\Vandering Bear, 3 Blackfoot Indian from the Maclend district, has arrived at OLtawa with twenty eight ponies for the Ottawa. Polo Club. \ 0n the 19th of July 3 grand musical con- test of over 2,000 voices will be held at ania under the auspices of the Waterloo §iusical Society. 7‘ New post-ofï¬ces have been opened at; St. ï¬ndrew‘a North. Manitoba, and at, Beaver, Hills Mamawan, Roscoe and Fishing Lake 11‘: the N. w. T. The civic assessment of Winnxpeg for 1894 shows the total value of the property in the city to be $22,001,330, with exemp- tions of $4,424,330. The populamou of the czty is placed at 34,754. It is rumored in Moncreal that one of the steamship compmies is negotiating for she purchase of the two Guion line steamers and tanner record~breakers. Aiaska. and Arizona, nuw lying idle in Liverpool. Charles Constantine, inspector of North‘ Wear. Mounted Police, has been appointed commissioner of police within the North- West. territories. Barry Clarke, bartender at the Penwar- den Home, St. Thomas, has been senn to jail for thirty days for assaulting John Ferguson, a farmer. Patrick Quirk, aged 75 years, one of the oldest and most respected resideuta of the town of Halt, died in that place on Sunday evening. A young man named Gordon W'onch, while chopping down a. tree near Hepworth, was struck and fatally injured. The Regina Patrons of Industry have forwarded a lengthy memorial re freight. rates to the Governor-General-inCouncil. The Wentworth County Council has declined to adopt_tl1e petition sent round by the Kent Council favoring the fee ystem. Considerable numbers of immigrants are arriving at; Montreal daily from Europe. their destination being the Norm-west. and British Columbia. Mr. 1.1}. Tyrrelhiche gvologi will make two carrier pigeons hls present trip for the pquOE back messages from the nothe to civilization. Minnie, the three-year-old daughter of W. Glover, Port Rowan, fell into a cistern the other day and was drowned. The Grey nuns (Sisters of Charity) have just celebrated the 50th anniversary of their arriVLl atSr. Boniface, Man. Mr. C. L Van Gunbeu, sr., the well- known Chatham jeweller, died at me Cen- tral Hospital there the other evening from a cancerous growth in the mouth. Feuton Bake, of Lindsay. has been sen- tenced to three yeara’ imprisonment for bigamy. Last Sunday 310,000 was raised in Berlin for the new Zion Evangelical church then dedicazed. ‘V. F. McCoy of Halifax, has been elect- ed Grand Masterofthe Nova. Scotia. Grand Lodge, F. and A. M. Chas. I“. Tiliey, nephew of Sir Leonard, has been appointed a clerk in the St. John custom house. The loss sustained by the mining town of Kaslo, B. C.. by the recent. cloudburst. will reach $100,000. The Indians on Walpole Island are en- raged because the Inspector has seized their ï¬shing lines and hooks. Wm. Kennedy, a well-known resident of Seaforth. diei very suddenly the other evening. R. S. Hamilton, B.A., of W'hitby, is the new Science Master at the Gala Collegiate Institute. The Patrons in Manitoba have now ï¬ve candidates in the ï¬eld for the Dominion House. Travelling dairies will visit points in north-Western Manitoba next month. There is a surplus in the treasury of the Canadian Order of Foresters of $323,247. Freedom of the town is given to all Chat- ham horses and cows that wish to enjoy it: Reports from Moosomin state that the crops in that district. are in excellent. con- dinon. _ Scandinavians at “'innipeg protest against, the by-law to exclu ie toreigu labor. Fax; Saturday express trains will run between \Vinnipeg and Rat. l‘orlage. St. Joseph hospital, Guelph, will put up a. new building to cost $20,000. Nearly 300 spruce trees have been plant- ed around the parks of Winnipeg. Thomas Mulrooney, Guelph, formerly