The hum of the thresher is again heard, the harvest is progressing ï¬nely, and‘ hi: i everything is moving briskly in this i i village. . a, I On Saturday last an necidmt which, 3 0 might have proved fatal linplit'lifll just north of this village. While riding on :\ l i g Ullllx’ waggun Master Roland White had ' ‘ ' < i ,g the misfortune of fiillinu oil. the rig. His RICHMOND HILL. Thursday. Aug. 9, 94 i flmt cum!†1“ the mm 1â€â€œ Hm “do Hf [he 3r†W" *4?" i‘ 7’; box and he was dragged :llMIlli lifteen or FOREl[»".1]{‘\‘1;‘rb_ twenty feet before the horses could lie __, I stopped, as they were going at, a rapid ‘ Again In“ comp m“ suuwn of the rate. He_escaped withn few bruises 21ml j , .11 bad scaring. His lliJlil‘lcs might. hnvci year Wlll'n l)â€va in" “l’1 I“ g†“It†been worse had it not been for the heroic l trouble by Paying. Vigil“ mum“ 119ml}. action of Mr. James G. Dunlap, who I "1‘ '1‘ r.†“It \_ N, “in, invith l Jumped front the wnggon'anil rescued the )0†01L 1““ †“l l‘ ‘l L ‘ hoy trout his perilous phalhttn while tin- tions from the (thlt'l‘S ol‘ the fruit. waggon was yet gitlng. Had tlu- lmy At lircst-nt hlll‘l'L‘ lies in the Toronto Rl'l’pe‘i “"‘i fell ""der the “Mel “‘5 “" juries might have been serious. General Hospital :1 young fellowpnly 0.. Sunday hm the mmim ,f M,“ 14 Yours 01' ago, with a slug shot in SW"! Kt'tfer were intent-it n. Vthe st, . ‘ . , . . Stephen‘s cemetery. 4111 Con. \ .nighun. his forehead and anoihcr in his neck. The 5mm,†was Preach“, by Rm: ' Mr, the COlltcllt-s (ii. {111 Old lllllSkL‘t iircd liV Heatltcrtte, from the 17th and NIH] verses _ _ , ‘ ,., , , of the. cxviii Psalm, to a large clincmirse .1. intnkct gmduict on fmtnidd) last U,- people who gmwwd “Nah†[U My 1 when a numhi-r of boys were raiding their last. rcsnects to the deceased. She his trees. The innit who tired the w†“{1ԠOglhye‘m , On Saturday afternoon nch the [inn . l . shot 15 now llL'llllld thc bars, charged Lutheran s_ s_ mend hum...†,. but... i with shooting: with inti'nt to kill. P'CIHC in Mr. C. I. White's this, hit. 2, , _ y ‘ I W ‘ 7‘ . 1 4th Con. Vaughan. Vi 0, again \\ 21111 Llii lidicnts 111 It llb Mrs. WI A‘ Clark and Miss Maggi†, village and Si‘clittll (if Count-13’ to keep Clark are visiting frimids in Rainhani. ' - V Vlr G \V C Dunl‘ uninmier tl‘llll . 7.. .2 t , . 1,..s. , t . . . . ‘ ..p, q I . ‘1 Chm†“ lull 0“ 1“ u U) ‘ rim department at R, Simpson’s, Turutilu, is habit of stcztling fruit and robbing spending his vacation at. the Lutheran Dentalâ€"M. F. Smith. To Furinersww. Linger. ‘ Notice to Creditors *\\V||l. '1. lit!) 11. Elie Ego or‘liards is (lL‘llll’fl‘zllllelg' to thc rising,r W'sm‘dge- . . ‘_ 0%“ generatlont mld 15 4'1 great alum“ of Listen! Have You tasted the .L're‘rit new Tea, called Kalula Ceylon Tea li it's V beautiful. If you call at .UllWUl‘llhB all {100131 1055‘ “ U ‘10 11m" mum to Drug Store you can get a Sample cartoon l say that 111011 :ll‘L‘ justiiicd in shooting: of it for nothing Its the best and cheat)‘ intruders and n'cspasscrs, but the est T“ we 9"" “se‘l' difï¬culty is that people arc sonictimcs annoyed beyond the limits of their