Have long plied their vocation on the suf- fering pedals of the people. The knife has pared to the quick; caustic applications have tormented the victim of coma until the conviction shaped itselfâ€"there’s no cure. Putnam’s Painless Corn Extractor proves on what a. slender basis public opin- ion often rests. It you suï¬â€˜er from corns get the Extractor and you Will be satisï¬ed. Sold everywhere. It has been found that Miss Ellen Terry makes the “autogrnph ï¬end†useful by requiring everyone who wants her auto- graph to contribute something toward the support of the hospital in which she ii specially interested. It is suggested that other people who, forsome reason or another, are targets for the hunter after autographs should adopt a similar plan, and levy, say ï¬fty cents, for some worthy charity, as a condition precedent to the writing of their names. They would thus make the “auto- graph ï¬end," Whois now generally regarded as a. nuis Luce, a. useful and productive member of society. ATrensure Winn-h Should be Guarded by Some Loalslulion. A remarkable fact is made public in connection with the parochial work of the Rev. Robert Ker, rector of St. George’s parish, St. Catharines. During the monih between December 2nd, 1893, and January 2, 1894, Mr. Ker read the service for the burial of the dead over five persons whose combined ages amounted to 423 years, not one of Whom was under eighty years of age. The American newspaper womanâ€"Miss Bankeâ€"who has been rather startling the London press with hersensational reporting; has vaulted from her experience in cap and apron as a servant to advertising for an aristocrat chaperon mlling to take pay: ment for introducing her into the best society. The results of this undertaking he, of course, has duly ventihted in an article. How much hidden treasure the depths of Ontario's broad ï¬elds. her roeky strata. and her limestone ridges, contain in the way of that most excellent fruit of the earth’s bowels, natural gas, is as yet uncertain. The only locality in which these valuable vapors have been developed to any extent is the south westerly part of the county of Welland, chiefly in the township of Hum- berstone, where the work of producing natural gas has become a Considerable in- dustry. The use of natural gas has practi- cally avoided in that district the necessity of oil for light, or wood and coal for fuel. The neighboring country, however, reaps only a, slight portion of the beneï¬ts of this production. Regarding the nonflicting statements as to the health of Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes, Judge Holmes, the poet’s son, says the truth is that about two Weeks ago his father was seized with a slight attack of the grip. He has since recovered, but is suffering to some extent from the languor that some- times results from the disorder. He is in other respects in his usual health, is not conï¬ned to his bed,nnd his condition is not such as to cause any alarm. THE CANADIAN OWNERS. While the gas inherent to another man’s land is removed therefrom by the pumps, it is doubtful if he has any legal remedy, and certain decisions in the American courts uphold this View. The tendency of the American judicial opinions appears to be that natural gas is like wild animals, (feriae natures) and can be taken wherever it can be found. It is on this account that a representation from the inhabitants of that district of Welland county are now asking the Ontario Government for legisla- tion to prevent this wanton export of gas by foreign companies. The remedy they propose is a. law prohibiting all pumping of gas. The flow of gas is to be conï¬ned to the rock pressure or natural flow, and this quantity it is claimed is sufï¬cient to meet the purposes of the surrounding country. As it is now, the people of \Velland, ’Ihorold and St. Catharincs are deprived of a. great blessing of nature, because the Stand- ard Oil octopus 0&1] draw money into its tentacles more quickly by supplying the gas to Buï¬alonisus. It is claimed that the now fertile gas ï¬elds of Humberstone will, in a few years become wastes, like the gas ï¬elds of Northern Ohio, owing to the artiï¬cial pump unduly destroying the natural supply, LON’G DISTANCE rim-1s are laid connecting the gas wells With the city of Buffalo, and