Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 31 May 1894, p. 4

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chnimiin HILL. Thursday. May 31, ’94 MRGRUNDYHA S No GRIE VANCE Mr. James Stevenson, the Conserv- ative M. P. for West Peter-borough, was asked by a reporter of the Otto- wa Free Press what his constituents thought of the case of Mr. Grundy, the dismissed Deputy Registrar or Peterhorough, over. whose case some Meredith papers have been making such a noise. ‘ borough thinks Mr. Grundy has any grievance," responded Mr. Stevenson. “ The people there are satisfied that the Registry Office is well conducted, and they would have justified the Registrar had he dismissed Mr. Grundy sooner than he did. Neither the Government nor the public know anybodyr in connection with the reg- istry office except the Registrar. Mr. ,‘rrundy was not dismissed because of the evidence he gave in Toronto, but because of a letter sent to the pa pcrs after his return to Peterborough. The people of Peterborough take no Stock in Mr. Grundy or his grievance, and they have no fault to find with the Registrar.” The Free Press com- menting editorially on Mr. Stevenâ€" son‘s view of the case, sayS: “ In view of the statements made by Mr. James Stevenson, the Conservative M. P. for Peterborough, in the inter- view published in another column, the efforts of the Mercditliites to make capital out of the case of Mr. Grundy, the ex-Deputy Registrar of Peter» borough County seems extremely ludicrous. Mr. Stevenson is no doubt as anxious as any other Conservative to assist the party. but he realizes that there is nothing.r to be made out of the Grundy case. The r' idents of Peterborough, Conservatir'cs and Liberals, who know all the circum: stances, have no sympathy with Mr. Grundy, and the fact that the Tories law to endeavor to make capital out or" such a. matter indicates the comâ€" pile-to aliscncc of serious ground of at lacking the Mowat Government." Referring to the Patrons of Indus try it is worthy of note that the “Farmer's Sun" expresses the opinion that the agitation tor the election and payment of salaries of provincial officers in the counties “ was started by land speculaii‘irs.” who wish thus to make other people pa y for their transactions. it says: “ They reâ€" quiri the services of thcse officials most frequentlyâ€"indeed no man who does not buy or sell land 1‘cquii‘cs the aid of a registrarâ€"i, nd it seems right- that the. registrar should be paid by the person who rci’luircs his servicos. To abolish the fee system and put the man on salary, as some pr0p0sc, would be too call upon us all to aid in the payment of an official the scr» vices of whom 900 out oi" every 1000 never require. This view and -all other views will, no doubt, be fully heardJiy the commission now taking evidence from every source on the entire question of appointment and payment of public officials, and we have no doubt that in this matter, a: in all othcr questions that he has been called upon to scttlc, Sir Oliver Now- at will take good care that the public interests sh ill be conserved. __..