New Carpets at the Concrete. Latest de- signs in Tapestry at 67.3 cents and 75 cents yer yard. and best. Wool Carpets at 95cm. Mr. John Ricbardwn, the Reform nom- juee for East York, will hold meetings this evening at. rodmordeu and ngLlund Creek, and to-morrow will be at Agiucumt and S. ;S. No. 12, York. The Globe of Saturday gave the name of flev. J. E. Stun as another clergyman who said he was bound to support the Mowat {Cravernmeut in the coming election. Mr. ’E. B. Ryckman, the Conservative candidate for East York, is billed to hold a meeting in the Masonic Hall on Tuesday evening next. Thei’resbyterian Sabbath School wi l have their annual outing at Bond’s Lake on Sat- urday next. Tuams WI“ leave the church at ,1 o'clock pm. THE LIBERAL is pleased to ackï¬â€˜owledge a friend‘y call on Monday last from Rev. Alex. McLaughlin,of Pennsylvania, formerly OI Sherwood. R. Kells. a luborer at Newton Brook, com- mitted suiciJe a few days ago by taking a. dose of Pans Green. Miss Arksey, are making and Mrs. .1. M. Lawrence Tetley"s Tens are world-renowned, you can get them only at, the Concrete House. Telflbs. Pure Lard f‘ Fire Proof. Wu do uo‘ iu aloe-k. Rev. F. EH0". wenzto Stayner this morn- ing to remain a few dnvs, and‘take part. in a religious work in connection with the 'l'unk- 3rd church. We notice by the Tarouto press that the 'congregaziou of Broadway Church has prgseuyed :bg _pastpr, Rev. J. C. Speer, with Engine Provincial Currants 3% cents per 1b,, i’atras Currants 6 cents per lb, and Panam- ettu extm Currants at 10 cents pet lb. at the Concrete House. A ï¬ne assortment. of Teas and good value for vour money at the Fire Pruoi. Try our Teas and be convinced. mg 7101' "Urban, poses remaining New Delainea in light and black grounds, a‘Il'wool, at 25 cents. wonh 37% :ents per yd. at the Concrete House. L3 handsome bicycle During the summer the .Epwnrth Léagud will holdâ€"its meetings on ther‘sflrsb '9Wednesâ€" day evening of each month. 7 “Our Own Electric Soap cents at the Concrete H31 RICHMOND HILL, Tl Mr. Wm. Fonte, of German MiIIs, dropped dead on Friday last. Heart trouble is said lo have been the cause. Boys' and Girls‘ Fancy Straw Hats. new goods, about 1m†price. Nangb'ton Bros‘, Elgin Mills. ’ M. Teefv, E~q. morning, and will connecï¬un ï¬i’Ih T Mrs. Wells. demist. Wiil m-xt. be at t'u Dominion House on Wednesday, June 27th gntil further m Bwhmond Hill P MORNING -â€"-Goin “'es Mr. T. Herhert Lnnnox will be Hotel every “'ednesduy. Lndies' Summer Vests for 5 cents each at the'Fire Proof. at East Fxftec mentioned ho TOR E\'E1\'1’NG:â€"-G N, PROCTG L‘ORON’I‘O Ig'un: cool and _Mr.Aapd Mrs. G. Arksey, of Toronto, and See the new Miss Ham Lamons 10 cents per dnz. at the Concrete. Reeve ‘Pugsley IS attending the June ses~ an of the County Council. Court Day to-morrnw 31 South W11 onnsct POST OFFICE NOTICE I; () (3 A. I; )VTC BInv re Lard {or one dullar at the 7:: do nor. keep compound lard H’b S l'AL'vh LI iliing M-ic'ui 8: m0†fl Lett nut went té attend- “to Univerxil M. TEEFY. P‘ Ill rsd rims-M the Concrete, 1M STAGE LINEJ h with a. visit with Mr. )U‘T Mane 1, wk: 13, bars f‘ ‘1' than in he closed at the and West XIV June 14 .i [his mom r9 she put eluthea. TABLE. the Palmer at Kelly‘s t and rum“, ‘sbmnsl’. h an ded in the ab 0 ve city 5 .30 7.45 Victoria Square Sabbath School intend holding their annual tea-party on Saturday, June 16th. 1894, with. 21. ~3ennings’ lawn, lot 24, 4th con. Markham. During the afternoon the following programme of sports will take place: Cricket Match between Mark- ham and Victoria Square, commem at 1 o’clock. After the cricket;Foot ball Contests for two association lost-halls will take place by 4119 following teams :â€"-l;tichmond Hill, Bethesda}, Dollar and Victoria Square. 