several millions of cubic feet of gas are now sent to Buï¬alo yearly from Canada. Until recently the natural flow of the gas was suiï¬cient to meet the requirements, but the demand for the gas in the city that guards Niagara‘s head has in- creased so greatly that. artiï¬cial agencies are being used for its extraction. The Standard Oil Company controls nearly all the gas ï¬elds of the district, having leased them from the owners. The production is conï¬ned chiefly to two companiesâ€"the Provincial Natural Gas Company. which is the Standard Oil off-shoot, and the Erie Natural Gas Company. The former com- pany has placed pumps in Operation to sup- ply the demand, and the latter company, to keep up with its rival, will be compelled to follow suit. It is in the use of the pumps that an important question arises. The pumps have the eflect of exhausting the supply more speedily, and not only do they extract the gas from the groï¬nd into which they are sunk, but they also deprive all the neighboring land of its gas. Thus not only damage is done to a neighbor’s rights, but the foundation is placed under a process of sure exhaustion. Experts aver that the supply of natural gas in the Humberstone district will be all exhausted by the pump- ing process in six years. All this gas will ï¬nd its way to Buffalo, and very little will be left for Gladstone traces his ancestry back to King Duncan,ofScotla.nd,who was Macbetb’s victim. This gas question is a most interesting one, and from the data. to hand at present, it would appear that the Government should take some step to prevent the wan- ton deprivation of acommuuity of a. natural blessing which rightfully belongs to them. There will doubtless be other gas ï¬elds dis- eavercd in Canada, and it is right that they should be preserved as far as possible for the people who have the most right to enjoy them. n?1~u3u c: AS I.\' 0! Tuna (‘hnrlata us and Quack: PERSONALS. [Instantly Outrage on line Freshmen of Cornell l’nlversltyâ€"(‘hlmlne (Ens lu- (rotlnccd into the Dining-Roomâ€"ono Dothâ€"SI-veral Students In a Crulral Condition. night th quec in the lam; by the Mason: o’clock the fresl hill and march C Tioaa street wa‘ Nerve Pain Cure Polson’s Nerviline cures flatulence. chill and spasms: Nerviline cures vomiting diarrhoea, cholera, and dysentery. Nerviline cures headache, sea. sickness and summer complaint. Nerviline cures neuralgia, toothache, lumbago and sciatica. Nerviline cures sprains, bruises, cuts, &c. Poison’s Nerviliue is the best. remedy in the world, and only costs 10 and 25 cents to try it. Sample and large bottles at any drug store Try Poleon’s Nerviline. they coming freshmen, ready to pounce upon them and use every endeavour, legiti~ mate or otherwise, to spoil the freshmen’s evening. The whole of the Ithaca. police force was stationed near by ready to quell any serious trouble. About ten o'clock the freshmen reached Tioga street. Then a “rushâ€ensuedâ€"-called a. rush probably in order to give it a. good character, but in reality it was nothing more or less than a free ï¬ght. The freshmen surged towards the door leading up into the hall and were ‘ Faces were punched. hats smashed, and a. general melee fullewed, in which the ofï¬- cers were tossed about like chaff. The “ rush" was only ended when the last fresh- man was safely in the 119.11. Then order was restored, except, perhaps, when some luckless freshman who was late fell into the hands of the sophomores. Things Went along quite smoothly until about eleven o'clock, when a sensation was sprung upon the people outside the hall. The police ofï¬cials concluded that the victims were poisoned by gas, and discover- ed that in a. room directly under the kitch- en of the hull some one had bored two holes in the ceiling above. On a. table stood a. large jug, corked, but in the cork were two rubber tubes, which ran nearly up to the ceiling, where tl‘ey were connected with two lass tubes which ran through holes in the cor, thus spreading in the room above the gas generated from the jug, which was found to be chlorine, a mixture of salt and sulphuric acid. There was, however, no clue tn the party who had been guilty of this dastardly piece of business. Tobiensky,'a. Belgian engineer, has design- ed a sky-piercing structure for the Antwerp