Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 9 Aug 1894, p. 5

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A drawing cardâ€"The pure tea which At- kinson & Swi:zer make a specialty of at 30 cents per lb. ' __~ To Elect a New Warden. County Clerk Eukin law received ccm- municntions from the majority of the county councillors and they favor a new election to fill the position of warden left vacant by the departure of Donald Stephenson. The meeting has been called (or August 14. Ciearicg out. the balance of our summer stock at cost prices w make room for our Fall Stock. Now is your time for bargain in all kinds of Footwear. Robert Sivera. 4-5 The prizhs won by our Firemen at the Barrie tournament on Monday were $510 cash in the hook and ladder. and 3 silver pitcher RICHMOND HILL, Thursday, Aug. 9, ’94 Court Richmond. A. 0. F.. expect an official visit tnmorrow (Friday) evening from Bro. J. McCleuxenb, District Chief Banger for York District. Jersey Butter Prints and Preservmg Kettles cheap M C. Mason’s. C. Mason has 1 uil gas stove left. He will tell it for cost. 032 A barn thh contents on the 7311 Con. of Markham. near Cashal, was struck by light.- niug and burned on Thursday morning last about 6 o‘ciooh The Lui ding was the pro]:- erly o! a Mr. l'ipher. 23 lbs. extra. Granulated Sugar {nr 100 cems, 32 lbs,good Yellow Sugar for 100 cents at the Concrete House. valued at On their remru trip from the Barrie tour- nament on Monday night, the band were treated m a supper m. the Dominion House. Many of our citizens were pleased to meet Mr. C. Savage with the Highlanders’ Band on Monday. Charlie is quite at home in his Highland coetumo. Get quotations atthe Concrete for best Fruit Jars. Mr. '1‘. Herbert Lennox win be at Kelly’s Hotel every Wednesday. 1055...]100 ...... 1120 .......... 11 Last cm- :{oina nurt‘n on Satur Best Pickling Vinegar, 40 cents per 'gaL. a! the Concrete House. EVENING :â€"Gniu§ south above) N. B.--Rezistern<1 Lotte at least Fmeen Minutes c mentioned hours for clns Leave 6 7 10M. 7 Until further nnti Richmond Hill Post MORNING -â€"Gniua I Connects with MI tmin flouso Richmond Hill. EL‘ Mni‘ RV EXDre:S.I\orth dz Accommodation, north n. Express North Mail 'South,.. SUMMER TIME TABLE PROCTORKSTACE LINE. 1905 305 POST OFFICE NOTICE IV] otropolitan 51. Railway Go 'nion 930 950, 1010 8 ‘20. 8 50 9 10. 9 30. 10 10 10 30 10 50 11 lo 11 3o 11 5t) 0; P. R, Cro loo 740. 800 830 850. 1&0 2 4o 3 lo 350 410 4-10 as South “1.0 am 835 in the hose reel coutestl First and Second. ,Mmé. To? “'8 st 1010 10 91 North 'e I [ails will be Office as {allow Leave (1 MT'FEEFY. Postmaster mtn. Mnrkhzun , (L's. East. and West (as ‘rs musthe handed in sin-lie: than the above 910 930 Going N orth 40 1t 1‘1 closed at the 700 At 3o bo e Palmer 8,00 11 in .001Mm ‘8 45 5.30 i in 710 On Saturday last about noon ,8 tramp who gives his name as John Bllnlllll‘f, was Do- nued lotteriug arunud King City. and shortly afterwards Mr. Walter Keig'utley. of that place, ducoverevl that his watch had been takeu. The trump was suspected of the theft. and a small party went In pursuit. The thief got in the vicinity of Maple where he was sighted, and alterwards arrested about Sherwood. when the watch was found on his person. He was taken before Squire McQuurrie and committed for trial. County Uonstnble Rumble brought him to Richmond Hill on Saturday, and had hm] placed in the Lack-up, where he was kept until Monday, when Mr. Rumble took bun to Toronto and put him in the county gnol. He will be up for trial at the General Sessions. Another Runaway. A recent issue of Tun LIBERAL contained an account of u runaway accident with Mr. John Ciurk’e horse. On Monday morning of last week a worse accident occurred on Mr. Clark‘s own farm at. Heudford. Oue of the teams was in charge of Mr. Clark’s son, who allowed the horses to stand near the barn. from which plans the threshing machine had just been taken. As the horses did not like their surroundings they decumped, running against a fence, one of the teamâ€"a nice bay mare’breuking her shuulder, The injured animal had to be shot as there was no hope of recovery. Further than this there was nnt. much damage done. Mr. Clark. who “as uwav at the time, regrets the loss of the horse, but is thanki'ul um none of his family were