- ._-_, m.‘ // Qâ€. ,, ,. , Inaâ€".dï¬bi L; _.',, lME TABLE. GOING NORTH. TORONTO. Mail Accom. Union ......... 8.30 1.30 Rubric.ch .830 1.-lQ Davenport 5,43 Ml. ownsview , , , . . , . . . . . . rhornnin......, p.13 ..... RICHMOND Him... 9.26 2.17 King ..... ' .. Aurora... _955 Newmarket . .1005 2.00 GOING SOUTH. Ex. Amanm Icwmarket ............ s 2:; 11‘13 Aurora. 8 ‘1; 11.22 Kin: 1‘..-l2 chnmoxn Him... 11.20 Thornhill . . . . . . . . - » r . Downsview . Davenport... Parkdale...... CROWN) 7 .55 12.30 to Union . Procroii'fï¬i’si: LINE. Connects with all trains. leaving the Palmer House Richmond Hill. as follows: Mui‘ & Expressharth A: South. .....,....8.ll0 n m- gccomnmdution. north and soul-11.. )...11.00 c m xpress North .. _ 6 00 ' m. Man South . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l - P POST omits NOTICE Until further notice H51 ils will be closed at the Richmond Hill Post Ofï¬ce as follows:â€" MORNING 'â€"anng North, sonfh Enst and \Vest, including Tlrornhill, Maple, Toronto, Markham,&c. 7.15 Emmct~Going south East and West (as r a above) .r...0 N. B.--Be:istered Letters must be handed in at least Fifteen Minutes nm-lier than the abnve mentioned hours for clnsinc. M. TEEFY. Postmaster. SUMMER "Tins TABLE Metropolitan St. Railway Going North Going South :3 2 g '7 8 fl 9: E :5 g L‘ :4 :4 a , _ k ’5 2 0 U _o >4 :5 M Leave 6 20 am 6 «in Leave 6 40 0 Ar 7 10 710... 720 ....... 7 ill. .. 740... _ u .. . 8 ......... 8 la 8 15... 8 20. . 8 4')... 855... 850. 910. 010. 930. ..10 930. . . 1005...!010 ...... . ., .10 30.. l030......105l. 10 50.. 1050 ...... 1110. 1110.. ll 10 ...... ll 30. 130. 1130 ...... 1‘. Jo 150 _ 1210 pm 1150....12lo} .,.12 30 _ 12 10pm l'ZElo . ...12 50 ...... 12 5.) l 10 1255... _. 1-lo .. 2m) 2‘20 .. 240 , :-l oo.........3 as 330 305... 350 410 .. 4 30 .. 450 ......... 4 55 5'30 45 ,. 5 «lo 5 Boo. 05 (3.20 6 05... 650 ......... G 55 720 6 55 .. 740 . Boo .. 520 ......... 8 ‘25 . .. 8‘50 8 830. ,. 910 850. 930 910. .. 950 9:50... . . . ,_.lolo 350 ...... lolo. ...lo3o 1010.... 1030.... .llriio. .1c (70 ..... lo 55 1055...lloo... .. 11:20 .. .. ...ll‘2.o .1140 Last cargm‘nc north on Sle’llr-iav night leaves F. P. R. Cmssing at 11.50 o'clUCk. loin: ,Sifélllmlli. LOlfj A1495 Mr. T. Herbert Lmrnox will be at Kelly's Hotel evcry Wednesday. Civic Holiday next Mullduv. Jersey Butler Priuls and Preserving Kettles cheap at C. Irison‘s. The Woodbridgc Driving Association pur- pose holding their annual races on Tuesduy, the 21st of August See the 1, 5 and 10 cent Fans at the Con- crere‘s Midsummer Clearing. Don‘t miss the elxcursion from Richmond Hill to Barrie next Monday. Everybody ' wnlcome. 3 cans euc‘n Corn. Peas and Tomatoes for 25c at the Concrete. ' On account of the Quarterly Meeting at Victoria Square next Sunday, there will be no morning service in the Methodist Church here. 23 lbs extra Nova Scolia Granulated Sugar for $1. 32 lbs good yellow Sugar for ill. this week at the Concrete. Atkinson dz Switzcr. Statutes of Ontario, 57th Victoria, 1894, are to hand. They make a volume of near- ly 600 pages. Sugar is king just now. You can get the most (or your 35's at the Concrete House. Atkinson it Swilzor. The Lorne Block is being touched up with a coat of paint applied by the skiliul hands of Hewisou oz 00., and the improvement. in the appearance of the building is decidedly marked. It will aslonia'n you the amount of Dry ‘ Goods you can get for your money during the Midsummer clearing sale at the Concrete House. Atkinson d: Swilzcr. It is said that a protest has bccu entered to set. aside the election of Mr. St. John in West York. Each of the following for 25 cents at the Concreze: 8 lbs Rolled Outs, ll lbs Gold Dust Cornmeal, 7% lbs Wheat Flakes, equal to Pettijolrn's. 2 lbs best leal Lard, 7le Cheese, 7 bars Russian Elctlric Soap, 15 bars good Electric Soap, 5 lbs good Raisins, 7 lbs good currents, 4 lbs beat starch. At: kinscn &_Switzer., Clearing out the balance of our summer stock at cost prices to make room for our Fall Stock. Now is your time for bar-gums in all kinds of Footwear. Robert Sivcrs. 