411 the evening an Entertainment will be given by the following talent: Mr. Ed. Stonfler, Baritone Soloist, Toronto; Miss‘Neville and Miss Crosby, Soprano SoloistsI Unionville ; Mission Fenwick, Elocutiouist, Unionville. The Richmond Hill Brass Band will be present during the afternoon to enliven the proceedings with choice music. and will as- sist as well in the evening. Ice Cream, Lemonade and other delicacies will -be tur- uished on the grounds. Tea served from 4 to 8; Entertainment to commence at 8. Tickets, adults, 25 cents; children, 15 cents. Proceeds in aid of School Fund. .On Sunday, June 17th, sermons will be preached at 2.30 and 7 p. m., by Rev. W. Stewart, of Stouï¬- ville. Mr. Ed. Stouï¬er will also render some choice selections at each service. Muss- meeting of children in the afternoon. New goods this Weék: An elegant assort- ment of black dress gimps and all jet, jet and silk and Seguin effects from 8 to 23 cts. per yard. black, cream and open work braid at. 8 cents per yard, Russian, wave, hercules and mohair braids in all leading shades at from 1 cent. to 15 cents put yard, at the Concrete House. Almand Mrs. Wm. A:kina< Grimsby Camp on Tursdny to At 3 pl m., a Fantball contest will take place between two or more teams, the winners to rCCeive an association football. Other games and amusements will also be provid- ed. The Teston Brass Band'will be in at- tendance. Tea servvd from 5 to 8 p. m. Beullis containing ice cream. strawberries, lemonade and other delicacies will be on the grounds. In the evening an interesting en- tertainment will be given, which will be in charge of the Enworth League Tickets for Tea and Entertainment, 251391113; Children, 15 cents. On Sunday, June 24th, Annivers- nry Sermms will be preach d at 10.30 a. m.. by Rev. J. Vickery, and at 7 p. m.. by Rev Wesley Dean. Singing by the children of the school. Collections on behalf of B. S. Fund. The annual celebration will be repeated at 'l‘eston on Dominion Day this year. on a gigantic scale. There will be a good pro- gramme 0i spoxts and gnmes for which lib- eral pxizes will be given. The spurts will commence in the fox‘enonn with a football conu-st. A large platform will be erected' lvvr dancing. For miticulars sea bills in a few days. Corner StoneLaying. The Corner Stone of the new R.C.Cburch, Richmond Bill. will be laid by His Graca, tirehblslmpWalsb, an Bu'nJuy, 'Suue 17th; at 12 o‘clock noon. The sermon will be preached by Rev. Father Teefy. President of St. Michael‘s College. Toronto. A cclleclion will be taken up in aid of the Church. Good Lard {or 1() cts. per 11). at. the Con- crate. The annual picnic in connection with the Sabbath School, Headford, will be held on ABarkey'srflatsWon Saturday, June 23rd, 1894. The nnmxul picnic under the auspices oi_ Court’L/Iurel, No. 7.5% A. 03E, of King City, will be lmld 'at Bund's Lake on Friday, the 15m: inst. An vxcelleut pr. gramme of sports has boen arranged for which prizas to :he amount off-50 wd' be given. Them will‘ be men‘s “16:8. 