___ ( The Protestant Protective Associa- tion has twenty-seven candidates in Ontario constituencies running for the Legislature. Of these no fewer than seventeen are, or hav», been, Conscrv~ asives. There sccin to bevno feriner Liberals among~ their candidates. Eleven of their candidates are Patrons of industry, and one of them is an “Equal Righter,“ It seems, therefore, that while the Patrons of. Industry are mostly Liberals, or of Liberal sympathies, the Protestant Protective Association is mostly Con- servativesâ€"Montreal Witness. (Continued from First Beige.) McNeil. Stallion 1 year old_\\'m R P, octnr. Brood mare aéed â€"â€"Jiio Palmer. Fi ly or gelling 2 rear oldâ€"W H Ash, Frank ltnnihle, Filly or gelding 1 year, old-D 0 Steele. Bnooo Honsrs . Slallion agedâ€"F J Gallanongh. lion 1 year oldâ€"W R Progtor. Crass ’; Still- 4 “Elite fliheml. “Nobody in Peter-i Marsh & Sons. Grade Cow aged, lat and 2nd, James McLean; heifer 2 year old, Geo Padget; heifer 1 year old, 'l‘ B Ludford, Arthur Qiniiiiz. Jersey Cmv aged. W 'R Pr ictor, Arthur Qiiantz; heifer 2 year Old, Geo Forester, Arthiu Qimntz; heifer 1 year old, Geo Padget. Holstein Bull 2-year old, Geo Forester. Hereford Bull sued, James Baker; boil ‘2 year old, A Marsh & Sou; Cow aged, Jun Baker; heifer 1 year old, Jas Baker Polled Angus Cow aged, Thus Palmer. JUoGnsâ€"G Brodie, E Sanderson. SHEEP Cotswold Ram aged, 1‘ F Boynton (6 Sons, Peier Boyntou; rain 1 shear, la". and 2nd, T F Boynton & Sous; pair ewes aged, lst and 2nd, T 1' Boymoii «St Sons, Leicester ram aged, list and 2nd, '1‘ F Doynion & Sons; ram 1 shear, let and 2nd, T F Boynton & Sons; pair ewes aged, lst and 2nd, '1' F B iynton (k Sons; pair ewes 1 shear, let and ‘Ziid, T F Boynton & Sons; pen long wriolled, T F Bnynmn .9; Sims. Sonthdown Ram aged, 15! and ‘2nd, R Marsh 41: Sons; ram } shear, lst and 2nd,}; Marsh & S-ins; pair ewes aged, lst'and 2nd,R Marsh 61' Sons, pair ewes l shear, lat and 2nd, R Marsh & Sons. Hampshire, (\‘Lc â€"â€"â€" Pair ewes aged. G'eo Forester; pair ewes 1, sllcar, (:‘ugo Forester; pen medium win-lied, K. Marsh Lc Sous; pair fut wethers, George Forester. SWINE Boar, large breed, 1 year and over, T F Buyi t in (f Sons; boar 4 months and under 1 year, lot and 2nd, '1‘ F Boynton ck Sons; sow 1 year and over. [st and 2nd, T F Bovnton d: Sons; sow 4 months and under 1 year, lid. and 2nd. T 1‘~ Boviiton &Son. Suffrlk Boar 1 year and over, Roht Elliott; Sow 1 year and oiicr. Robt Elliott; smv 4 n.o...h3 and under 1_ year, 1st and 2nd. it -b' Elliott. Berkshire Boar 1' year and chr, Peter Boyiitoii, R Marsh ([7 Sons; ho .i 4 inns and under 1 year, Peicr Buynion, Ue-i Fudge-t; so» ] year and urr'l'. lut 2nd, Peter Boynion; sow 4 [ll-Illlllfi and under 1 year, Peter B iron-n, (it-mgr Padget. J [ll)GES~â€"Th0mas Teasd ile, A lberi Bostwick, Richard Frisby. .POULTRY Brahmas, Thus Ludlmd; George, Pnduei: brown Leuhorrs. W H Pugsley, H F Hopper; CHCiili‘vi‘. 'Ihoa Ludford; special, Pulands, 'l‘hns Lvidfuril. recliininended; Hulul‘|lls"l. To N imd ford: black Minorca, \V H Poodlry; Wv- Dorkinps. Thos Ludfoiil, John Tlltlfi Ludforf'l. Ji‘bcssâ€"J 15 H Kirhr, Fllilili Gohn. DAM“; 'l‘vn lbs Butler in pound 3-r.llfi, D C Sieele; ifllos in crock, T if Boviiron dz Sons: 10 lbs in .5 pound rolls, ’1 F Buyoâ€" Brou n. ) r I . l l;J( one, ) rnn & Rolls; 10 lbs in 2 pound inllfi. A Quantz; 5 lbs in pound rolls, Josie. lireuls; 5 lbs in roll, William Jules. 4 lb loaf Bread, Janus [iii-luau, H F Hopper. JUDGES-C J Brodie, jr., \Vin. Atkin- 80“, Sr. MECHANICS’ MANUFACl'URES Sctsingie harness, 1st and 2nd, Geo McDonald; Furniture, l’ G .5 .Vvle. JL'UGEs‘E Braund, Aiihm Quinn. FLVE Alt'l‘S Kenningtou paioiing, Mrs 'l‘ Fi-nyih, Josie Breula; painting on china, E Me Venn, Josie Bri'ula; pflliitii-g rm plus-l) m velvet, Mrs T Sniyih, E Mchiiii; IMUJL in}; on satin iii nil, E h‘lch‘au. painting on satin in Hater color, E McVeaii; luuud paiiiti'd placques, E McVean, F Brown; collection oi fancy work. Mrs T Siiiyth; 'umi'ked toilet set, E McVeaii, F Brown; Worked panels, E McVean, Josie Bl‘ellls; embroidery in rope, silk or linen, Mrs 'l‘ 'l‘ Si‘iiyth. E lllchaii; t'illbroldel'y on bolting Clnll]. Mrs 'l‘ Siuyth; euibi-Oidery on Cotton