70 L. FHE LIBERAL PRINTING & PUBLiSHiNG HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, our. THURSDAY MORNING DR. LANGSTAFF. RICHMOND HILL. Graduate Toronto Universiw. Member College ansicians and. Star; ,ons, Ont, two Venus As- sistant. Surgeon Toronto General Hospital. (at me Palmer House) Shouï¬vifle Markham Mt. Albert Woo lbridge V Kleinburg .. NoJlaï¬on. :33. mm gasm, SEQ. EL. LEWSTAEF, M3†THCBNHILL. Residencea'lfwodcors north of post ofï¬ce. Tel spun-.0 cnmmummtiou by pnvate Line with all outstanding places. Aurora. lst.8ï¬1,16bh.&ud 22nd Richmond Hill ..... 9th and flat: 8 to 10 a. 223.; and 6 to 8 p. m. Reliable Gum Applications used when ISGet your Cheap Teeth of Robinson W! J. WILSON, M. D., RICHlVIOND HILL, Ont, W. ROGERS, DENTIST, Will visit Richmond Hill Wednesday and Sutul day ufwrnovn of each week. .‘. F. McMAHON. J. T. IflcElroy, VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, with diploma from the Ontario Veterinary Dent-9.1 School, will visit Maple on Monday and Fnday of each week. Calls promptly amended ‘( ‘ $4; is? EEEQL, ’ $1.09 IN AEVAESE. Addrsss A ROBINE‘ON L.D.S. Alu'OIaOnt E! per annum, in advanmï¬ Diseases nf l aunnms m 'oved mew s to 10 a. "2.; 6 16 § 9. m. Oflice hoursâ€"8 to 10 a. m. to 2 A little east of Parkdale station, over W. Collins' shore, comer of Queen and Nortth Avenue, BUSINESS CARDS THORNHI] VETERINARY DENTIST, CONCORD, - ONT. {TORONTO @3113 ‘Eï¬ibml Vllcgéléflfl £1? IS PU BLlSHELD EV Vet nary Surgeon QFFICE HOURS OFFICE HOURS Eamon. 3: Pnermmos MAPLE. gag. ééailatmugh. 1f horses, cattle and 00mm created by the latest and USED BY Dr. A. Robinson. aï¬itdiml. Svrteriuary SURGEON DENTIST 53911131. .1821), sloth 14m 281m 29th 3mm L, ON‘L. if Sunday, 215: of each month do do do do of each month (10 domestic“ required 1V1. 'I‘IEIEP‘Y. NOTARY PUBLIC, HXGH COURT OF JUSTICE, 8m. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Barristers, Solicitors, 86c. ‘Poronto 0fï¬ceâ€"-No.x5 Toronto Street. Richmond Hi1] Ofï¬ce open cvcry Saturday. A G F LAW‘BENCL' MONEY T0 LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES LAWRENCE & URMISTON. I'm-onto Ofï¬ceâ€" 34 B 1m: of Commerce /_ Buiidmgs, 19,. King Street West. l‘homhill Ofï¬ceâ€"Post Ofï¬ce every Wed- nesday from :0 to 12 a. m. collections in City and Countrv promptly attended to. Money toloan Magma J? Qwvmm LEEDS Having Laï¬tted the above house I am prepared to furuuah the bestaccommoduuou to boarders tug! 151.19 amv_elli9g public. i‘élelmone 9984 Licenseu Auctioneerer the Cnuutxes of York Jute.er and Peel. Gows Sold on consignment \ieunralsales 0 stock. Me" promptly attended Lu at reasonable rates. P. 0. address UNIOflVILLE. Licensed Auctionm 192' the Caunty of York. re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence‘ sales attended on the sLortest notice- an'! a reasonabe rates. P. 0. address King Mr. '1‘. Herbert Lennnx will be at. Kelly's Hotei, Richmond Hill evexv Wednesday, for the trans- nation- nf busmess. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York 53.1% attended to on shortest notice and at me» sonabla rates. Patronage solicited. Residence Maple ROBlNSDN, LENNOX & MACLEUD Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. General sales of implements. tumiture.smuding timber. etc†attended on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates. Stock sales a. Bpecinlty‘ Patronage solicited. I" U. address Unmuville. Every accommodation to guestfl. Board per day THE PALMER HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. Thisï¬ne hotel is ï¬tted up with all the modern nygliances fu_r healhh apd comfort. Best brands of quuors and cigars. Sakhalin, 166m; “forflgom- mercial traveliers. 'Busses meet a)! trnius‘ flutes $1.00 per day. Best bmuds of Liquors and Cigars. Excellent stnbling anu etï¬cient, bosclern. Sample moms for commexciul men First'clnss Livery in con- uection. RWHAHDSï¬N HQUSE; MISS c, HARRISON, DRESS - MAKER, Nov 26-91 RICHMOND HILL. A - CALL - SOLICITED. Funeral Furnishings Always on Hand 6.5. 5‘ LINDSEY RICHMOND HILL POST OFFIHE BABEISTFBS, SOLICITORS AND NOTLBIES 3. R. MILLER Underlnkers a: Embalmcrs, Paciï¬c Buildings. 