Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 31 May 1894, p. 5

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D-Lveu wam The following are among those who ur- n'ved in the village on or about the 2411) of May, to visit. relaLiVeq or friends :â€"-Mrs. James Suvage, nee Misa Flora Sheppard ; Mrs.Norns, me Miss Emma Sivers; Mr. and Mrs. Truman Mupea, Mr. D. G. McKen- zia, Mr. and Mrs. S. Sumo. Mr. R. Street. Miss Sullivan, Miss Eva Wiley, Mrs. Sauce. The members and adherents of the Metho- dist church are exceedingly conservative. On Sunday evening hst by a vate of 77 to 33 they deckined to change the hour of evening Service from 7 to 6.30. Free Lecture. A leczure will be given in the Temperance Hall, Victoria ngare. on Wednesday evenâ€" ing the 6th of June, for the purpose of ex- plaining the working: of the Canadian Or- der of Chosen Friends. Grand Inspector Campbell. of Hamilton. Will be present. A number of songs, reoitntious. readings, et0., will also be given. All are invited. Aunthnr lot Fire Proof. tum] Society mil be hr on Wednesday afternoc A noiay msiividunl was removed from the Agriculmml Hail while the concert was in progress on Thursday night, and placed in the Lockup. dluue: See those south window 25 cents. N. B.~Rer:i< bt'leust Fxftee mentioned 1m Pure fresh L: a: the Concrete ‘ Teas have becnm Grncel‘y Departmun result of selling gm Among the p 911 the Queen‘s Richardson. 1 thk, and Mr. Engineer for £1 Youripcame will be larger when you realize how mush Dry Goods you can buy for five dollars a; the Concrete House, Atkinson a fiwitzer. Deihi EpiC! at the Coucret New Embraideries thing very mat and hinson 62 Swi'zvr. Fish Delicacies â€"Froah HerriDRB, Her- rjuga in Tomato Same, Kippered Herrluge, Preserved Bloaté-rs Crown Brand Labsters. Finest French Sardines, Salmon. Mackerel and Finnan Haddie at the Concrete House. TORONTO Until further noting 1h" Richmond Hill Post Olfice Mr. T. Hex-hon. Lennos will be at Kelly‘s Hotel every Wednesday. Vaughan an till l.)le Week. The 88!!) our Lutheran churn Northern Cour: will be held in ‘ Thursday, Flill the 7m, tub, 9v interesting pm; and every Sedfiil and profitable. games will be pr qludiug a. large Mail 5 Sphinx Prune Fire Proof. Mon. Thursday, Fdday, Saturday and Sunday, the 7th. tub, 9m and 10th of Jane. A Very interesting pmgmmmu has been prepared. and every seueiou Will be msde attractive and profitable. Between 20 and 30 dele- gates will be present from Pennsylvania, in- qludiug a. large number of emment clergy- man. The puulic are cordially invited tp attend all the sessions. For prugramzefi of quay Byfllyu seu pus PROCTOR‘KSTAGE LINE. film a? Com Fire Brig Read Tnz LIBERAL-'8 supplement this week H M POST Dirâ€"FEE NOTICE HMOND HILL, Thursday. May “’est. incl Maple. Torc :mo zâ€"Goina south nhnve) eetawifi'n all trains. havng Riahmnn ‘Hill. as frdlnwa: Expresstnh & Scum“... madabion “ “ Maths-fist «mi m patronized ‘3 Bil'lIL-duy, and tea at eat rket z North n th ..... n HILL urs for 010 GOING 11a Norm G011“ Markham Minutes held ov‘ r My J the C Jnme Sherwood. \mine 3irth- :fom) meeting and practice next the 4th of June. dLe versury of the Zion Evan. , 4th Con. Vaughan. and anus of the Pittsburg Synod. ne church at Sherwood on Mail [29 the leang line in the nl at the Eire Proof. the 30d Teas cheao. .e Hams win he dosed at the Olfice as {OHOWSzâ€" arch. south East and includinu Th nrnhm , Torontn_Mnrklmm,&c. 7.45 mth East and West (as _ M SAC TIM 9.40 150 p: hat the Concrete, some- new. See them! At- m for 10 cents per cm are, Candidate [or East ‘8 AIL-129mm“, County Jty of York ntvisitors at. the Fair Day wetfl Mr. John xpauese Runs in the uncrete House. 