1:0}5’ moee,]umpiug. boa! races, bicycle races. tug of war, quun matches. etc.,'elc. Dancingto commences at 330, will be continued during the evening. A cordial Invitation is extended to all. Tuke your basket and have a good time. On Thursday last no umbrella was lost be- tween the residence of Mrs. Jenkins. Rich- mond Hill, and the village of Maple. The ï¬nder will be rewarded by leaving it. at they Liberal office. market: F A. J. Ande at. 25 Fans 3 for 5 Vaughan S. S. A: Methodist Uhurc vat, the 215$ o!" at. an ‘uus [ADS :SSlODS Factory ) cents p Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Atkinaon went to 'rimsby Camp on Tursdny to spend the Jmmer [1101]th in their‘cnttage there. heir many {hands Wish them a pleasant avnge Ill He M 1' l‘be fail I. ns! Pretty Japanese Fans. 2 styles. at 5 cents, or2 cents each, Palm Leaf 2 for 5 cents, Japanese Decorating at 10 cents, better ones at 16 cents and nts, Screens nt 35 cenh, and Parasols cents at the Concrete Hull~'6. new Ill Institute Sbmw N KUI Btitute under the direction of S. S. Association will be held in the . Uhurch, Coleraine, on Thursday 21:10! June. A good programme arranged 101‘ afternoon and evening interostet' was the Hall ne : apécmlly rll lushDr. “’iddiï¬eld,sï¬e rson, Toronto Junction Cotton ( '1 eston Celebration Mrs. S. Savage fled home last. whiigbt'with n Sunny Hill far Foresters‘ P-xcnic. County Returning Ofï¬cers for a} General Elections are as foi- b, J. J. Pearson, registrar, New- shDr. Widdiï¬eld,sbelifl; West, Us "Piclur d to 10 cem Annual Picnic. Umbreila Lost Ham ‘D., Georg“, Jabn, Frank '51] are at the nld homestead ir aged father being at the Hats and Grand Rally. men 1191' (wide) 5, 5, 5, 7. 8, 9 and at the Fire Proof. l in butts] unveiling at Moudn) urged to be I‘IG Lb week 1i uuml fll' "king 511011113 airy in the afternoon. present. ling ronto Jlmc‘ nt Dada†bus er, whqu is rs taken at. children's the Con- ut weight Mr. Jam; lull, )‘eMIy Mr. H Mr. “fm. 01m Society will 1 evening next, Wish to join 1 The LIBERAL. ' On Monday last t the Lutheran Chm' bars and friends of Pittsburg Synod, a! outing at Bond’s L about 11.30 5.. 111., u joy‘ed themselves a baskets. Bombing v everybody seemed 4 p. m. the party bx 13.691319 eyxreased 1 with the kind mum ed by their Cunnli evening after the o ciety, the mumburé vote of thanks to Lt the outing at Bond’ kind and hospituhh durum their Sujoun On Tuesday the ( hoxu thence to Nia; day at the Falls‘ Unmondav eveni 0n: met, a gam‘zs oflicer On Thursday lost,'ï¬ve teams drove to the ex 5y of Toronto to meet and bring the members and delegates of the Northern Conference of the Pittsburg Synod out to the Lutheran parsonage. 0n arriving at Toronto thev found tnat there were thirty-eight of them, among whom was the Rev. Alex. McLaughlin, who acted as pilot and guide of the company. Travelling some by waggona and some by inil, theyAall reached the rparsonage. where they were welcomed by Rev. J. A. Dunlap. The) then proceeded to the church, where a, reception was given and a. bountiful repust laid before them. After doing justice to the feast of good things, speechts were made and responses given. They then assem- bled to listen tc the Rev. H. E. Wieand, Sec'y of the Conference, who gave an address to a large audience from Revelations 5th Chflp., 10th verse. On Sunday last the muss-meeting of children 'was largely attended, not only by children, but by older persons also. The church was literally iammed. almost every available srsmce being ocâ€" cupied. The ()arrville Methodist abbath school turned out in a body, and