RHEUMATISM CURED IN A DAY.â€"â€"South American Rheumatic Cure for Rheuma- .tism and Neuralgia radically cures m 1 to Bdays. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious." It removes at once the cause and the disease im- mediately disappears. The ï¬rst dose greatly beneï¬ts. 75 cents. For sale by ‘W. A. Sanderson. The people of this place and vicinity :met in the basement of the church here dast Friday night, it being the night ap- pointed for our Social. Judging'from the number present, the ï¬ne weather that night was taken advantage of, it being the largest social ever remembered at this whurch. The proceeds amounted to something over $22. Although we Were disappointed in getting our programme for the evening, still every one seemed to be enjoying himself and herself and went home feeling well satisï¬ed with the even- ting’s enjoyment; after doing justice to the provisions which were so ‘bountifally provided. - On Saturday the young people again gathered at the chumh to straighten up The farmers of this locality hays ap- parently decided to keep cool shis sum- mer, as those who have ice houses are An enjoyable time was spent at the Debating Club last Monday evening, all present tuking a lively interest in discuss- ing the different topics. Mr. D. James :acted as time-keeper, and at the close of 'the programme commented upon some 'of the remarks he had heard during the evening. Next week there will be a tieâ€"â€" bate on the subject “Resolved that Share is more enjoyment in a. rural district in summer than in winter.†All will do well to give the subject their consider- ation before coming to the meeting, as the speakers‘will be chosen that evening. The meeting is free to all. Miss Morgan, of Davisville, has been :visiling Miss Unmisky. ‘ Mlss Buothby has been the guest of Mrs. J. Wellman. Our village may expect a. glorious sur- prise before lung, as one of our young authors intends publishing in THE LIB~ ERAL a. tragical story ensitled “The ex- pected murders and suicides of Lung- staff.†[after the past. They spent‘a merry mime, ~some of the young ladies trying to teach the boys the art of washing dishes, while .some of the others were making lafly, which was enjoyed by all. Miss M. Munroe. of Toronto, and Miss LL. meu, of Unionville, formerly of this placu, are around visiting their friends. Miss A. Comisky is visiting friends in Toronto. Mr. Edward Elson, of Toronto, spent Sunday at home. ‘ica. The Flaneur and Boys and Girls are both very popular departments. There are over $250.00 worth of engrav- ings in each issue of The Saturday ZlIail. You should have it. Two Dollars a year. Address, The Mail. Toronto. Canada. ment that the Ontario Premier was not in earnest on the temperance «question, and that he granted the .plebiscite merely to shirk further responsibility. What »he told the deputation on Tuesday should satis- iy the most pronounced prohibition- d‘sts, and what he said admitted of only one meaning. The following are his exact words bearing on the :question:â€"« I “If the decision of the Privy Council should be that the provmce has the jurisdiction to pass a pro- hibitory liquor law as respects the 583.16 of intoxicating liquors I will inâ€"~ =troduce such a bill in the following session it I am then at the head of the Government. If the decision of the Privy Counc11 is that the prov- ince hasjurisdiction to pass only a partial prohibitory law I will intro- duce such a prohibitory bill as the decision will warrant, unless the partial prohibitory power is so limâ€" 3ith as to be ineï¬ective from a temâ€" perance standpoint." The Saturday Edition of the Toronto Daily Mail is a beautiful paper full of .izxews of the world and special articles of utmost to men, women and children. The Women’s Kingdom Department, ed- ited by “Kit,†is the brightest in Amerâ€" The Temperance Convention held :in Toronto this week seems bent on pushing matters to an issue. On Tuesday a large deputation