To the Gentlemen of Maple & Vlclnlrl ‘ We invite uninspcctinn of our new and con:- plcte spring stm-l; o1 ' Tweed“: “'orsletl Sailings ~â€"AND-â€"â€"- Spring Oven-coatings. COIU'SG \ eve 'th'nL,v from Dorrv and We keep r} 1 A15“ Tweeds to the ï¬nest dross suitiiigs. firstâ€"class trimmings. L '. Cleaningyhressing nndlicuuiring promptly at- tendcd to. Satisfaction glim'nntoed. E. CALDWELL, ‘ Mei-chant Tailor Maple S'l‘lllNClNlM SM N‘v’J. 8d Wild TMI. W. B. Gram having gone out of the b‘iSlnCS in Maple. I am again irepm‘ed to supply customers on shortest notice. Pootul notes promptly attended to. ‘W. H. JACKSON, MA]?ng Wilma: aiming. Clllmles. St Mary E Episcopal Churchâ€"Services at it p )m, except the third Sunday of crew nlï¬lllh.“‘hel) Ithe service and sucrument [HT held at 11 o. in. .Sundnv school at 1.30 p in. B97 W W Bates, Rector Methodist Churchâ€"Services 10.30 ft m and 7.00 p Sunday school at 2 so 1w in. Young people's prayer nieeung Wednesday El‘k'ulllp. General prayer moi:an 'l'hui’sihiy evening in the lecture room. Rev J Vicker)‘, superintendent, Rev Wesley Dean, assistant Presbyterian Churchâ€"Services at i] [L m and 7.00 p in. Sunday School at :30 p in, Prayer meeting on Thursday evening at 7.30. duv W W Percival. Pastor Roman Catholm CDUl‘Cll#SeT"i(‘eS in ordor as follows: ‘I‘hornhill at 9 a in and Richmond Hill .at 130 a m the lollowiuc Sunday at Richmond Hill at 9 a. m and Thornhill at 10.30 a m. Rev P .McMahon Pastor Vâ€"H Socwlies Richmond Lodge,AF 8: A H.330 23. G R C meets in the lodge romndllusouic Hall. on the Monday on or before full mum). at b o’clock p in. ,J E Clubine. \V’M, T F McMahon, secretui‘v Ancient Order of Forestersâ€"Court Richmond No 7046, meets in the Masonic Hall on 2nd and 1th Fi‘idav evening nt 5‘ U'CIock. Colin McLean C R, IV E “’iley, secretary The Methodist sabbath schoolTemperunce As sociation issue ilcdnc curds every Sunday when desired. Wm. arrison supr EPWORTB LEAGI'E meets in the school room 0! the Methodist church every Fridziy evening ut 6 o‘clock. A J Hume, piecident, Wm A Glass, secretary. MECHANICS’ INSTITUTE.â€" Library 0: over 1500 volumes.npen every Tuesday o\'cniiig.ii1 tLe Illa- sonio Hall.from 7 to 5) o'clock. R. E. Law, Libra Iriun. ’1‘ F McMahon, Secretary VILLAGE COUNClb.â€"â€"Rer\'t‘, Wm. l’uuslcy, Cnun .cillors. Messrs. P GSuvuizc, Jeremiah Mortson, John Palmer, Win. Atkinson. (,‘leik. M. 'l'ccty FIRE BR!GADE.â€"Re§:\llnr meeting 15‘. Monday of every month, held in the f‘nuncil Chamber. at "317.1111. ember-ship free. (‘ertiricutesiSinell to «members entitling them to certuin piivilepesund exemptions. Wm. H. Pugsley, Chief, W. E Wiley, Secretary. A. O. U. W. Ivy Lodge, No. 11-1, Meetsin the Masonic Hall on the second and fourth Tuesdny .of each month at E; o‘clock pm. Ileneï¬cm-y rer tincntegiven for HUI. in case of death. '1‘ F McMahon aster Workman It E Law. rec B. T. of Temperance, Richmond Hill Council ‘No. 43, Meets in Temperance Hiill,cncli alter" mate Tuesday evening atsli'cluck p in. Belle- ï¬ciai‘y certiï¬cates issued to mule or f\’UllLlI’.:. -members for $1,000 or in case ofdentli 9 .000, one boll vuyablc in case ofdiszibility. J. ILSILDAICI" .aon Select Councillor; J A E Switzeiyitoccrding .Secretarv Sons m: SCOTLANDâ€"Crimp N0 1m meets in the :Masouic Hall on 2nd rind 4th Weduemluv ermiâ€" Iinu at 8 o'clock. Thomas Ne“ ton, Chief; W. 11. .i-koele, Secretary. EAVID HILL, BAKER & CONFECTIONER Richmond Hill. \VHDLESALE um! RETAIL. l-‘I‘II-L LINE OF Cuntm-tmum-y. Oranges. ons,l\'uls and Fruit. Lem- “IA/adding Cakes on Shortest Notice' DAVID Iâ€"IILL, Proprietor. BOOTSâ€... S H CBS 0 . Forbes & 60.. ~ Toronto, HAVE OPIT'leb A STAY STORE AT 369 Eli-ll}; OPPOSITE CLYDE HOTEL. BOOTS and SHOES .\t liotzom Prices. I... musics-W MANAGER 1: N I!" _. T1 flit: , , W na‘ *v‘ i P STREET EAST, ' satisfactory. Stouffville, Ont. any other. PLOW. Eilcw gilvsctisrmtut". SHEEP LOST." strayed from the premises of the undersigned, on or about the 12th of July,three small yearling , Sheep-two ewesand l1 rum. Suitable reward. H. F. HOPPER, Richmond Hill iii Sale or lllliï¬lll. That well known farm situated on Yonge St., being front of lot 53, in the Township of Mark- hum, 1.3. miles from Richmond Hill. and 17 miles from '1 orouto. The farm comprises 87 acres, about ()5 clear, well watered and in a. good suite of cultivation. For particulars apply to the undersigned on the premises, or by letter to Richmond Hill P.O. 4-4 HENRY J. NEWBRRY. Farm For Sale. Will be sold by public auction about lst Octo- ber, lut No. 40.19t Concession of Vaughanâ€"astute of late Edmund Sooner. Apply JOHN DUNCAN, Richmond Hill. COOK MACDONALD 8: BRIGGS, No. 1, Adelaide St. E., Toronto 13â€"1 TIIH GNOWHOIII ‘iOII'eI. eiqwoitisvu w. HEWESON, 1 HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier, (Illraiiior mad Paper- Hanger. 