8 for SOUTH place ibetafio ME TABLE. rs mnsthe handed in m‘lierthan the above Postmaster Blue Prints at the )RTE “ore of the Agricul- in the Lorne Hall next. at 2 o‘cluck. Mason 6; Swi. zer bvtetirm churnhea wir friends on th fi number tnkiu Accom AM 1‘1 .35 for sale at the 30 the Palmer .800 0. 11.00 .515 I.“ 5.10 31, ’94 Mai] 5‘80 6.4 5:17 34 ' Toronto N ores. The Opera. House will be closed this week. . . . . The commeucumenl exercises at Univer‘ sity College will take place on June 14 . . . . . Mr. Henry (‘awtlrra has purchased {rum Mr. Frank Phillips, house and lot 214 Beverley St. tor $10,000 . . . . . 'l‘he hono~uydeuree of L. L. D. Will be conferred upuu Lord Aber- deen. Prosmeut London and Principal Paton m. the convucaliou ol ’Vurmly which will be held this week. . . .Tlre contract for summer clothing for jail rurnkeys was aw‘arded tn 0. Martin at $13.35 per suit. . . .Rev. Dr. Sutherland spent. Sunday nud Moudny in Rochester, N. Y , where he preached and de- livered an addresa before a large Misfionary convention being held there. . .7. Mr. William John McCuwbenn was louud dead in bed John McGufiobenn was Iound dead in bed in his room at O‘Nei"s hotel. last Monday. Mr. McCut‘cbeon ii. is slated came to the ho- tel on Sunday night. He was 52 years old. formerly kept, hotels in Winnipog,Wingham, and Clinton. The remains were removrnd to his fulher'e residence. 200 Dundaa street, {mm whence the funeral took place. The deceased gentleman was born near K‘eiuburg. Each of the Gullowiug for 25 cents at the Cum-rem: ? ten 02. Bars Buuian Electric Soup, ID (45m. 05. Bars our man E1. ctric Snap» Both of these soaps are equal in mum; to Ammonia Zlec'ric. 8 lbs Babb Kalle-d Gals, 11 Rye, Gold Dust Cornmenl. '1 " lbs Wheat. Flakes, 5 “)3. w-od Raisins. 7 lbs wmd Currants, ‘2 Lbs. Leaf Lard and 2 lba. Tomatoea, Corn and Peas, 2 cans for 15 at 1110 Fire Proof. Wet. weather goods:-Umbrellas and Waterproofs are in gteat demand at the Concrete Home, but we bav’ut raised the pnces yet. Atkinson a; Switsor. Miss Sr McGowan. uf Maple. at L. Rankin‘s. . . . . Mr. Fred K~fivr, of Concord, spam Sun- day at Mr. \vViu. \Vyiiu'a.....Mr. Kupurt, (If Vullore, spvnt Sunday at bome....Mis:s leZiP Gardner spent. Sunday in Sherwwd. ....Mr. Leek, of Markham, spent bundny at Mr. H. Kvfier‘a....Mr. and Mrs. G,. W. C. Dunlap spent, the Queen's Birth-day at the Lutheran parsonage. . . . Mr. Albert Lim I in company with his mother and sister, while returning irom Markham, met with a painful accident. Whuie driving aioug the trans broke and the shafts dropped down, striking the horse on the ride. The horse gave 3 spring throwing Albert out, breaking and dislgcatiug his right arm. The horse was caught by Mr. Thomas Rupert. The muthv‘r and sister escaped injuries by remaining in the buggy. . . . Mr. Lines has recovered from ,a severe illness.â€"â€"Cum. “Miller was very popular both with the emplayes of. the mill and with his numer- ous acquaintanqu about the city. lie has been conueqted with the mill for (en VBBX‘S, the greater purtion of. the time in the cape city of head miner- He was bum in Thorn- bill, Ontario, Canada. where his father, mother and a brother still reside. Another brother, George Miller, is employed in t‘1e office of the mill. Muller was a. nephew of Mr. Welsh. and that gentleman is prostrated over hi; death He had 111qu borne a repu- tation lor sterling industry and honesty. AmOng the business men his standing was excellent. His death has cut a glnom over the entire city. He was a man of conhider- Valrle menus and was interested in North