patience. Boys, hcwarc‘. parents, beware ! annoyance to those who often sufl‘cr The Empii‘n :i i'cw days ago rofcr- 1'cd to an article in thc Glohc on the A A question of gcrryniainlcring constitu- encies. The Empire says, “ The sug~ gcstion comcs zit'tcr a gcncral election and :1 gcri‘ynnindcr." Great Scott! The Empire must think its rczidcrs arc fools it" they can swallow such nonsense. Thcrc'wns no gerrymand- er before the gcncrzil clcction, nnd‘no person but the editor of The Empire 7 _ k“ E . ‘Would have brass enough to make The most delicious TEA in Rich an insinuation. ' the world- 0 arrville l\sk for a Free Sample. It is quite a. long time since we saw anything in THE LIBERAL from Carrville. Our Correspondent being in the N‘trtll West we miss him very much from our R S midst. ‘ ' ' 7 The topic of the day here is “Harvest Home,†which the ladies have decided to ‘I hold on the 16th alid 17th of September. _ and are preparing for u. linger crowd, than I ‘ “i _ w HEWlSON 'l‘hle crops areI very fair in these parts; 1 ° 9 thres ting mac tines are liuzzing all around, so the money will Soon have tn change hands, and I hope it “ill be better Glazwr, Grainel‘ and Paper- times for some of 113 Mr. and Mrs. Hoover, 0f Altona, made a short visit here last Wetli. II anger. RESIDENCE. - R ‘ M Mr. and Mrs. Thus. CuUk and Mm. M. â€"4 fl r A I 19H» OFDâ€" HELL Hoover are spending a. week 01‘ ten days N ) at. Severn Bridge. I R {‘4 L g Mrs, W. cunt; has gone to the Island 1- (Haulan’s Pniiit) to get the refreshing q breeze oil" the hike, not feeling first-class -C A â€" of late. - & ~ MISS. Wiles, BIZ, 0f TOFIJIilO. has been spending a few days with her daughter, __ Mls- N- S Rfflm'ulh In returning: tlmnks to mv numerous ‘ M}'- 3"d Ml†133k*"'- “f T"Tâ€lâ€'h “9 friends for their liberal lintt‘unaue during Visiting their uncle, MT- «135‘ Bilk‘fr- the past thirty years. I beg t1»: remind luau“ \V- “Pd M‘s? M~ Leece» Of them and theyenernl public that liflt'inu HillSdaleirére “smug “lends here- . erected ertirely new and C(‘tittnotliou; Mr. “111 Cherry and Mr. Charlie pannisesl am enabled u, supply Cherry made a short. Visit at the poet otiice on Saturday last. Thuy are home for their vacmion. Mr. John Hamilton, of Toronto. has , ' Rfenï¬toppï¬ig \‘l'llLll his brother-in law, i r. . S. ussel , for the ur use of ' consulting Dr. Sisley, nf l‘lnpli, flip sortie peculiar kind of rheumatics he has been ‘ troubled with for a long time, and has i spent. time and money in 'l‘ornnm. We are lad to learn that Dr. Sisle ‘ is curian I h himgnp; he feels like a new twin. 5 S Miss C. Clitimlis met with what might , lit have proved a serious accident. Br some i J means she ran a needle through her hand. l ' 1ne needle broke oil and there was lully ' ‘ an inch bu.icd iu the hand. She had it ‘. W A G H N q taken out by one in the village. It is " ' Well to have a ductur in every little town. l Both light and heavy. all of which art> Joseph has his house neni‘ly ï¬nished. guaranteed to give satisfaction as the and Mr. Mellish has been doing repairing work is Under luv own super-vim i. I am on the roads in