of the Palmer house, Toronto, is dead. PURELY UANADLAN NEWS" Calgary proposes Lo donate $10,000 for a new general hospital, building. Lequin's flour mill at Faraham has been burnad at. a loss of $11,000. Sc. John, N. R, has orgrnized a Carriage Makers' Protective Association. Gn!hcroti‘lr‘,h "arlons I'olnh From Ihe “hum to 1hr l’armc. Tmch in from the west is not so yea.L this year as formerly. Lord Mount Stephen gave a. wedding gift of $50,000 to his niece. St. Franci's parish. Tilbury Centre, is to have a. new Presbytery. The courthonse and jail at Portage la Prairie are to be enlarged. New Orchard Beach, Port. Stanley, is having a building boom this year. INTERES‘T"! G ITEMS ABOUT OUR .‘ N COUNTRY. Barrie jail has 22 prisoners. Winnipeg wants a new theatre. Easb Galway has a. new postof'l'ice. Woodstock has a. female physicxan. Mr. Metcalf, of Guelph, died recenLly in California. Robert Loaney, of Elom. was drowned a few days ago. A new Hudson Bay More at. Rat Portage will cost. $8,000. Another bequest of 52,500 has been made to Manitoba. college. \Vinnipeg is the place ofa number of religious conventions this year. The recent Teachers’ Institute an Rat Portage was largely amended. :3! exptorer, with him on e of sending u Wildernes: Mrs. Snaggs (trying to keep the conver~ anion going)â€"“My husband looks very sober tonight." Mrs. Spudkins (anxious to say something appropriate)~â€"-“ But. you should never judge 8. person 1)] his looks you know." - Adepraved condition of the blood or a. shattered nervous system is the secret oi most ills that atflict mankind, and by re- storing the blood and rebuilding the nerves Dr. \Villiams’ Pink Pills strike at the root of the disease, driving it from the system and restoring the patient to health and strength. In cases of paralysis, spinal troubles, locomotor ataxia, sciatica. rheu- matiam, erysipelas scrololous troubles, etc., these pills are superior to all other treat- ment. They are also a. speciï¬c for the trouble which makes the lives of so many Womena burden and speedily restore the rich glow of health to sallow cheeks. Men broken down by overwork, Worry or ex- cesses will ï¬nd in Pink Pills a certain cure. Beware of imitations and substitutes alleged to be “just as good." Sold by all dealers or sent by meil, postpaid, at 50 cents a. box, or 6 boxes for $2.50, by addressing the Dr. Williams Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont., or Schenectady, N. Y. Is a. matter of small importance compared with other applications of elecu‘icicy. By this agency Polaon’a Nerviline is made L0 penetrate to the most remote nerve-every bone, muscle and ligament is made to feel its beneï¬cient power. Nerviline, pleasant. to take, even by the youngest child. yet so powerfully far teaching in its workï¬hat the Mr. Sargeant was found busily engaged i in loading logs in the Woods near his home, and although well up in the sixties was working with the vigor of a. man in the prime of life, exhibiting no traces of the fact that he had been a great sufferer. When informed of the reporter’s mission Mr. Sergeant said he could not say mo much in favor of Ur. Williams' Pink Pills, and expressed his willingness to give the facts in c0nneclion with his restoration to health. " Two years ago," said Mr. Sar- geant, “I went over to New York state to work in the lumber region for the winter. One day while drawing logs one slipped and rolled on me. injuring my spine. The pain was very severe and as I could no longer work I was brought back to my home, and was laid up for six months. I suffered a great deal and seemed to be growing worse. I became badly constipated and as a result piles developed which added to my misery. The various treatments did not appear to do me any