Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Feb 1894, p. 5

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ombs of Barrie, Ubu: market and Richmon Rev. Fathe‘ and ofl‘lcials c l‘uously at evening and s A Bradford con-esp World says that Mr. Queen’s hotel, will ofl petition in Bradfoxd The Au] Press Asso of Trade r4 Friday, H'u have been- the Associ: interest to ed. Dean Mahon. af The flicbmnnd Hill Brunch Blble Society will hold the Annual Meeting on Wednesday evening, Feb. 7th, in the Methodist church school room. Servxces to begin at 8.00. Addresses ml] be given by Rev. J. G. Manly and resident ministers. Tarties lmvin stock or arueln nioate with the of Maple, previ held at the Ric ‘A fireman Thursday mt Tn: LIBERAL supposition i‘ the article i: blazing chim Mr. J. A. E. Switzer was Richmond Hill Council of ‘ their representative at the ventinu to he held next. Pavillion, Toronto. P‘s-Quarterly Meeting wil Methodist Church next Su lessnus in the S~:bbnth Sch ed to a Service of Song, to o'clock. All are invited to ’Don't miss the Rec evening by Sam Lord E Richmond H111 Orchesm cents; members, 15 cor A cordi hers nnd Headfnrd Imiums-m evening. énnis, PI; Highland RICHMOND HILI Meibodist will be pre As anm lion Conn Tuesday c society are Mr. M. sat up an Patrons n Hotel ever Dmven Downa RICHMONI N. B.‘â€"‘Regi at least F1fte mentioned 11 Miss Poll evening and Trench. Wmnflv'ég HS“ Mai dubs of Nswmnf Aurora... King. . Until further flichmond Hi1] Dowfis Dwen Vin-Rd TORONT Evnme:~â€"G PROCTORB STA ngav "(mm Quartpr Miss Jm Jay, the 23rd Hunter 8 first. POST OFFICE rrnl ire LOégAlJfii 1:11 d a very or Egan, of E Thom-hull. l invit 3t z'ning last, and has bw Oflice tor identificati that one 3f the hose hurrying to me ecer ey on the previous ev edn ofF )rris enter! , John's Cbl Presbytery 'y enjoyable of Barrie, a :11], were 1 alt v g 197 )I chunk to midi tit s will Iic )1] H011 ebruary (1' Hill andent to the Beetnn W. “7. Ellis, of the ‘er a silver cup for com- between the curling chill, Bradford, New- IME TABLE. usual tim , cut“ so of sk er. Mr. as appnimed bv f the R. T. of 'I ‘rmined the choir 1hum}; very sump- ry last Tuesday l'pm; Tues 1dny comme attend. nt NL 1d West at. 6% fi’ 1%” nday evening DTICE ‘eranoe ne is report. Father Me present.â€" the Mis and other Id commu- l he chang- euce M 3 led amt 1t men lost me at the ening. ' , is mak family. early on :u left at m. The LIN an a to be rsd ay w the zul: Bl almar my the the 0“ H): the Ell] Miss Sara Lord Bailey made a decided bit with her recitatiuna. Miss Bailey’s elo- cutionary eff )rts wexe a revelation. and she proved herself the ablest. elocuhionish who has visited Canada. since the days of Mrs. Scott-Siddons.â€"‘Toronto News. The auditorium was prowded last night to hear the concert given‘vby the management. Seldom. if ever, has Miss Sara Lord Bailey's rendering of “Life for Life” been eqnailed in this city“ This lady possesses 41 voice of great range, and i; especially clear in dram- atic rucital.â€"Tor0nto Empile. Bond street Congregational church was crowded to the doors iust night to hear Miss 'The followmg are u few of the hundreds of testimonials relutivo to the ability and at- tractiveness of Sim Lord Bai‘ey, who will give oneof her grand Dramatic Recital-1 in the Masonic Hull next Thursday evening, under the auspices of the Mochauics’ Insti- tute : aiLt,nud the buildings were also insured. A quantity of hay and other feed as well as many articles m the stables were burned on which there was no Insurance. The cause of Lhe fire 15 not known. The following programme will be rendered in the Masonic Hall next Thursday evening by Sara Lord Bailey, the famous elocutiomst of Boston,assisled hy the Richmond Hill Orchestra : \\'erinesdny night, of last. week, nbuut 9 n‘clmk, many of our ci‘izens noticed a blaze to the mth east, but werent aims to locate: the (ire. II it morning, however, it was’ lonrned that Mr. James Vanaorburgb, of Eagerman, formerly of Vaughan, wan burn- ed out. The fire originated in an outbuild- ing, and was first observed by Mrs. 