hurt. Since the accident referred to above there has been another ant-mp: at a runaway, so that Mr. Cinlk hcpes um the numbei is completed. Atkinson J; Swilzer never do things hy halves. excepting Whm they as” goods at 50 cents on the dollar as they are doing now on a good many lines. A grand picnic under the auspices of the IL 0. Church will bu held in the Richmond Hill Driving Park. on Monday, the 13th of August. when a good programme of games and sports will be carried 0m. The posters announce u lacrosse match at. 11 a. m. be- hVeeu Mul‘khum and Richmond Hill teams. There will be a. trotting race for named horses, puma 350; also a 2.30 trot or pace for a similar purse. There will also be a two mile bicycle race {or a purse of $10. A fireb- class string band will be in attendance. Din» Ill-'1‘ and tea will be served on the grounds. Admission to grounds, 25cm. As the 13m is Toronto's civic holiday, a large crowd is ex- pected from that quarter. A good time is expected. For further particulars see large hills. Lost and Found, When Mr. J. Bqulee got nicely started on the train homcwurd on Monday even- iug, he di-cuverd be had lost his purse containing 345. He returned to Danie when he got. to Alloudale and made enquiry but could find no trace. After advertising it and uk‘ering a reward he returned home. Wed- nesday morning he received a telegram that the money had been found. and (hat it. would be forwarded him Lo-day. Everybody here was pleased to know that. Mr. Brownlee was going to get. back his hard earned money. We have received 11 liltle hook giving an account. of the town of Snruiu, with its favorile summer resorts. In Snruia there are several beautiful parks, the principal be- ing Bayview Park, which comprises (55 acres. Tho book gives a line View of the portal of the St. Clair tunnel which is bored under the river, and is a little over two miles in length. This tunnel. which ia‘ one of Saruiu‘u leading attractions. was built an a cost of about two and a half million dollars. Splendid stock of Gottoleue and pure leaf Lard at the Concrete now, great. value. Ice Cream Social. An ice cream social under the auspices of the Y.P.S.C.E. will be held in me Thoruhill Presbyterian chmch on Wednesday‘ Aug. 29. Music furnished bv the Richmond Hill 0r- cheslra, under the leadership of Mr. H. J. Brown. Readings add tecitatious by Mr. John Wilson and others. Chair taken by Rev. Dr. Percival. Entertainment to com- mence at 8 o‘clock sharp. Reireehmeuls served during the uvening. Admission, adults, 20 cents; children. 15 cenns. Midsummer is makmg havoc wnh Atkin- son & Switzer‘s prices un many lines of dry goods. You cannot ten by a man‘s coat whau kind of a heart he has nude: in; still a neat. look- ing suit bought of Atkinson 5: Switzer proves greatly to your advantage. His Co}: Bolted. Mr. John Kelly while driving Thumhill last. evening was thrown earn, his cull having been frightens our the budge just north of Scott‘ The curt. Was upset, Mr. Kelly was about ten rods, and his hands ax were badly cm and bruised. He the colt until he Sionpud it. The henvy uan to Atkinson & Swixzet’ store necessiculed the laying of a new aid: walk in from. The 1d rf lime L0 exuumje u \cunousu 'ond engine which was beimz 5 line to do servme nr. Sudbury a old curiosity is over one u Souvemr of Sarnia. Sent to Gaol. f‘ihe examinations published hows that. Grnce Ei Newbery, and Amxie Sheppard were suc- Junim- Leaving examination 3 Hill High school. Janged Hands who has been visiting relu- mwd last week from Mr. known farm. formerly the we Wm. Powell. Mr. Wm. 1.50 disposed of his property ‘I to a Mr. Furey, ivbo will snid a Mr time. ionic. y pretty maid 1’ " ‘98 In Atkinson & 'mer is awaiting thliUD M unie the curious-h and bun through from ms d going a hotel. dragged ippud VI! is hired their 11V Miss Eleanor Langstafi arrived on Mon- day evening, and will spend the remainder of the month hero with her brother. Dr. B. L. Langututf: Miss Langstnfi has (or soma time been at Seneca Falls, New York, in the capacity of professional nurse in a private Iuwxiy. Muuv of the excursiunists from this place on Monday availed themselves 01' the oppor- tunity 0! Visiting friends in Barrie. Among those visited were the Very Rev. Dean Egan, Mr. T’ H. Reddiu, Mr. AlexL Septt, Mr. Myers, Mr. W. Fruék, Mr. A. Redditt', and