good, and one of my neigh- box-s, advised me to try Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. My wife Went to town and procured a supply, and I had not not been taking them long when 1 found myself growing stronger and the pain leaving me. The pills made my bowels regular again and the piles disappeared, and by the time I had taken six boxes I found myself as well as I ever was,and able. as you see, to do a. good day’s Work." Mr. Sargeant Iuther said that he had been troubled with hernia for fourteen years during all which time he was forced to wear a truss. To his surprise that trouble left him and in Aprillast he threw away his truss and has had no occasion for it since. Mr. Sargoant declares his full belief that this too was due to the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, but whether this is the case, or whether his release from the rupture is due to his prolonged rest as a result of his other trouble, the reporter does not pretend to sayâ€"he simply tells the story as Mr. Sargeant gave it to him. One thing is certain, Mr. Sargeant and his wife are very enthusiastic as to the merits of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. Incidentally Mrs. Sergeant told the reporter of the great beneï¬t Pink Pills had been to her sister, Mrs. Wm. Taylor, who lives in Essex 00., England, and Who was a. sufferer from par- alysis and unable to move hand or foot. The trouble aï¬ected her stomach to such. an extent that she was unable to retain food. and to stimulants alone she owed her existence for a considerable,- period. Mrs. Sergeant sent her sister a supply of Pink Pills, which soon showed that she had see cured the right medicine. The treatment was continued and a further supply of the pills procured after the company opened its London house, and when Mrs, Sergeant last heard from her sister she had regained almost all her strength after having been prostrated for several years. moat agonizing internal pain yields as if by magic. Nervlline relieves neuralgia in- stantly and for the Speedy cure of nerve pa.an of every description it has no equal. Sold everywhere. Difference in Method. butâ€" Traveler (in Europe)â€"“Wbo are those two beautifui girls 2'†Steamer Captainâ€"‘ whose parents are g< turk : the cube:- is an 0n the bank of the river, two feet under ground at Winnipeg a. few days ago,a cofï¬n and skeleton was discovered, and in is be: lieved to be that of Tom Scott, who was shot. by Riel during the Red River rebellion of 1869. A FARMERS TALE 8F WUE Ilia Spine Injured While Working In the Woodsâ€"A long And l'alnrul lllnos! Followedâ€"[low lle Regain-3d Ilcalfll and Strong“. There are few readers of the RECORDER who are not familiar with Uh: factthat 01'. Williams Pink Pills for Pale People en- joy a. reputation for excellence, both at home and abroad, not equalled by any other proprietary medicine. '1ha.t this reputation is deserved is amply borne out by the evid- ence of many of the beat newspapers in the country, which have been carefully investi- gated the most noteworthy cures lollowiug the use of Pink l’iils, and hava given the facts to their readers, with a clearness and conciseness that admits of no doubt as to the truthfulness of the reports. Rocently arepcrter of the HEI'ORDHR was informed by Mr. John A. Barr, the well known druggist,tlmt the particulars of a case quite as striking as many that have been publish- ed could be leamed from Mr. Samuel Sergeant, of Augusta township, who had been beneï¬ted most remarkably by the Pink Pill treatment. The reporter determined to interview Mr. Sargeant, and accordingly drove to his home in Augusta, about six miles from Brockville. THE INTERESTING NARRATIVE OF A GRENVILLE CO. MAN. The Electric Light. ‘Une is a Circasaian oiug to sell her to a Amench whose par her no a nobleman. h fur niedicilmlrpurpofqes sent with direc- uons. scaled. on receipt of $2 01). Send 3 cent gun!) for circular. NIADAM DE E‘noss, 90 HERBOROUGflM/Jï¬m 9057;235:5900â€. 