23 Scotgt St. '1“ E. Lia/mm MEWS Evï¬mmag Barristers, Solicitors, kc. TORONTO AND AURORA. Barristers, Solicimrs. Notaries and (:onveyancers. , 158 me 3111mm EAST. TORONTO SEY. LENDSEYSL EVANS, WRIGHT BROS, James C. sgokes. CUMLUSSIONEB IN THE San-m Eckardt MAPLE .L T. Saigeon, J. .l. Lunau, JOHN W. EVANS 25943211. WM. RICHARDSON. Proprietor “In. Essentials, Unity,- in Nonâ€"Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity." JOHN KELLY, Pronrietor‘ RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, MAY 17. 1894. W s ()BMIS’PON, L L B E. J. B. DUNCAN LXON LINDSEY Money to Loan ‘orotm " Can you praise God when hhe wlnd is in the ï¬nst VWâ€"Mark Ghy Pemfle. _ “ I will bless ‘ihe Lou! at. all times. H16 bluish shall continually be in my mouth."â€"-Ps. 34: 1. 'Tis easy to sing when the skies are bright, And the heart within you is cheerful and light, When tbs lragranca of flowers floats sweet on the air, And the wm-bling of binds is heard everywhere. But when skies are dark and Lhe pihless rain Beats down the frail flowers and hushed is the strain Ofsumnxel“s§oft song ’ueabh the bleak wintry snows, 0b, can you. praise God when the out wind blows ‘1’ "He easy to trust when those you love best Are safe by your side in the cosy home_nest, But; when they are scattered so far «no so wide; And. long weary miles these dos-r ones dlvidb, When silenced the footsteps and Vacant the Chair Your poo And cries (nit to Heaven from bitteresï¬ woes» 0b. can you praise God when the east wmd blows? "Pia easy to think this'warld is all right When ygm' pelt)“. plans succeed and you walk as y sis b. When frifuds crowd around you to give you good 0 leer. And the Kingdom of Heaven seems wondroust DRILL But. oh! when there's failure and doubt and awav_ Can you trust and work on? Content that “ Ho _ known,†Ohmtm you praise God when tboensi wind blows? And the iiéhéins seem brass and friends "He atayetb His rough wind in the day of the east wind," This promise of mercy He will never rescind, Your strength to your dev proportioned shall be, And answers to prayer yon surely shall neeIL The cLilm-en shall gather from east mm from You‘ll sit down together in the hnme of the blast. Out at great tnbulation, your robes white as snow, You shall pruise God forever where no wintrv winds blow. Mum: The third page of the Tux-unto Daily Mail is noted for “Wan t" advertisements. If you want a. situatiun. a mechanic, 3 busmess, machinery, ludging, if you have lost or found anythmg, or If you want cu ï¬nd out “here anyone is, advgruse in the 'l‘ornm-I Daily Mail, and read the adâ€" vertisenwuts on the third page uf that paper. The charge is two cents a Word each insenion, or ten cents a wordfur 31x Insertions. Address The Mail, Toronto, Canada. Princess and Premier may wed; at least Dame Rumor says that the Earl of Rosebeiry, Ilie Grand Old Man's success- or, and Primerâ€"es Maud. the youngest daughter ot the Prince of Wales, are en- gaged. The Princess is by far the best lodging of the three sisters, and wnllld be considered quite pretty even did she not belong to the Royal Family. But.though only 24 years of age, thoroughly well educated, a good rider and fencer, her most estimable quality and useful ac- complishment is that she is as ex0ellent a maker of butter as her mother“ She comes honestly enough by this talent through her Danish motherâ€"the little sea‘girt kingdom in northern Europe be- ing justly famed as the home of the 'best butter-makers in the world. What a splendid example as a prospective wife the Princess Maud sets the young women of this great farming country. It. does not necessarily follow this: every pretty girl who can make the best of butter~â€"éven beat her mother at itâ€" will catch a premier for a husband. thuugh that would be none too gnod a thing to happen her, but her chances in the matrimonial market shnuld, and un- duubtedly would, be immeasureably in- creaser‘. Dairyingâ€"the making of butter and cheeseflis the agricultural art: above all others that modern science and inven- tiun, coupled with the distance destroy- ing steamship of to-day, have placed in the very forefront. as a proï¬table branch of farming in Ontario. Deep set milk pans, power cream separators, the Bab- ceck milk-tester, improved churns, new apparatus and processes fur cheese making as well as a butter sysï¬em of packing hut.