Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Aug 1894, p. 1

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l VOL. XVII. mm , “ Ellis: (Titers! ” is PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING A '1‘ THE LIBERALPRINTINGet PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, ONT. ‘1‘. F. McMAHON. Emron & Psoriusron. 4 BUSINESS CARDS. scrum. DR. LANGSTAEE. RICHE’LOND HILL. GFJ-‘BCE HOURS filo 10a.m.: 6to§p.m. or. rcsrcu satin, MAPLE. 2;. Lsiititmili,, THCRNHILL, Graducto Toronto University, Member College l’hvsmuius and Surawns. (liit., two years As- Sistont Surgeon Toronto General Hospital. Residenceâ€"«Two doors north of post office. 'l‘el- ephone communication by private line with , all outstanding places. . Office hoursâ€"8 to 10 n. m. 1 to 2 p. :11. iv. J. WILSON, M. D, RICENIOND ITILL, Ont. OFFICE “(DUES 8 to 10 a. “L: and 6 to S p. m. m brutal. VITfiEJZEZQ £1? USED BY W. .-. Dr. A. Robinson. & V summon Dnn'ris'r, Aulqrulst,8th,16th.mud 22nd of each month Richmond Hill ..... 91h 2.1112411! :10 (at the Palmer House) Stoufiville .. ..18tl:, if Sunday, 2151‘. Markham.. Mt. Albert . ..i~lth do \Voorlbi'idgo .. ..2.8th do Kleinburg .. ..29th do o'Jleton......... .. ..31)th do Reliable Gum Appliorttimis used whon required. lfGet your Cheap Teeth of Robinson. Address A ROBINS‘ON L.D.S. AurOiEOnt. w. nun; DENTIST, .. A little east of Poi-krlsle station. over W. Collins" store. corner of Queen and 1~iorthcota Avenue. TR . \. nk'v-uw Esterinarg g. @altmstgt, THORNHILL, ON'T'., Veterinary Surgeon. Will visit Richmond Hill Wednesday afternoon of ouch woek. .T. McElroy, VETERINARY SURGEON â€"-ANDâ€"- VETERINARY DENTIST, CONCORD, - ONT. Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, with diploniu from the Ontario Veterinary Dental School, will visit Maple on Mumluy and Friday of ouch \vcck. Calls promptly attended LL). Diseases of lmrsos, cattle and other domesticat- ed uniniuis troutcu by tho latest and most up- pi‘ovcd methods. irons/curs. 9 we iii some; mucmwmmmu. RTCHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, AUGUST 23. 1894. n â€" ijcmu. M. CEEEFY. NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, &c. up issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. A G F LAWRENCE W S URMISTON, L L B LAli/RECE & ORMISTUN. Barristers, Solicitors, 360. Toronto Ofl'iceâ€"â€"Na.15 Toronto Street. Richmond Hill Saturday. _n_- Office open every MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES J. R. MILLER E. J. B. DUNCAN Minn-Err flow/cum”. BAREISTFRS, SOLICITORS AND NOTARIES. Toronto Ofl’iceâ€"â€"34 Bank of Commerce Buildings, :9 King Street \Yest. Thornhill Office~ Post Ofi‘ice every \Ned- nesday from 10 to 12 a. m. Gollectionsiu City and Country promptly attended to. Money to loan 5.6;. s. LINDSEY LYON LiNDsnv LINDSEY & LINDSEY, Barristers, Solicitors. Notaries and ‘ Uouveyuncers. Pacific Buildings. 33 Scott St.. Toronto. Telephone 2984 Money to Loan | ROBINSON, LENNOX & MACLEOD Barristers. solicitors, d'cc. TORONTO AND AURORA. Mr. T. .B crhcrt Lennox will be at Kelly's Hotel, Richmond Hill every WednesdayJor the transâ€" Salem Eckardt Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York Ontario and Pool. Goods sold on consignment Genorulssles 0 stock, etc., promptly attended to at reasonnule rates. P. 0.8.ddress. UNIONVILLE. J amcs C. SmIKZS. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York, re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence. sales attended on the shortest notice uni a rensonuhc rates. P. 0. address King J. T. Saigeon, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Slider: attended to on shortest notice and at res.â€" soiiable rates. Patronage solicited. Residence Maple J. .l. Lunau, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. 101.1; of each month Generalsales ofimplerneI-ts, timber. eto., attended on the shortest notice and at reasonable ,rntes. Stock sales a. specialty. Patronage solicited. P. U. address Unionville. E7. Environ; Mfiblfi EEEAEE9 158 KING STREET EAST. 'ronou'ro erv accommodation to guestfl. Board, :51. nor day THE PALMER HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. Thisflne hotel is fitted up with all the modern appliances for health and comfort. Best brands 0t liquors and cigars. Sample rooms for coin- ynsicial travellers. ’Busses meet all trains. ltntes $1.00 per day. JOHN KELLY, Prom'ietor. RIEHARBSW ruin. MAPLE Having refitted the above house Iam prepared to furnish the best accommodation to boarders and the travelling public. Best brands of Liquors and Cigars. Excellent stabling Lino efficient hostlers. Sample 100L113 for commercial men First-class Livery in con- nection. WM. RICHARDSON. Proprietor N (N 26-91 MISS c, HARRISON, DRESS * MAKER, RICHMOND HILL. 