0n£.é’anada. we sEND FDR mundane.» ï¬ANANOQUE DRY EARTH 1c: CLOSET . . . u The farm will be more proï¬table if the orchard is given close attention. Fruit growing must be followad more extensively in this section if our farmers desire their land to yield them incomes proportionate toika value. Brown Bros. ('0.. Toronto Ont, handle ï¬ne stock. Write them for agency. Dissoch the sugar and yeast in the water. add the extract. and bottle ; place in a warm place fortwenty-Emir hours until it fer mean. then place on ice. when it will open sparkling and delicious, The root beer can be obtained in all drug and grocery stores in 10 and 25 cent bottles Lo make two and ï¬ve: gallons. A lPreceptory of Knights Templar has been organized at Medicine Hat. ch- the sumfula. sores on my pom- hme buy sickening and disgusting. They were (‘4p6~ Cially svvere on hii Inga, bank 0! his vars and an his head. His hair wu so matted that combing was sometime; iHIDIH~1~ ble. His lega were :10 bad that. somrtimm he /_, could not sit down, and when he tried to walk his logs would vrm-k ’ open and the Mom] Shirt. Jos‘ Buby' Physicians dill not Him-L a. cure. I decided to give him Hood's mumm- mm. In two weeks the sums cnmmpnv’vld m hmi up; the 5mm mm», mi and all over his hmiy new and hmlthy flmih and skin formed. When he had taken two bottle-s of ne was entirely free from soresi†HARRY K‘ RUDY, Box 358, Columbia, Pennsylvania. ï¬fe and e? ‘ It, is said there is a rankling thorn in every heart, and yet that. none would ex- uhzmge their own for that. of another. tie that as in may, the sting arising from the heart, of a com 13 real enough, and in this land of Light boots 3 very common com- plaint also. Putnam's Pamlesa Corn Ex- tractor is a. never failing remedy for this kind of heartache, as you can easily prove 1f afflicted. Cheap, sure. pamleas. Try the genuine and use no other. Willie McDonald, 11 years old, was drowned at, Foxbnro’.the oLher (lay- l!u:lpe.-â€"l“or “alum: a Ibellclons llenllll Ilrlnk at Small fl‘oit. Arlann' ROOL Beer Extract l . . . l . l . . l . one bottle Flciuchmann’n Yeast. .._half :1 cake Sugar , , . . . . l . . . . . . . . ..t,wo pounds Lukcwarm \Vnter.. “I,er gallons The corner-stone of the new Wealey Col lege wax laid at Winnipeg the oLher day‘ Mr. W. M. Carman. Champion Bicyclist of Cauada,writea that he considers Sb. Leon the very best thing to drink while in gen- eral training. Hood’s Sarsapariila Smokeless powder said to be superior to any yet in use has been invenmd by an American. d’aiLIundSL. Torbï¬m Large as a Dollar Don’t be deceived by Substitutes: Scott a Buwnu. Bultaville. All Drugglstu. mu. ‘2 $1. the Cream of Codâ€"liver Oil. Cures Coughs, Colds and Weak Lungs. Physicians, the world over, endorse it. is averted, or if too late to avert it it is offer: cured and always relieved by .‘UOI H u u - H PRICE $5.00. Manumc‘runan av CAN. GEAR CO. ADIES Emulsion sure and get one for your Buggy. T; other kind. They won‘t disappom They are better than ever for 1891. Scott’s MEDICATED SILK The Sting Withir PILLs are a mild, gentle, painless. ant cathartic. Alwavs reliable. ï¬e gar and yeast in mi bottle; place our hours until it when it will open Every home should. have one. Endorsed by a“ Doctors and Scienciam. A. P. 718 “one bottle .half a cake two pounds Lwo gallons the water. | in a warm t fer menrs. 