32w Aiiéflttiitins Harm lor ' A-Jnliu Duncan Tin ' ol l'ioww l . 'I‘inkler 5: Son. Um mm & ï¬witzer. JIIOllï¬iUND Hun. Thursday. July 19, ’94 Mil .\'1).rl LU US RE I'E LA TIONS. The wliitewa~-l.iii;.T of Mr. Turjotto M. 1’. put many Conservatives to the blush. When Sir John Thompson- said "not. guiltyâ€. and summoned the faithful to bimklllilllllll in the ac qiiitial the members, looked at one an- other in amazement, and their sur- i‘a'isr at the. course Sir John had dc- ('ideil to take wasjn no degree less- ened when Mr \Velilon and Mr. Dick-- ie. both good Tories. said they could not support their leader. The admissions of Contractor St. Louis in the Curran bridge matter are interesting. So are the facts re- lated by his lirotlicrâ€"in-law Frigon‘ Before rhe committee the latter told all about the big steal by which the tax-payers have had over a quarter of a million dollars added to their tax- es. St Louis had l“,{llU:lt€(ll§' c01n~ plained of the way the government wereblceding him for election ex- On the; Vandrcuil election 'le admitted penises. he had put up Eva-TOO. destroying his hooks as there were too many items in them about elecâ€" tion expenses. 1's it a wonder the Tories win every time when they have such faithful agents St. Lou- is at their back drawing hundreds of thousands of illillai‘s out of the treas- ury to lie returned again to the gov- ernment for election purposes? The g‘ ivernnicnt say they did not know the steal was going; on. “'here did the; think St. Louis got the money they were getting from him ? The Curran bridge aï¬'air is even ~. ’oo much for the Toronto World. On Monday last that paper‘s leading edi- torial contained the following :â€" “The revelations in connection with the building of the Curran bridge at Montreal are simply scan- dalous. Roguery, jol'ihery, perjury, rabbery seem to he tl e main constitâ€" uents of a. structure that was sup- posed to be of stone and iron. ’ By the recent revelations some of the federal works carried on in that. city have lieell in the hands of corrnln. otileials and corruptingr COlltl‘zlctIiu‘r‘. From the evidence so far elicited it is evident that as soon as lion. Mr. llaggai‘t‘s attention was directed to the. matter be discharged the dishonest. officials and instituted an investigation. But. he and the Government must go further. They must proscoutxq those guilty of the gross crimes and swindling perpe- trated iv‘nethGi' ofï¬cials or COB‘LI‘ilCa tors." The Commitments difï¬culty lies in punishing men who have contributed liberally to election funds. Surely the elecrors, the time comes, will not allow such systematic fraud and corruption to go unpunislied. We actually believe that if the Grits Were in power such revelations would be followed by their resignation in- side of twenty-four hours. vlien The Canadian Patron and (Jo-oper- ' :tor. published at Owen Sound in the inter oftlie l’atroiis i’if‘Industrst evidently well satisï¬ed with the reâ€" sult of the recent provincial elections. 1 In its issue, of June 30th it says: “Tit-.‘(uattle‘is over and the victory won. (loud government is, \i’3:tllilll{. secured . for anoiliei' four years at least. The battle has been a, trian- gular I. l We believe tlig._l’titi‘oiis ot‘1ndusii‘J.