MORNING RKCHMOND HILL, Thursdav, Messrs. E. T. Party and ' tiua soloists, gave some n: at the Dommlon House 19. day will visit Aurora. Mluu’tes of Vaughan Council meeting held yestemuy will be given next week. cret.‘ At 9, speciz Council held of Georgina, was of the Stephenson. bibie 00112th of age, open which is pr Messenger, 1': citizen as w only ten 3'8 and Mr. and Mrs. R. Rutherford and son, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McCague and family, and Miss Cullen have been maknug a visit with Mr. F. Helmkay, of this place. will Ienv Thoruh We notic master Mi ï¬rst prize ilatteriâ€"Atk Horse tents M 305 UMMER Ihe Sco RI Pure Spices at the ( Mr. Malloy.N Id Divxsion Cu ed suddemy r 0. Mason has 1 oil The best Iâ€" Try 0 11 amp POST OFFICE tel Mfl'lliti 111V“: iAD M eiropoiitan Sn. Railway L®(3 A1418. T. Herbert Lennox will be at Kelly's every Wednesdny. 101 1101 410 unda Shoe brand Salmon 2 cans for 25 :e by the Northexn Messenger that iles Lungstaï¬ has_been awarded r by that paper for an essay in a )emiou fox; (children under 12 years an to the Dominion. The essay, printed in the Jastissue of the , is very creditahle to our young when it was written Miles was years of age‘ Subject of essay, 7 of Genesis.†n1 meeting of the York County on Tuesday, Reeve McDonald, was elected Warden for the bal- year, in place of ex-Warden who has left. the country. (be head kliug v GWH' ichool of Trimty Church, .1 having rm excursion to the r. 24th inst. Conveyances Inge at 7 a: m. 4( mi 30 cent. Teas. the value Atkinson & Swilzer. Headford. rete utt TIME TABLE uket, Llcense Inspector Baihfl‘ for North York. MJTEEFY, Postmaster STAGE N ORTH I†with bargainsâ€"the Switzer. M E NOTICE 1] be closed at the T. Brock, concer- msical selections 1st night and to- ve left. He will at the Concrete. in lo 10 .1030 TABLE. 910 be Palms LINE 1] 16, ’94 845 10 710 pected attend attendance. served at 6 including te for the Hon sentalion is lie the Au You can get collarm] and onï¬ed at Atkin- son dz Switzor’s geut’s furnishings, cheaper than you could afford to be "collered" under other circumstances. other page a 11 East York has Hall, Little Y“ rldin lce Cream SociaL An ice cream social under the aquices of the Y.P.S.C.E. Will beheld in the Thornbill Presbyterian church on Wednesday. Aug. 29. Music furnished by the Richmond Hill Or- chestra, under the leadership of Mr. H. J. Brown. Readings and recitations by Mr. John Wilson and others. Chair taken by Rev. Dr. Percival. Enlermmmenh to com- meuca at 8 o’clock sharp. Refreshments served during the evening. Admission, adults, 20 cents; children, 15 cents. Clearing out the balance of our summer stock at cost prices to make room for on!" Fall Stook. Now is your time for bargains in all kinds of Footwear. Robert Sivers. 4-5 and nl ‘A monster picnic in nifl of St. Mary’s B. C. Church will be held in Ardagh's grove, Barrie, on Tuesday next, ‘llst inst. A gocd programmes of games has been arranged, and a choice quadrille band will furnish music for I119 occuswn. Single {are on the Grand Trunk railway from Newmnrke‘ and other tations north. The spacious grounds will 6 illuminated m the evening. 23 lbs. extra Granulated Sugar for 31. 32 lbs. good Yellow Sugar for $1 at we Con- creme. York County Patrons. A meeting of delegates from the York County lodges of the Patrons of Industry was held on Tuesday afternoon, the 3lst ult., st Agincourt. at which there was a. fair representation from every township. Coun- ty President Forster occupied the chair, and among others, County Organizer Sislev and Secretary J. C. ('lark were present. The meeting was called for the purpose of dis~ cussing the general political situation, and considering questions which will come both before the Fuderal and Provincial Houses. The question of putling Patron candidates in the ï¬eld lor the York constituencies was considered. The expressed sense of the meeting that the approaching Dominion elections should he a struggle on the part of the Patrons ugalnst tariï¬ regulations was endorsed. It was decided that organizers should be appointed for every township in the county, and that as soon as the busy season was ended they should begin work. It was also (landed that a meeting should be held not later than the ï¬rst of next Janu- ary, at which the order should decide defl- nitely what steps should be taken in regard