Brought Back From the Brink L of the Grave. A 1011!; (iii-1's Wonderlul Experiem‘vfl Sickly l-‘rom Four )lontlu or Ageâ€"elk.“ Parents [Md Not, Think She Would Live A Monthâ€"Now a Picture of nenlthâ€"A Marvellous l‘nse. From the PeLcrboro' Examiner. To be dragged io the edge of the grnve in the grasp of dread disease is an experi- ence that comes once to all, but, Lo contem- plate entering the grave and mingling with its dust, to have, even in hope. hidden goodbye to life and all its sweetness, and than to be snatched from the brink of tlie grave and to be restored to health, strength and happiness, is an experience that few enjoy. We hear and read of such cases so well attested, that, doubt ï¬nds small space for its exercise, but, heretofore no case has, until now, come under our notice in Peter- .borough win'n such directness as to “make assurance doubly sure.†Such a. case, how- (ever, exists. ._., -._ Many persons have heard of the illness -of Miss Amelia. Ranger, who lives with her {parents at 19 Parnell street. She was brought down to the very gates of death and was restored to perfect health when all human aid seemed to be unzweiling. Her miraculous cure excited so much com- ment that a representative of the Examiner was detailed to obtain the particulars, and the result of the investigation is to verify the reports that have been current. On calling at Mr. Ranger‘s house the reporter was met at the door by a bright-eyed, healthy looking young girl, who readin con- sented to give the particulars of her illness and cure. She remarked that her mother was absent in Montreal on a visit. and add- ed with no little pride that she was keeping the house and doing all the work, a. thing that would have been impossible at year or so ago, as she was then so ill that instead of taking care of the house she needed con- stant attention herself. The remarkable and gratifying results following the use of Dr. \Villiams‘ Pink Pills, in the case of Miss Rangw. show, -tha.t they are unequalled as a lJltMIll builder and nerve tonic. In the case of young girls who are pale or sallow, listlesss, irnuliled with a. fluttering or palpitation of tlu- heart, weak and easily tired, no time should be lost in taking a course of Dr. Willmms‘ Pink Pills, which will speedily enrich the blood, and bring a rosy glow of health to the cheeks. I‘heae pills are a positive cure for all troubles arising from a vitiated con» dition of the blood or a. shattered nervous system, such as locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus’ dance, sciatica neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous head- ache, the after eflects of 1a grippe, that tired feeling resulting from nervous prostration, all diseases depending upon humor: in the blood, such as scrofula, chronic erysipelus. ezc. They are also a speciï¬c for troubles peculiar to females, such as Suppressions, irregularities and all forms of Weakness. In the case of men they efl'ect a radical cure in all cases arising from mental Worry, overwork, or excesses of whatever nature. There was no doubting the honesty of her conviction what, Pink Pills saved her life. A younger sister corroborated what. was said, remarking, “when Amelia was so bad last spring she was so pale she was almost green, and mother did not think she would live a. month.†In evidence of the dangerously ill conâ€" dition of Miss Ranger, a. couple of neigh- bours were seen. Mrs. Tromblay said the girl was very ill, and her frienis did not: expect her to recover, and she had been cured by the use of Pink Pills. An- other lady present. also bore testimony to the hopelessly ill condition of Miss Ranger. a few months ago. Dr. Williamu’ Pink Pills are manufactur- l ed by the Dr. Williams’ Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont.,or Schenectady, N. Y., and are sold in boxes (never in loose form by the dozen or hundred) at, 50 cents a. box or six boxes for $2.50, and may be had of all druggists or direct by mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine Company from either address. The price at, which these pills are old makes a course of treatment inex- pensive 8.3 evmpared with other remedies or medical br4atment. take (Inc