or muslin, Mrs T Siiiyih, E Ale-View embroidery on silk, E McVean, Mrs T Snivih; embroidery on wool, E Nit-Veal, stle Bl'elllr,’ table scarl, E .Vlchuii, Mrs 'l' Suiyth; pair worked slippers, Mrs T Sniyth. E McVean; crazy patchnw'k. Mrs T Siiiytii, E McVenn; chair tidy silk. E Mchn, J usie lirenls; sol-a cushion, E McVezm, Mrs T Suiyth; -honiion lace, E hie-Venn, Mrs 'l‘ Sniyth; point lace, E lilo-Venn, hire '1‘ Siiiyth; set ialile doyles, E McVe‘un, Mrs T Suiyth; guipiire Work, Mrs 'l' Siryth, E McVean; crochet work in silk, cotton or wen]; E Mchan. Mrs T Buiyth; ottoman. Mrs '1' vath, E McVoan; pioccwurk quilt, E Mu. Veuii,-Iosie lireu's; fancy quilt, Jesuc Brculs, Chas Morrison; colored furlcv wool knitting. E Mchuu, Josie Breuls; plain knitting, Jusia Breuls, E McYean; orrumeutul needle work, E McYeun, Mrs 'l' Smytli' geuLs‘ tine shirt, Josie Brouls, r; MeVi-au ; raised work in filoseile. Mrs T South, E McVeiin ; braiding with silk, cotton or worsted, h‘ McVeun, Josie lii‘euls; drawn linen, Mrs ’l‘ Sniyth. E McVeau ; riblmseile work, Mrs '1' Smyth, E Alt-Yeah; Japanese work, 14', McVerui ; etching on linen or cotton, E McVean, Mrs T Smyth ; funcvsolu. cushion in ei‘etonne, E McVeon, Mrs ’1‘ Sin} th ; foot rest, Mrs ’1‘ Sinytb, E McYeun : neuzest patrli on garment, E McVeun: slipper holder, E Mci’eun, Mrs '1' vath ' Meximu 'iued‘e work. Mrs ’1‘ Suiyth. E MuVemi; drawing room screen, Mrs ’1‘ Suzvbh. E MeVenn ; collection of novelties 0r relice, Mrs T. Suryth. Specialâ€"L: Morrison. ' JL‘I)GHSâ€"l\1r;.l i: Jvnkius', Miss {J Lloyd, Miss Millie neyuou, Miss J Elliott. ' ‘ W llITINC; Copy book llybm- under )5 years, Hurry Van. derburu, Herbal t Smith; coliv book by Rivl uu‘ «lcrlfi years Henrietta. Ialliott, (lluru Vander- buru; (:0va book by girl under 12 years. bee HlLl'ilS, Ada, Andrmvs. DRAWING Drawing boot: by pupil under 1" ‘slupcS, Lee ELL! ris ; drawm'iz book dcr 1:! years, lieu Harris. F Storey. JUDGEsâ€"A Carley. .luincs Illi~l)ougnll. Guam, hours, FRUIT, Erc. Dozen eating aliiilcs. Arthur Quanta: dozen Clitiltllll’. a1-p.cs,.»irtlior Uimiitz. Collectimi of years, Chas bypupii un- Single carriage horseâ€"~11. Canning, F J G llaiioiigli. Single roadsterâ€"John P..ln:ur, W H Ash. Saddle horseâ€"Jag Blicdonald, F J Gallmiivugh I JUDGESâ€"James Elliott, J T Stephen- son. CATTLE. Dinliam Bull 2 year o'd-wl’eter Boyn» "in; bull 1 year old. lst and 2nd, Roht Mush & Sons; Cow agid, lat and .‘nd, ‘ Jackes. Home made wine gram, ’1 humus Stevens, (Tet; Puduet. Bushol of full “'lIClLL, William Jones. 'l‘hoiuus Stan/ens. Bushel spring wheat, 1st u, ,d 2nd, 'l'lios Stevens Bushel six rowed barley. George Pudhot, Wm, Jones. lluslie; white outs, George Pairget, ’l‘lios Stevens. Bushel liluck natal George Padget, Thomas Steueus. linshel snxull uses. 1st- and 2nd, Thomas Stevens. Bushel lmge' peas. 1st dz 2nd, Thomas Stevens. Collection 'of potatoes, Wu] Jones. Bushel early potutoes, W111 Jones. Bushel late potatoes, W in Jones. Collection of roots, George Padgrt. Canned fruit. 'Hopper. Picklss.F W Juckes. Catsup. , H F Hopper}: ' J UDGESâ€" Gm Keith, Alex Cameron. ' ‘- w R Marsh & Sons; heifer 1 year old, R‘ and ‘ ;\iidiitleS,T F lioynion a: Sins; Biiitaim,‘ HFl 1- was craggy “camaugam-mmrzww Silica lli‘lilghiii Seine Fol-wit {Over twenty five cases of Ladies’ and Gem’s, Buys and Youth" Fine Boots Shoes. The stock annuals of the finest. quality of Spring and Summer Boom all Shoes manufactured exorcsealy for R. SI‘FIQERE, EEkicHunond Ilill, By theheat makers in Canada, at prich within the reach of any one. \Ye shall umiutain our Well established repnmiiuu for keeping good goods and will Carry the. most reliable