to the next. Fedeml elections. There are now in the County of York twenty lodges in good standing, sith an average membership of about twenty, and this number will, it is ex- pected. be increased as soon us the organizers get to work. Richard’s Pure Soap 4 bars for 23 cents. Wonderful Soup 5 bars for 23 cents. Atkin- son & Switzar. John Forester Drowned. A and accident occurred in the pond on Dixon‘s hill, near Ringwood, on Wednesday evening of last, week, when John Forester, son of George Forester, near Gormley, was drowned while bathing. Deceased, who was 29 years of age, was swimming with three other young men, and after crossing the pond, some of them commenced to dress. Forester, however, snid he would cross once more. As it was now about dark, and as he did not return. his companions became anxious, and begun to make a search along the banks but were unsuccessful. Next morning the water was Iowa-ed. the pond dragged, and the body was found. It is supposed the unfortunate young men took cramps while crossing a cold current of water that runs through the pond, and sank without giving any alarm. Deceased had gone only nbout u week before the accident to work a form for his uncle. Mr. John Graham. The body was removed to the old homestead near Victoria. Square, from which place the funeral took place on Saturday to the Duulrer cemetery. Rev. Mr. Vickery preached a funeral sermon, and Revs. Messrs. Elliott and Dean also took part in the sol- emn obsequies. As might be supposed the funeral was very large, deceased havmg been a popular young man, and the whole family highly respected. Atkinson & Switzer are their own boss and can sell their dry goods and groceries as cheap as they please no matter now much people talk about“. Fruit. jars cheap at kn: As will! A small boy Nicholls in d on the m1 iy’s parasol 1!! by Mr. J. mm, .v sai antage Harden party in mufler how slim or how wxde you are son & Switzer can ï¬t you perfectly. thi Reform Dean Egan's Picnic Found )oy’s cont was in the village morning: after .401 was found i .J. Browulee. exp EYE Garden Just Arriv Atkinson 62 Swilzer take no 9 fact. however. coal: was found by Mr. H e vinnge a few evennng ago, :inrg after the R. C. picnic n as found in the Agricuhuml rownlee‘ Those interested to make enquiries after Alt button 0 Me rixis q! ll ‘nve wdverti he Concrete House my. the Roman Catho 1. W1†be 1mm 01 'rLisemont on an- :of the Liberals of in the Y. M. C. A. 1y, the 24th inst.. )ntest the riding s. A large repre- all parts of the 1n for Mr. V mle at ‘nic Hnll tmg. m- poc made 2 hard times X extra the et bunk wiil do I’hey The following is a list of the candidates for admlssion to the Hill High School, 39 approved by ty Minister of Education. Merritt Benson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Harry Brown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hurvey Glass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Albert. Heine .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Harvey Jackson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Harry Keffer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Richard McNaughton . . . . . . . . . . Harold Percival . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Harry Vauderburgb . . . . . . . . . . . . Annie Boyle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Laura Comiaky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The picnic bold in Monday last. under the : Church, the preliminm which had barn made Malian, the genial and ) congregation, W45 ‘L gre; wring the busy season 01 was large. Among thé Very Rev. Donn Egan, ( ’1'eefy, of St. Michaelâ€: Tracy of St. Mary‘s. '1‘ Morris, of Newmarkct; t eulleu, of Adjala. Th amounted to about 850( of the new church in cm and which will, it. is be} fore the cold weatheim gate receipts and ihe pr 11 good deal of money bags, mail deliveries. I being collected by two y petition for an easy cb Miss McWilliams colle Goouey, of ,Toronto, 1: Currie Shun]; . . .. Alberta Watson .. Eva Wilson . . . . William Barton . Oswald Newhery Spurvis Bitter... Arthur Whitmore Annie Hislop . .