Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Jan 1894, p. 1

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VOL. XVI. THURSDAY NEORNING ‘IHE HBERAL PRINTWG & PUBLISHING‘HC-USEl as. EUSTW mm, D R. LANGSTAFF. RICHMOND HILL. @Ega Av Mose; THORNHILL. Graduate Toronto Universitv. Member College thsiciaus audSurgmns, (mm, two years As- sistant Surgeon Toronto General Hospital. Residenceâ€"Two door“ north of post offiaa. Tel- epho‘ne commuu‘xmtion by private line with all oucs’ennding places. LA‘\I\.’REI\ICEi URMISTON & DREW Barristers, Solicitors, 85c. Toronto Officeâ€"No.15 Toronto Stlcet. Richmond Hill Olfice open cvery Saturday. HBNEY T0 LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES A G F LAWRENCE Toronto Officeâ€"34 B m: of Commerce Buildlngs, 19 King Street Wes:. Thornlull Office -â€"Post Office every Wed- nesday from 10 to 12 a. m. W. J. WILSON, M: Dz RICHMOND HILL, Ont. 8 to 10 a. 1m; and 6 lo Magma» .13 flwvmwg GollectionsinCity and Countrv promptly attended to. Money tu loan 2‘5 I per annum LENDSEY, LENDSE‘! & EVANS, 6‘ Telephone 2984 ROBINSON, LENNOX & MACLEOD Mr. T. 5 urban Lennox will be at Kelly's Hotel, Richmond Hill avery \Vedueeduyjur the tram;â€" action of business. Aurora. 155.8th, Richmond Hill Stouflville Msrkh 9.111 Victoria S Tucruhill. Womlbrids Vitalized Air always on hand at appointments Works like». chm-m. Free from vain. Address A ROBINSON L..D.S..Atu:oxa Ont. 81010:1.m.; 610‘8 p.m. Oflice hamsâ€"s to 10 n. m. 1 ‘ BU SINES S CARDS. BARBIST"RH. SOLXCXTORE AND NOTARIES uletun G.G. S. LINDSEY I. B. MILLER Pacific Buildings; 9.3 Scott SL. Turonto} " '53 he Barristers, soliritors, 631w. Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries and cauyeyaucers. RICHMOND HILL IS PUBLISHED EVE s the VIT£&JZEQ flifl OFFICE HOBBS OFFICE HOURS MAPLE. . square . .11.Wmlkor mm»: A: Pnornm’roa. TORONTO AND Hill ...... 91.11 mm Palmer House Biiricfiiszu. Dr. A. lkwhillson. JOE W. EVANS £tq W S Unms'rox, L L B J J DREW SURGEON DENTJRI‘ 3352Cth AT USED BY 292111311. 11. l E. J. B. DUNCAN 22nd 18th 20:11 ,let 23rd 28th 29:11 30th AURORA LYON LINDSEY “5 “Ch “10m” 3 l) A. RADCLIl-‘l-‘E. fllanag :ln ,n2p.m Money to Loan anec‘ do BE. 2110 EEFY. NOTA Ti" PUBLIC, H-TGH COURT OF JUSTICE, &c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. Win visit Hi1 da. Day or night Day or niglxtfcalls promptly attended to. A ‘ supply of medicines constantly on hand Hui-31:005. Licensed Allotiuneer Ontario and Pool. G General sale? 0 stool to at reasonable ra. he Licenued Auctioneer for the County of Yorkto- apectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence. sales attended on the shorts-It. notice an" a reusonabe rates. P. 0.n.d<u-ess king Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. Salsa attended to on shortest notice and at reu- smmble rates. Pa‘txonags solicifld. Residence Maple 935. fiallnunugh. C» 301d Medalist Licensed Auctinnner for the County of York. General sales of impieme‘ ts. tumiturextandihg timber. etc“, attended on the shortest notice and at rensnnahte mtus. Stock sales a specialty. Patronage solicited. P. 0. address Umonville. Every accommodation to Euestl. Board, 31. net day THE PALMER HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. Thisfine hotel is fitted up with a." the modern appliances for hea1th and comfort. Best brands ofh'q_u0rs andcigam. Sample rooms for com. mercml traveliers. 'Busaea meet all trains. Babes $1.00 per day. REEHARDWN HOUSE, Having xefitted the above house Inn prepared to ful'uzsh the best accommodation to boarders (1an thg urayelligg public. Best brandq of xquors and Cigars. Excellent enabling anu elficieut hostlerfi. Sample rooms for cpmmercial men. Firstrclnas Livery in con- 11806101}. Nov 26-91 MISS c, HARRISON, DRESS - MAKER, RICHMOND HILL. A - CALL ‘ SOLICITED. Funeral FunnIShings Always on “and iW.. ROGERS, DENTIST, WE WTARIU BANK Sums of one dollar and upwards received on deposit and interest allowed thereon (mm date of deposit to withdrawal. Special arrangements can be made {or large sums left on depoaic. THORNHILL. ONT.. Ea 12mm”. @&Â¥$E $99M» Undumakers & EmbaImm-s. NOTES DISCOUNTED. 