5-4 Postponed. Next Monday being civic holiday, the businch meeting in connection With the Methodist Quarterly Board has been post- . poued until Tuesday, at 2 p.m. 4 bars Richard‘s pure Soup for 23 cents. Richard's large Jubilee bur lor ‘23 cents. 5 bars Wonderful Soup, equal to Surprise, for 23 some. 4 bars Custile Soap for 23 cents, 4 bars Oatmeal soap for ’23 cents. Atkinson & Swilzer. Correction. In a notice in last iSsue relative to the price: oi Binder Twine n!» the Central l‘rison, Toronto, Lhc price per ll). should have been given 8 ccnts, instead of 6 conls. We rc- grct the error and wrllingly mako the correc- tion. TremcmloUs. burgnins in Ladies’ Parosols ; $2.10. $2.50 and 33 pnl’chlS all at one price, 31.75 t-ncLl ; 35 and ï¬ll cent parasola at 25 cents each, at the Concrets‘s Midsummer Clearing. Atkinson dz Swilzer. Complimentary Notice. The Economist. has 1118 following oom- plimentary notice relativo to our lacrosse Loam, who played in Markham village a short lime ugn:â€"-â€"- ‘With another year’s prac- lice lliclimond Hill should have a scam the equals of any intermediate team in the prov- ince. They are the ï¬nest set of men iridi- vidually that lJnVo played or) Markham grounds for years " All the boys warn, says our cotem, is a Mile more Learn practice. Fifty pieces Millincry and Sash Ribbon, «l to 12 in. wide, regular price from 25 to 60 csnta per yard, all at 15 cents per yard at the Midsummer Clearing Sale as the Con- clcte House. Atkinson it Swilzer. The Bailiï¬â€˜ship. The Markham Economist says that Mr. John Richardson. M. P. P., has recommend- ed tne appointment of P. L. Barkcy, of the 8th con. of Markham, as Builiï¬â€˜ for Division Courts, Nos. 2 and 3 (Murkbulu and Rich- mond Hill ) in place of James Stewart, de- ceased. The position is a responsible one, and requires a man with good judgment, tempered wilh justice. We have reason to think that Mr. Bill'ka will ï¬ll the bill. Your choice of all wool Deluincs, light and dark grounds, worth from 30 to 50 cents. at 25 cents per yard, at the Concrete House. Atkinson & Swirzcr. The Black Knot. A very useful pamphlet has been issued from the Govm‘umcnt Experimental Farm. Ottawa, treating on the black knot 01) the plum and cherry trees. The article says that the disease is carried by the wind across ï¬elds from one orchard to another, and will spread through whole neighborhoods. It is said that a mixture of equal parts of copper sulphate and lime dissoIVrd and diluted with water is a good remedy for diseased trees, but the only sure remedy is to cur oil and burn promptly every knot which makes its appearance on plum or cherry trees. Block knot is one of the worst diseases that fruit- growcrs have to contend against. The ladies are delighted at the opportun- ity offered by the Concrete lo purchnse new and siylish Straw Hats, the regular price of which range from 40 cents to $1.15, all at one price, 25 ceuls each. We only have aboi1t251cit. Sue ’em. Atkinson & Swirzer. Reparringthe School Buildings. The committee of management are buying considerable repairing done to lbe High and Public school buildings. The seats and desks are being repaired and oiled in all the departments. and iu the Public school the blackboarda have lwen repainted, The com- mittee purpose buying a row of new seals for the unrest dcparlmpnt, so that when school re-opcus on the 27th of August the rooms will lll‘esnlll a far more cheerful ap- pearance than they did at the close of the tcrm. Messrs. ll. E. Law and Jesse Grunt are doing the repairing, and their work EtelIlS t.) be done in a salisfuctory and work- manlike manner. Summor goon have got to make way for fall and Willis!