the riding newspapers in rushing m to avenge the supposed insult. The Times puts the case in a nut-shell as follows : hut now that it has been pointed out we gallantly buckle on our ar- mour and join our worthy 'cotem. in heralding the alleged wrong to Hon. Mr. VVallace‘s many admirers. We are not quite sure, however, -‘that the Comptroller of Customs will ap- preciate to the full the kindness of the riding newspapers in rushing m Under the above caption week our old friend, The Weston Times, formerly The York Herald, wanted to know the reason why West York’s member for the Com- mons was not invited to the Torons to Board of Trade banquet. The Times looks upon it as a direct snub and is bound as far as the cir- culation of that paper goes that everybody shall know it. We must confess our ignorance of the slight, “ Comment has been heard in reference to Hon. Clarke Wallace bemg not invited to the Board LI Trade Banquet at Toronto, and not very favorable to the ofï¬cials of the Board either. The gentlemen claim that they could not invite the whole government. No, but they could have lett ofl the Hon. Mr. Daly If that was to have been an excuse. It is bm a poor excuse. seeing that the hon. gefztn’eman was connected with trade and commerce inasmuch as he is Comptroller 01 Customs. it looks as if Mr, \Vallace ls to-o plebeian 1n the estimation of the gentlemen who ran ï¬he banquetk Mr. VVallace‘s home is less than twenty miles lrom the cityâ€"in lac: he is as much a city member as any of the gentlemen who represenz in the Commons the city proper. and truly equal to Mr. Maclean, M. P. ior East York, who was at the spread. The whole constituency must but feel the slight put upon their mambo: be they of what poli- tics they may. Sir John Thompson tics they may. Sir John 'l'hompson was invited. but did not go. Sir ]ohn Thompson 15 the son of a schoolmaster and Mr. Wallace was at one time a schoolmaster. It apâ€" pears to us that some people in their eagerness to toady after aristocracy, lower themselves and the sell-reâ€" spect of the democracy ot the coun- try to which they belong." In luture the Tribune, of Toromo Junction, Which for some time has had a daily edition, will be publish- ed only as a weekly. It will be en- larged to a forty-eight column paper. 'l'he Tribune is well edited and is deserving of success. l: g Mr. E. Davis has been again selected by the Reformers of North York to carry the banner for the next local election in that constitu- ency. Mr. Davis is one of the most highly respected as well as one of the most useful members in the House. An exchange says that it has been often stated that the High Schools and Collegiate Institutes of Ontario are maintained for the beneï¬t of the professional class. By the last [8-5 port ot the Minister of Education the pupils attending these various. institutions throughout Ontario. were composed as Iollows 1â€"7404 or 42 per cent. of the whole Were. children of farmers ; 4,866 or 9,1:a per cent.were children 01 mechanics; 4,107 or 25 per cent. were children of merchants ; and 1,829 or only 1L per cent. wet; children 91 pï¬céess- ional men. NEW ADVERTESEMENTS IVE ED! TURIA L NOTES. it 351mm. DOES IT MEAN?†rem Thursd .x: Ormiajspn TD)»; 5.- Mach , Jan. 18, ’94 The Ontario Legislature will be called together for the transaction of business on the 14th of February. For some weeks past several Con- servative newspapers have been prophesying that a dissolution oi the House would take place, but now that the announcement has been made these same papers headed by The World say that the reason for holding another sessir-n Is to give the members a chance to draw their sessional allowance. Some people are hard to please. The many friends of Mr. G. B. Smith. who has represented this riding in the Local Legislature with every success during the past eight years, Wlll be pleased to learn that he is recovering from the illness which reduced him to prostration nearly a year ago. Mr. Smith a few weeks ago went to New York and consulted With a specialist of that city relative to his disease, with the result that he is now rapidly gaining strength. May he continue to improve 15 the wish 01 his East York constituents. At Newmarket on Saturday last Dr. Coulter, of Aurora, son of Mr. John Coulter, of this place, Was nominated for the position of M.PP. for North York, but after delivering a stirring address on provmcial pol- itics, retired in favor 01 the present member, Mr. E. J. Davis. The latter in refernng to the graceful way in which the Dr. retired said : “ Dr. Couiter might at some future time be a candidate and when he did accept that honor he was sure the Liberais of North York would rally round him and elect him their representative." RHEUMATISM cumw IN A DAY.