158 KING STREET EAST. TORONTO A little east of Parkdale station. over W. Collins' store, corner 01 Queen and Nonhcote Avenue, Veterinary Surgeon, dalist of the Ontario Veterinary College 'l‘m‘on LO. AURORA BRANCH SA VVRIGHT BROS, .I arm's (I . Stokes. General Banking Business Done‘ TORONTO fink-m Eckm'dt ,nking Office. Yonge Street, Aurora. notes cashed or taken for co]lection J. T. Saigeon. MAPLE after: .l. .l. Luna“, {1' CHMOND HILL, THU RSDAY, xeerfor the Countxen of York , Goods sold on consignment mock. one" promptly attended ‘ahes. P.0.a.ddresa, WM. RICHARDSON, Proprietor “In. Essentiabs, Unity,- in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in alZ Hil J OHN KELLY, Pronrietor. ‘NEP. IN THE {Wednesday and Satur~ of each week. My attended to. A full UNIONV‘ILLP: agor. The Municipal Council of the T‘ ship of Vaughan met. at, the Town on Monday, the 15th 9f January} 18 Moved by Mr. Arnold, seconded by Mr. Kirby, that the treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay the following sheep claim: Jacob Williams, for 1 sheep killed and '2 lambs damaged, being two- thirdu their value... . . ......... . ....$8 0” Moved by Mr. Arnold, seconded by Mr. \Valson, that the treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay tin.- following accounts: 'l‘.F.McMalior.,for notice re. votera’ lien.“ .................. $2 00 advertising Court. of revision . . . 2 00 fonlsnap 4 50 “ 1200 collectors’ reâ€" ceipts . 6 00 I‘ H “ 75 nomination bills 2 60 “ printing dc binding 500 copies of minutesAS 60 H printing & binding 15QC()pie§ of accounts tuDeé.15th...........20 80 ” ballots «V; supplyng stutlunery for munic- ipal elecmun ............ 10 00 II treasurer’s receipt book from Brown Bron . . . . 5 00 J. J. Gammon, for custom and re- pairs to cuul:cll,cl1uirs....... . . ..v. 1 45 *Oarrled. Moved by Mr. Arnold, aecmnded by Mr. Brysm), that the treasurer be and is lwreby authorized to pay the loilu‘winx road accounts: ~Curi‘ied. Moved by Mr. Arnold, seconded by Mr. Bi‘ysun, that the culmcil hold its regular meetings during the remainder of the year on the second Tuesday in each month (except. the months of May and December), which meetings will be held on the 26Lh day of May and the 13th uf December, and that the Clerk is hereby instructed to have 100 copies printed in the usual manner, and have the names of the Fence-Viewers and Pound Keepers included in send anthemâ€"Carried. Muved by Mr Watson, sucouded by Mr. Arnold, that. J. J. Cameron be and is hereby appuiuted caretaker of [he Town Hall for the present year, and that. he be paid $15 for his services.â€"-Carr1ed. MUVed by Mr. Arnold, Seconded by Mr. Brysuu. that the treasurer’s bonds having been examined by the couucnl we hereby accept the same.â€"Carriud. Moved by Mr. Arnold, seconded by Mr. Bryeun, that the treasurer is hereby instructed to continue the funds of the township deposited in the Dominion Bank, Toronto, the bank not to pay the amount received for debentures maturing unless upon the order of the leave tor the time being, the bank to depusit the interest accruzng from time to tune as it becomes due to the cremt of the township accuunt in the bank, and thnt the Clerk forward a eupy uf this resolution to the manager 0! the Durninlun Bankâ€"Carried. By law N0. (519 appointing Messrs. Ghus.H Kelfer uud Jas. B. McLean auditors. By-luw No. (320 appointing Messrs. Peter Bussingthwaue and John Atkinson asaessura. By-law No, 621 appointing Fence- Viewers and Pound-Keepers for the present yeur as lolluws; FENCE-VIEWERS District, No. 1 â€"Isaac Realnan, D. S. Reamal., G. F. Legge. District. No. 2.â€"G. F. Wallace, L. \Vhltumre, T. Witcv. District'Nu‘ 3.-â€"J. son, Adam Dicemau. District No. 1.â€"N. S. ieaman, Jas. Rumble, Bert. Scott. District No. 2.â€"-A. Lloyd, Thos. Sul- The followiu Vaughan Uouncn POL'ND-KEEPEKS by~lawu were men pass- 3p killed by dng m‘ and two lulule in- Was presented by E 1115 I “7 OWH‘ Hall Patter- 550 JANUARY 18. 1894. Byâ€"law No. 624 making an appropria- tion of money to meet the current ex- manner! of the township and improvmg the roads and bridge was read the first. time and laid over until next. meaning. By-law NH. 625 appointing a Local Board of Health, Medical Health Officer and Sanitary Inspector as follows, yiz.: livan, J. Fletcher, G. F. Waiiace. District No 3.