'Vander- burgh on her return from an evening service in the church. The store and dwelling house Were burned to the ground as well as mofit of the outbuildings. The contents of ihe store and dwelling were insured in the Fire Insurance Association by Mr. B. Red- and others. There :1 provided’for lhnse w‘a Oyelera Served in the 7.30. Lecture and I stream thrufigh Wm-ked its way to and the fire was originated from a neighbor‘s childrt bniiding. In'was fire broke out in t day In 0 last M in thn belt. v 7â€"Orchestra. 8â€"Prompl obedience. 9â€"The Song of the Drum. 10â€"Orebestm. llâ€"Wldow Gummiskey's Courtship 12â€"E3perienco of a Genius. 'poerlily & Mr. W :ediugly ‘en excelled lâ€"The Royal Bowman. 2â€"Orchestra. 3 â€"Rngglesses goktq >a Dinner-Party. their fr Th Li Misfi M -â€"Creed of the; Bells. â€"Orchesm. â€"The Debating Society. PART II The rhesdny ni k, many of suutb (lust re. '11 xt d that Mr 'mau, form em )lur of a small tum-k wonrlshed which was with gry kindling wood. A steady through the bass, however, soon its way to the soul-ca of the trouble. ‘fire was extinguished. The fire ‘ed from a pail of hot. ashes which a it‘s children had placed near the :. Iu'was most fortunate that, lhe k8 out in the day-Hum. to the dooré i 'ci Bailey, the iey’s elocuuo: ml was as large ;ine nrnve Fzre at Hagerman. '6 than defighted. and showéu ueut weeksâ€"Toronto Globe ] Manna in boner of (Mai; popu- lev. J. A. Dunlap. Pb “D. A ner was giwn on the occasion, an interesting prugrumme a mic and speeches. There was a r plenem. undmll spent a pleas- ll] MB 0! WM February Sth Sherwood. .hy, thn 24th i Lulbernn elm d tlmir Annual Tcstimor. Another Fu'e 3urkhold Shore. A The Sin or the M‘cdal PART I d9 routo covmurt, 15 cents e its leg :1 day or two as not allowed to start. we at. the park and ime'in gutting outside ayuard wns eventually L on the Sldeliue in f Powell‘s greyhound. :e as is often seen at a K. Adama, of Newton musing and instructive Get.” Also singing, as, mll be given by the 'rentis and McClure, der, of Wnndhridge; Mrs. J. M. Peterman, ll be other provisions 3 do notlrelisb oyatxerL when! house from 5 to 1nutter: in the church, lock. Admission to ucurt, “U11th 25 cents; cvnts. Allure cordial- m stale detely " axa's. 1 been But it. rsdav nftenr a1 church was ht to hear Miss Iu elecuLionist. fans were ex- idnm, or ever, 0nd street peo- f. and showed it 15L, the mem- rch. 4th Con. Reception at s on Thuradny knocked out " ant, Jim Cor- (?) of wearing ‘ figbtpr of the citizens the thrashed the is looked upon mericnn news out the fact :oked upon as thrown be- was difficult art‘vd at the i which was A steady Afle!‘ pinyeé on Medal the ammala curec ford's Sanita' Pat‘sale by V RELIEF IN SIX HuUltS.â€"Dish‘essing Kidney and Bladder diseases relieved in six hours by the “Great South American Kidney Cure.” This new remedy is a great surprise and delight to physicians on account of its exceeding;r promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, buck and every part of the urinary pas» sages in male or female. it relieves re- tention of water and pain in passing it almost immediately. if you want (111le relief and sure this is ymir remedy. Sold Ivy . A ROBERTso by W. A the articles on t-helUses of Crepe and Tissue Papers, with illustrations; and the third is the first of a promised series of papers on Hygenic Living. The housekeeper is specialâ€" ly considered in Some Dainty Cookery, Hints to Housewives, and the article on Household' Renovlatlon which treats of the Repairing and Polishing of the Woodwork and Furni- ture; while the mother 0! marriagenble daughters will find food for serious thought iu the concluding chupter of Child Life. The second instalment of gesture in Elocu- tiou continues the subject in a masterly way. Novel and interesting forms {or