A Union 1’: prcvince oi ( cultural ani 6th of Februz OakrRidges o'n skating on the L; per was served it purlure from man of Sterl honest in his by the enme We PH†at 5, 8, 10 Concrete. New Flannelolte at the Concrete, at the 63, 10 and 11-} signs and 5qu cm ular priic for Small Ro clear at the L We understand 1 now in his Sub y weaker, and must Celluloid a: 10 eta. each. :- Coucrete’s Cl: The Fire Brigad about 8 30. For thrown as it prove Mr. B. E. Law's ever, desires to tLu piomptness in goi: ed. Bedditt Miss L: start on S remlives a ijard C: iwr the now uctir reEiable n Messrs. A Vickex‘y wen All our Fun price 1mm '20 RICHMON cent UODOI’ Hotel 16 9.‘ J) T0 fl Short E rusaels, ‘ORON Mr. J Bisque E All Mr rn]: 114 ,iv a irié nu ric M Mu: 1t and Nick-Nucks, 10 ete- 20 cats. at the Concreze's s and Shakers this week nne remarkable values at cts, umoug them new de- Lb, Atkinson & Swimer. menu ).30 e CE NOTICE ALL the 15cm each, regal the Concrete. ins-m & Switzer. )nveution for the wet in the Horti- ,ou Tuesday, the . m. lheppard, and 0. aka to 8. Skating 2 their friends of evening. After mt an hour Sup. '3 Hotel. led out last night no water was ‘nly a chimney on Mr. Law, bow- ï¬remeu for their danger threaten- William Russell, rapidly growing ong take his de- Mr. Russell is a in his principle. highly esteemed ,, verv cheap uson dz Switz Emma. Lauder veeka’ visit. with liaaburg, Prince Dress Goods iouble,at the TABLE. 1" , vil Tapestry, suitable :11. tit. 15 I’n ‘11P ‘zer. Wit lat the The imanieuce and frecfulness which usual- ly accompany the loss of health and strength in 1.118 case were signally absent. Hm faith triumphed over his inï¬rmities, and in this respr was an example to us all. We are sensible that nothing we can say will be adequate to express our somow. or console you in the 10:13 of u sincvre Christian hus- band and father. We can only commend you to the care of Him who has promised to be :1 hith to the fulherlesa and a husband to the widow. bineerely trusting that God will enable you to bear this affliction from His Hand, and that you will regard it as ccming from Him Whose uhastisement is for our good. Believe us to be, yours sincerely, C. MCLEAN, J. E. CLUBINE, C T. F. MCMAHON, W E. WxLEY. Richmond Hiil, January 22nd, 1894. OppC that even was not 1: feated tho The brethre most enjo; a tl' was awamng the uppetite lat proprietc needless to a Caps, Alma cts. worm f crete’s Clea rel‘ful‘m it If and RL Ry 3d Court I W Ins. ANI mnts a toll Vlsitin'g Patterson Lodg ad of Freemasons from ] ml a few from othe: lodaen Who Are Yo to pay the lodge ing. but by a. n ‘resent. a say was thorou sent at the head im was the Seni itnï¬. The usuu 'L‘hursda of witnes ccond DE Balesâ€"a: REWE AND ndH the terh is N ay the 0 ct electrié Jig the match hen Ihe M 22 shots. Res eets to men Atl- ce Stone tural Society 2 of the Va olution. AMILY |1 Wil at ,1 r 1' lb. In 11' at Tl ate Leaf gbt lb ple Wuuud. H nd and carri ng up). & Swnzer Swi lmoni 5 cents We! uited with ing oflicen louse ; vice ‘urer, Ho: F Wallace ï¬carboro' Richmond '3 in the failed to not come lé to be Leafs dc- Com. ladly hurt tree. and 9 him. It im to the mar seeking Smith, John ‘I'E‘IJCE at. lure, At the Inst 1111 A. O. U. W.. tb passed by the b] to be forwarded village: “Whereas it has pl Workman of the uni our lodge and frum l our late highly esh Andrews, thereforé I) brother Workmen sympathise with his family in their since] remember his {umil vorce, and although I our midst to the G1 memory can never minds. As a lodge x your bereavement, h you mourn as those . the grave. We com] has promised to be a and the widow’s God From Vaughan, No. 54â€"Lee son. 0 H Keï¬er, G “V High, Jué Kaiser, J T Suigeon. From Blackwood, No. 311â€"A E W Lawrence. From Ionic. No. 28â€" Alf Aubi The church was crow-Jed, and was eloquent and appropriate. Percival read the 12:1: chupter ( hes, and took his text from Jud of 20th verso: “ Building up : your most holy faith.