â€"-Jnhn McKmnon, W. Richardson, Thos. Grifiith, Geo. Gubiel‘ John Agar. Byâ€"law No. 622 regulating the salaries of certain township officers for the year. By-law No. 623 to determine the salary and allowance to be paid the mambers of the council Geo. W. High, reeve; Jas. M. Lawrence, clerk; Aiex. McNaughton and Leeds lhchardsnu the Board of Health; Thns. H. Rubinsnn, M. D., Medical Health Officer, and Robb. Rumble, Sanitary In- specter. The council then adjourned until Tuesday, the 13th of February next, to meet at 10 a. m. The third page of the Toronto Daily Mail is noted for “Want.” advertisements. If you want a. situation. a. mechanic, a business, machinery, lodging, if you have lost. or found anything, or if yuu want to find out. where anyone is, advertise in the Toronto Daily Mail, and read the adâ€" Verrisenianis on the third page of that paper. The charge is two cents a word eacn insertion, nr ten cents a wurdfor six insertions. Address The Mail, Toronto, Canada. The Annual Meeting of the Vaughan Reform Assuclutiun was held in the Town Hall, Vellore, on Wednesday, Januaxy 171h. There was a. large number present from all parts of the township, among whom were noticed the following: Mesars.G. W High, A. Shank, M. Naughtun, R. Rumble, H. Franks, J. H. Kirby, Alex. Bryan“, P. Devins, T. Webster, N. Stong, W. Delziel, R. Law- sun. R. \Vittur, C. Hullingsheud, A. Smith, S. McDuugzll, '1‘. Smith, S. J. Arnold, H. Creighton. G. aniel, J. .Vchlllnhn, J. Stevenson, J. Quanm, J. Bull, l). McDunaid and many others. High was mo'ved to the chair, and Mr. Frank Smith acted as secretalyi Alter the minutes of the last meeting were read, and the treasurer’s report giVen, the election of oflicers fur the en- suing year wok place, and resulted as follmvs: Presidsnt, James Stevensnn; )st Vice-President, Jas. H. Kirby; 2nd Vice-President, James Devins; Treasurer, John Mchinuon; Secretary, Frank Smith Last year’s oflicers Were res-elected as chairmen of the different subdivisions. This part 0! the business being over. goud speeches were delivered by Dr. Gilmuur, the popular lucai member; Mr. Irwin, of Wesmn, a. clever young bur- rister; Mr. A. Campbell, of Toronto Junctiun, M. P. for Kent; and Mr. J. R. Miller, barrister, of Eglintnn. IS. iVllllel‘, oarnswr, ui ngiiuu-u. The speakers referred briefly to the clean. honest and efficient administration of Sir Oliver anal and his colleagues, and made a eninparis-ni between its rec- ord and that ut the Dominion Govern- ment, much to the disadvantage of the latter. The speakers spake ounfidently of the result. or the next general election, but said that. as the opposition leaders knew they could not sustain a single charge made against the Mowat Govern- ment, they were Willing to defeat that honest statesman by secret and unjust methods. At. the close votes of thanks were ten- dered m the chairman and w the speak- ers, and fluree rousing cheers were given fur Dr. Giluuunr. The feeling of the meeting went to show that. the Reformera of Vaughan have every Confidence in their member, that they look with entire satisfaction upon the course he has pursued during the past eight. years. and that they earn- estly wish for a cuminuance of the gov- ernment of Sir Oliver Muwnc which fur over {Wenty years has c;i.dncted the affairs 0! this pmvince in a manner any utliuu it to be cnnsidered the must wisely and economically governed province in the British empire. Itch on human and homes and 311 animals cured in 30 nnnntes by Wool- ford’s Sanitauy Lotion. This never Mills. For sale by W. A. Sanderson Pursuant to lhe Consolidated Act. 1892, chapter 4'2, section 223, the mem- bers elrcted to compose the Municipal Connell of the Corporation of the Village uf Richmond Hlll for the year 1894, as- sembled in the Council Chamber on Munday, January 15th, 1894, at 11 o’clock a. m. Vaughan Reformers Present: Wu". H. things, Charity.” J‘s. M. LAWRENCE, Clerk. Village Council. 