others. Rev. Robert Proctor, of Hot Springs. Ar- kansas‘ and Mr. James Proctor, Barrister, Toronto, are guests of their nephew, Mr. \V. R. Proctor. Mr. J. Storey, Who spent about ten days here,the guest of his sister,l\Irs.W.R.PrLowr, started for his home in Lowe”, Mum, on Tuesday eveuiug. Mr. C. P. Wiley spent Sunduy with his relatives here,\veut with the excursionists to Barrie on Monday, and reamed to Bruce- bridge in the eveuiug. Mrs, Mary E. Graham went to Preston Springs on Saturday. where she purpoaea re- maining for a mouth or two. This is Mrs. Graham’s second visit, to this fuvorite health resort. Miss Phebe Soules, of Toronto. and her cousin, Miss Rush, spent Sunday with Mrs. W. E. Wiley. sister of the former, and went. to Barrie on Monday to remain a week in that town. Dr. J. H. Sanderson started Tuesday morning with his proprietary infallible med- icines on his annqu trip through Grey and Bruce. He will go as in as \th‘ton, Owen Sound and other tmvus. Mr. Furlong, one of the teachers m the Simcoe High School, is spending part uf his vacation with his sistm‘, Mrs. John Innes. Mrs. Snowdou and daughter, of Aurora, have been the guests 0! Mrs. J. Palmer for a few days. Mrs. Lightfoof and little daughter‘ of Oakville, have been making a visit will) Mrs R. Garbutt. Mrs. Wilson. of Newmarket, accompanied by her son, is the guest of her sister, Mrs.W. A. Sanderson. Mr. and Mrs. D. IL}! started this morning for Hillbduln to spend a couple of weeks with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Will D. Atkinson and Master Dunald, Went. to Grimsby yesterday to spend a week in the cottage. The Toronto Industrial Exhibition, which is to be held from the 3rd to the 15th of September. will no doubt be tho greatest .‘air of the present year, and from present in- dications it promises to excel all olhors, both in point of exhibits mill in attendance of Visitors. The grounds have b-en vastly im- proved since lnst year. and already most of the space in all the buildings has been ap- plied for. All entries close on the 11th of August. A good programme of special at- tractions, both novel and interestingI Will be provided as usual. It is only a. little over a month to the time of the fair. and our read- ers cannot choose a better holitlav trip than this ofi'ers. Cheap excursions will as usual he run on all railroads at rates in keeping with the times. The great Fair has now be. (some one of the best and moat popular edu- cational and entertninment enterprises on this continent, and attracts visitors each year,not only from all parts of the Damlinon but from the United States as Well, and those who huve never been there would he enr- prised at its mngnilnde and altruclivoness, being almost like a \Vorld's Fair only on 0. smaller scale. Prize Cattle. The report of the Ontario Cnmmissionex to the World’s Colxlmhiuu Exhihitiou. print- ed by ordl-r of the Legislative Assumhly,juat to hnnd, ahows the following priZPs and mednls awnlled to Messrs. J. & W. Russell, Richmond Hill, in the ehcrthoru breed of cattle: Bull, 1 year and under 2, 1.»! prize. Heifer, 2 years and under 3, 2nd prize. Heifer, under 1 year. 15L pl'lzl‘. 4. Herd, 1 bnil and 4 heifersI under 2 years, bred by exhibitor. lst prize. 5. Four animals of either sex. under 4 years, get of 1 sire under 439:)”, lat. prize. 6. Two animnla of eibbeneex, pruduce of 1 cow. third prim. 7. Bull, 2 years and Under 3, sweepstakes, medal and ls: prize. 8. Heifer under 1 year. sweepstakes. medal and let prize. “ " 9. Special beef breeffs, sweepstakes. media! and Is: prize. 95w Messrs. Tinsshll Bros’. cash prizes nmonut- ed to 51,785.00. Mrs. A. Scott, of Barrie, has been making a visit. with fneuds in we yilluge during the week. Mr. boro', i Marsh. Mrs. (Dr) Blakely, of \Vin'fipeg, is making a visit with her mother, Mrs‘ A. Law. “ Men of the Movement." “ Men of the Movement," the first of the seven monthly parts of " Ten Years of Tea)- pernnce," has just been issued from The Templar publishing house. Hamilton Can. Its literary and typographical excellence is in every way creditable to the publishers and cannot fail to intensify the desire of its read- ers to secure the succeeding numbers. A- mong the full phmogrnvurus are very fine likenesses of the late Willinm H. Howluud, Sir