ &- 00., 156 KING STREET, 13.. TORONTO. lVext Door to Clyde Elotel. Our Rapid Transit Cross-Cut Sawis a lance tooth 5 made of silver steel, four gauges thinner on the back than front, at 50 cents per foot. A iull stock of Model and \Varnoc ks Chopping Axes. Also best American and Canadian Coal Oil. W. HEWISON, RESIDENCE. Glnzncr, Grniner and Paper- 'Z’ï¬E LIQEQJQfl.‘ $1.00 IN ABVAHGE. REAI) TEA DRINKERS ! THOS. MEREDITH 86 HOUSE PAINTER, llnngm'. At the lowes n all crockery and g1; Call, if it is 0111) to stock or to see 0. I. AT SA"A(§1E’§S O. J. BROWN RICHMOND HILL Putty, all â€"â€"â€"AND~â€"â€"â€"â€" A S\. 14 () OIi bloatars, codhsh, he arrived. v and glassware to c] eries at bottbm prices. Turpentine, Varmshes, Glass, low in price. tons, é than r most 8 To make ham :15 to ’25 1191 on: Bmdy Canadian Gmnn ' H Lghest Sulmius o1 Commimm Com plate Outï¬t FREE. Speciu beginners. Write this week 101' E_ 0. GRAHAM, N11 51 Collmrne SI. ishin abou A GRAND CHANCE KALALA CEYLON TEA, velv 75 mergs west end lot No. 46. 15% Con \\' 5-4 mos FOR SALE. Iook at the BRO WN. )I 1, original three-pound car- This is 50 per cent. less ce. 1: is the strongest, ul‘ ï¬nest fluor, most nuur~ within}, and only takes usual quantity to make a. SAVAGE . selected Valencia Currants, and d Citron peel ; sugars, teas UGAR QELWIERTH mm Supply Warehouse ï¬es, nlce 10f s, and any items of Moven ISINS, us I ever saw. ‘11 3 that I am sellu 3.3365: Ton Me prices a ï¬ne lot of $397 33, very 56 out the {mas rings just :1 stOCk of versary. week l instr terms ruto. Out 'l‘uronlo Townshil ARNOLD 53W zekly. ms to