MECHANIC volumesppc sonic Hall, f Ham. '1‘ F A “’mch-Wlaker a; Eewcilcr. Also dealer in Groceries and other Staple Ax-Lich-s. Prices right. Pulrounae Solicited. R. T. of Temperam No. 43. Moots in Tex nate Tuesday even ï¬ciary certiï¬cates 1 members for £1,000 or halt Dayavblc in case sou Select Councillor Secretarv VILLAGE cillors. M< John Pull members exemptin Wiley, Sc A. O. U Masonic Hall of each mom; tiflcategiven McMahon M PATRON the let an Delivered on shortest notice at of the Me 8 o'clock. secretary FIRE B1 of every 1 SONS 0F Masonic I ing at S 0' Skeele, Se Wm. B. Proctor, RICHMOND HILL. The Met. intion i < esired. \V D. Clul agecial noticein the Scientiï¬c American. and t us are brought widely before the public with- out cost. to the. inventor. This splendid paper. Issued weekly. elegantlyil'ustmted. has by far the largest. circulation of any scientiï¬c work in the work}. 83 a year. Sample (:0 ms sent free. Building Edition. monthly. 5 50:: year. Single 00 ms. 25 cents. Every number contains beau- ti ul plates. in colors. and hotographs of new houses. with plans. enabling uilders to show the lat at designa’gndflsecqe contracts. kAddi-ess e Mun“ a. n , .\ e†Ancien NO 7046, 1 4th Frid: C R, W I .v... ï¬romot answer and an honest oplmon. Write to IUNN & 00., who have had nem-l ï¬fty years’ experience in the patent busmess. ommunicaâ€" tions sprictly conï¬dential. A Handbook 01 In- formatxon cochming ‘l’ateutq and hgw w_ ob- ¢-:.. “A H A and“: mu. nu" w vu- uajn {hem sent {reel-2130 a catalogue of mechan- ical and scientiï¬c books sent free. Patents t. eq‘tbmugh Apgung A: 09. receive gammaâ€"AL: _ _- g . the sen-1c Sundav 54 Rector IOIIOWS : Th at 10.30 a. m ; Hill at 9 ll- 11! McMahon Pm JECl CQAL, Richmor meets in t] Monday 0) Methodis 7.00 p m. an people’s p1 General pr: lecture roo Rev Wesley: Presbytel 7.00 p m. E meeting on W Percival Roman C meat designs and secure contracts. Address '7‘ MUNN a; 00.. NEW YORK. 361 BROADWAY IQBTAEN A PATENT? For St Mary 5 Episcc \. except the thir n. ï¬elds Snns< free. they ( mum u on VII. :61 Bliï¬?4_meripgn .L.SKEELE, ORDERS SGPLICITED. WOOD Sailings flirtrtnry. OF INDUSTRY meets in I. and Saturdav of each mon ne. president. E E Slslev, s : LEAGUE meets in lodist church every A J Hume, prosxde Mb Churchâ€"Services». 1 Sunday school Mi ayer meeting Wed ‘vor meeting Thursd 30. Rev J Vickery. 'Dean, assistant ism Churchâ€"Service unday school at 2.3( 'aster W mpemu '.s in Ta tary am}: the and stor TLANI piscopal Churchâ€"Services at 8 p third Sunday of everv monthmhcn d sacrament are held at 11 a. m. lat 1.301) m. B»? W W Babes. INSTITUTEr- Library of over‘ 1500 ‘very Tuesday evening, in the Mn- 11 7 to 9 o'clock. R. E. Law,Libm Iahon, Secretary flan-Esau s a the Masonic ] ing at 8 o'clock , secretary Churches. 2nd and 4111 Wed Thomas Newton c_ Churchâ€"Services in order all at 9 u. ;u and Richmond 1 following Sunday at Rlchm Thornhill at 10.30 a. m. Re Socnclies abbatb s school at lay eveni SLABS AND room,)\1£ 'a full ml are source. but those who write 1 n & Co,.PorlInnd, Mnine,xvill receive "all information about work which an do. and live at 1101216.!an will [my AF&AH prices '0 iii c‘nse of rkman R I in c: at di McMah little imp No‘ M; 5 4th Wedne 1 to male or female 3.56 of death $2,000, one sability. J.H.Sande1‘- A E Switzerï¬ecording Wm. Pugsley No. 114 1 and f0 ng at arm sley, eetir soum Jieremiéh 'Morts Clerk. M. ’lee1 )olTempemnce As very Sunday when 1;,th 8 o‘clock p m. on. secretary ~Court Richmond Hall on 2nd and k. Colin McLean the school room Friday evening at nt, Wm A Glass, . 