waited on Sir Oliver Mowat and other members of the Ontario Govern- ment and by what can be learned the interview was vsatisfactory to the temperance party. The'Govâ€" ernment was asked to introduce at the earliest opportunity prohibitive legislation to the full extent of its jurisdiction. .1 1. ? During the past year it has been frequently said by those wao wished to throw discredit on the Govern- RICHMOND HILL. Thursday, Feb. 8, We (ï¬g/1113:3119 LEEW ABVERTISEMEHTS SEEKING PROHIBITION. \ Langstaï¬ Headfor'd. ’94 Collectors. Headford, Misses Comisky and Teasdale. Annual Meeting. The Annual Meeting of the Richmond Hill Branch Bible Society was held on Wed, neaday evening, Feb. 7th, 1894, in the school room of the Methodist church. The meeting was opened by singing and prayer, Rev. Dr. Percival, the President, in the chair. The Sec'y read the Treasurer's Report and also the Auditors Report which showed the value of books on hand per Upper Canada. Bible Society to be $13.45 and British & Foreign Bible Society $38.18, both reports being a- dopted. The following oflicere were elected: President, Rev. ‘Dr. Percival. VicePresident. Rev. J. Vickery Sen‘y-Trens.. J. E. Clubine 2.‘ufleposimry, T F McMahon Committee, Rev W Dean, Wm Atkinson EL, Dre ’Wilson and Langstnï¬, A G Elliott and Thos. Newton. Collectors, Richmond "Hill. west side, Mis- ses B Movdie and B McConaghy; Eaat side. Misses Storey 11nd Brillinger. Rev. J. G. Manly, Agent tor the Society, gave a very Ihougbuul sud able address on the Double use of the Sorgplures. followed by a short address by Rev. J. Vickery, after which the meeting adjourned. The auditorium was crowded last night to bear the concert given by the management, Seldom. if ever, has Miss Sara Lord Bailey’s rendering of “Life for Life" been equalled in this city. This lady possesses a voice of great range, and is especially deal: in dram~ atic recital.â€"T0ronto Empire. Collectors; Victoria Sqimre, Misses Nicol and Harland. Bond street Congrpgmionnl church was crowded to the doors last night to hear Miss Sara Lord Bailey, the Benton elecutionist. Miss Baitey’s elocuuonary efforts were ex- ceedingly ï¬ne. She has seldom. or ever, been excelled in Toronto. Bond street peo~ ple were more than delighted, and showed it by their frequent eucares.â€"-Tor¢mt0 Globe. RELIEF 1N 51x H:-’U1¢s.â€"Distressing Kidney and Bladder diseases relieved in .six hours by the “Great Soulli American Kidney Care.†This new remedy is u ureat surprise and (IL-light tn physicians an aceount of its exceeding DHHIIIJHIESE in relieving pain in the bladdrr, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary pas- sages in male or female. lb relieves ne- tention of water and pain in passing it almos‘t immediately. If you want (mick relief and sure this is your remedy. Sold by W. A. Sanderson, Druggist. The following are a .few of the hundreds of testimonials nilnlive lo the ability and at tractiveueé’s of’Sura Lord Bai ey, who will give one of be: grand Dramatic Recital; in the Masonic Hall this ('l‘hursdui) evening. under the auspices Lif the Mechanics’ lusti- wte : Miss Sara Lord Bailey made a. decided bib with her recitatinns. Miss Bailey’s elo- cutionary eï¬urts Wine a revelation, and she proved herself the nblest elocutiouigat who has visited Canada biuce the days of Mrs. ‘Soott-Siddons. Toronto News. Mr. Switzer and Mrs, Storey thought that at. Mrs.‘Wlley now had an extra class the salary should be increased. Moved by Mr. Swinger, seconded by it. Storey, that Mrs leey‘s salary be raised $25. making it $275, the same as the salary in the 2nd department. Moved as an amendmenb by Mr. Nanghton, seconded by Mr. Trench, that the salary remains as at present. The amendment was carried. A communication was read from Mrs. Wiley asking for an increase in salary. Mr. Naughtnn thought that as all the teachers had been re-engaged and had ac- ceptedfnr the present year it would not be advisable to increase the salaries. Dr. Wilson pmpused that a bonus granted for the time Mrs. Wllcy has extra. class. This wascoucunud in several of the trustees, and til-9 ma was laid over. The committee was instructed to pro cureaomwbou‘ks fur the High School. An 11291111; exhibitea smue very useful schoolcha'r'ts, but the Board declded nut to purchase at present. 