â€"\ unth Amsncun Rheuumnc Cure ‘fur Rhunum- tism and Neuralgia radicakï¬y cures 1n 1 to 3 days. 113 action upon the system is remarkach and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the disease im- mediately disappears. The 'ï¬rst dnse gteatly beneï¬ts. 35 cents. For sale by W. A. Sanderson. Cuurt Union , N0. 7772. A. 0 F , held 8. very successful concert in Vlcmnu Hull last evening. The very exudlent pm- gralume as given in THE LIBERAL Qast week was carried out alnmsn lu (ha letter. The programme was opelwd by an m- strumemal solo on the [mum by Miss Shipe, and that young lady also acted as accompanist for the other singers during the evening. Miss Lillian Curman agpeared on the programme twice and gave two ver pretty songs to the satiafacciuu of the audience. Miss Kate 'iVallace delighted the audi- ence with llcl‘ readings. Her selectinna Were well adapted to her hearers, who appreciated her eï¬urts and encumd her every time she appeared. ï¬lm has a pleasing manner and easily wins the up. proval of hen; Llslelie28,_ especially of the yuiiiig men: Mr. A. D. Sturrock rendered several Vocal solos in a mastenly manner. Sei- dnm ie a better baritone singer heard ï¬le well cultivated voice ï¬lled the hall with ease. In fact this rich, well trained voice might ham been distinctly heard had the hall been twice the size. His pieces were all well selected, and al- thongh there was nothing in the line of comic, the audience showed their good taste by encoring‘ him once or twice. Of course the great drawing card was Mr. James Fax. He has stood befpre Thornhill audiences perhaps a score of times. but. never was he more rapturous- ly encored than was he last night. The people laughed when they saw him as- cend the steps, even before he opened his month. they were convulsed when he sang‘ and they screamed for his return when he left the plntform. When told in song of his trip to Chicago exhibition, his experience at D,-Ho-Hannahau'sh and his Jn Jah us a cure for all ailments, many of the spectators fairly roared with laughter. The Foresters are to be emigratulated upon the slldcess uf their entertainment. The hull was ï¬lled to the doors, and all seemed to enjoy themselves. The pro- ceeds amounted to about $80.00. English Spaviu Liuimeut removes all llardhsoft ur Calloused Lumps and Blem- ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs. Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sp’rains, Sure and Sw‘allen Thnmt,Cnughs etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. For sale by W. A. Sanderson. SA US; Mt, Jan.20tb.-Auctioulsa1e oiaufa. In E’l'é‘nside‘s hotel, Nobletou; 13.1. 2 u, 11-, w'fhe {arm cnntains 100 genes. being l3t'2 8d: con. King. Also at the same time aqd plam \nll be sold the lymg timber. beach and maple, on Int 0, 9th con, Kum. Dnunm Watson, agent, for the estlï¬f. .1. ’l‘. SEIRBOD. nuct. SParcies getting V eir Bills printed at this Orï¬ce wxll receiven. notice sigaimqï¬u the ajgwe EREE 0F 03AM): Sale Regjsner Thornhill. RICHMOND HILL. . G. ELLIOTT, mCB 099 BE. 8 m Hum RICHMOND HILL. H.N . ELLEQTT, j: IQ 93 The worst kind and g FINE HARNESS A SPECIALTY“. HARNESS SHOP A ï¬ne black hide Rube that is giving the best of satisfaction, the very best Robe made for the money always in stock. Can also supply you with Matassana or any other kind of FUR CUAT you may want-,zmy size,cu order. ‘ Whips and other supplies always on hand. Everything as low as the lowest. Call; and see my stock before buying elsewhere. Repairing promptly attended to. G760. RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE - STORE mg mm PRESENTS . Y A ~ ‘ $3323“ @3; Hoflimmke S311 £5 Ga. Dry Gooï¬s, Remy-Mamie Clothing, Ladies' mm Giris’ Mantles, Garpets, Boots & Shoes, . w TORONTO Befmï¬e March 18$. DAVIDS QOUGH EALSAM'! Ask your store- Is the place to get good best stuck used, an ; Mahon, WWW“ ck, a full line of Wool and Jute Hurse Blankets, Wool and Now in 2:0 Rubber knee RUgS, at prices that are right. 171 King St. East, Toronto, Mus Don't miss it â€"Look for the name ‘ ‘ . T BIA'f4kg‘sé SAKS A I} OBES. IT WILL CU RE am 2-: Bargains. McDonam, _ Richmond 131111.! In the price of goods regardless 01 co A great opportunity tor those who (OPPOSITE THE CATHEDRAL) t sell the goods! Must get out of the store R1011 EEOND E-IIIJIA a DANIEL & CO., DRUGGISTSs '1iss it ! Don’t miss i“: I It’s the chance f a lifetime t0 secure cheap goods. 1 of a cough, relieve that tickling in the throat give instant relief. What ? \Vhy Carvers, Skates, Sleighs, Knives, Forks, Spoons, Butcher Knives. A very large as- sortment of Pocket Knives. Ch0pping Axes 60c. up. X-cu saw; 5pc. per foot up. Hardware 01 all kinds cheap f0 cash. Tinware. Repaxring done. rer impose 0 od value in all kinds oï¬ Havnvss. N<~thiug but. the and I defy competition in workmanship or price. keeper for :1 25C. bottle. Sole manu’s, raises have to be vacated. ontained in the store Opp. (Llyde Hotel. goods regardless of cost. their imme Richmond H11 DSE‘: Over the door.