THUR HEY H‘H: LIB}: Bazristers, Solicitors, 85c. Toronto Ofï¬ceâ€"No.15 Toronto Street. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce open cv'ery Saturday. Toronto Ofï¬ceâ€"34 Bum: of Commerce Buil-hngs,19 King Street West. I‘hornhill Ofï¬ce-Post Ofï¬ce every Wed- nesday from xo to 12 a. m. M’mggg Collections in attend EQU- A; LAWRENC 8 to 10 a. m.; and 6 W. J.'WI] A G FLAWBE LIï¬ï¬‚SEV, LENDSEV 84 EVRHS, ROBINSON, LEN NOX & MACLEOD Au! RICHIx/IOND HILL, Ont aduat ,talized. Works like a (Shin-11L Free froixfnm‘n. Address A ROBINSON L.D.S.,Anroxa0nt BARBIST China b ï¬lo! RICH} I. R. MILLER iant Su 'DS 0 Ho LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES Burris“ Baz'rist V’IZ‘ï¬LIZEQ éfllï¬ RALP OFFICE IHGURS UFF3( TORONTO AND AURORA LANGSTAFF. Dr. A . wainson. every \V y and Country ptomptly to. Money toloan. JJDB. USED BY gamut ‘ICITORS AND NOTABIES ,So RMISTON & DREW 35.3., NHILL. 1W ‘yaucer will ba at Kelly’s Hotel, cluesday, for the transâ€" ï¬wwgazm W S ORM‘ISTON, L L B 6 :0 S p. m. lirilors. dye. E. J. B. DUNCAN 4th {QR} EV LYON LINDSEY St‘, Toronto} taries and to 8 p. m. TIST 3333i? ate 1i [L Mon ey to Loan “H 1 each month (10 .ppoigtmenta 111 mm. ance ice. Tel .16 with do (1 o Lege Every acc THE PALMER HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. Rate nection ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬Ã©ï¬‚ï¬ Nov 26-91 MISS c. HARRISON, DRESS - MAKER, Funeral Funnelaï¬ngs Always on Hand RICHMOND HILL. A - CALL - SOLICITED. Special P111 Having reï¬tted t1 Undertaker s as, Embalm 01‘s, HM THORN dep WW ng mm ptï¬cien‘ ‘mmercml men AURORA BRANCH A . “ADC LIFFE, Nlaagcr. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT f one TORONTO WRIGHT BROS, ROGERS, DENTIST, General Bunk travelie'rs. ,00 per day ll’l’ut MAPLE RECHMOND HILI. S DISCOUNTED. WARE Mar and upwards received interest allowed thereon from >]‘ deposit to Withdrawal. WM. RICHARDSON, Proprietor menu: can be made for large ms left on deposit. glgdygy’V9 JOHN KELL Y, Pronrietor 6312:1131 ‘EET E AST. TORONTO In Essentials, U12 Li-krlnle station, over W urner of Queen and coteAvenue. 35W Yonge Street, Aurora Alum“, = jUSTICE, 84:: age License PUBLIC, nu geon, and Cigars. Excellent atlers. Sample _) rstâ€"class Livery m con- arm-PW 'e house I am prepared uoduuou to boarders Business Done 3.1 guestn. Board. 931 with all the modern -mfort. Best brands de rooms for com- xs meet all trains. County of York. hu'niml'e.standing shortest notice and sales a. specialty. dress Umonville. 3211107115111, u-dt 1‘ OFFICE for collection Hï¬ï¬‚gE, uuty of York ce and at ran.- ed. Residence OI] 1'86 nary ma fril attest z of York y attend ‘NVILLJ‘ and Sutur band of SSS. Af 1h amount culvert. furnished Carried. 1U pay the f tiï¬ed bV Mr. Sc! bylaw to of Health law read a ï¬rst tim read a secondjime committee of the Lmvrle iu the cha bawrxe In the chalx‘. an:1 reported bylaw with the names uf Jo Stephenson, David J; ton and Jonathan Ni port was received. adopted a regd a third time and passed. l by law was passed appuiu Thomsnn assessor for west hal Lhony Forster assessor for ens itnrs, J. F, Davison and D. swander. Scottâ€"Lawrieâ€"tlmt Mr. R Reesorâ€"-â€"anri pay the Returnix horse hire in app Deputy Returuir and papers to,l)i Scottâ€"Quantz adjmmls it. stand day, Feb. 17th. Scotcâ€"Lawrie- Mr. Reeaor be a tenders for the current year and ing of this counc Council adjuur busmesa lost or fl ï¬nd out Toronto vertisen: each inner inanrtions Lynet, '1‘ Boynton, P G Leek, T F McMah Elliott, W Atkinson. The secretary read 2 “7 Tr: Hill 11's L113. lnm} I. pla The thll‘d The W. Kl ,eruc The W 01] W Mal-Kham Council. antz