10.302. m and 2.30pm. Young :lnesdav evening. day evening in the , superintendent, 10nd Hill C Hall, each ‘a at 1] a. Chic 101 Bull ie 50‘ Meéts in rth‘ Tues meï¬cary All ‘uth at reasonable n' old Ml at 5:10: Mon rec Prayer Rev W Rev )llu Hall Hill the at. the time sa .public auct Two Frech Mflch Cong. on L01: 1 Whitchurch. J. "r. SAIGEON, Mr. W. B. Gram having gnne out of fhe business in Maple. I am again [re-pared to Uupply customers on shortest notice. Postal notes promptly attended to. TEMEEEANGE 8. GENERAL 803E 3F§IPEFEPEYIAP£E Mam Pumas: Warm Also 1 3 due lsu 29-4 , 15 Toronto Street, Vemn Dated the 17th day of J anuary. 1894 Saturday, Feb. 17th, 1894. at the ' ceptiot after. t Having secured the agency for the Gould Bicycle, oi Brantford, I can give you an article which is as good, if not superior, to anything made to-day. Get my prices and see my stock before going elsewhere. iGYGLES BICYCLES Now is the time to secure a ï¬rst-class Bicycle. W. A. SAND‘ERSON, -: YORKSHIRE WHITE BOAR :â€" CHOICE HOLSTEINS FOR SALE For furth e}- p51: 16 months old, bv Mr. Davi X1353 Farm Property. RICHMOND HILL, RICHMOND HILL. FOR. SALE The British Ame Also the H. JACKSON, NIAPLE 812w Emmtimments. ‘ung Cl >f May ufew very moe 1‘ s,bulls nd heifers ‘le ï¬gux . Write or JNO. A. LINE Sherwood. Out. Richm‘ 1t Insurance Agent â€"-FORâ€"- 953T. Pï¬UTUAL FIRE iNSUMNEE 60.; )je dt er particulars appl y {‘A LAWRENCE & ORM FOR SALE B. QUETTON ST. (3110ng Me DRUGGIST, OF VALUABLI ith call 1 red Improved FRED SMITH 181' Home “'6 Dower ill be ‘me an BIGYBLES IBYGLES ISTON Gormiey P. 0 ‘t. imported '1 Hill St I'lCZl 1e, and 1 cow at very Ridges . icitors {PLATFORM SPRING WAGON S. amlthmg (LE r( manlike mam and on the m als VVNE. TERENCE PI The Stl‘hw In returning thanks to my numerous friends fur their liberal patronage during the past thirty years, I beg to remind them and the general public that having erected entirely new and commodious premises I am enabled to supply, Cuntvriionwry. Oranges. Lem- ons. Nuts and Fruit. Phaetons, Buggies, Gutters, DAVE) HILL, BAKER & CONFECTIUNER TRENCH’ S -CARRIAGE WORKS.- ‘VIEOLESA LE and BETA] L. narz ork SAVED Home dding at @ubscribe for FRED E. YOUNG, Nurseryman, ROCHESTER, N. Y. uride yr {an 1' 3K RI CH'MSND H ILL . ‘RUNTO, iichmond Hill. Cakes on Shortest Notice Elie per bush per bush Proprietor. and heavy. 311 of which are3 to give satisfaction as the r my own snpervisr :1. I am to do all kinds nf blackâ€" LIBERAL Sleighs and airing in the most work 1‘, on the shortest notice I: reasonable terms. 92%! mm ush Feb. I u} attention to. arriages, HELL, : 1894 somtos 0 06 060 COO 00 40 44 GOO Our Rapid Transit Cross-Cut made of silver steel, four. back than front, at A 11111 Stock of Model and A150 best American 211 Wish to announce that their eomplet'e cons RESEDENCE lGGO Pairs of Skates, Sleigh Bells in great Variety, Packet and Table Cutlery, Piated Ware and. Cruets. W. HEWISON, Glazucr, Graincr and Paper- Wall Papers; P GOODS FOR THE LlflEï¬alée" $1.00 IN ABVANGE. b‘urmture 1n all demgns presents; Picture Fr ‘size made to order mouldmgs; Beds Wire Springs 1 STflï¬gfl ots of Goods left TEA HOUSE PAINTER, Ut arge stock ( Hanger. >94. MEREDE RICHMOND HILL 1D the Iross-Cut Saw is eel, four‘ gauges front, at 50 cem adel and \‘Varnoc DRENKERS I KALALA CEYLUN TEA; 16 IOWG rush tSawis a lance tooth saw, . gauges thinner on the t 50 cents per foot. VVarnocks- Choppingr Axes. nd Canadian Coal Oil. Stl than ret most ec‘ and I 111w down in 1 61 Colborne St. PENNYROYAL WAFERS P. G. SAVAGE. bunt, h um: Wholesale Grocer and Supply Ware]: Iy cup of ta I have also 111 7Wl' vn. Do‘n Grocene H the HQLEBAYS 7H 80 GO. EW RAISINS Lox. Adan)“, COMP“ Y. hI‘IStU SUGAR I ecu original three This is 50 pet ï¬n 2M; It ived a ï¬ne lot of ‘0 that law flavor, most no and only ta} Amity to make EUREKA 'énifï¬idï¬. mm». mm l] 1 and bu: ale price nee-pound car per cent. less the strongest delivered. mce lo: 00d 'l‘ol‘o nu) 1â€"893 Glass utcé. Séaled