other schools were well represented. In the evening the church was ï¬lled to over- flowing. and about one hundred were unable to .enter the building, so the Rev. Mr. Shaner, ass statedbe Rev, Mr, Wonders, held an open-air moetin ' on the grounds in front of the church, ~while t 0 Rev. Mr liucher gave an address to the audience inside the church. Never before has the church been over-flowed; everybody ex- pressed himself well pleased with the meeting. On Monday last me members and friends of the Lutheran Church, Vaughan. took the mem- bers and friends of the Northern Conference of Pittsburg Synod, about thirty in numbers, to an outing at Bond's Lake. Arrivmg at the lake about 11.30 a. m., a table \VlLS spread and all on- joyed the lves at the expense of the lunch- On Sunday last the m was largely attended, 110 by oldey pegrsons also. C The Y. C, B. A. Meet. Mr. W. S. Walton, of Semboro Junction, entertained the l'urk County UeeAKeepere' Association at his residence on the 5th of June. Mr. Walton is a successful bee- keeper, and although his apiury is not large. numbering less than sixty colonies, he man- alzes his bees so he to‘get good returns for the labor expended upon then]. When the visitors arrived they were conducted to the hes-yard, over which flunted a ï¬ne Union Jack Evidently our presidc‘nt is loyal to our beloved sovereign as he is to his own beautiful Carniolinu queens which he ex- hibited with much pride and contagious en- thusiasm. He informed us that he intends dealing in these gentle beauties during this season, and as a start in the business he presented some, which had just emerged from their cells, to the visitors, which were eagerly stowed away in their pockets for safe-keeping until they could be introduced to their new subjects: He uses and recom- mends a verv large hive, perhaps the largest one in use on the continent, having a capac- ity of 2400 inches of comb surlaee. After a survey of the upisry,‘the, association gather- ed in the parlor, where they held an inform- al conversation on the best me:hods to pro- duce the best results in bee-keeping. This was interspersed with choice music given by Mrs. J. G. Size. Among her selections were two original songs. “The Swarm that De- serted the Hive," and “My Bees,†both a! which were well received. Shortly sin to» the visttors left for home, and 3-1 we pua‘Fed through to the frnnt gnte Wr‘. cuuld nut help but feel that the insvription there, “Sweet Home Bi-e-Fnrm,†was Very applicable to Mr,\Valtnn‘s hnnie. This will he the last declare tili‘lDSk'th’S ready fur a goml lmrws: if the clover will only “give down." The next meeting will he held at Mr. P. Bver’s. of which further notice will be given. Those wishing to become members of the associat- ion may do so by sending a fee of 60 cents to the Sec'y-Tteaa., LL. Mapes, Headlord, when a member's ticket. will be sent. them.â€" Oom. ' meeting of (Le ars as lhe bee-keepvrs. Atkinson & SWï¬ZV teuliou to their range They have all the len and weights. 'Cfeacn dark grey, drab, dnrk and waist. Fine Fre cream, grey, fawn nm bunks, 3150; O. J. Brow $3.13; John Kelly, aid to Moved by Mr. Manson, se‘ Alkinson, that the treasurer by instructed to pay the for: â€"Garrivd. The council adj on the 181!) inst. Public Meeting. A public meeting under the King Plowmon’i Association wi Hogan‘s Hull, Springbil“ on S» 731d, 1894,2152 p. In. All inte sucnesavol the asswiatiou are requested to attend. Eiectiou‘ other important business will b Council met on June 8th. Préa'ent: the Reeve, mud Mesm. Atkinson, Manson and Palmer. The minutes of the 10th of April Were read mid adopted. The Clerk laid be- fore the council statements frum the In- spector o! Licenses for East errk, enclosing two oliequen. one fur 3228 and one lor 53.56; tutul$23156. 