~ Ler for shipment to far away markets, not to mention minor details in which decided advancement has been made, have practically revolutionized the dairy Business. Then the sluw but sure “breeding-up" process guingnn in the average milch cow of the Province through judicxous blendinus with the best blood of well recngnized milking strains of cattle, is an element. ui extraordinary value in esLi mating the present, Worth of this im- portant branch of the greatest industry in the cn-untiy. The World"a Columbia]: Exposition at Chicago. with us sweeping successes for Canadian dairyiug, is of enormous beneï¬t to us in Ontario who will pruï¬t by the lessons taught thereby, and follow up the tremendous advantage such an advertise- ment as that was of the vaince’s capa- bilities in the prod action of the ï¬nest butter and cheese. IL is nut tn ba wondered at. therefore, that the 17th annual cunventiuns of the two Dairymeu’s AsSUCintiuns, thwse uf Eastern and \Vestem Ontario, dealing with cheese-making, and that of the Ureumexies’ Associatiuu of Ontario, covâ€" Ontario Dairv Farming. dummy m e. a nut to Heaven from bitteresï¬ w_o_e§, i' heartis throbbing with trouble and Poetry. Luv: ering the whole Provinca in its scope as a gathering of butter makers, should this year have been brighter and better than any ever held before. This hnpeful condition of things is evident tn any one who will look through the 2-4.0 clearly printed pages containing extended verbatim reports of the speeches made, papers read and the interesting discussions thereon at these meeï¬nga, which has been published under author- ity uf the Minister of Agriculture, Hon. Joli" Dryden Incidental to the invalusnle technical infurmatiun fur butter and cheese makers imparted by these expert. dairymen in their essays, speeches and tells: across the table, Is a perfect treasure-mine of general agricultural lureâ€"useful knowlâ€" edge to any farmer who wants to keep abreast uf the times in his profession. The book will be. found good reading by all who have at heart the Welfare and progress uf agriculture in Ontario. All that has been said about. the above publication as of especial interest to the farmers of Ontario just now Is applicable with intensiï¬ed relevance to another emanation from the same Governmental source-«a special bulletin dated Toronto, Muy 151;. 1894, entitled “Dairying in Ontario,†prepared by the Department of Ayricnliure. A simple list (if the quest- inns treated in it with exhaustive care and minute exactness as to facts and ï¬gures, must auflicer to whet the nppetite fur tins uppnrtunu and presently precious pagphleg. 7 Here glley aye: Have dairy products decreased in price in Ontarin as much as grain 7 Is dairyiug less exhaustive upon the soil than other methods of farming I 15 Ontario adapted to dairymg I Have the dairy exports of Canada been increasing or deerensing I \tht abuuu the exports from the Umted States ? In what way has Denmark got such a hold upon the Bxinish market 7 What-has been dune in Ontario in the way of making butter in creameries 7 What Is the difference in price between different grades of butter '1 Will the use uf impmved methods ,in- crease the quantity of butter ? With what countries other than United States do wa compete in British malknt? Are than? any ulher advantages; nwmwmhve system of butter or making 'l What. will be the cost of afactory, with plans for a centrifugal Creamery. capacity 500 cows: or one on the cream-gathering principle wnh a. capacity for 500 to 700 What is 'the best method of conducting the business 3 How may Dairy Companies become incorporated T Miss Della Silversides is spending a few days visiting friends in the city. Mr. A. Robson and Miss Carr, of Purpleville, visited friends 11619 on Sunday. Old Jack is again on the turf under new management, but, he still trots on hi:x favorite Course. Julmnia, his driver, says when he guts a good start he will defy anyone to run him off the track. Mr. J. Bruwnlee, of R. AH†p_nid a fly- VVfIat Acts have been passed by the Ontario Legislature in regard to Cream- eries and Cheese chtunes 1 Application to the Departme'nt of Ag- riculture, Toronto. will bring copies of Lhesetwo publications by the Ontario Government tnall who wiil take the trouble to write on a post. card their names and address-es. Old friends and acquaintances are in~ vited to call at Dilwmmh’s Drug Store and buy thril‘ goods at Wholesale Prices. What