“ irnportalions already arriving at the Concrete lionso. Fifty ends Summer Dress Goods, double fold, regular price from 37.1: to 7.3 cents, all at one price, 25 cents per yard. Atkinson 62 Swilzer. Elia, The entire community has been shocked and shrouded in sorrow over the sudden and and death of Miss Brooks, eldest daughter of Mr. CUM. Brooks, postmaster at Elia. Miss Brooks was in tho employ of Mr. Sf.an of the 5th line of West York, and by mistake took str'ychniuc, thinking it to be medicine. Dr. Neill-3s was telephoned for but when he arrived found it impossible to save here life. Her stricken parents did not arriVo until lilo was gone. Miss Brooks was it most affect- iionutc and devoted daughter and highly cs- teemsd by all who knew her. Her last words were “Tell my parents I am going to Jesus.“ The death cecurred on Monday 30th, and the burial took place at Grann’s Church yes- Lemmyâ€"Coir. Boys look at some of the Bargains in Men‘s Furnishings! Suspenders at 5 cents a pair. Fancy imported Sox, at 10, 12 and 15 cents per pair, worth double. Regatta shirts at 50 cents, regular 3.1. Good Flan- uclette Shirts for 25 cents. Derby and Four- iu-Hund Silk Ties 2 for 25c, regular 25cts each, etc, etc. Only at the Concrete House during the Midsummer clearing sale. Atkin- son .52 Switzer. R. C. Picnic. A grand picnic under the auspices of the R. C. Church will be held in the Richmond iiill Driving Park on Monday the 13th of August, who a good programme of games undisporls will be curried out. The posters announce a lacrosse match at 11 a.m. be- tween Markham and Richmond Hill teams. There will be u trotting race for named horses, purse i550; also a 2.30 trot or price for a similar purse. There will also bea two mile bicycle race for a purse of $10. A ï¬rst-class string band will be in attendance. Dinner a.le tea will be served on the grounds. Admission to grounds 25 cents. As the 13th is Toronto’s civic holiday. a large crowd is expected from that quarter. A good time is expected. For further particulars, see large bills. Miss Brook's death, referred to in another column. appears to have been a case of suicide. Try a package of Eweï¬llrandTmre Ceylon Tea or a package 01 Tetlcy‘s Ceylon Blends at the Concrete. In answer to inquiring cuurlidnles the re- sult of entrance exams. has not yct bccu 11.111de us for publication . Great value in Green and Block Tens at 20. 2d and 30 cents per lb at the Concrete and very good tea at 15c lb. Married in Paris. The following notice of the marriage of Miss Falcmbridge, grand dnugbler of J. K. Jr‘ul- conbridgc, Esq , of this village, appeared in The Mall of Friday: The marriage of Miss Modeleinne St. George Ii‘alconbridge, eldest ' daughter of Hon. Mr. Justice Falconbridge, of Toronto, Canada, to Mr. Arthur Wbyte Anglia, second son of Hon. Timothy W. Angliu, late Speaker of the Hausa of Com- mons of Canada, was celebrated in Paris yesterday. The civil ceremony was perform- ed at her Britanni: Majesty's Consulate, and the religious services at tho Church of St. Ferdinand des Ternes. Among the Cana- dians who were present were :â€"Miss Etta Falconbridge, Mr. J. de Intro Falcnnbridge, Mrs. Charles Moss, Miss Emily Moss, of Toronto; M. Ilectcr Fabre, Commissioner for Canada; Mr. C. C. Riordan, St. Catli- arincs; Mr. H. P. Biggur, lï¬elloville; lo- gctlrer with a number of the members oi the British Legalion and many prominent Paririuns. After the ceremony a reception was held at 62 Rue Demours, where Mrs. Falconbridgc and her daughter have passed the winter. See the pile of Boys’ Fancy Straw Hats at the ridiculous price we are SPlllllg themâ€"l0 cents each ; Men's flats at 25 cents, regular 30 to 60. Atkinson & Swilzor. Ho 1 For Barrie. The reeve having proclaimed Monday next the 6th of