'The clerk Muted that the two City ul Toronto debentures, .Nos. 0931 and 6932, {or 25400 email, became due on the [Bill ofMay,18€l4, and that he dem-ited the proceu-ds-(JSBOU) in the Dominion Bank at Toronto, to the credit. of the village 3»!- ‘po‘tation. Moved by Mr. Alkinsou, seconded by “Mr. Palmer, that this council approves (3f the" deposit of the proceeds of the City of Toronto debentures in the Dominion Bank at Toronto to the credit of the village cm“ p6ration.â€"Carried. The following accounts were read : Henry Marsh, for lumber. $77 39; Josaph Hall, 51409; Henry Rumble, gravel, $13.50; Guttn Percha & Rubber (30.. boots, $7; L. Inuesvé‘z Suns, $5.52; Levi Gaby, accounts for sewer'pires and tiles, $6 88; Henry Blanchard, la_\iug tiles and work on drain, $16 76; Charles Morrison, work on tanks, 31 50; O. J. Brown, cedar nests. Subscribe for murch been a himself well}t nflmy last the lawn Church, friends of $114 ; Synod, .1130; :Bond’s Lab 30 a. 111., u ml ide 3.1.! Village Counci: Sha rwood Mr. C. White; Recording Sher; Corresponding Seer Treasurer. Mr. T. gKefl‘er. its ï¬rst meeting on M‘ i on that evening those join as ohmter members 1t iusvripti was Very upplumble h . ’I‘Lis will he the 1851 uciutiun un'il Some-tuber umatc-ur uud profespional ready fur a goud hanks: ; the only 0.1 the day; and eujoythemselves, About :e up, and the American 'Lysclves ,as 7 well aplensed ' m which they were treat- frieuds, On the same mmtiun of a. C. E. So- luzl delegates tanhered a. 6 who took 1mm; making lake 0. surceSS and for the 'uy that mey were treated 91' call particular at- aof Dress Trimmingu. ding and staple shades ,ï¬gm grey, -mid grey, fawn. black, in skirt ncb Dress Canvas m 3g tiles and work ‘5 Morrison, worl Brown, cedar p‘ d to tgampe, $1 I, seconded by surer be and is t became due on the that. he dvpmited he Dominion Bank gcmg ace urned to ug' on Monday ing those who Light Prints, Musiins and Sateens. Nun’s Veilings and Fancy Dress Goods. Black Laces, Cream Laces and White Lacesg ‘Ladies’ Vests and Hosiery. ' Dominion Shoe Store, 303111111011 Shoe Store SUMMER GOODS Parasols. Silk Gloves, Taffeta Gloves. Buy yom‘ next pau‘ of Boots or Shoes from us Bargains in Boots and Shoes. Corner of King And George Streets (just East of Clyde Hotel.) Kan-geraLeathew bouts, extra value......... Laced Buls or Congresswnu . Buston Calf, whole fox . . . . . . . . ......... Southern Tie, a’beanty.. ..... Russlran Tan Bals. ..... Granger’s Whole Kungom PatentlLeather Tip ........ Misses’ and Children’s Boots and Shoes in Dongnla Kid Walking Shoes, hand sewed...$0 85 worth $l Russian Tan, leather lined..... 1 00 “ Rusman'Fau Tlp,a dandy.â€...n.u ......u 1 25 " White Canva~s. very neat,..,., . 1 25 “ Kyrl Strap Walking Shoe ........................ 1 00 “ Old Ladies’ Kid, button, SL‘lld enmfort...†1 5O “ Leather Slippers................................. 30 “ NHHHH ISAAC CROSBY. -â€"â€"»â€"AT THE T. DOVVSVVEIJL CO. GENTLEMEN nHâ€"FOR-w’w LADIES St'lid Comfort...†fflï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬Ã© . 2 00 “ 3 00 great: variety. and save 20 per Cent 200 50 00 75