utine c< ‘mmuni Agricultural ZMeeting one ark! ch ments bu the third The charge is two ertion. or ten cent ill: râ€"-â€"L:iwric~â€"that the treasurer Returning Ofï¬cer the sum of $1, re in appointing and distributing Returning Ofï¬cer’s ballot boxes ers 10,1)iv. No. 1. . â€"Quantzâ€"â€"timt when this council 5 it stands adjourned until Sutur- whet bed the fullu aon town lin ham. and bill Drawing pla lll tt asked Yonge St. A in the Lorne ht XII] ppoint membe 01‘189L Lea ï¬rst time. 0 :u' and re .er assessor for east halt; and Davison and D. B. Nigh ual Mee l'1(~ {vushu} ll [‘11 d James, Elias H2: Nigh. Ou motiur .adupted and by and passed. asset! appointing 'I for west, half, and .latl HM hiu â€"â€"that the treasurer rave! accounts as cer- that the Rech committee to I >. Gum and Coum whole tl ) W 14 RSDA ntlnau Th WU] tlxe nk m Hal letter from Mr 115’ yards, to intrndllc -ra of the B ve given. .gmg or If LL t1 “mute-e rose blanks ï¬lled asurer pay xpenses as .his‘ council ite vote on hibition of ' the Legis- rmtm ‘uext 70 itt'l‘ Hamil 1H0 Th in me meet Anâ€" and cexve ayel Ill and :1 ts '5‘ W JANUARY 25, 1894. in March Lism and at on medi greatly W. A. President, John Reaman; lst vice»pres- idcnt, Samuel McClure; 2nd vice-presi- dent, Geo. F. Vlelace; sec treas., T. F. Wallace; directors: T. F. \Vallace, F. C. Miller, \V. J. Smithson. R. Willis, A. J. Gnflith, A. J. Barker, W. J. Bull, Jas. West York 66 Vaughan Ag’l Society Meeting American Duncan, J. H. Smith. The secretary presented his report, which allowed that the society is in a must prosperous condition. The Whole of the liabilities for hall, grounds, 510., have been paid off this year, leaving the socxety entirely free of debt and a small balance on hand. A few years ago the society was nearly $3000 in debt. After the meeting was over the mem- bers of the West York and Vaughan Ag ricultural Society sat down to a. splendid dinner in Harris' Dominion Hotel, to which the County Commissioners, who were on a tourof inspection, were invited. Thouewho sat down to the table were: John Ruaman. president \V. Y. Agricul- tural Society; A. J. Grifï¬ths, ex-presi- Wm. Farr. Henry Putters, A. J, Barker Geo. F. Wallace, James Duncan. R \Villis, John McClure. \V. J Bun. W. J Smithson, Michael Reaman, A. Harris M. Brown, George Wallace, T. F. Wal lace. snc treab miaéioners, viz : W Messrs. Stephenson Donald, County 019 After smgix assemblage br party aros and gaVu an Agricultural delivered by lll 15am M r. T RIIEUMATISM CURED IN A DAY.â€"South Agineer Maw Dinner over, ahh of “The ark ix 6 annual meeting of the West Rid- f Yurk Agricultural Snciety was held uodbridue on Wednesday of last Following are the ofï¬cers: esidem, Jnlm Reaman; lst vice-pres- 1T all things, SectTreaa’. salary was ï¬xed at $35. meeting adjourned to meet as a of Directors on the ï¬rst Saturday Fellow. ‘ponse t( and Mz‘ the cause and 91v disappears. beneï¬ts. 750 Sanderson. mtiun the secretary was instructed minted 200 membership tickets > Comphmentary tickets. ;e of a speclal prize which had not :1 given to the winner was dis- and laid over untii the next meetâ€" Orth Farr. yandl the IEF . A: Agar, B. Longlmuse, J. E Samuel McClure, Wm. McClure ,‘v’lcummld, F. \Vallace u an intere th McD heumatic Cu mg for Rheuma- zuralgia radically cures 1n 1 to action upon the system is and mysterious. It removes cause and the disease im- lisnppears. The ï¬rst dose ï¬ts. 75 cents. For sale by Mr .H . the mast ssrï¬. Ste SIX HuURs.