Free A pillow sham holder on the bed will save2the bhrxfty housewife much worry and vexation. There is only one ï¬rst-class holder on the market. It is “ The Tarbox,†which makes the Shams look the best, last. the longest, and dues not, injure the bed. Drop a posb‘card to Lhe Wilan Publishing A PETERBDRD’ MIRACLE. h older FREi Co.,_ ’73~ Adnlaide west, Torontu,and yo; will be advisg‘d how togeb a Tarbox sham The ï¬rst; lutlm library in < 19‘ world was {waded in itt‘xens by Pissxtmus agboub 5-10 No Traces of Wreckage In the Deepest o: the Ocean‘s Dcplhs. An extraordinary circumstance that has been noticed with interest and that all-l ways creates surprise when ï¬rst learned is the entire absence of foreign matter in the deepest part of the ocean’s floor. Of all the vessels lost in mid ocean; of all thei human beings that have been drowned ; of all the marine animals that have perished ; of all the clay, sand and gravel let fall by the dissolving icebergs; of all the various substances drifted from every shore, by shifting currents, no trace remains, but in their place water from one thousand to twentydive fathoms in depth covers the uniform deposit of thick, bluish, tenacious slime called. globigerin ooze, says the Gas- mopolitan Magazme. ' A bit of this under a. powerful lens is de- ‘clared to be a revulstion of beauty not readily forgotten. The ooze is composed almost entirely or the daintiest, most deli- cstely beautiful shells imaginable. At depths greater‘ than twenty-ï¬ve hundred fathoms the bottom of the sea. consists mainly of product arising from exposure, for almost incalcnlahle periods, to the chemical action of the sea. water, of pum- ice and other volcanic matters. This ï¬nally results in the formation of red clay deposits that are considered character- istic of the profoundest depths of the ocean. Carbonate of lime, which in the form of shells of forsminifers makes up so large a part 01 the globigerina. ooze, is here almost entirely absent. _._.. 1 uuvnuv- r v V _ 7 , V Soda water is very nearly a. universal solvenb,and before any shell, large or small. reaches the bottom of the tremendous abyâ€" sms it is chemically eaten up, literally dis- solvedâ€"a. result, which the enormous pres. sure of the water must materially hasten. on... u. v..- .. ._.~_ _._ V. At one thousand fathoms the weight of‘ the water pressure on all sides of an object immersed to that depth is very nearly one ton to the square inch, or more than one hundred times that sustained at. the sea. level, and at the greatest depth the pres- sure is so increased that it would seem nothing could Withstand it; in fact, heavy metal cylinders let down with a sounding apparatus are sometimes, on being drawn up again to the surface, found bent and collapsed; strongly-made glass which th 9 metal inclosed are shattered into fragments. A Cnnadlnn's Allempl at Sillcidvln MInucapollsâ€"l’olsoncd llllnselr. News of awell-known Bellevillc, Ont., man’s attempt to commit suicide has just come to hand. A Minneapolis, Minn., deâ€" spatch says: ~n . . ‘ -,, FM. S. Ketcheson early yesterday morning made a desperate attempt to commit suicide in the lodging rooms over Hamilton’s sn- loon, 11‘2 \Vashington avenue south. He was discovered about 2 o‘clock in violent convulsions and sutfering terrible pain. Dr. H. S. Nelson was called, who worked over him for hours and ï¬nally succeeded in sav- ing his life. \Vhen the doctor ï¬rst came he refused to tell what kind of poison he had taken. as he did not wish anything done to save his life. “ I want to die,†he said, “ but give me something to relieve the pain.