$611 pos weighing an ounce) is a single letter- A\ double letter consists of two pieces of paperwot weighing an ounce) is to be rated with double postage. A treble letter, consisting of three pieces of paper(not weighing an ounce) is to be rated with treble postage. A packet weighing an ounce 01' more, is to be rated by weight, in the pro- portion of one letter for every quar- ter of an ounce. (3d 1501 “ (no 1600 3s 4d or NOTEâ€"One piece of pap< weighing an ounce) is a singl A\ double letter consists of two viz 801 901 1001 1101 1201 1301 1401 1501 distal‘ of each Teefy, Decemb 110 ut'v w siding Lu I‘l‘c DC which d became 132111;!an W RICHMOND HILL. Thursday. July 26, ’94 1i< aid Sheen Lostâ€"H. For Saie or to I Changeâ€"Atkins 101 201 301 401 501 601 mm iiiheml. Al nt )U On DIM L811 111 ’ostmast All 1( Jntrol of t] 1( 60 mil VIZ 11 )1 0t U UR I’OSTA L SYSTEMâ€"PA ST A ND PRESENT. NEW ABVEBTISEMENTS Vnds‘ l]( 11H l‘C at 1K is Itt-( :ldrc : lst of July, 1855), duccd rates were 0111 M It is 110 department in the pub- 30 in which improvement is gtihle as in 0111‘ 1305ta1 ar- nts, from the time it was ta? barge by the government of on the 6th of April, 1851, on ite the Hon. James Morris pers &c.â€"JVe01 :1' quarter; Semi< bv ‘1‘0 115 il( )flic “"85 lC( )er half ounce on letter ed Kingdom was Is. 4d whether ï¬rst Canadian Postmas‘ Previous to that datc 3gulations were under the ie then Postmaster-Gener- nd, whose Canadian Dep- , T. A. Stayner, then re- Montreal. The present of Richmond Hill, Mr. M. appointed on the 3rd of 1850, nearly forty-four At that time there were Lamps in use; the postage x' was rated according to In the following scale, 1000 1100 3r quarto ither th( e where 1 half ounce rate, if pre hmond 1gle Ictte nd under 100 200»- 300 600 800 400 W the United States 10 cc ï¬ts 'ding‘ to 11ifz1 mired Kingdom 12% ounu su] 111 d 113. to Kingston 9d. .; to Quebec ls ., to St. John, N x, N. S. 25. 9d. unpaid or Thornhill, Hill, was Ofï¬ miaveekly 8d 51‘; Tri-weekb rtcr: Daily; 25 '; to be paid i1: 8d 1011; 0% pub] isl Mid 4d 7d the N ewberv 5 appointed Hill in1850. 1101 f t1 55 at 0:1 1‘ Headford yances, as 01‘ 01' 01‘ 01‘ 01‘ 01‘ 01‘ 01‘ 01‘ the 01‘ 0 1‘21“ reader unpaid 1-6 )resent ,e foll iblish many s and 27c. 300 37§c 410 45c 48c Pre- and 4 ‘3; d; 52%0 56c (34c 600 the 1 1‘8 not at Boarders Wanteé The most delicious TEA in the world. R. S. THOMSON, Here we are, at Grimsby Park, the granj Ontario summer resort. Those who ha've the ï¬nances to snare (and it is not an expensiva outing) would do well to spend a mouth in taking in the breezes of Like Ontario. Tennis. quoits. boat- ing and bathing all help to amuse. and the athlete need not be at a loss for ex- ercise. This week, though hot, has hem pleasant, and crowds have visised the grounds. One day an excursion of 700 Americans, another day 500 from Toron- to, and every time the boat comes in, or the train stops, the baggage van is busy bringing trunks or valises to hotels or cottages. Children’s day was just the thing for the youngsters. Marching round the grounds wirh flags flying and horns blowing they paraded to the picnic grounds, and then racing and all kinds of games took place. Then came tea and afterwards candy. Long will thelitile ones remember President Phelps. This week we had a lecture by Rev. Vme Smith. Furnished Apartments. was his subject. \Ve also had an emer- taiument by the School of Oratory, and on Saturday Pronouncing classâ€"thus the intellectual mingles 'with the physical enjoyment. Nearly all the cottages are occupied, the hotels well patronized, and fully a thousand people are residing on the ground, \V. A. Victoria Square, Rupertvillc (now Maple). At that time the mail was carried by stage running between Toronto and Holland Landing; the Northern Railway was not in exist- To the Editor of Tm: LIBERAL any one remitting der to Mr. ‘Alex Central Prison, 'I er’s nearest the provinc sold twine running f1 feet to the 1b., an: net 50 lbs to the We are indebted to our Postmaster, for the items given above, which can- not fail to interest our readers, as a record of our progress in forty-four years. ‘Mr. Teefy is one of the 01d- est (if not the oldest) Postmaster in the Dominion now livin erl x ‘5 time thc 1x: The ï¬rst Postmaster for Little York was the Hon. \Vm Allan; after him came J. 8. Howard, afterwards Treas- urer of the County of York. Mr. Ballard was assistant P. M. and John Doel was letter carrier. Since that enc< Jaw 24. 