'The Secretary Was instructed is Mr. B. Redditt the sum of -$?0 f surance on the buildings. The average attendance in Ihe School for the - month of J-niuni shown to be: lst division, 46; 2:. The average School for the shown to be: I 3rd, 43. The annual meeting of the School Board was held yesterday. Members present: Messrs. vahfl), Switzer, McConaghy, Trench, Storey, Clubine, Glass, Lynet. Nanghtun, and Dr. Wilson. .The election of oï¬icera for the year re salted as follows: President,â€"Alldrew New tun; Sec-Treas., J. A. E. Switz-er; Committee of Mamgemcm,â€"â€"Messrs. F. McConaghy, D Lynet, J. N. Buyle. Cnmmnuicaninns read showed that $13 40 frum Markham pan of School Section and $1357 from Vaughan would be paid the trustees on application, from ulnnicipal grant. Miss Nellie Drury, of Toronto, has been home for the past few dn) 3. Mr. and Mrs. D. Boyle, uf this place, vis‘ite’d Mr. Morgan, 01" Scarboru’, last. Sunday. Mr. J. O. Clubine, of Toronto Univer- sity, and Mr. E A. James, of Newmarket High School, spent'Sunday last at. their respective homes. Miss H. 'Boynton, 0? Victoria. Square, paid us a, flying visit Tuesday of this week. We would advise the young men who vpass through this vi‘iiuge Sundsy evening, en route for Carrville, that lhey leave their dog at home, since persons seeing the animal know that its master in not. far distant. ï¬lling them as quickly as puss others are erecting buildings i store away a supply of th article. School Board Meeting Testimomals. quicklyrajg possiblq, in Ihe Public January 46; 2nd, ‘sible, while in which to ï¬x valuable oronto, a) 3. this 1 from Mrs to pay for in- as the in by a‘tter A. G. ELLIOTT, BOOTS & SHOES Men’s Gvercoats Boys’ Gverccats Boys’ Suits Men’s Suits Underwear Shirts Wool Tweeds Mits, Gloves, 620. For Men 85 Boys: And a large variety of other goods too numerous to mention. Blankets Comforters Flannels Wool Sheeting Wool Shawls Wool Hoods Wool Mins Linea Gloves Cloth Dress Goods Storm Collars. Boas, Muï¬â€˜s Hosiery, &e. For 30 days the balanCe of our \Vinter VVooliens will be offered at “prices that should induce you to buy if you re- quire any of the following goods ; SPRING GQODS A. G. ELLIGTT£%~**' IELEï¬SE ._.1\ __ I Produce Taken For Ladies, Men & Boys Preparmg Room RICHMOND HILL. Great Value LADIES Read this ‘: ~FORâ€" ___1 S___ 0. Mason, Geo. McDonald, â€" Richmond Hill. FINE HARNESS A SPECEALTYL The worst kind of a cough, relieve that tickling in the throat and give instant relief. What ? Why A ï¬ne black hide Rube that is giving the best of satisfaction, the very best Robe made for the money always in stock. Can also supply you with Matansana or any other kind of FUR COAT you may want-,any size,to order. Whips and other supplies always on hand. Everything as low as the lowest. Call and see my stock before buying elsewhere. Repairing promptly attended to. RE - STORE FGR WAS PRESENTS HARNESS ' SHOP DAVDS GOUGH BALSAM! Is the place to get good value in all kinds of Harness, Nothing but best stock used, and I defy Competition in workmanship or price. Ask your store~keeper for . D. DANIEL & (30., DRUGGESTS, Now in stock, a. 171 King St East, Toronto, MATASSANA ROBE S. IT WILL CURE RICIJBEOND 111141.: RICHMOND HI]: , a, full line of Wool and Jute Horse Blankets, Wool and Rubber knee Rugs, at prices that are right. Opp. Clyde Hotel. Carvers, Skates, Sleighs, Knives, Forks, Spoons, Butcher Knives. A very large as- sortment of Pocket Knives. Chopping Axes 600. up. X-cut saws 50c. per foot up. Hardware of all kinds cheap {01 cash. Tinware. Repairing done. 25c. bottle. Sole manu’s, Bic-h mond Hill the