will it cost to equip a. factory 1 What is the best way to start. a factory Wt creamery_? _ The York County Bee-keepers Associa- tion met at the residence of Mr. Adam Hunrick on Thursday, the 10th of May. Among those present were Mr.J.Davison, ‘ of Uuinnville; Mr. W. S. VValtnn, of Scarbnru‘ Jc.; Mr. D. Rauier, of Cedar Grove, and others. Many subjects of interest to those engaged in this fascinat- ing pursuit were discussed. The must prominent subject was the management nf swarms. After the discussions Were OVel‘ and the business concluded, refresh- ments Were served, after which a hasty visit was paid to the apiary of Mr. L. Mapes. Then the visitors separated for their respective bumes alter spending a very social and pruï¬table afternoon to- gether. Several names were added to the rull of membership. The next meet- ing will be held at the residence of the president, Mr. W. S. Walton, Scarburu’ Jc., on the 5th of June. um, uu uA-v v“. v. vullv‘ Muster Charles and Miss Nellie Barker gave a union birthday party tu their friends on Saturday, when. about ï¬fty little folks assembled and spent a jolly aiternuuu together. Mr. J. Bruwnlee, of R. H., paid ing visit to our village on Snurday. Headford. in the cheese the the Businesa is as brink as ever; tha farm- era are busy planting trees. They say that Mich is an expert at tree planting. Our carriagn works sre humming. Our merchants are doing a rushing business. Our butchers are kept busy eveï¬'v day. Our masons are seen eVery morning driving oï¬' to work. Last but not least of all is our Vxllago Band. II: is rapidly improving under the leadership of Prof. Walker. We ex- pect to hear some choice selections from them on the lat of July, as we are pre- paring for a large crowd here_th_is yea}. Asgome of “Te bachelors of this place lose themselves on dark nights. it is pro- posed to erect electric lights on some of the side lines for their accommodation. Stop for tea. tonight. I want you to taste the Kalala. Ceylon Tea; it is the richest cup of Tea I ever tasted. You can only get it at Dilworth’s Drug Store. You can buy it there at $1.00 a caddie, other stores charge you $1.50. The Rev. Dr. Talmage’s tabernacle in Brooklyn, N. Y., was burned yesterday, in addition to a hotel and several houses adjoining. The loan is estimated at. a million dollars. A warrant for the rem-rest nf “ Doc†Andrews and his Wife was issued on Sat- urday afternoon charging them with hav- ing performed an abortion on Nellie L}:- fontaine. The couple had left town soon after their release on the charge of murdet on the previous day. Justice Robertson on Monday last sen- tenced Lottie Evans, of Sharon, to ten years in the Kingston penitentiary, on the charge of attempting to poison her husband. Geo. Osman, who was an ac- complice, received two years. Listen! Have you tasted the great new Tea, called Kalala Ceylon Tea. 1 it's beautiful. If you call at Dilworth’a Drug Store you. can get a sample cartoon of it. for uo‘chiï¬g Its the best and cheap est Tea we 353g; peed; THE DNTARED BANK Sums of one dollar and upwards received on deposit and interest allowed thereon from date 95 da'pesit to withdrawal. Special arrangements can be made for large sums |eft on deposit. Executors’ Notice Late of the Township of Vaughan. in the County of York. farmer deceased, who (had on 61' about the 1m: day of March last past, are on or before the 7TH DAY OF JUNE NEXT To send by post prepaid to John Mitchell Rich- ards or R. M. Hsdweu', the executors of the will 0! the said deceased. or to Messrs. Cook a Macâ€" donum,barristers.«510., No. 1 Adelaide St. E., Toronto. their chrisbian and sir names, av!- dresses and description, the fuxl partlculax's of their claims. a statemeutof their accounts. and the nature of the securities, (if any), held by them. 45â€"1 Dated this am (13.): of Miay. 1894. .M.R UHARDS, , B. M. HADWEN, Execm‘f"; COAL, WOOD Delive‘ Wm. B. ProctOfm RICHMOND HILL; NOTES DISCOUNTED. JOHN HADVVEN, Sale notes cashed or taken for collection AURORA BRANCH SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Banking Ofï¬ce. Yonge Street, Aux-om ere ORDERS s‘DI‘ICl’l‘ED General Banking Business Done‘ Take notice wait the Creditors of [Single copiés, 3 cis; RA DC L [FF E. m anagcr. News Notes Tesnon attest notice at rensonab prices. SLABS AND No. 46 Tea