Stouktqu ginger-tun." Swap» “(I ‘hlnhty to RUM-d 031 lbs Wheat Fund Curr CoLLolenu. jamm‘ {nob will be rel-0| [19.1 by Ihe Rev. 0.30 a. m. Rev Died in California Sherwood Gardner and U. (lump ill, by Mmsrs A. Rankin Torunm, hv Mra‘ Wm. , at Mr. “'11:. Shuuk’n; Jf Maple. at. Rnnkiu‘s. r, of Concord, spent Sun- I Vic's”, .Mr. Rupert, m )HIed. Services J. A. Dnulup, Mr. Campbxl 7 o'clock.... Birthday, was and U. Camp The Concert. Notwithstanding the wet weather and the bad state of the roads 5 very large Crowd gathered in the Agricultural Hall in the evening of the 24th at Mev to listen to the entertainment to be given under the auspices of the Agricultural Snciety. Young men, accompanied by their fair partners, came in from all surrounding neighborhoods. which swelled the audience to such an extent that about $180 was taken at the doors. The re- sult went to prove that a first-clays pro- gramme, well advertised, is sure to draw a gem] crowd. 'lhe society have held many good concerts, but it is well within the mark to any that the lee! far eclipsed any of its predecessors. It is only fair to acknowledge that Miss Agnes Knox was (be principn! They Want N ames. l Frank S. Taggurt & 00., 89 King St. west, Toronto, 001mm, d+sire the names and ad- dressesufn few people in every town who . are interested in wmks of an, and to set-tire l them they Ofinl' lo send free “Cupid Guides the Boat." a auner‘oly executed water color picture, size 10x13 inches, suitable for fram- ing. and sixteen other piclurvs about the same site, in lJlorsJM auy one sending them at once the names and addresses of ten per- sons (admirers of linu pictures) together with five tune-cont glxmps to onvrr expense of mail-ivy.“ em. The rvgular price is 81.00., 'but they can all be secured free by any per- ! anu forwarding the names and stamps ) promptly. l drawing card. but this brilliant artiste was ubly supro' oil by evevy other perlormerwho took part in the programme. After a few opening remarks by the chairman, Mr. \V. Trench, and an overture by the Band. Miss Maggie Huston gavr-a her first vocul sole. This young lady drlighted her hearers by singing, in excellent style. a. number of wry pretty songs. She has a ewwt mice, a fine app/«armies. and well merited the «means which she rice-ived. The comet solos by Miss Ethel Querrie Were now] in an enter- tainment here. They were Well exaculed and well received, and Miss Querrie was warmly congratulated on her succsess as a ournelist. As a comic singer, Mr. Bert Hur- vey filled the bill to the satisfaction of all His pieces were quite uuuhjectimmbln, and were humorous enough lo bring in"): nu encore every time he appeared. Miss Agnes Knox,whose fume as an ulocntiouiat pru- oeded her here. plexleed evarybotly, and he: hearers were thoroughly SBLiSfiell that all that had been said in her favor was fully justified. Her voice was clear and thorough- ly cultivated. her manner was charming, and her gracelnl gestures Were marvellwnply executed. In hummus pie-es she keeps the audience in the happiest mood, but i. her heavier selections her wholeâ€"soul seems to be thrown into the pleasant tank. Every selection which she rendered on Thursday evening was a gem. and every expression which she uttered was appreciated to the full. Miss A T. MchW rerhrmed in a A1: ad'ourned meat. Board 0 - Health was 1 ing of an 23, at 8‘3 Council Chamber. I Bugsley, chairman; M Messrs Miller, Manir most amisfactnry manner the Iunctl‘wx of accompanist on the piano, for the vocahets. The very excellent programme closed with the NuIioual Anthem. The general opinion is that economy shunld begin at samehody