‘ Ella Marsh . . . . i Nellie Rankin . .. Id: R Harold Perciv: Harry Vauder Annie Boyle . Laura Comiak Dollie Dilworm Henrietta. Elli 1d: Nun El 9. May Thomps‘ had 5106. A nio to nee the lncruzwe Luntch hntwaan Mnrk- ham and Richmond Hill. l‘uinrlsnam team being two men short the game was plnved with ten men on a side. Richmnnd Hill took the ï¬rst two games in 20 ui d 8 minutes, Lyons anti Shierk doing the sour-lug. Mark- ham took the 3rd and 4th games in 10 [And 5 minutes, making the result a draw. Both teams seemed in poor condition and the re- sult was a. slow game. Richmond Hill relied too much on individual play, Murklmm play- ing a better team game. In the bicycle race G. A. Rolling tool; ï¬rst money, R. Stark second, and Mosley third. The horse racing furnished capitol sport, although some of the inexperienced spectators Could not un- derstand why the judges rang buck the horses so many times. In the Named Race there were six heats trotted, the fourth being do clared nï¬, as the judges had neglected to Tut Cook’s driver to "keep off the grass.†The following is a. summary of each race: John Martin's Little John John Palmer's Lorena Jae Ramsey's Belda .. . . . Jas Wau’s Eudu . . . . . . . . . John KeHy’s Tot Cook .. H Legge’s Binhmurk. . . . Ed. Jacluou’s Balm J . . . . Jae Luwrie‘s Dandy . . . . Best, time 3.01. The judges were Wm Meek, and Albert Pearson. Miss M. Doyle. of Newmarket, has been making a mm with her aunt Mrs. E. Glover, this week. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Rupert and Miss Edna Rupert spam a few days here ghis week visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. W. Arksey. of Toronto', was a. guest of Mrs. J. M. Lawrence tor a few days. and returned home last evening. Mr. Elisha Penso, represeniing the ï¬rm of E. Puase & Sous, leather menunants. Toron- to, was in the village on Tuesday, and got an order from one of our harness-makers. Mr. and Mrs. D. Snider, of Bethesdn,spent Sunday and u few following days at, the Do- minion Housu. Mr. and Mrs. McNaught and niece, Miss Edna Curliss, of Toronto, have also bee-1 guests of Mr. and Mrs. Brillinger during the past week. Mr. Sturgeon Stewart and son -â€"Mr. Walker Shewul‘tâ€"-uf Parkdule, went, to New- market on their bicycles on Friday and re- turned on Saturday, caning on {rivnus here both going and returning. The secretary of Richmond Lodge, A. F. The secretary of Richmond Lodge, A. F. at A. M., a. few daya ago received un oflioml notice from R. W. Bro. J. A. McGiilivmy, D. D. G. 1“ he had nppninted Rev. Dr. Percival District Uhapluiu for the 11m Masonic District. JERRARDâ€"On the 20th Wonfomroml, Exe nephew, Rhoda. Sn. F. H. Jen-Md, for SLmttou, Norfolk, 1 Deceased was the In. late Mrs. M. F. Nowbor Listen! Havu you tasted the great new Tea, called Kalala Ceylon Tea? it’s beautiful. If you call at Dilworth’s Drug Store you can get a. sample cartoon of it for nothing. Its the best and cheap- est Tea we ever used. Won’t you stop for tea. this evening, Mrs. Tomlinsou? I wish you would. I want you to try this great Kalala Tea, it’s delicious. I bought it at wholesale pricé at. Dilworth’a Drug Store for $1.00 a caddie. 9 Joyce. dim Keffer 8W ’[cNell chel PERSONALS. Best. xime 2.45. nuance Exams DEATHS NAMED RACE 2.30 CLASS. U re: the 1mm; rlvi Rector of Long George Gray Villa Francs :leuce of he T the Rev. W the De successful Richmond park or of the Just as the summer days of heat and dust have been on your own ............ THE VACATION SEASON HAS BEEN A TRYING ONE ON YOUR TRADE AT FATHERS NO‘W MOTHERS LGOKS ‘WELL ngmm 331% Smm, Light Prints, Muslims and Sateens. Nun’s Veilings and Fancy Dress Gomis. ia Ladies’ Vests and» Hosiery. Parasols. Silk Gloves, Taï¬â€™em Gloves. Black Laces, Cream Laces and White Laces. “ac BOYS’ STRONG SCHOOL B LADIES SLIPPERS, 158 xes ies ies 16$ 16$ Leather Lined, grain bal... Fine Calf Bal ...................... Kangora Bal or Congresm Russia. Tan Oxford .............. Grangers, solid leather ...... Corner of King and George Streets (just East of Cly Polish Calf Oxford ....... Kid Oxford ................... Russian Tan ............... Kld Button Boot ....... Kangoro Bal or Laced CHILDREN’S CLOTHING ATKINE ISAAC CROSBY A STUDY IN ECONONY Who are worn with the duty of caring for the romping youngsters can easily induce ATKINSON & SVVITZER can leï¬t the school children for the new term at very little outlay to you, and start them off for study bright and fresh. To save money, which they will do if they FITS ‘WEARS WELL WELL T. DQVVï¬â€˜v‘WTELL CK). SWITZE ï¬mfl‘ii’m‘ ATKINSON SWITZER’S BOOTS. 75C W0 l’AIR FOR cts worth $1 worth $5 Hotel.) S 258