the line of bridges. (L‘C. also prepared ti: do all kinds ..f black. Oh, it. was so Summer, at church last smithing (r repairing in the must Work- Sundny evening .' manlikn manner, on the shortest: notice, innte :1 number from Carrvihlle intelnd- and on the most reaminablc terms. ,9 tie quarterly meatng at ap e ust , ‘ ' II I (I, l Sunday in rntn- ‘. a If you want [U'Ilmy or sell a farm ad- Paid specin' attention to. l vertise iii the omnto Week] 1 Mail. 3 r a v That pa per reaches 100.000 farmer’s homes C every week, and your advertisement 7 W ' " should meet the eye of some one who A L S E wants to purchase. Advertisements of I II - ’ this class are inserted in the Toronto . _ K . _ \Veekly Mull for ï¬ve Cents a Word for “nu'li-Mnktl & lewelle" em.) insertion. Twenty critts a Word F1 r Also dealer in Graceriea and other Staple ï¬ve imcrtions. Address The Mail, To. Articles. tonto, Canada. Butronaga Solicited. Priest: ngnt. ni’iuisgï¬snms Sherwood 7. THE EHQWWFE 0113 8313.180 l '{ndod sic pure ‘seutt ardms [re 11 'seomd are 'eonpoxd to; pamonc seogxd 333118;}; pacttpex qc spoog A‘xq .IGUIIIIHS JO coucrcq eqt, games are em ‘SBA ‘saotitd mquoo mm puts J 05 op 01911 [S .10 S Sitcom X q aim JO autos amoas . . mummmï¬mmmwm-tm _ , m Pinto Green. Just. received lrom England this spring, 1 ll) TONE; EPURE PdRIS GREEN. Our salt-:2 for l‘zn'c Paris Green this season are the most satisï¬ictoiw'. \\'c supply the Gardeners" Assocmtion, which ought to he a sufficient guarantee. We hitting; llllï¬l’tai‘llï¬ï¬ its hilly LAWN EEOWERS, 33.3 UPWARDS. Scythec, Snaths, Forks. ILL? Orders promptly attended to. ~â€" 5"?!» .2 n Elâ€" WlLKlN8 8.1. 00., \Vholesale and ltctril Merchants, 166 and 168 King Street East (Opposite George Street), Toronto. w-“ WE ARE THE rowan wno SELL 1r. mo rm: .1 RE THE PEOPLE wno SHOULD USE rrS , 1 Why Louis Berger dz Sous’ (London, England) THE REST In THE “’ORLD Get Price and Hcitnplr. \Ve have been fortunate in being able to procure a. con- signment of this celehmied brand at a price that. will enable us to cell as low as any of the inferior makes. ___§a> C. D. DANIEL & CO, 'DRETGGI'EYES. 17I KING Sr, EAST, TORONTO. - - Opp. Clyde Hotel. l ERIC IiREOND 1111314 Is always up with the times, and with No I STOCK, - GOOD WORK, â€" HONEST DEALING Can .zttzirantL-c satisfaction in all Grades and Styles of Harness. Fine Harness a specialty. Whips, Baggy Dusters, Wool and Rubber Knee Rugs, Fly Nets, and other sup plies always in stock. Repairing Promptly Attended to. PREOES REOHT. Geo. McDonald, - Richmond Hill. ._ .m- HARDWARE TSTORE Has for sale SGY‘E‘HES, FORKS, RAKES, And all kinds of HARVEST TOOLS At right prices. HAY AND troughing and Tinsmithing work. Repairing done; Buy the Oil Gas Stove, the best Oil Stove made. C. NIASOIV “Martin 1 LISTEN l If you want to get Goods at tiliiliiile a titties You can get them at. DIL‘WORTH’S 170 KlNG ST EAST, TORONTO. Agency for the Dont fail to call and get a FREE :.1 SAMPLE Wholesale Prices. HARNESS SHOP Nails, Hinges, and all Kinds of Builders’ Hardware ; Eave- DRUG STORE, Kalala. Ceylon Tea Cheapest. Strongest and Best, selling at.