†He ï¬nally stated that he had swal- lowed a two grain capsule of strychnine about 1% houts before. Large doses of mor- phine and chloroform Were administered, and by working his arms, etc., the tetanic contractions of the muscles were overcome. Had the po1sou been taken without the cap. sule, death would have resulted in a short time, but the capsule prevented the strych- niue from taking effect until some time had elapsed. The victim expressed sorrow that his suicidal attempt had been frustrated. ‘ The man 18 abriut 55 years of age and came from Belleville, Ont. He stated that this is his fourth attempt at suicide, but promised the doctor that he will not try it again. His despondcncy was caused by ï¬nancial reverses. He comes of a good family. HIS father was rich, and after the division of the property, over which there was some trouble, he lost or spent his in- heritance. He does not Wish to apply to his relatives for aid, “and I am too proud to beg," he remarked. Lust evening the patient was much better. practically out of danger, and to-day will be removed to the home of a. friend in the zitv. The Shefï¬eld Telegraph declares that “the selling of a wife is not unknown in South Yorkshire,†and proceeds to tell the story of the disposal of a "missus" for 30s at the Travellers' Rest Inn, Masborough Rotherham, on the 11th inst. Says an eye witness of the negotiationsâ€"there were present the husband, an ironworker, resx- dent in Masborough; the wife, who, itis alleged. had transferred her affections to a. Kilnhurst miner; the miner himself, the wife's parents, and two friends. The wife was prepossessing in appearance, and of about the same age as her husband; and her suitor, twenty-six or twenty-eight. The separation had been mutual. The hus- band thought he was entitled to pecuniary recompense, and the following is some indication of What transpired on the point: _.“The wifeâ€"I think he wants too much ; he wants £3. The minerâ€"when I set off this morning Iunly intended to give 203 for thee. “There was some more bargaining. and at last the husband said, “I ï¬xed my price £3, but I will come down to £2.†The reduced value was not acceptable, and there seemed a possibility of the negotiations falling through, the husband at one stage intimatiug, “We will stop as we are then.†More conversation as to price followed, and the amount agreed on was 301:. After- wards there were friendly drinks round, paid by the husband. The arrangement was duly ratiï¬ed in writing. the precise wording only being settled upon after some trouble. I saw the ï¬rst effort at the drawing up of the document, which read as follows: “Mr.â€"â€"â€"â€", to let my wife, Elizabethâ€"â€"â€", free from me forever to do as she has a. mind, this day, llth Decem- ber.†One other detail had to be arranged, and that was with regard to the custody of a child of the marriage. The husband, it should be stated, took all the resyonsx- bility in this matter. To be always on time, with a. record of success such as has characterized the annual reports of the Temperance 8: General Life Assurance Company is to occupy a. proud position. It has for some years been the custom of this . company no complete its AT THE 301‘1'0." OF THE SEA ï¬clllu: a “'ch for 'l‘hlrly Shilling; [IE I'll) A DESIRE Tl? Dll' AI ways on Time annual reports for the Government within a few hours after the close of the business year, and the reports for 1893 were sent forward with theusual promptness. These reports, we are told, show a. record of suc- cess in every important feature of the com- pany’s business ahead of anything it has heretofore experienced. During the past year it hurl L680 applications. for $2,020,- 000 of insurance. A causiderable number of these were not on livcs acceptable to the company. and others failed to materialize into permanent business from various causes, but, when the year closed, the com- pany had 674 policies, for $726,444, more in force-than it had at its commencement. and its assets had increased by $61,087.88.which was a. much larger amount than the increase in its liabilities. These items serve to in~ dicate that it will have a very satisfactnry report to present at its annual meeting, which will take place at an early date. "Grln lee a Cheshire Cal." “ \Vcll, wcll ! Didn’t ever hear of a ’grin like a. Cheshire can ‘2' \Vhy, you see, a. man down in Cheshire had a cat, which grinned and grinned until there was noth- ing left of the cut but the grin. just as some scrofuloug people, who don’t. know of Dr. Pierce's Goldén Medical Discovery, geta cough, and then cough and cough until there is nothing left of them to erecL a. monument to but the cough.