â€"â€"1}xstmsmng ladder diseases relieved in 13 “Great South American ’ This new remedy is a and delight to physicians its exceeding promptness in in die biaflder, kidneys, .7 part of the urinary pas- or female. It relieves re- ur and pain in passing it iately. nyou want quick this is your remedy. Sold ierson, Druggist. )cxe \V Atkinson, H, D Lynet, fur hall, grounds, 510., nff this year, leaving the free of debt and a small I. A few years ago the M‘r. Griï¬ikh proposed the Guests,†to which the gang “For He’s a Jolly Ba! also the 0n m( e addressed the party asting history of the ty. Speeches were also rs. Buil and‘ Smithson. 3d Save the Queen the :ll DCS M'dull Russél], and Stokes, Baird, Mo rk Eakin and County W H Pugsley, W WHO of th McM J H S J Clark 111101 Immt} s over the mem- md Vaughan Ag Wn to a. splendid es Wore deli by Warden whensmn, S a appoidnéd from Com he chair which The election and resulted as ‘lls [ll i1 th‘ lubine Junty a com- 9 annual iil‘ on the rson 1d Eakin {eddith Mahon, Palmer, hcuma- Barker ‘trassil W H :livereu ‘0 Bus Stokes )unty isby, mart the were present, a the ï¬re was an; fore it had don‘ the building. married lib ubwdoubt good will be Last- Suuday foren hood was startled by favorab! y A very pretL‘ Wednesday, Lb his home of M Thomhlll, the ofï¬ciating, the atom, now of S The bride cream cas mings an some bric‘ Ada 8., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Muudey. The bride luuked charming, being dressed in cream cashmere with ducbess satin trim- mings and tuille veil fastened with a hand- some bridal wreath, and carried a beautiful bouquet of white roses. The bride was at- tended by her sister. Miss Carrie Muudey, who was daiumy dressed in cream cashmere, and carried a magniï¬cent bouquet of pink carnatiuns and smilux. Mr \V. T. Arm- carnations and smilax. strong, of L'Amm‘oux, a1 The bridal party entereu while the famous Mam March was tastequy rel: Clay. The invited gucs the immediate relations Clay. The invited guests the immediate reimions groom and a few of th friends. The ceremony ‘ tiful and impresswe, and groom and a few 0! their mOut iutunate friends. The ceremony was brief, but berm- tifu) and impresswe, and was immediately followed by a. sumptuous ropast, calculated to satiwfy the palate of the most pronounced epicure. At the close of the feast the health of the bride and groom was propo‘ed in a. neut and appropriate speech by the Rev. Dr. healthy suit of n ming, the happy rice and hearty ; happy wedded about 8 30 for th An evening 01‘ tv the memb as of ‘ church, Thomhi by calling upon ing her wizh an great regret at I] must 8003 take 1 niï¬cent 9 may ci of their eat sem, made a suitabi sister. abate. Skating is th )w, and if the: 11! of taking a] Some of c grippe, b‘ i] “ll and 9.11110“ [s (low 111.3. outc and each ingle copies, 3 cts. ur citizens have been ill with 1b are recovering. up At presen ome from t] 1 will be do lbv Maple Edgely navy :h othe ‘or the debat chief 3ng was celebrated on 1 inst., at the comfor‘ta- Mrs. Jaseph Mundey, Dr. W. W. Percival n being Dr. W. T. John- . Ohio, and the bride repL plgxcs :. Mr \V. T. Arm- ,acted as groomsmnn, :red the room at 4.30. andelssohu‘s Wedding rendered by Miss Etta lasts were limltad to us of the bride and Munde done.‘ on the neighbor- the ringing of a I! [1 l1 load 3 on smgle and i€sappuinted as it on where it was oubt they enjoyed r’s companv,which r not hearing the the amusement ‘nere Ieighing there is ‘ad out to the r, while staying a, had the mis- k her leg. Dr. once called in to be progressing d will dal ‘ . McTaggart, of se and Baker, there seems no 6 meetings, but s and gentle- board where e oysters and .I: had been ; revivalserv- h here. The ares No.30 (periencad, shared by of losing He regret- live! 1f Me and intimate Hall last and as it trim fair