Oliver Mama, Hon. George W. Ross, Minister of Education. Hon. S. H. Blake. Q. 0., and George F.Mnl'ter, M.P.Pi, and others eminent in the wurid of letters-~ministere, lawyers, ediiors, and of trade, thirty in all. The price of me book is only 25 ceutF, or one dollar pays for the whole Seven parts, if .Ieminance is made :0 The Templar publish- ing house, Hamilton, Out. Canada‘s breat The Toronto Industri is to be held from tin September. will no do Hamlet purse.” I Hill lo-da vice to res 42 Switzer Walter Muclean, teacher near Peter is the guest of his bistur. Mrs. “’11: let once said ' Had he he day he won" read, “Tmu PERSONALS. vouid have framed this ad- ’I‘mde eéurely with Atkinson , “Put money in {by ‘en living on Richmond 1 buyu framed this ad- )n. Hon. S urter, M.P. .Id of lane 1 of name, 00k in on]; :2: Fair for 1894‘ trial Exhibition. J H. Howhsud, ‘orpe W. Ross, 3. H. Blake. Q. '.P‘, and others ers-â€"â€"ministers, . thirty in all. ly 25 cents, or ass-van parts, if mplnr publish- Light Prints, Muslims and Sateens. Nun’s Veilings and Fancy Dress Goods. Parasols. Silk Gicves, Taffeta Gloves. Black Laces, Cream Laces and White Laces. Ladies’ Vests and Hosiery. We want your trade and we make prices to interest you. Come quickly, 01 you’ll miss what you want most. Dammmn Wm Stare, We have received our that; the bulk of I of California, Therefor in stat Men Men Men Men Men MIDSUMMER CLEARING SPECIALS LOOKS WELL 4ad BOYS’ STRONG SCHOOL BOOTS, 75C. LADIES SLIPPERS, 150. ATKINSON <34, SWETZER. CONCRETE HOUSE 1es ies ies ies Leather Lined, grain bal ...... Fine Calf Bal .......................... Kangora Bal or Congress..... Russia Tan Oxford .................. Grangers, solid leather ......... Corner of King and George Streets (just East of Clyde Hotel.) for yuur choice 9.1.100 each, want: from 150120 61 each. ' Ladius' Straw Huts and Bonnets, your choice for 25c each, regular, 40c to 151.15. Milliuerv Ribbon, your choice {or 150 yd, worth from 20c to G5 a yd. Ladies Jerseys. . . . . . . . . . . . 50¢: each, regular price, 81 35 to $2 50 Ladies Vests . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5 do do 8 Boy‘s Straw Huts . . . . . . . . 10 do do 15 to Meus’ do . . . . . . . ‘25 do do 40 to 75 Pameola, your choice $1.75. regular price, $2.10, $2.50, $2.75 and 33 Fans, 10 each, Japanese and Palm Leaf. Dress Trimmings, 10:: a yd. regular, 150 to 256. Odd Lines and Sizes Corsets, 250 each. 15 Bars Good Electric Soap 3 Guns Good Red Salmon“ [0 inch Harvet Mitts . . . . . . Men Men Men Men Men Your choice of over 300 nieces of Glassware for 10:: Bedroom Sets at and 82.00 each. GROCEKIES. «kc. \Ve have-thrown on our tables the balance fil li Nn‘ G00 DS- GI. “ German Plaids Double fold Dress Twe Rcmnante of Prints,, Light and Dark Grounds, there's a big stack of them. 'ou r DIILIJNERY (QC MILLINERY GOODS. Seasonable DRESS GOODS, Fancy Dress Goods .. Auxwool “ Men Men Polish Calf Oxford ......... Kid Oxford ..................... Russian Tan ................. Kld Button Boot ......... Kangoro B211 or Laced . r choice of Light and Dark Ground All-wool Delaiues.. . . . .1 ASSW’ARE fit CROCKERY. Fancy Half Hose” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FaucyHulfHose.... . . . . . . . ......... Four-iu-haud Ties Derby Ties . . . . . . . . Snapnuders .... . . . . . Fancy Flannelette Shirts . . . . . . . . . . . . Regatta Shirts. 500 regular 750 and $1. Remnants of Henriettas 86 Dress Goods at W e r first shipment of Fall Goods this week and Fall and \Vincer importations are on the way | a, and will arrive in the course of a. couple 01 we it is imperative that we have room to place 1 ml: immediately on arrival, and for the next n eks we redouble our efforts to clear out the balance of our Summer Goods at. any price. T‘HIS ‘VE 33 In: ‘bs GRANULATED SUG‘ 30 lbs YELLOW SUGAR. Tweeda . . FITS ‘WEARS WELL WELL T. I)OVVT§SVVECIJL CO. Goods at your own prices. «kc. AT THE AT THE ..10 5c. per yd AR for 61.00. for $1.00. 1 .53 OR Two PAIRS n 15 to ) 40 to 10, $2.50, $2.75 and our Summer Flowers 50 to 51 each. ‘ for 25¢ each, regular, Regular, Half Price. for FOR 5cts worth $ I 100 regular 1-2;; 4: and we have way per S.S.S£ e of necks ace them xt. two worth $1 c. to 15 u 20 12.; 13 0h 50 25C. ad vice

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