†The pm vely showed the desirubility of our characters saying that anytl be taken from us, but u good ch not be if we are true to ourselvo God. Returning to the ha Thanks were tendered Dr. Perc able sermon to the craft; also ( brethren {or their kindness in members of Richmond Lodge. by the Teswn o’clock by Rev Tickets, adult: Concert nlune. A large number cepted an invitnti to attend Divine them on Suuday< church to listen h Dr. Percival, a p! craft. The bred) «clothing and own seats in the cburc were in the proces Frum Ricbmun H A Nicholls. J Thea Newhun, Gm From Patterson, No. 255- G A Lnugstufl, John Ella James McDonald, Wm Ella Wm Richards. 1) A Nelles Bert Scott, D B Bil'l‘e“. Itch on human an animals cured in 30 l ford’s Sanita'y Lotion For sale by W. A. Sax English Spaviu Liniment removes all hard, soft: or culluused Lumps and Blem- ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs. Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains,Sore and Swallsu Tlll‘OiLt,CUl)gl‘lR. elc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. For sale by \V. A. Samlergson._ be a shield and deep afllictiou. Signed on be R E LAW. F Mccunaghf‘, H Elli~:tt. From Rising Sun, N0. 12! John WLloyd, B, J Emmal Petv r Routledge, J G ’l‘inliu W J Knowles, Wm Hashing draws, J Dicker, B Gz'ennau. DEBRYâ€"In Richm 20th, the wife ( BROWNâ€"At Lunsi: KENDRICKâ€"In 1 uurv 215:. it years. Mommy, Feb. lot]: of 5011001 hour; htove, desks, b For particular trams. Salem SATURDAY, Feb. 17 property, sons) 3ch con. Mark Richmond Hi] & Ormiston, Eckardt, aucti SParties getm Oï¬â€˜ice will receiva FREE 017' CHARGE m. and 6.30 p 30th, a grand in the Temper Ample provisi‘ the Wants of t] take A the de! choice liturary Anniversary the Methodist beig as foliows on Sunday, Jan 111. and 7 p. m‘ Thotubill. Col '1‘ 1 (Annual Di Mia-m Richmou for Dinu Children 20 cents dist Aux whe which at Messrs. ( Maple; ' 8V The In at chur 24th. the WA noh Dean umrsary c u Sermon Anmversa instru Resolut 17d res Headfor mg thi 3. none Mason 1E Register A'I‘IIS 1nd a good character can- )ourselves and to our 3 the hull Votes of “as. from Jude, [st clause ling up yourselves on The preacher eflect- ability of building up bat. anything else may I good character can- Id In niunt Alf Aubin. led, and th llst ondo'enc ix nl trust that h to you in W And 111 Th M. W W I printed at this arts the above V U Lubbock , J E Francis Andrew Mlller R 8 Thomson aday ill at B Hnyslead > the vi joining 116V Kirby, Josh a: er fails. rk M11] valuat House; awrenco Salem ‘rmou . Dr. his iting Auâ€" the an BTHE - CONCRETE ~ HOUSE. In men’s Waterproof Felt Telescope boots, men’s Felt Artie Buckled boots, men’s Russet Felt boots, men's Long Fell; Boots, half fox, four different grades of Lum- bermen‘s Hose, four different kinds of men’s Stockings, men’s Hanover Standard Seamless Wool boots, men’s Snow Flake Merino Wool boms. These goods have been carefuin selecned from the best manufacturers who excell in this particular line in the Dominion. Also an extensive stock of Ladics’ Winter Foot Wear, Belt Lace boots, Felt Gaiters, Feln Slippers, Women's Skating, boots, felt lined. A full stock of Rubber Goods. In men’s Pure Gum Lumbcrmen’s