Exhibition of 1894, which promises to eclipse the' Eiffel Tower and Chicago’s great Ferris Wheel. It consists of a gigan- tic captive balloon, composed of two hemi- spheres and three cylindrical compartments of triple Chinaeilk. The weight, including the castle in the air and its accessories, with that of 150 persons, will be 16 tons. The balloon will be anchored by four great vertical cables. _Two balloon elevators, captible of carrying ten to ï¬fteen persons, connect the castle with the ground. Ac- cording to the strength of the Wind, it can rise to a. height of from 600 to 1500 feet. The platform is 90 feet long, with a. surface of 200 square feet. ‘ Filrsb‘appeared a. coloured women, led by two men. She was almost white, so had was her condition. She was taken over to Dr. Lockerbie's, and means taken to i‘e- suscitate her. But all means proved of no avail, and a few moments after eleven o’clock she died. Soon after she was led out of the building a. number of students were carried out, some being taken to Grant’s drug store, and some to Casey’s res- taurant. The eï¬orts to revive them proved more successful,and they recovered sufli cient- ly to be taken to their respective boarding places and were put under the CARE OF PHYSICIANS. NORTH-WEST SETTLEBTSO' TRAINS MANITOA Itha. Loganqcumns ABOUT THE ATTACKE STUIHZNTS POISON ED. 11in AND THE FROM ALL S AP. 700 Half a. century ago the effects of ST. LEON MINERAL WATER upon the system may have been experimental. now its healing properties are established beyond question. The analysis alone stamps it a medicine of an exceptionally high order. Besides. nearly every physxclan and export recommends and prescribes it. No other Eater on the continent approaches st. eon. 81;. Leon MinerEWater 00., Ltd. Head (miceâ€"King St. Toronto, Branch. 448 Yonge St. This is to certify that MR CHAS. CLUTHE. of 134 King Street \Vcst. Toronto, completely cured me of white swelling in the left I knee in less than 6 months. I was able to attend to my , business three days nftei'he had placed the machine on. (I had been conï¬ned to my l bed constantly for four ' months previously.) The doutors decided that noth- _ing but amputation would .e__ 'suve my life, but; on May â€" v- ~ “y†a 15th, 1890, a friend persuad- ed me to let MR. CHUTE make a machine for em. I consented. but I confess I had. no faith in it. I sulfer now no pain whomever. and can walk ten miles without the ind of stink or crutch. I give this testimonial simply to help anyone who may be siifl‘cnng as I did. and to convince them. if possxhle, that there is only one cure. and that is extension as applied by MR. CLU’I‘HE of 131 King Street “’eet, Toronto. George Giles, 320 Markham St, Toronto. No Guess Work Now I Have all the latest improvements. Be sure and get one for your buggy. They are better ham ever for 1891. For nearly half a century we have been supplying the Farm- ers, the Gardeners. the qurists and the gorticultural Specialists in all portionq of this great Dominion, will: our selected and reliable stock 0! Seeds for the Field, the Garden and the Greenhouse; and year after year Lhcir orders come to us as regularly M the Seasons: so (hat the people's trust is to us a moat valuable pos- session. Our Seed Catalogue for 1894 is now ready and. will be mulled free to all who apply to JOHN A- BRUCE 8:. CO Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription.†The distressed teacher obeyed, was restored to perfect health, and her daily duties once more became a daily pleasure. For lady teachers, salealadies and others kept long standing, or broken down by exhausting work, the “Prescription†is a. most. potent restorative tonic, and a. Certain cure for all female weakness. iuaranteed to curein every case or money returned. See printed guarantee around each bottle. Fibroid, ovarian and other Tumors cured without resort. to surgery. Book, with numerous references, gent on receipt of 10 cencs in stamps. VVorld’s Dispensai'y Medi- cal Association, Buflalo, N. Y. There are more houses in London than in Paris, New York, Berlin, and Vienna put together. This is to be accounted for by the fact that the inhabitants of these towns eside mostly in flats. Thus in auguah wrote a 1 near friend. tellmg of pitil smarting pain, of pain in b dejection, weakness and n unresc. The friend knew cure and flashed back the ST. JACOS OIL Yes, but feed it with Scott! Emulsion. Feeding the cold kills it, and no one can aï¬â€˜ord to have a cough or cold,acute and leading to consumption, lurking around him. SGOTT’S EMU“! " Oil and Hyppzphoszihites strengthens weak Lungs, (checks all Wasting Diseases and is a remarkable Flesh Producer. Almost as PalataMe as Prepared only by Scott & Bowne. Belleville. "Iâ€"IITS.