\togcliiy‘ have the» balance, of power in. the Ontario Legislature. We say let them use it well and coir :v‘. he whole success on sciciitimisly. failure of tlr Orrlcr depends upon it It is true the. Mowat Gra‘ei‘iiinent. which we believe has been one of thi- purest in Ontario. or any other 1W0- Vrince of the. Dominion, has ever had. has a clear majority ot the llouse. h. is very questionable if the. majority will he stillici-z‘iitly large to make it a safe. working one. Possibly if thi- predictions of" politicians and political papers prove true, the (jovm'nineni would have a. safe. working ma. .lol‘ity." The Patrons know that Sir Oliver Mowat has been a good l‘l‘iu‘inl to the farmers, and although they may not agree With him in every particular, they know it won-id be suicidal to cast. in their influence with the omin- sitc party. W The Canada l’l'esliyti'l'iuli of the 27th ult. has the i‘ollowiiier good hit at the 1’. T’. A'ists who endeavored to iililkt‘ speaking; in Masai-y llall a l‘ew days prevent thi- lion. ll. from before. the provincial elections; “It is highly that the lion. S. H. lllaize does more work fur Protestantism than all the members of the I’. 1’. A; that. he pays nnrt money to advance the o1 Protestantism than is paid by all the of the 1’. l’. A. : that gives more assistance to the Young: Men's Christian Association, to Sub hath Schools and liible, given by all the the l’. 1’. A. ; that he pays at twice as much money in a. year the aid of the poor and is paid hy all the members of the l’. 1’. A. And yet this same Mr. lilake is the Protestant that the secretly or- }uri ll val .le llllt‘l‘(‘>l5 inemhers be than of least. for needy than classes incinl vers ganized hands oi" the l). 1’. A. tried to throttle in the Massey Ilall last week I" if you want to buy or Sell it faini ad. verlise in the Tin-onto Weikly Mail 'l’hat pare? reaches lUiMlllO farine-s lit-mes ‘ and your aflVel't‘lat‘lnelif. ‘ every week, should inth the eye of some. one .whu wants to purchase. Advertisements of this class are inserted in tne 'rnrnnt‘. \Veeklv Mail for live rents 3 nor? for each insertion, Twenty cents a “win! fur iii-n insertions. Address The Mail, To- mnto, Canada. in '1~ E A The most delicious the world. lisk for a Free Sample. R. a. Trioieeon, RI 1%. I" 14 RC iiiiiiiiiiit lllli AURORA BRANCH + SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Sums of one dollar and upward rereivorl on unliuml and lllll‘H‘-l llllllvl'il tin r. on 1min ilntu oi ileym-n to with iii.\\.i.l. :Li Special urrunrzi‘utnti. can ]I(- inule for large hiiins ltll or. dcpobit. NOTES DISCOUNTED. General llnnliiiitz Business Dulle- L‘anliine (’ï¬lPl‘, Yemzu Street Aurora. D A. E€.&i)1‘h.il"l‘lf, S-ilu nan cn>lnil or luliol‘ for collection. Manager. w. Harrison; HOUSE PAINT liH, Glamor. (ii-unwi- and Paper- Hanger. ltflgIDENCE, - ltiCliiioziD HILL. 'iiiH momma ‘Mormu 'o' i? l . l agree 01 next owing am "3:79 "seixaooxg ‘ï¬uiqierg ‘sdeg ‘sguag ‘seoqg ‘sioog ‘spoog Ara gum noK H 'ooupotg no patient; sound; 189113; 908 *9 8A! “areumesra spooï¬ .ioiiiagut .10; pairs-e. Henge some! '3 are are airmail s‘ï¬auo r item auoï¬oae eat? pun (legions reap era esneoeq Arduug Emu; {reins e no {333 IE? Hi 3 i? d snip, are; not or) iiqu are P 1' and mu. I01 l . .ireoiquep'g 9m smo gum gsexegu pure 1931mm qsedeatga em a; ï¬nq egg 'Mtnq airs 9 "vie S telal †3i: 3†° i ll agile . iiiiiiiti it ta. Over twenty ï¬ve CHNY'S'f11:|di\‘is~(\ll(i Gem's, Boys and \Uan‘m‘ Fine Boots and Shoes. The Mock mmm of the i st quali'y ui b'pring and Summer Boots and Shoes manufactured exui‘esuely for I}? . 5% H 37E] 3% TR id‘E‘Rl‘hlflbn all Iii“, By the beat. inaliers in Canada, at prices within the reach of any one. “'9 uhal' maintain our “i-ll esiallzshwd repiiiaiion for keeping good good; and will can"; the must relialiie linw in the 7:: what i‘laiv the lines: A†quality and latest svyles such Ladies' Daiuuvlu lllnehvr “\f nd, indie»: .