entertain- ments that are agreeable and inexpensive are discussed in A Social Club. Around the Tea-Table is as bright and chatty as usual, and Things That Ought Not to be said is practically and suggestiver valuable. l'here is also Flower Culture for the month, and new and interesting designs in Knitting, Tntting, Netting, Crocheting, etc., etc. The March number is one of the best of the year with which to begin a subscription, which costs One Dollar; Single Copies, 15 cents. Address orders to The Delineator ‘I’uhlish- ing Co. of Toronto (Ltd.), 33 Richmond St. West, Toronto. ’ ' perience on Monday evening which they will not soon forget. AR they Were being driven to the Headlord church, between 6 and 7 O'clock, to furnish the music at the Dinner, they got a severe shaking up. The drivar who could not see for the blinding snow storm drove it little to one side when the wheels begun to slip and the heavy van tip- ped over to the north side cf the road throw- ing the occupants, about sixteen in number, into a ditch fully three feet below the level of the road. Most of those on the north side of the van were rendered uncnnscions for some time and are still sufiering from the eflects of the fall. Mrs. Swilzer Miss May Storey and Miss Mary .Trench were badly stunned, their hcsuls coming in con- tact with the ground With tremendous lilfCH. Rev. G. Browne, of Muple, was rendered in- sensible with the heavy fall. Miss. H. H. Wilev suflt'red from a swollen wrist. and a sprain of the muscles of the neck, but her fallwas not-so severe as the four previously mentioned. Miss Lewis was also on the north side of the rig, but she escaped with a few bruises. Mr. '1 H. Sanderson sprained his shoulder, and Mr. C. McLean got several bruises. The horses were both thrown down and nearly half sn'hour-elups- ed before they could he got on their feet again. Meanwhile, one after another of the injured party began to revive, and eventual- ly walked on to the church nboutzg‘} quarters of a mile, and fulfilled their contract. Al- though several of the load were severly hurt, it is almost a miracle that some one was not killed. The accident happened about half a mile from the third concession line. The issue of the the gn-nt " Spring and its artiszic diu general nttr furmer uum addition to Ibere are at: month, one fascinating ly popular. Mr. W. R. Prnctor d LIBERAL, to thank the nuns generally who so to the call of“Fi1-e" c last, and worked £0 fai was extinguished. wandering in bar-room and actions wont drill-king ha: Hogan remni the night Mid mates. Tow and imagined ing him. Hz to take the li‘ pronch him. in his own jugular vein. Thompson, 5( dcshuciiou k and sumo-«(1k him. Dr. Nc ed the Wound was cmnmitted b: taken down on the Toronto Jail in ch and Constable Hga‘ Albert. Standing :1 Milton. On Manda} nqunCed in 1 City and got. went to Boga all night. H lROsSLzYâ€"AL -E Sunday. 28H The Rich); his own I ular vein. )mpson, see “action km [ succeeded I. Dr. Non ft}. Methorii 0 D Ab l‘owur athei- Juo. ‘ Cu‘t hiss Own Throat 'lay evening on unknov :1 years called at a. 1101‘ A Dangerous Upset IVEAEREEEAGES ilIdeI'SOH itl The I. see for the Min. n little to one side to slip and the hem 19 north side of the x wants, about sixteen i uhy three feet below Most of those on the Are rendered uncrm Card of Thanks rmau 'W lbr got. our. of any At last] DEATHS BERT “3' ug City, on n WI” ctor desires, through THE :1: the Fire Brigade and citi- Im so promptly responded ire" on Saturday uttemonn £0 faithfully until the fire 1L Delineator. D-almentur fur Mam Announcement Nun flaw of New SUle up (ednepday 31: ‘y, M123y1‘011 A= Florence May ll load were severly hurt, that some one was not happened about half a [6 the resuuip‘iun of as of Grape and Tissue JDS; and the third is series of papers on housekeeper is specialâ€" Duinty Cookery, Hints U1) ulm 3mng tram of Bailifl [if cal fall. Miss. H. ‘ollen wrist. and the neck, but 1 the fuur‘previou 1 