'Iï¬cThUNT‘I.“ ‘ l TINKLER’S PATENT WHEEL PLOW, Manufactured byâ€" A. FIJEUIR‘T (% SONS. The best plow made. It can be used in hard ground, when it is impossible to use RICHMDFU BILL , ACES l ore Poi'is Green- Just received from England this spring, 10 TONS PURE PARIS GREEN. Our sales for Pure Paris Green this season are the most \Ve supply the Gnrdeners’ Assocration, which ought to be a sufï¬cient guarantee. We Positively lluaraniee its Purity LAWN MOWERS, $3 UPWARDS. Scythes, Snaths, Forks. E? Orders promptly attended to. WILKINS &. 00., Wholesale and Retail Merchants, 166 and 168 King Street East (Opposite George Street), Toronto. Any boy can use it. T. TINKLER & SON, STOUFFVILLE, Are privileged to sell these plows in any district, and are - I SOLE AGENTS I - -__1N____ Markham 8c Scarboro, East 80 West York, 86 Vaughan, from Con. 1 to 5. EDD NOT PURCHASE UNTIL YOU SEE THIS GE E . EN @ W. A. SANDERSON, DRUGGIST, RICHMOND HILL. llle F. M. BROWN, Teacher of the Piano and ()rgnu, DuL‘I‘ei-in Grove, Richmond .clill. YOU WILL BUY THE Fners-r WHEEL IN CANADA Manufactured by maï¬ocld Bicycle Go. no. Brantf‘ord, Ont. 99 YONGE STREET 363 ST. PAUL ST- TORON TO MONTREAL SEND FOR CATALOGUE “I. .ll. SARB‘H‘TGSON, T ELIL’llf-l TN D HILL LE-lll-IHE-Wllli Iflbl‘lï¬ï¬ll l 187% KING STREET EAST3 TORONTO (Next door to Hugh Miller & Co., Chemists.) I I Farmers are not much beneï¬tted by the Changes in the tariff, so we will try and make up for it by selling PIPES AND TOBAGCO At prices to suit the times. Look at these prices: 20 cent Plug of Navy Chewing reduced IO..... ........... 10 cents Io “ “ “ “ “ ................ 5 “ 5 “ “ Chewng “ ................ 3 “ In I ll). lots and over, 35 cents per lb. 25 cent T. & B. Myrtle reduced to ........................ 20 cents iO “ McDonald’s Briar “ ........................ 8 “ HOLE-lN-THE-W 107i KING ST. EAST, IGAR STORE, MINUFIGTURERSlllilllSllRllIQEâ€"Iï¬. Head Ofï¬ce, Toronto. A SOLID CANADIAN COMPANY. ALL C Surplus on Policy-Holders' account at 3ist of December, 1893, $164,598.65. Policies absolutely incontcstable after ï¬rst year. No re- stricrions as to occupation, residence or travel. H. M. BROWN. THORNHILL General Agent C0. York 31011le to 1403.11 on Real l‘Cstate. $24,430.73110O i757 WF‘OIRVCSE. Confederation - Life - Association. Unconditional Accumulative Limited Policv, a. Policy which is World-wide from date of issue both as in residence and travel. No restrictions npnn occupation , and Imu-forfeitahle after two years. A policy which guarantees in the event of the non-payment of a premium when due: Extended Insurance for a period of time stated in the policy iii plain ï¬gures or a. Cash Surrendered Value $5,420,133 00 Guarantee Capital; Cash Income 1893, 8982.400 00; New Insurance 1893, $3,917.5i3 0!), or for every dollar received we return 83.80; ,1 Paid Policy Holders as proï¬ts, $63,859 00 in ’93. For rates and information apply to P. râ€. SAVAGE, l ~1- y DISTRICT AG \Mqï¬ PRU III A V O RAN 5 Now opened up for this sea son’s trade at lowest prices. For sale cheap. Groceries = trucker and Glassware VERY CHEAP. 0. J. BROWN, O. J. BROWN. Lorne Store, Richmond Hill l AGENT. @Be sure to see them. , BANANAS, e2 BEAUTIFUL MELONS, PIANO - CASE l 1894. HARVEST. 1894. , - and other choice iruit always lTHO°.- MEREDITH - 8. - co. on hand; Now ON EXHIBITION. See Our stock of Harvest Tools is now complete. 0111‘ Sterling Manilla {BINDER TWINE 6:} cents. \Ve have also in stock Red Cap, Blue ' Ribbon and Central Prism Binder Twine. See our samples and get our prices. . » 13111-0 Engliin Paris Green . Iiiuddy I’IRR’V'TBSTQP Nï¬zichine ()il Barrel Section Knives and Repairs for all kinds of Mowers. Churns at reduced prices. THOS. MEREDITH E co. SO KING STREET, E, TORONTO. 1 .lL r'" Fiend; 339001“ to (JR)