else'a home. Be- fore criticizing the extrnvagancvs Qf otliern, why .not take the mute out. of your own eyes by practising what you preach 7 Begin yum money-saving career by shopping at Atkin- son & Switzer‘s. VIVIANâ€"LAWâ€"Atthe r father. hv the Rem; (14w. May 23rd, Wm, to Priscilla E., aI-le: of Richmond Hill. BnmvNâ€"Ac the re:idence of her 5011. S. M. Brown. Victoria. Square. on “Wednesday. the 30th of May. June Brown. aged 80 years. Funu‘alto the Mathmliquhux-ch Cemetery. Elinor-m Square, on Fnday, June lst, at ‘ p. m. We. the underaigned ratepayers and residents of {he village of Richmond Hill, bug to inform ynu that the slaughter house belonging to Mr. H. anper being placed in a posit-ion contrary to the health by laws, is the cause of much an- noyance, unpleasanmess and sufl'ering; we cannot endure in any lunger, fearing disease will break out. ‘We res;)eq4fullv request the removal of the above men tioned unis-Alice at once. Signed, R. W. Lewis. Leslie Innes, John Innes, Jas. Freek, Jeremiah Mort son, Mrs. Chas. Chamberlain, Wm. Tee], Mrs. Barnes. The minutes oi,th 18m {Way were read and approved; Mr. R. W. Lewis, one of the petition- ers addressed the Buard in reference to the curnplaim. against- Mr. Emer Hup. per’s slaughtar house as did also Mr. Jeremiah Mot-mun, annther of the pe'i- tiunpra. The Buard requested the Medi- A meeting of the local Board of Health was held in the Council Chamber, at 8.30 pm. on May 18. Present : W. H. Pugs- ley, chairman ; M. Teefy, secretary, and M. McNair. The minutes of 13th March last were read and approved. The following commumicatinns were read, viz.. The Board adjourned to meet on Wed- nesday evening the 23rd inst at 8.30 p.111. Two letters of Cnmplaint from Mr. R. \V. LeWis dated respectiver 7th and 14th May, relating to Mr. H. F. Hopper'a slaughter house. Also the following petitiun: â€" ea! Health Officer to exémine Mr. Henry Hopper-’3 premises and to see that they are put intna Sanitary Condition. The Board adjuurped. Vl‘ RICHMHND Hum-14th May, 1894. To the local Board uf Health: Board of Health. [VIARRI AGES ’olluwiing petition H. EAT‘Hfi lence of her M. TEEFY . Secretary. ting of the local held on the even- 30, in the village I’rmsent: “7. fix i. ’l‘eefy, secretary; and Dr. Wilmnh; 18m May were it“) jhte of the ‘r of R. E Wed: ant-fl LW Prints, Ginghams, Dress Goods, Flanneletts, White Cottons, Fadtory Cottons Shirtings and Sheetings. Splendid Value ; Marked LOW. Bamflmn Shae Sigma Dammian Shae $320M, Grocery Stock Complete as Usual. Crockery, Glassware and Lamps at lowest prices ISAAC CROSBY Queen’s Bimhfiay Kangora Leather bouts, extra value ............ 2 (0 ” 3 00 Laced Bals or Cnngreas.............‘........... 1 GO “ I 50 Boston Calf, wlwle fox ......................... . l 50 “ 2 ()0 Southern Tie, a beauty......................... 2 00 " 2 75 Rnsslan Tan 2 00 " 2 75 Granger’s \thle Fox ....................... . . . . . . 1 25 “ 2 00 Kaugura Patent Leather Tip ................... 2 00 “ 3 00 Misses' and Children’s Boots and Shoes in great variety. Buy your next pair of Boots or Shoes from us and save 20 per Cunt Bargains in Boots and Shoes. Corner of King and'George Streets (just East of Clyde H Dungnla Kid Walking Shoes, h R“ sian Tan, leather lined ..... ‘ Rus' “an 'l‘au Tip, a dandy.... . \Vhite Canva 3, very neat.... . Kid Strap Walking Shoe ....... Old L-‘dies’ Kid, Button, svlid Leather Slippers................ â€"â€"â€"AT T H E 1 George Streets (just East. of Clyde Hotel.) '1‘. DOVVS‘VELL CO. GENTLE LIEN’S *FORâ€"vâ€" es, hand sewed...$0 85 wor l 00 “ m 00 50

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