'A - CALL - SOLICITED. .~.-.:a ... . - W IGT B'tOS, I Under-takers a: Embalm crs, ; {.43. Fune- 'al Furnishings Always on Hand - 5m; whats-*wgm-rys, , â€"nâ€" Our Ottawa. Letter. I trust I may have been instrumental in my lust letter in urousiugz some of our, friends to a. scuse of the duty that hos bo- foro them that they may put forth every ef‘l'nrt in seeing that no names are omitted from the \‘Oicts’ lists who might help them along to Victory. The lengths to which your opponents will rcer to de- feth you knows no limit, for With them the end justifies the means. I would not counsel you to adopt thcir medicine, l but if nothing more you may wison take pattern after the energy they throw into their work. The latest dodge restirled to by them for cramming the voters’ lists is In the shape of a l)ul)llS which they are oll'eriug cunvasseis for every home they place on the list who gives any reasonable assurance that ho Wlll become it good Tory voter. This it is claimed is not only help- ing alum: the (muse but is givmu employ- [hunt to 'l‘orics out of “link. Just ligure it out at 2?) cents in head, for that is the amount 1 hour is being paid. and you will see that a. live Canvassor can mukc fair “ugrs at it while every fifty dollars spent in that way menus tWo hundred voters added to the list. HUMBL'GGED. What an industrious little insect it In than has been working for the past fifteen years for the Tory party, “humbug.” Nothing appears to weaken his pnwel‘P,’ he is harder to exterminate than [he puv tutu bug. Strange, is it not, that, the oi:- slallullt of both should be director] against the farmer. The potato bug, he can over come, but he cannot drive away humbu-g. The attacks of one are on the ops-u field while the other enters the household and his (It-predations are found at evcry quarter. The “bur-co" main is the most plausible creature living; on is the “bum- bug.” There is v. geniulity nbout the “human” man that draws you right to him, that makes your confidence his. There becomes an affinity of ideas he- twcsu you, and you soon believe all he tells you. There is one common interest between you, for your own credulous nature has brought you under his thumb. There are various classes of “bunco” mun, however, one of whom appenrs to have secured a. pretty good hold on the five million of people who reside north of tho 49th parallel. Yes, you have been as eaSIly victimized us any verdant whoever went down from Vermont h) New York to be done up by this class of shai‘pers. You might escape iheBuuco man a second time after you liaVe been once bitten but. u. l5unco goyerunicnt can down you every time no matter how” sharp you may be‘ licvo yourself to ho. If you keep on you will soon find yourself With nothiubr left with which to console you but the pro- verbial “sawdust brick" received in ex- change for your elegant cold. H0\V YOU ARE DECEIVED. There is a strange departure from the common rule in [he iiiturest the Country mch iu its government when we compare it with the interest. care and study it do- votes to its business relations with the world. There is no one who is not do- Sirous of bettering his condition and of adding to his stock of worldly goods and possessions. He wants pound for pound every time. If your grocer gives you short weight he soon hears of it, unless he, like the government robs uud CllUntB you without your kuowmg it. If you do not realize full market value for your farm products you protest if evan you receive a fraction of a cent under murkct quotations. Yet the government may go on and rob you, they may tax you until the blood runs out of your finger tips working to raise money to pay your taxes, to keep the bailiff out of your home. But you are a. submissive people. You allow others to think for you and you follow your leader. A little study of the government of your country would enable you to Judge for yourself without having to acucpt what any ouo also tells you. But you arc satisfied with your Condition. You are satisfied to believe that the iucmuse in the Volume of our trade and our Sevluvs Banks