†. ‘ The “ lolden Medical ï¬iscovery" is the most efl‘ective, anti-bilious, anthdyspeptic, strength-giving remedy extant. For weak lungs, lingering coughs, spitting of blood, scrofula, sores, pimples and ulcers, in is a. wonderful and efï¬cacious remedy. Its manufacturers guarantee in be do all that, they claim, or money is returned. Dr. Pierce'iiï¬â€"Pellets cure constipation, piles,sick headache, and indigesbion, or dyspepsia. M. Monteils, a farmer at; Sohirac, near Cahors, in France, has attracted the atten- tion of his fellow-countrymen in a remark- able manner. He lately discovered that his wife was extremely frivolous in her conduct, and he accordingly reproached her in emphatic terms. Madame Mont/ails was so overcome with grief that she rushed to che marge of the local river and threw her- self in. She would undoubtedly have been drowned, as the current was very swifb,bnt. her husband, who had followed her, jump- ed in and brought, her to shore. The wom- an was in a very exhausted and precarious condition, and it took several hours to re- store her. When she had recovered, her husband calmly took her by the hand, led her back to her own family, telling her never to darken his door again, and then went, to the. Mayor of the Commune, whom he asked to recommend him for the medal usually accorded to rescuers of the drowm ing. How can we raise more com to the acher Why, of course by using Pubnem‘s Corn Extractor. Putnam’s Painless Corn Ex- tractor has given universal satisfaction, lot itis sure, safe and painless. Like every article of real merit in has a. host of imita- tors, and we would specially warn the public to guard against. those dangerous substitutes offered for the genuine Putnam’s Extractor. N.C.Polson & (30., proprietors, Kingston. Have you the Blues ‘2 Cures Consumption, Coughs, Croap, Sore Throat. Sold b all Draggists on a Guarantee. For a Lame Side, ad: or Chest Shiloh‘s Porous Plaster will give great sarisfactiomâ€"cs cents. Have you Catarrb ? This Remedy will relieve and Cure you. Price 500m. This injector for Its successful treatmen free. Remember. Shiloh’s Remedies are 801 on a mmmqwe fl~ if you afe noitiaï¬ agent. but would like to be oneâ€"if you want to make money‘seud for our illustrated list. William Briggs, publisher, Toronto. St. Leon Mineral Water Co’y. Ltd llt‘ml other â€"I&ln:z 5!. VV.. Toronlo‘ All drllgglsls. gran-rs and hotels. LADEES, “IL SLOl‘UM'S UDMPUIND PENNYRU YAL TEA â€"- GIVE." a Health, Strength 8: Beauty, Cures all diseases and irregularities peculiar towomen. Asatonic no better can be had. Take it. Samples free. Sold by all druggisns in 25 cent packages, or mailed to any address on receipt of price. T. A. SLOCUM & CO. 186 Adelaide Sc. “2, Toronto. Ont. One bottle will work wonders. druggisb does not keep it address. ’52? T. A. E IBS Adelaide St. W. TTENTIONMIF YOU ARE AN AG‘ ‘ H ".6 H’s cum" Enurcl mu; Dc“: u, m}, Ema, cm and mu; Knives, omen mum". xygc lr ‘ Em MEETS WANTEEE Do you ever or. worn outwith business; noub es or mental ex- haustlunl Do you ever have the Blues? It you do thereia nothing that will refresh and cheer on like a good tumbler of St. eon Water. Its action is directly on the liver, which ex- plainsite cheering and exhilar- ating eifcrt. E very physician of note recommends it. Nexttime you have the Blues try it. LARK’S atarrh UR E} A (‘onl lllHlmml T. A. Slocum 85 Co., CLAUSS SH All (‘0 .l A Qm-sliun The greatest preparation on Catarrh in all its Stages Earth for speedy and permanent cure of m3]. E559 when. I: TORONTO £604 and female. my new Kellle :qser Also an! Mo Ind Samar: big moan. .Tulonln.0u|. If your Polson’s Nerviline cures flatulence, chill and spasms; Nerviline cures vomming diarrhoea, cholera, and dysentery. Nerviline Cures headache, sea. sickness and summer chmplaint‘ Nerviline cures neuralgia, toothache, lumbago and sciatica. Nerviline cures sprains, bruises, cuts. &c. P01é00’3 Nerviline is the bean remedy in the world, and only costs 10 and ‘25 cents to try in. Sample and large homes at any drug store. Try Folson’s Nerviline. @me W for the Pfï¬mpt’ and @{mmenmmf’e 0F 'Vl'h ' CHA con]: whlt V knee ed mo to lot Ml". (‘Ii L"i bu<inc,<s three days after he had placed the machine on. 11 had been conï¬ned to my bed conxtantiy for four months previouslyJ The ioctors decided that noth- .1ng but amputation would \ ave my life, but on May K“ “ lifh. 1890. 