horses inutes f This 116 r-Lel he I ld Mr. C. McLean e horsen were both half an ham-elaps- got on their feet after another of the :vivv. and eventual. rug the Tl nun meant self wn with a chair, the razor from id in and Mimi:- ‘htrer of Mr. Alber me 1e morning, 0 Mia of J. W ideuce of the V 31515 of Jun” reen b" and 7 at the Dinner, The driver hlindmg snow ide when the wavy van tip- excited he had nown man we“ house in King Afterwards he sked to remain his bed, but it he man was elurned to the came nit illâ€"law. Mr n Monday ‘5 Sedman vet March ~i M 1d stil which l'll berts‘ drivel fl ) the nssley name from“ 00!] ters wil! Mr His all In men’s Waterproof Felt Telescope boots, me Russet Felt boots, men’s‘Loug Felt Boots, half i bermen's Hose, four different kinds of men’s «Sh SeamlesSS'Wool boots, men’s Snnw‘ Flake Merino been carefnily selected‘fmm the best manufactuu line in the Dominion. aslsn an extensive stuck ( Lace boots, Felt. Gaiters, Felt Slippers, Women’: stock of Rubber Goods. In men’s Pure Gum Rubbers, men’s Sandal Rubbers, Ladies’ Storm Ladies’ Gipsy Rubbers, men’s ()vershoes in Suo theE‘ women’s and children’s Plain Overshoes Laced, Boys in nIl‘kiuds. [n buot and shoe leaL Russet F bermen's Seamless been care line in th Lace boo stock of 3 tensiv Custom work a spe these Men WINTER FOOT-WEAR Imported and Canadian Cloths, Dress Goods, Prints Flannelettes, Flannel Sheetings and Blankets, ‘ at cost price. We want to sell all the above before stock-taking, which i soon commence. A full assortment of Staple and Fancy Groceries kept \C stantly on hand. Terms Cash, or Butter, Eggs and “Lard taken in exchange. THE - CONCRETE - HQUSE THE WEE We cannot begin to crofika qua ter of what .we would like to tell )ou about in thi umn, but come and see us :next X e nes ', Feb. 7th. . \Ve commence taking stock next week and we inake an especial effort to clear up as much of our Winter Stock as possible before we start. \Ve do not take the cost of any article into consideration when we want them to move out, but we set. the price down so low that the most inexperienced buyer will see at a glance that any thing we call a bargain is a bargain. You have only to look at the subjoined list and then at the goods to see that we know what we are talking about. Don’t miss a line of,it. Dress Trimmings Dre )H‘II out, ié‘éka-mkm Iliucry 's and .W M). Silk Hugs all STOCKuTAKING CLEAR ;-: U: M stou BARGAIN DAY, adies’ Butt 1f Slmkera u‘, half price men’s Won r - G Now going on at,“ M; s m nu'kinds. [I] k uf‘Long Boots i in all the latest st the cheapest in t1 at ‘lC omen’s Cc and Braid cleu Ms M: 51 ed hut‘ flb KfiNSON‘é at 1!; per du 5r lb .cs per 1b RQB ts per 1b ‘1‘ lb 1' 1b ‘aste-BL 10 outs in men’s promptly 1M MENSE STOCK OF Felt Telescope boots, “Long Felt Boots, 1): grant kinds of men’s 450 I rst styles and 1 in the market JUST ARRIVED regular price regula}: ; he best manufacturers w] m extensive stock of Lad 11m GEE yIit WEDNESDAY, FEB. 7th 11 s, men’s‘FeIt Artie tBuckI half fux, four different gr ’s-Stoekings, men’s Hm erino \Vool bows. The Our ne films. Cans gurly -Qaps Hemp Curpe UnioqCarpeb Boys" VesEs at 25 Household Goods neat ‘llf [‘omatom 3 cans for Zércenta finger Snaps 8 cents per 1b 8.!VERS’. ans} dels Lpit’l Mache Phnto Frames 10c regular price 15 LloitL Photo Frames 15 “ 25 Plates STOC in Sheet “U (cluders. xxdies’ C wh )n nd chil quality ) exce '15 we )(pei'éezic' 61': t6}: '. g9? per yd ...... rt arpets very oheu. ng at 500.. aces in mf Oil. men's 18 ........................ “ 35 me exceptlon value and very ‘tern. Ask about them e“ ISAAC CROSBY Vinter Chambers 250 each 25:: each 13C )ve Cases :3 each ents each cents iii-UUE‘. EU‘an Ii ner gns men and L 1‘0! 34 cake 5 ceutl which will {ept £011- :5 and 3.8.1:. price 50 85 ‘1‘ price 3, men’s f Lum- Standard (ls have worth 15c worth hers, )Ver. ular 1' elk. fuil {aka ["1118 5.00 1.00 and

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