Rubbers, Muakuka Rubbers, men’s Sandal Rubbers, Ladies’ Storm Rubbers, Ladies’ Croquet Rubbers, Ladies’ Gipsy Rubbers, men’s OVershoes in Snow Excluders, men’s Plain Felt Over- shoee, women’s and children’s Plain Overshoes. Lzrdies’ Carnival Buttoned and Laced, Boys in all kinds. [n boot and shoe leather goods we are showing an ex- tensive stock of Long Boots in men’s, boys’, youths’ and children’s. Ladies’ Fine Fool; Wear in all the latest styles and patterns. For qimlity and price you will ï¬nd these goods the cheapest in the market, Men’s and Women’s Cork Soles and Blakey’s Plates. Laces in Porpoise and ( van. Silk and Braid. Sabiu’s Beeswax 0:], Waterpmof Oi‘n, Glycerole Poli Ladies’ Buttons and Button Huvks, and Button Fasteners. Antoine’s Paste Blackiug. Trunks all sizes at wholesale prices. Custom work a specialty, pegged and sewec promptly and neatly done. THE WEE PROOF. Imported and Canadian Cloths, Dress Goods, Prints, Flannelettes, Flannel Sheetings and Blankets, at cost price. \Ve want to sell all the above before stock-taking, which will soon commence. A full assortment of Staple and Fancy Groceries kept con- stantly on hand. Terms Cash, or Butter, Eggs and Lard taken in exchange. (£5301)? In spite ( In order tc thin m WINTER FOOT-‘WEAR Plus we ‘ SOIVE gteckL-takmg .: um: ll‘a JlS month (Ja‘nuary) to clear Clothing, Mantles. Milliner; are bound to make the go about the following list GLOVES, 5:0. 10 Piece Colored Toilet S Glass Tea Sets 25 cents, Preserve Dishes, all at 2‘ China Ten Sets at 353 95 RIE§. Men’s Alma Imitation Fl Ladies’s Sto regular price $1 ( FANCY GOODS MANTLES Children's Com Mi: VEL‘ FURS. HATS DR ESS GOODS Astrachan Caps Persian Lamb C MILLIN ERY All W hal‘ )ouble Fold Dre iemnants of Dre 5 to 50 per cent discount 05 to clear the line ROCKEBY dc GLASSVVAE die CLEARING UP KENSON 43:. SWETZER times and the fully since last shows that the re they can ï¬n< VETS. &c 1 we hav ALSO IN S’EOCK ‘ocaded. Corded Velv immi 1 Eur Uaps 25 cm Storm Cellars 31 this ck-takin ate at $1 85 5 cents ere Gloves at am at 5 and J IMMENSE STOCK OF oods JUST ARRIVED AT 1t Hat S 51 00 to 28 lbs 24 lbs 3 00. 5 cents and t }ood 3 cts per Jow going on at 1r up Sets at $1 95 . . half gallon J 25c, a great lin them just as GREAT 10c per yard 50 shoes In Snow Exclud 1 Overshoes‘ Ladies and shoe leather goods ’3, boys’, youths’ and Jta Ipefs: this season’s st'yles. at 500 each; APS move.7 The! :oods and pric ettas, em, at yo b as possible we intend, for the balance of entire winter stock of Dry Goods, (ery and Groceries at prices which ve. There’s nothing indeï¬nite renul Tap Jap; HS 158“ 1n . . .. . . . . regular price 32 5O ugs, Cake Stands. Covered afed at Flakes . . . . . . n3 Cane for 25¢. half ar price 9, 10 and 12,} cents “ 11 and 12 cents u .3 “ 25c. A great drive “ 20 to 25 cents. 0., at your own price goods. at many other lines of goods upon tions, that we are unable 8 Skating boots Lumbcrmen’s Rubbers, Lad w Excluders, r nd Olll.‘ a: price 31 35 and 81 11‘ sales have increased wonder- mt ï¬rm started. Hill know where they are best ; stock, and where they can price . . . regular price 55 worth just double ular price 10 & 15¢ .regular price nothing- indeï¬ni and we guarantee rrnme 50 cent: 52 00 ISAAC CROSBY These goods have ell in this particular nter Foot Wear, Belt ts, felt lined. A full ’5 Rubbers, Mnakuka udies’ Croquet Rubbers, men’s Plain Felt Oven arnival Buttoned and are showing an ex- dren’a. Ladies’ Fine and price you will ï¬nd gale 5. 50 & 600 00 . .5 095 per 1b Repamng 11 lbs for 25c I 9 H Kl Dd Curd Polish,