6&9 Pugaley, Been; Wm. Atkinson, sr John Palmer and. cillors. The members havin scribed their respvcn ualification and office ' ‘he reeve in the chair The minutes of the 15m of Bees were read and approved. The Clerk read the following acm Atkinson d: b‘witzer, sundries . .15 Jas. Brownlee, aid to tmmps . ..... Alex. Moodiepails, éscm... . . James Piper, work on ditch ......... Hart & 00., account of Dec. 12th '1‘. F. McMahon, ac’t to Jan.15,’94 Village Treasurer’s disbursements ac’n, viz..sundries per statement 6 19 Postage during year 1893. ..,, . . . . 5 8|. Mr. Atkinson moved. seconded by Mr. Palmer, that the treasurer be and is hereby instructed to pay the foregoing accountsâ€"Carried. A printed communication from the Single Tax Associanion, endorsing a. blank petition to the Assembly of tha Province of Ontario, waa read. No action was taken. The reeve introduced by-law No. 145,, which was read a. first and second time. The council adjourned until 1.30 p. m. At 1.30 the reeve took the chair. Moved by Mr. Mortson, seconded by’ Mr. Savnge, that the name of Benjamin Reddifl, Esq, be inserted in the by-law as one of the Auditors.â€"â€"Carried. The reeve nominated Mr. R‘ as one of the Audimrs. The written application of Mr. J. W. Elliott, fur the office of Assessor. was read. Mbved by Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Mortson, that. Hesse Nicholls be a0- poi_m.ed Assessor-fut: 189§;â€"Q§{rie‘d. I . Theblanks in by-law No. 145 having been filled up as follows: Fence-Viewarsâ€"Jamaa Freak, J. W. Elliott, M. McNair. Board of Healthâ€"Dr. Wilson, M, McNair, H. Miller, Jas. Brownlee. High School Trusteeâ€"F. McConaghy. Bell-Ringerâ€"-Francxs Wiley. ' It was moved by Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Murcson, that by-law No. 146 be now read a. third time and passed, and that the said byâ€"law be signed by the Reeve and Clerk, and that. the sea! of the corporation be attached theretoâ€"Carried. Mr. Palmer moved, seconded by Mr. Atkinson, that this connoil do go into committee of the whole to stnke the standing committees for the year 1894. â€" Carried. The committee arose and reported as’ follows: Flre, Wuter and Lights.~â€"Messrs. Savage, Palmer and Pucaley. Finance and Asaessment.â€"Mesar§. Pugsley, Atkinson and Palmer. Park and Buildings.â€"â€"I\rIessrs. Atkin- Pugsley. Palmer and Mormon. ByilévéswéMesars.Atkm§«m, Mortaon and Palmer. Streets and Sidewalks.-â€"â€"Western Di- Viaiou, Messrs. Mormon and Sewage: Eastern Division, Messrs. Palmer, At; klnson and Pugsley. The report-cf- the committee was adopted. Mr. Savage moved, Becondei by Mr. Atkinson, that [his annual do make a grant uf CW0 dollars fur the Fire Brigade for the purpose of llghting, cleaning and making tires in the UuunCIl Chamber when they hold meetings of the Brigade. â€"Carried. Reaulved that. this Cuuncil meet on the first Friday in every month during the enquing yeara As no new: from this place appeared in your paper labt week, perhaps those interested in our Debating Society, who Were not able to attend, would be pleased to learn that the first meeting uf the club‘ this year. an Jan. 8m, was well attend- ed, and that the entertainment, the best given this season, was much appreciated by all present, especially the comic songs; and [rish jigs by Mr. Cairy. Our villagers had better plepare to de- fend their rights, as it is evident from thu every day rumors and what appears in the papers that the Mayor and council of Thnruhill are trying to enlarge their town by annexing the southern part, of this village thereto. A number of out ymnng people are wishing that. a change in the weather would nccur and make skating once more.» Mr. H. Home, we are pleusul to state, is able m be out again. Mr. W. H. Clubine is gradually im- proving. y.‘.....,,. Mr. and Mrs. B. Weldrick visited friends at Victoria Square last Sunday. Mr. Cairy, of Barrie. spent a few days at the Rectory last week. Mrs. D. Boyle and family, of chi place. visited her father, Mr Morgan, of Scarburo', last Saturday, The CLmncil udjuurned [Single copies, 3 ct's. Langstafi . Jeremxah Mortson Peter G. Savage, Conn declarutxo nok their M. 'I'EEFY, Clerk 1t lb- )0

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