“HlH‘I‘li'iHl Kid Oxford. Ladies" i’oli:h Cal? ~(leuiil, Lazlies‘ Keir lurk l’ia, L .dis s' Goodyear \‘Jeli (‘xl' ml. 11"le. eioss strap Sliplwis l’iccznliiv Th e. Lidieu’ Daisy lin‘l Fat-in; and Tip Uzioi-il, Ludius’ Pebble: ()xfmml m F‘ hull“: l't-lxni': :s‘liiu- l)'.'i_ ml, Ladies’ llongola ilei rl in a, liarlies’ pater:- lenilnâ€"r Slippers l’i iily toe, and a nil Mock of L-vdies’ Eurasian Tan C-xioi'd; the We have a full Eim‘ij. i-l Ladies‘ buttoned. ii.“ I mime variety in Miss ~i‘ and Childrensz and lam-(l him'si Laciiea‘ lilnui l;'..l!iiltl:'(l lmois Lndies’ Kid tin-udvear Welt buttoned hmilH. Ladies‘ 1)'\!‘(\' i‘:lil hum-n boom. Ladies. Doiiuela i‘mls 'llnuhrr cat7 Ladies†P Kn] Prllil‘llE‘I‘ “l'h I} uriiyeir \Vell‘ Li/Hlli‘u. Oil C'â€!llll Halt}. Tc'Vfl'lk'S‘ T‘clyiile iris. Lui'liigq‘ Bull llals. l'l gents" “e- have a line stock of line liala n Km garuiu Shall Conn-van. titan‘ey Hui, Alligator, l‘or; use. Unit and lIiissi 1" Tan litls in Oxford and llliiclier cut: :.eo;i.ln-,1\y grade of men’s and lniyis, such an Bella‘s Tongue, Plow bouts. liar )s' hunts. and lung bin-Y3. \‘vve i.‘iliitiile:|lly believe that. \‘H‘ are in :1. [motion to i lace befoie the public uuch_ value as his never been shown in Richmond . Hill. 3:0} ‘01 our spuamuzooai out; eraq steep -â€" 'srgir poem Kin ï¬les 0:; reuiogsno “6 JD} 60H8Mi‘i330 uouiuioo mimic» 3131 No trouble 'u show gzuizla, fullï¬aieiia 711%†sir; '1‘()<{jj§§ Men's and \Vomen‘s {Lurk .5 llt'fl and Bl‘ikey‘n Plates. ineeq in l’qrpoise. Cordovan. Silk and Bran], Putin's l'iv-eSWHK Oil, W. terproof ()il, (r‘lycerola Polish, LRClK’S: Buttons, Button lloolu and Button Fasteneia, Antoine’s Paste Blacking. Trunk: all size-s at. wholesale prices. Custom work a specialty, pegged and sewed. Repairing 31‘01‘0 .th and neatly done. i l , . â€"_....vâ€"»..â€"v WE ARE T'lll-l i‘liill’ld’ WHO SELL 1T.) ' ' ~_ AND Yillf AllF. THE Plil‘Ii’LE(WHO SHOULD 7.7513 IT} i ‘ . I Why Louis Berger 6}: Sons†(Landon. England) PURE PARTS GREEN “m “E†W q THIS “(0 Rib I} Get Price anl li‘tillfll“. “"0 have. been fortunate in being able to procure a con. rated brand at a price that “ill enalile us to sell as low as any argument of this of the inieiior m-t'. ___â€".._¢ Q ~_..â€"_._ C. D. DA‘MEL 6: CO? EPIEETGQErEï¬rE‘E. Opp. Clyde Hotel. ,v.. .V .1 I71 Ki Sr, EAST, TORONTO. ~._ KQJKE 3E€_)N§) EEEIJIJ HARNEOS OTTO? ls always up with the times, and with No I STOCK, - GOOD ll/ORK, â€" HONEST DEALING‘ Caii.;i1'trai:tee satisfaction in all (irarlev, and Styles of Harness. Fine Harness a specialty. Whipq, TYuugy Dusters, \V'ool and Rubber Knee Rugs, Fly Nets, and other sup plies always in stock, Repairing Promptiy Attended to. PRICES R mond Hill". -<â€"â€"-â€"â€"~«aâ€"â€"a-§_i___~_‘_~ Tyï¬' ,n inln _L ;‘._ Kt.- .L \J .n.‘.. Donald, RICEHMON‘D HARDWARE - 135 for sale SOYTEES, FORKS. it. An’d all kinds of . a ,. we» - . ., H‘flv AN 9 HARVEUT TOOLS. At right prices. Nails, Hinges, and all kinds of Build‘crs’ Hardware ; Eaves. irOUgllllig anui Tinsmithing work. Repairing doncl Buy the Oil Gas Stove, the best Oil Stove made. “ C. DIA‘SOI‘VJ" ' l l LlSTEN l If you want to get. Goods at liltiilttilt @ hint You can get them at. THL‘W ORTH ’S DRU G STORE. l “I 17%;“- -G ST EAST, TORONTO. AA‘ u I 6 i l [. l Agency for the “ii’aiaia Gaylon Tea .it45th- SN» nerd {ram alienate st out; 83 Don‘t lull to call and get a. l FREE 1.: SAMPLE. l l Cheapest. Strongest and Best, selling at t o \‘v' liolcsulu Prices. 131.11% mm. '9 BIL‘WORTE’S â€"~ DEB†- STORE...’ ‘ {MM 2250:»; 01:0, .