deposits is due to the govcrmusnt’s fostering care without looking further to sec whether it is really the ease or not that any action of the government has created a. foreign demand for our fish, animals, lumber, etc, in foreign markets. You would, however, find some interesting results by Comparing the ollicial figures of our llngllbUl’S to the south with our own to see what they have been doing while we have been dragged deeper and deeper into debt. In 1978 the iiutionulgross debt of the Ullltcd States was $1,794,- 735,(350. while the gross debt of Canada was $174,057,268. In 1893 the debt of the United States had been reduced to $585,037,100 or 62 per cent, while the debt of Canada llud increased 7;). per cent. running up to $300,054,525. The debt per cupitu in the United States in 1878 was $42.01 and in Canada. $42 89. In 1893 this had increased to $60.48 for Canada. while the debt of the United States had been reduced to $12.55 per head of population. During the some period the interest on the debt of tho Unitcrl States decreased from $1.99 to 34 cents per capita while that of Canada increased from $1.73 to $1.98. When making a comparison between the United States and Canada. the government and its organs do not call your attention to these facts nor to the fact that while the aggregate volume of trade of the United States with foreign countries increased 49 per cent. Canada’s foreign trade only increased forty per cent. in the same period, from 1878 to 1893. When can- sidcring these figures sight should not be lost of the fact that while during the last census decade, 1880 to 1890. the popula‘ tion of the United States increased 24.8 per cent. the population of Canada in the same period only increased 11.7 per cont. This is the sort of information the gov- ernment would rather not have discussed. Ottawa, Aug. 18, 1894. The third page of the Toronto Daily Mail is. noted for "Want" advertisements. 1f you want a situation. a. mechanic, 3 busmess, machinery, lodgingpif you have lost or found anything, or if you want. to find out where anyone is, advertise in the Toronto Daily [Mai], and read the adâ€" vertisements on the third page of that paper. The charge is two cents a word each insertion, or ten cents n. Wordfor six insertions. Address The Mail, Toronto, Canada. Vaughan Council The Municipal Council of the Town- ship of Vaughan met at the Town Hall on \Vedwsday, the 15th of August, 1894, at 2 D. m. The move in the chair. Members pres- ent, Messrs. Arnold, Bryson, Kirby and \Vntsou. The minutes of last meeting were read and on motion approved. The following claims for sheep killed by dog or dogs were presented zâ€"From Adam Ash. for 1 sheep killed and 1 dain- aged, rained at $13.00; from Robert Agar for 1 sheep killed, valued at $9.00; from Thomas Jackson, for 1 lamb killed, valued at $4.00: from H. Kclfer, 2 sheep and 6 lambs and 4 ewes injured, valued at $23.00. Moved by Mr.Bryson,sscondc(l by Mr. Watson that the treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay the following sheep claims, being twothirds their value : Tu Adam Ash... ..... . $8 66 To Robert Agar . .... U 00 To Thomas Jackson . . 2 66 To H. Iicffer ..... 15 33 â€"Carricd. Moved by Mr.Arnold, seconded by M r. Brysou, that the treasurer be and is here- by ziuthorist to pay the following ac- counts : To Hart d: Riddell for 250 Voters’ Lists forms . . To J.McDougall,C.E., for services to Darker case...... . . IT 50 -â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Arnold, seconded by Mr. Watson. that the treasurer be and is hereby authorich to pay the followqu' road nccouuts : District No. l. J. L.Card, 120 ft of cedar between lots 10 and 11, con 3 .3513 20 R. Rumble, drawing Cedar from Kleiuburg and Tcston to White’s bridge, and drawing boiler to $2 25 Richmond Hill . ....... G 50 A. R. \Villiams. 1 old boiler and bOiler flues 90 60 I. Snider, building butmcnt be- tween lots 10 and 11, con 3 ..... . 15 00 N. Slinoy, filling washout and 7 loads brush between lots 50 and 51, con 1 50 00 H. Marsh, pine plank 28 00 Geo. High, freight on boilers 1'2. 00 District No. 2. Hicks Bros, 55 yds gravel and hauling................. . . . 19 25 Jas Husou, hewiug and hauling timber and repairing bridge, lot 2, con ..... 4 50 Jas Johnson, 1 stick pine timber, and 2 sticks cedar . . . 