August, as a civic holiday for the municipality. the ï¬remen and citizens gian- erally have made arrangements for an ex- cursion to Barrie on that day by the North- ern railway. Bus-sea will leave Richmond Hill village at 7.31) am , and the fare for the round trip (including bus fare) will be $1; children half price. This will afford an ex- Cellent opportunity to spend a. day in thut beautiful town on Kempenfeldl bay, and no person who wishes a ï¬ne ll‘ip Sllulllll miss the chance. A large numblr lrnm Maple, Thomhill, Headlord, Victoria Square and other places have been enquiring about tickets, which can now be plol'urell from W. E. Wiley, secrerury of the Brigade. or at Richmond Hill stulion. The postcrs show that a grand demonstration will be given bv the Barrie Fire Brigade and Citizens' Bond, assisted by the Sons of Scotland. A grand programme of sports has been arranged, and there willer amusement galore. The Richmond Hill ï¬remen will lllke part In hook and ladder and hose reel contests. Everybody go, and have a good time. Those who wish will have ample lime to go on ex- cursions to Big Bay Point and Strawberry Island. Arrangements have been made for the cxcursionisls to return in theeveuiug bv special train, leaving Barrie at 7 o‘clock. The Richmond Hill Band will accompany the excursionisls. The result of the Primary Examinations, as reported in Mondays dailies, shows that M. Leach, A. Suillcl‘ and W. Trench of Rich mond Hill llfgh School have been successful in passing their examinations. It is ex- pected that too report of the second cluss candidates Will be given in a few days. hermans of York. An interesting account of the habits and customs of the pchple of German extraction In this section of country uppcur'cd in the 'l‘orunio World a short time ago, and in the Markham Sun lust WOk'li. 'J'lru writer rc- l'crred principally to the Drinkers and Men- nouiles, the two sects being much the scum in many ways. “ Dunkcrs or Tankers is a nickname given to a srct of Ann-rich Bap- lists, which ï¬rst. originated in Germany. The nickname mcurrs “dipperr‘,†from the U-cr- man " Tunkcn," to dip. They first called themselves †Bretlrrun,†but are known as “Brethren lll Club-t." Tho sect was founded by Alexandcr Mark of Schwartzanau in 1708. Afzer many persecutions they fled to-Holland, bllfll to the New World, where they were assured of worshipping their Maker in their own way, settling in l’enusyf- vania about 1720. ‘lba first community was formed at Licrmantlm'n near l’lrila. dclpbiu, since which limo (‘llll’ll‘ settlL-ruenls have been made In Maryland, Virginia. Ohio, Indiana, Kansas, aid York, Wat iloo aid Perth counties in in»; province of Ontario.†While the historical sketch is quite interesting, we have it or: good anlhorily that the account coniuirrs many errors. For instarrce,tbc writer gavo Messrs. l’elerlloner, Daniel Horner,Juc<rb Eyer, Albei'l Williams and Albert L’rillingcr us Munrmnile preach era. whereas those gentlemen arc not, even connected with the Mennonite Church. The Mennonite preachers arc Snmucl Weillmau. John Hoovvr, and Samuel Hoover. The papers iler say that in the earlv history the scxos dwell; uporl,nud that marriage was discouraged. recl. A lengthy account is given in the same article rolrrtivo to Mr. David Dyer, of Markham township, generally known as the cancer doctor. We stake our reputnlicn on every Bargain we offer during our Midsummcr clearing sale and in every case money refunded if not sat- islactory to the purchaser, us we have every- thing to lose rind nothing to gain from mis- representing any article, and we hope to merit by straightforward, up to (lute, busi- ness methods, the continch patronage of our numerous Atkinson dz Swilzer. customers. “form; you star) for LL‘EI. Kills evening, Mrs. Tomlin-an Z I wish you would. I want you to try lhis great liulnlo