1 sparkling SPONGES Take no Subscribed Capital Paid up Ca “211.. .. Reserved unds Total Assets . . . . . . , , The enlarged capital and resourcea of this Company. together with the increased facili- ties it; now has for supplying land owners with cheap money. enable the Directors to meet with promptneaa all requirements for loans upon satisfactory real estate security. Appli- cation maybe made to the Company's local Appraisers. or to. . .. Dissolve the sugar and yeast in bhe‘ add the extract‘ and bottle,place in a. place for twenty-four hours unsil menta, then place on ice. when it wil sparkling and delicious. - The R301: Beer Extract. can he obtained at all Grocers’ and Drug Stores, at 25c.per bobble. Snider M‘fg Co., Toronto. Nugar - < Luke \Varm \Vater . For Making Root Beer During the summer months a. more de- licious drink than Root, Beer could not. be dgsired. For the beneï¬t of our readers we ng0 this recipe. Take ' W ; -UGAR" it’ i5 Rama; h Equ a1 â€" Eb\an_y' Imported Haï¬z Ivy Advnce and f lmsijt on getï¬ng tkis Lle§sw5mKeror 5cm * M‘éktflil I5 gmmmmmvmnmnmmmmmmmz It is sold. 01 a grantee by all drug- giata. It cures nclplent Consumption and. is the best Cough and Group Cure. Will! J (- ï¬Ã©Ã©Ã©Ã©Ã©Ã©Ã©mï¬Ã©ï¬‚émcï¬Ã©s‘iééésééééééï¬Ã©ï¬Ã©Ã©Ã©mmï¬ xider‘s Root; Beer ("ï¬neâ€"Toronto St. Toronto. Canada Permanent They give perfect satisfacéion in by-word that; GRANBY RUBBERS. and Savings Company. J. HERBERT MASON. Managing Director. Our Eight Fast Steam Presses “ GRANBY RUIBBERS wq-zu' likv Iron †Ill-111 PI‘L ' oner wmle n [S going. 1' 3, we will not be able to c; to any address in Canada it now. - :I lbs. 3 gallons :in she Water. ace in a. warm THE WILSON PUBLISHING Jmï¬WONVREAR one b0 mmwm WMim open Now send on your half-dollar (by :58 or Post ofï¬ce; or postage stamps, if these )URNAL for a year for just half-price. Take Sometimes is a very expensive thing Ir the advertiser. We recently advertised , deservedly popular “ LADIES' JOURNAL," he subscription price was Fifty Cents a year, r rate is One Dollar per yrear,and is one ofthe on the continent at that 'ï¬gure. 36 for i: for you ï¬t style, and ï¬nish, and it has become a no! a“ St-Mowineral Waterflo’yt Ltd On the run all thro in the land calls What a Heap of Trouble Z Heaa omce â€"King at. w.. Torgï¬to. Hotel at. Spring opens Jame 15m. “AVHOOD Wrerkrtl and Rescued. BY W. J. HUNTER. I’h.D.. D.D. A series of pters Lo men on social purity and right 11v- ing. Ibis written in plain language “mt. ".11 may understand. Live Agents wanted. Gir- Cu]:er cnnmxning terms sent on application. William Brig-:4. Publisher. Toronto. Ont. Th fl 10th . YEAR'S PURCHASE Outwears Rubber 2 to 1. wmmus \‘EI Brantford. Canada. ST. JACQBS OER. "HITS.â€â€˜ Arise; from obitruction or sluggish action of the Bowels, Kidneys or Liver. Humi- achea, Boila. Ulcen. Pimples. and a. hash of complications are sure to follow. St. Leon Mineral Water acts DIRECTLY on the-1e organs~removing a.†ï¬lthy obstrucâ€" tionsâ€"and Rives Healnb and Vigor to the whole system. Sold by all Reputable Dealers. Prices Redm‘ed. )r, unless We have an enor- mtinue it. “'0 will send the or the United States at this OLD, GHRGNIC SUCCUMB T0 NT HET‘S THE SPOT AND CURESu queer part of the whole subscriptions at the ï¬fty go at ï¬fty cents during the .mle P311315 GBIGINAL DANDY Every Music Teacher m Ca.- nadu should know where they can. get their Music Cheapest. “ “‘6 us for Catalo neg; also Sample COPY 0f the ‘EANADIAN MUSICIAN, a live monthlyjour- nal with 31-mworth of music in each issne. $3 to 96 per day made by canvassers. See prem- ium list. We carry everything in the Music line. WHALEY. ROYCE 8:. CO. :53 runs 21. rannummr. of beautiful things in big Sistl’f‘s’ and mother. compositions. poems. nugh the long, heat- 5 “ the dull, dull, C0 Stitched 82%?!ng mssion at Said to Leading A JIEle ‘A N TUNES/[ER b BUILDERS ‘icnd to join you of Wm for a SO \Ve ha premium pocn