4 20 Mrs Thompson, 17 loads gravel l 70 John Elliott. {)5 loads gravel 9 50 District No. 3. J L Card, 2144 it cedar delivered at Burlingtonfibo lbs spikes,130 bolts, 260 washers . . ..... . ...284 20 John McCutclieon, 15 loads gravel 1 50 John Kerr, work on hill, 7th cou opposite lot 23, and 8]. loads of gravel 21 85 Henry Marsh, 1546 ft oak plank... 30 92 Jerome Campbell, for work, and plank on town lilie.. ....... 2 50 Henry Marsh, 3265 ft of plank de- livered at Burlington.... . . . . . . .. 65 30 J L Card, 320 ft of railing . 13 2 W Mellish, building bridge at Testou W Melllsh,bu11diuu ubutincut, and work replaukiug at. Power’s 28 75 Henry Marsh, for pine plank 3 80 G Ireland, fer repairing Waggon... ‘2 00 â€"Carried. Moved by Mr.Watson,secondcd by Mr. Kirby, that the treasurer be and is here- by authorizsd to pay, on the order of the 23 751 deputy-returniug-oflicers of the several polling sub-dinsious in the township of Vaughan, for the election of members at the late provincial elections, the sum of $4 each â€"C:irric«l. Moved by Mr, Kirby, seconded by Mr. Bryson, that Dr. bisley and Amos Shuuk be and are hereby appointed commission- ers to expend twenty-liver days of the statute labor of road division No. 23, in tho repairing and building side‘wulks in the village of Maple, the work to be done from Cousiu’s shop to the railroad, and the Clerk to notify the pathmasters of said divisionâ€"Carried. Bylaw No. 632 was then passed assess- ing the several school sections in tho township for the present year. The Council adjourned until Tuesday, the 11th of September next to meet at 2 p. In. J. M. LAWRENCE, Clerk .*.___ Listen! Have you tasted the new Tea, called KalalaCeylon Tea? it’s beautiful. If you call at Dilworth’s Drus Store you can get a sample cartoon of it for nothing Its the best and cheap- est Tea we ever used. ' great Toronto Notes. Sir Oliver Mowat is spenditga short vacation on an island near Kingston. Mr. H. A. Massey has gone to Spar- row lake, Muskoka. to regain his health; his medical adVissr accompanied him. During the past weeks 105 births, 122 deaths and 14 marriages were registered at the city clerk’s othce. Acting City Clerk. Treasurer Patter- son, received from the Toronto railway their cheque for the city percentage of gross recoipts for July amounting to $7,- 142.18. During the past two months our city has been visited by citizens from nearly every state in the American union, all of whom express themselves delighted with Toronto and its surroundings. The Street Railway Co. are clearing the grounds on Roncesralles avenue and Queen street preparatory to the erection of their car sheds and repair shops. A shed, and other encumbrances has been removed. Mrs. Brondgeest, who resides with her daughter Mrs. H.D.Browue,31 Gwynnne avenue, Sunday night fell down stairs, dying almost immediately. The deceased lady was 80 years of age. ' A 1mm called at the Doverconrt road Protestant Orphun’s Home last week, representing himself as an employee of the Toronto Bell Telephone Co. While there llt: stole some articles of jewelry and $20 in cash belonging to the matron. Hardly a. week has passed this summer but some accident has happened on Hum- bcr bay. In years past. it was something unusual for a drowning accident to occur on this bay. This year it has claimed six lives and there have been several narrow escapes. Those accidents are chiefly due to carelessness. In the case of the drowning of Miss Johnston,the man that hired the boat was fool hardy as he had been warned not to venture on the water as it was very rough. He went, and paid for his fully with a. human life. (Crowded out last week.) .__._.+..___ \Von’t you stop for tea. this evening, Mrs. 'l‘omliusou l I wish you would. I want you to try this great Kalalu Tea, it’s delicious. I bought it at wholesale price at. Dilworth‘s Drug Store for $1.00 a Caddie. l.1.§1&l}0.. BANKERS. OFFIBE : YONGE ST..AURUBA. Drafts issued on the BANK - OF - TORONTO payable at par on all the leading points. A general Banking Business is trans- acted. Notes Discounted. Special attention paid to the collection of Notes and Accounts. Money advanced on Notes and Mort- gages for any length of time to suit the borrower. Solo Notes cashed or taken for collec- tion. Note Forms furnished free of charge on application. J.L.EOSS. - - Manager. Farm Bailout. Lot :34, 2nd 3on. Vuughuii, (-outuiniiic 100 acres, to rent for a. toxin of yours. .\1- Iv to HA4. C. l’..ZiiS\\'ILL, Lulu Mills

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