Tea, it’s delicious. i bought it at wholesale price at Dilwortlr’s Drug Store for 31.00 a. caddie w. nswis'n, HOUSE PAINTER, Glazrel', Gr-airrcr and Paper- Hangvr. l RESIDENCE, - CLEARLNG-SPECLALS â€"â€"â€"- AT THEâ€"â€" CONCRETE 'I‘IlISi VVEEK HOUSE We have received our ï¬rst shipment of Fall Goods this week and we have advice that the bulk of Fall and Winter importations are on the way no: S.S.State of California, and will arrive in the course of a. couple of weeks. Therefore it is imperative that we have room to place them in stock immediately on arrival, and for the next two Weeks we redouble our efl‘urts to clear out the b-ilzrnco of our Summer Goods at any price. Seasonable Goods at your own prices. DRESS GOODS, are. This is also said to he iucnr- ‘ RICHMOND HILL l. Fancy Dress Goods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50. per yd., Regular, 90. to 15 I- H n . . . . . . u u 12¢ " 15 All-wool“ “ “ “ 15 “ ‘20 " (hrman Pluids........... l2} “ “ 125 Double fold DreSS Tweeds . . . . ....l5 †h 2 u H . . .25 u u 37.}, " “ " " 45 †“ ........37 †“ 75 Your choice of Light and Dark Ground All-wool Delaines.. . . . . 25 “ “ 30 " 50 : Remnants of Henriettas 86 Dress Goods at Half Price. : ...... . . . . . . . . - . .....-..............-......-........-.......4; Remnants of Prints†Light and Dark Grounds, there's a big stack of them. l‘llLLINEldY k MILLINERY GOODS. We have thrown on our tables the balance of our Summer Flowers for your choice at 10c each, worth from 15c to $1 each. Ladies' Straw Hats and Bonnets, your choice for 25c each, regular, 400 to $1.15. Milliuery Ribbon, your choice for 15c yd, worth from 20c to 65 a yd. Ladies Jerseys. . . . . . . . . . . .50c each, regular price, 31 35 to $2 50 LadiesVests.............. 5 do do 8 Boy's Straw Huts . . . . . . . .10 do do 15 to 35 Mens' do . . . . . . . 25 do do 40 to 75 Parasols. your choice $1.75. regular price, $2.10, $2.50, $2.75 and 33 Fans, 10 each, Japanese and Palm Leaf. Dress Trimmings, 100 a yd.,regulsr, 15c to 25c. Odd Lines and sizes Corsets, 25:: shall. MENS‘ GOODS. Men‘s Fancy Half Hose........................i....10c regular 20 Men's Fancy Half Hose............................12§ “ 25 Men's Four-in-bond Ties .... .... .. .. . . . . . . . .2 .or 25 “ 25 Men’s Derby Ties for25 " 25 Men’s Suspenders 5 “ 10 Men’s Fancy Flannelezle Shirts . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .... . .25 Men‘s lleqatla Shirts, 500 regular 75c and $1. GLASSWARE ck CROCKERY. Your choice of over 300 pieces of Glassware for 10c. Bedroom Sets at $1.35. $1.75 and $2.00 each. GBOCERIES, 6w. 3' ‘ ' ' ' " ' ' ' airbrsris'crnrs' grassroots: ' ' ' ' ' 3 I '5 I 30 lbs YELLOW SUGAR for $51.00. I 15 Bars Good Electric Soap 3 Cans Good Red Salmon................ . . . . . . lfliucthrvet Mitts........ ...........15 .........-......-e;. ATKINSO Ladies’ Polish Calf Oxford................... 75cts worth Ladies’ Kid Oxford ............ 85 “ “ Ladies’ Russian Tan ...... 75 “ “ Ladies’ Kid Button Boot I 25 “ “ Ladies’ Kangoro Bal or Laced I 35 “ “ ’ ’l {‘1 OR Two PAIRS LADIES tLlPPERS, llit. 2 Men’s Leather Lined, grain bal......... ....... $1 25 worth Men’s Fine Calf Bal ............ ....... I 50 “ Men’s Kaugoro Bal or Congress... ....... 2 00 “ Men’s Russia. Tan I 25 “ Men’s Grangers, solid leather ............ I 25 “ Corner of King and George Streets (just East of Clyde Hotel.) van-.I4mfl.)y x We want your trade and we make prices to interest you. Come quickly, or you’ll miss what you want most. & SWITZER. LOOKSl FITS 'WEARS WELL lWELLi WELL $1 00 I 00 I 00 I 75 00 50. $175 2 00 300 I50 I75 BOYS’ STRONG SCHOOL BOOTS,75C. 55‘. D OVV'E'EVVIEJLL CO. Light Pris, Muslin and Sate EDS. Nun’s Veilings and Fancy Dress Parasols. Silk Gloves, Black Laces, Cream Laces Ladies’ Vests and Hosiery. ISMFEEDSBY' Goods. Taffeta. Gloves. and White Laces.