2t friend persuad- ed me to let MR. CHUTE make a machine for em. Iconsented. but lconfcss I had no faith in it. I suiTer new no pain whatever, and can walk ten miles without the aid of stick or crutch. I give this testimonial simply to help anyone who may be suffering as I did. and to convince them. if possible, that there is only one cure. and that is extension us zip lied byMR. CLUTHE of 13! King Street V 'est, Toronto. George Giles, 32D Markham St, Toronto. H; #ARE â€" Bright eyes and Clear Complexion, from the use of DR.SLOCL'M‘S OXYGICNIZEI) EMULSION "0F, PURE (‘00 LIVER (DEL. 7 U U†forsalebytheSnxTPAm. JL DULXWH RAILROAD Column? in Minnesota. Send for Maps and Circu- lars. They will be sent to you Easy to take and 3» Ask your drug: ’sL Ior Manufactured by Take care that your draft: on your pï¬ysiral endurance don’t come [Back to you some day marked “7m funds." Take 2 5mm 2 mama's Pam ' IT Clx'A‘ES CUIJSUMPTION, SCROFULL BBOI‘JCHITIS, COUGHS, COLUS and all formsbf [fast/11$ Qisqases. Almoxt a: PalataH: a: [Vii/é. . 3: .mr‘ you gr! the genuine a: More arepoor imz' lotions. '1‘. A. SLOCUM a: CO†fPure CodLiverOil&Hypophos hites z'm‘rctzseyaztr energy and :0 ma e good wr acrazml a! [/16 éank of heall/t. fgflflglfliï¬mimwne. Bell_eville. WHITE SWELLENQ. - SIGNS OF HEALTH - Address HOPEWELL CLARKE, They give perfect satisfaction in ï¬t style, and ï¬nish, and it has beoom byâ€"word that “ GRANBY RFBBERS wear like Iron." r ' fl erve Pmln ('ure‘ :3 andï¬meï¬ hihbémimrissiibnnr. St. Fay: Mil'm‘ “the éjéua‘l E? 06W??? mic W113i AWAKE l a. great flesh producer. or it. and take no other. [DAVlï¬â€"MORTON & Sous? HAM ILTON ,0 NT. sums: ACRES OF LAND '1 oronto ' cured 'lling in s than 6 to atten certify that MR .UTHE. of 131 L West. Toronto. cured me of [ling in the left ;than 6 months. to attend to my ree days after he the machine on. 1 conï¬ned to my antly for four Manufactured on1y_by_ :d to my 01‘ four 5'.) The at noth- n would on May pe'rsuqd- ‘ for me relief of the other, they will stay 50. John H. Foster, 1122 rown Street, Philadelphia, says: “ My wife is a little Scotch woman, thirty years of age and of a naturally delicate disposition. For ï¬ve or six years past she has been suffering from Dyspepsia. She Vomit became so bad at last that she could not sit Every Meal. down to a meal but she had to vomit it as soon as she had eaten it. Two bottles of your August Flower have cured her, after many doctors failed. She can now eat anythinfï¬r‘, and enjoy it: and as for Dvsnepsia. she does not “‘Augmt Rowe?†Perhaps you do not believe the“ statements concerning Gieen’s Au- gust Flower. Well, we can't make you. \Ve can’t force conviction in- to your head or med- Doubting icine in t o y o u; ' throat. we don‘t Thomas. want to. The money is yours, and the misery is yours; and until you am willing to believe, and}; cncl the one it; and as for Dyspe; know that she ever £13? 'ï¬Ã©ï¬i‘f‘ézf'éi'mmmro. chi: Chain 10m; 1: Tié H'ié’ï¬siésq Eam"x.l€ni339: will do. tnry y! fmnily Child Dnmhh guurnm good w Agents Waterous, Duna-as Kniwng Machine Co . Dundas, Ontario. cheapest Portable Engines Up to 25 Horse Power. Yroe. You can wu town selling. _, V Will knit. 10 pairs sucks per :‘53 dny. Will do all work any plain circular knitting machine will do. from lmmesnun or {up tm-y yarn. The most prncltcnl fmnlly Rumor on the market. A. chlld can nperatelc. Stron . Ilnmhlo, Simple. Rama. 0 zlmrnmve awry machine to do good work. Beware of Imitationi. Agents wanted. Write for par- 14 KARAT GOLD PLATE. Every Music Teacher ian nada. should know Where the (33:0. get their Music cheapeg \\ we us for CataIOguesi “159 sample copy of the CANADIAN Mxrsxcux, ‘1 live monthlyjoub nal with $1.00 wrorthuof maple in each issue‘ 33 to $6 per day madpby canvassers. See prem- inm I ist. We carry everything in the Music line. WHALEY. ROYCE & CO. I58 vane: 21. IoRaNTMN‘r. MUSIC! $2.23, All E1: 130'. Charges Paid. f you ill send the full amounh 11 your order we will send nil. and 8. Solid Sjlvu 1 you: order we wul ail. and a. Solid IS make :55 pay day 131 ' gust Flow my doctor ything, :11: :psia. she< 1' had it.†Machinery Brantforzi!9 Caz ;: d3 m _Exp_roll ï¬ght 15 Agdmsl