lines in the market, also the finest in :pialiiy and latest styles such as Ladies’ Dongola Bluclici 0x? ird, L: ies Xiiiericaii Kid Oxford, Ladies’ I’ullsh CalfT Oxford, Ladles’ New lei ’l‘in, Lilditfi‘ < i-iodyear Welt Oxford, Ladies’cioss strap :Slippers Piccadin Toe, Ladies‘ Duis) Kid Fawn: and Tip Oxford, Lidies’ Pebble Oxford in 5, Ladies l’elioic Shoe pram-ii, Lailiv-s’ Dongo‘m Oxford in 9, Ladies’ pater 2 leather Slippers Piccuiily toe, and :i full stick of L-idie:y Russian Tan Oxfnrd; we same variety in Misses‘ and Children’s. \Vu. have a full stock of Ladies' buttoned and laced boots, Ladies’ l‘then buttoned lioniS Ladies’ Kid Goodyear \Velt butmned mom, Ladiea’ Daisy fin; buunll brilifi. In! :rs' Donizolu Bale Sluehor cnt, Ladies’ ‘Kid Blucher with G uuiyear Wk‘ll, Luiios' Uil G ain Bals. Ladics’ Pebble Bals, Ladies’ Buff Buls. Iii gents" we have a line stick of line l’wls ‘n Kangaroo, Shelli Cordovan, Stanley Kid, Alligator, l’urliiilmu Gulf and Russian ’l‘an kids in Oxford, and Blueher cut; also a heavy grade of men’s and boy’s, such as Bellas Tongue. Plow boots, Harvest bums, and long leYJ. \Ye confidently lwlieve that we are in a ,pnsltlun to place before me public such mine as has never been shown iii Richmond: Hill. No trouble to show goods. Alofid) 11‘2" :55'1‘()CK nmen‘s Cork 83.3 and Bl:il~(i'3"s Plates. Laces in Porpoise, Cordovan, “hum-proof Oil, GlyCcrnlc Polish, Ladies" Trunks 129T vww Be too late, be AHEAD -._.._OF_.__ TIME. Get a. ticket for one Ofthose hand- Men, m... w I . Silk in d Braid, Sahiii’s Beeswax Oil, Buttoris, Button Hooks and Button Fasteners, Antoine’s Paste Blackiiig. all sizmy at wholesale prices. Re p.115”) g- 1 Custom work a specialty, pegged and sewed. promptly and neatly done. . . . LOOKT'. . All the Colors cf the Rainbow DY E S. I ) / E D DAISY .. IACKAG .. These Dyes are m'inllfacfuretl by one of the largest and most reliable manufactur- Only 5 cents per package. ers in Europe. Each package Contains the same quantity and will Color the same. amount of material as the Dyes sold at 10c , and every package is guaranteed. In handsome cases, to be given away at A. G. ELLIOTT’S Look in our window for them. ‘mâ€" Also see our. .Handsome 1313- play Of initiateâ€"Plait _ Silicate Berry Dishes, Butter Dishes, Pickle Greets, Knives, 'C.D.ruouEL & CO, I)E§ET€£GIS'RԤS. I71 KING Sr, EA TORONTO. Opp. tilyde Hotel. BRA.NCI4l-COR- CARLETON lit BLEEKER- e'i‘ J], IR: {(315.3}E05ID 1111;}; HARNESS SHOP Is always “'3 with the times, and with No I STOCK, - GOOD WORK, - HONEST DEALING. Can guarantee satisfaction in all Grades and Styles of Harness. Fine Harness a specialty. Whips, Buggy Dusters, Wool and Rubber Hose Rugs, Fly Nets, and oi'ner sup- plies always in stock. Repairing romptly Attended to. PRESS REGET. Geo. McDonald, Richmond Hill. RIOHIJIOND HILJni Hanonmmua=erRE Forks, 850., 860., .1 1 *Sells at Toronto prices all kinds of Hirdware, Spades, Rakes, Hoes, L‘IWD Mowers, and garden Tools of all kinds -, Chums, Creamsrs, Oil Stoves, Eare Troughing, , and Iron Rooting ; Hot Air Furnaces, Nails, Fence Wire and Barbed Wire very, cheap. I : . Tables, 860., 860. THE OIL GAE) STOVE . â€"* The best Uii Stove invented. 1 THE CHEAP ~- ~ o STORE FOR DRY _ GOODS. Boers SHOEs 'REPAIIN “h IDONE. %. ._ .4; Ln.____;4.ic.i .. LISTEN 1’ LISTEN 1 If you want to get Goods at Wholesale e Prices You can get them at DILWORTH’S DRUG STORE. 170 KlNG ST EAST, TORONTO. Agency for the Cheapest. Strongest and Best, selling at. Wholesale Prices. ,: if, DILWORTH’S â€" DRUG - STORE. 101:0. "F0. 86C.) 85C. Kalala. Ceylon Tea , GROCERIE S" FREE :.:SAMPLE

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