1894 1d lots 301m &Sk for a Free Sample. )I‘OV in0( W'ANTED Geylan ’ENTBA L PRISON TWINE 'rivate hou .1] cost V011 STONE a; IVE Ll 1 1b., and put up in bales 01 s to the bale, is this yea] gents a 1b. in less than cal freight paid to the purchas- st railway station Within 100. It can be obtained by emitting cash with the 01‘- [r. . Alex. Jaffray, Bursar1 Grimsby Park. ester carrier. Since than afl'has increased enormous you HE‘LIB'ERAL OFFICE WEIJIINGTOE )111 about 60( pure manilia, binder brontc Tor re at ) to 650 \1‘ 939 I (/2 9K. Maia! Slim 5&3 7n No I STOCK, Whips, Bu;y plies always in DILWQRTK Repairing Prompfly Attended to. Â¥REGES REQHT. Geo. McDonald, - Richmond Hill. X At right prices. Nails, Hinges, and all kinds of Builders’ Hardware ; Eave- troughing and Tinsmithingr work. Repairing donel Buy the Oil Gas Stove, the best Oil Stove made. Get Price and Sample. \Ve have been furtut sigmuent of this celebrated brand at a. price tha. of the inferior makes. . HARNESg I71 KING ST., EAST, TORONTO. RIOHLEOND HILL; HARDXWARE - STORE HAY AND HARVE8T "POOLE WE ARE THE PEOPL} AND YOU AI Custom work a specialt promptl Men’s and anen’a Cork Silk and Braid, thin’s P» Buttons, Button Hooks ax PURE PARIS GR By the best makers in Can. maintain our well esmbhal‘ most reliable lines in the n: Ladies’ Dongola Bluchei‘ 0 Oxford, Ladies’ New Yurk Slippers Piccadin Tue, Lu Oxford m s, Ladies Pebble leather Slippers Piccadily L name variety in Missea’ and and laced boots, Ladivs’ RI boots. Ladies’ Daisy Kid b Kid Blucher with vadyea Ladies’ Bufl' Bals. In ger Coxrlovan, Stanley Kid, Al and Blucher cut; also a ll: Plow bouts, Harvest boots, pnsibiun to place before the Hill. No trouble to show ; Over twenty-ï¬ve cases of Lndxes Shoes. The swck consists of th Shoes maunfactuxed expresuely i SCYTHES, EGRKS, RAKES, LISTEN! LISTEN! R. SI‘V 3135, EL? Can guarantee satisfaction i :y Dusters stock, . DANIEL & CO, AL§¢I Why Lc WHO SHOULD Is always up with the times, and with DEUGG 111 3103(3) HIIJL ms ï¬eraev a W H0 Fine Harness a specialty. all And all kinds of Has {or sale V Cheapest. Strongest and Best, selling: Wholesale Prices. - DRUG STGRE xiON’i‘O. m IT‘) mum: ~ 1T5 i furtunate in being able to procure :e that. will enable us to sell as low DILWORTH’S : DRUG STORE, 7- Eialala, ï¬eylon Tea. I70 KING ST EASTl TORONTO. Knee Rugs, Fly Nets, and other sup \ E‘ï¬'JTOCK a and Styles of Harness. FREE :.: SAMPLE Emma! FM-Wsa Dung‘ Grain :1 and sewed. Repairing 1t1y done. chlnond 11in. London, England) nys’ and Youths’ Fine Boots and uf Spring and Summer Buots and rck of ï¬ne Bals m Kangaroo If and Russian Tau Bals in md boy’s, such as Bellas '] Hes. Laceain Purpnise. Cordovan, of Oil, Glycerole Polish, Ladies†mhuine’s Paste Blackiug. Trunks T‘ THE BEST m j; B THE ‘VORLD pnces If you want to conï¬dently believe that we are in 8. L215 never been shown in Rlchmund 1n Dont fail to call and get a. adies’ Russian Tan Oxfnr afnll stock of Ladies’ bx ies’ Kid Goodyear Welt. bl ngoln Bals Blncher cut, in 33318, Ladies' Pebble reach of any one. We shall 9; good goods and will carry the quality and latest styles such as Kid Oxford. Ladles’ Polish Calf Welt ()xfurd. Ladies’ CIOSS strap 1d Tip Oxford, Ladles’ Pebble mgola Oxford m s, Ladits’ patem dies’ Russian Tan Oxfnrd; the full stock of Ladies’ buttoned es’ Kid Goodyear Welt. buttoned You can get them at C. REASON Agency for the Opp. (.Zlyde Hotel. get Goods at a con. as any Oxfnr