â€' Ofpure Norwegian Cod Liver "f all the gold in All earthly thin W'ere mine. wit HAMILTON, ONTARIO. WHITE SWELLING. Inn-v 5:0: OLD, cunomc PAIRS succuma T0 SEED MERCHANTS. I'I' HITS THE SPOT AND CUR28- gush wrote a lady teacher to a tellmg of pitiless headache, of I, of pain in back and lions, of akuess and nervous, feverish friend knew both causes and led back the answer, “Take Favorite Prescription.†The mixer obeyed, was restored to h, and her daily duties once a daily pleasure. For lady n m‘mt or bar nzs that, men ith every tiblt lby exhausting is a. most potent Lain cure for all nteed to cure in med. See printed a} 11th WATEROUS, â€"'-â€"-â€"â€"'=.â€"_ J: DULUTH RAILROAD COKPLNY in Minnesota. Send for Map: and Circu- lars. They will be sent to you Cures all diseases and irregularities eculiar to Women. As a tonic no better can e had. Take it. Samples free. Sold by all druggists in 25 cent packages, or mailed to any address on receipt of price. '1‘. A. SLOCUM & CO. _ ‘ 3867 Adelaide St. W., Toronto, Ont CAULDRON FURNACE. Health, Strength & Beauty, Blav Machiner‘ A it you are not an age 00 he oneâ€"4f you want; to for our illnetrated list. publisher, Toronto. LUGOJJUB Heats Quick The WILLIAMS THE STAMERER, The Gurney Foundry 00., Limited TORONTO THE cunnsv,â€rqasssv 00., LIMITED LADIES, DR. SLOCUM'S DUMPDUND PENNYRDYAL TEA School for the cure of Sta Canada, sent tree post-paid OXFORD HOG Valuable cb‘dféddfz' W001), HARD 0R SOFT GOAL. TYPE‘VRITER. TTENTION HOPEWELL CLARKE, v-_zn.__U-__:A, , n. n They give perfect satisfaction in ï¬t style, and ï¬nish, and it by-word that 7 GRAN BY RUB ERS. FREE. _ VISIBLE WRITING Made in 5 Sizes, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 Gallons. ADAPTED FOR EITHER DRY PRESS, PLASTIC TILE AND PAVERS HAS INDIRECT DRAFT Land Commissioï¬ï¬. 87513571; I‘Mâ€"ï¬n. IMPROVED 'MONTREAL. ‘fiuR‘AiNBY RI’BBERS wear like Iron.†IFY USE DE AW E: GIVE for sale by the SAINT PAUL sent, tree. ACRES OF LAND m MORTON 8: Sum? HAMELTON,0 NT. cums fun mering‘ BRANTFORD. zike l VVilli Mywmyï¬ but The ofï¬cial or‘ gan ofChurch's Au to - V oc e loving, Toronto AN 9: would mon eyâ€" iam Br CANADA. AG send KNITTING MACHINE MFCRS. GEORGET OWN, O N 'I‘ ADDRESSâ€" usin The last letter, the last word, the last lines in plain sight. adds 1~ 9 percent. to the pleasure of N0 (“DING IT BLIND. 8‘-n. of It: Prlee douuded g in beneï¬t brought to in an enormous \-c _ businen, Even a: low prices at which Stpel Wxndnnlls an Towers, nude m the mo: . manner. a! thn mos: pev terial. and GALVANIZED COMPLETION, Tlll'S PER PROTECTING EVERY PORT] THE “STAB. it is posuhle to an cams on each outï¬t, .nd these 2: on the enormous number of mums m nmfnutury m the Aermntor Co.,wl\lch h: denvcd more pleasure {mm the some. it dere‘ingrcnc numb-r of people and from I .- It takes m Llomg well whatever it [rub Its! A than from the muney n makes (mm its eutervm wn' V'va'L'n on: 0!? on: wonm s40. them at n N0 LIFTING 0F CARRIAGE, N0 RIBBON, DIREGT INKING, STRONG- EST MANIFOLDING, POSITIVE ALIGN- MENT, UNEQUALLED SPEED. A STANDAlD AMERIGAN MACHINE THEI'IIGIIEST GRADE III EVERYTHING WE HAVE ITHE AGENCY. This Fl $25.†:24f't' BREELMAN Bï¬ï¬‚S. ALLOW You NEW, mm; Every Mush: Teacher in Can Dada. should know where the can_ get their Music Cheapes . erte us for Catalogues; also sample capy of the CANADIAN Mnsxcux, a live montmyjour. nal with $1.00 worth of music in each issue. $3150 86 per day madeby canvassers. See prem- inmlist, We carry everything in the Music line. WHALEY, ROYCE & CO. 153 vuuu: £1. Tammany". ZVYUSIC! pa -9 from which'flm/ are (Ii 2:91:0me TH]; PI‘RCHAS 0 3113., ALL STEEL 11mm (Lrflm $56. show: unnmziidmlï¬. . Tlll's PERFECTLI sum: row/non or 16-“. $1 25- become of “I rlac ruded meï¬t l granny to t Ind ha. in factory voluma o! a: the var few ad Steei rat‘perhci n téw cent! holly wuy! V‘U tor, 1 o!