The Reports from This side Have leen 3 Check to Emigratlon. The British emigration returns show that rom January ] toJuly 31 of this year 77.- 567 persons left the United Kingdom as ‘against 130.524 during the same period last /year. South Africa. alone attracted more immigration, the ï¬gures for the United States fallingfrom 96,972 to50,372, Canada from 16,973 to 10,361, and Australia. from 5,527 to 4,964. Canada. has undoubtedly antfered from the reports of the evere busi~ ness depression in the States, “America.†being a vague general expression in the minds of the emigrating classes in the old country, where a surprising amount of ignorance of Canada and its aflairs still prevails. The alarming reports Sent over the Atlantic from the States and from the wheat-growing districts of the “’est on both sides of the line have given a. decided check to emigration generally. The work~ ingmen of Great Britain are beginning to think that they are better 06‘ where they are. The well-organized and wealthy trades unions now exercise tremendous power and secure good conditions oi labor and a fair rate of wages. Rent is low, and clothes and other necessities of life cheap. The agri cultural laborer, by joining the industrial ranksin the great cities at home, thinks he secures better prospects for himself and his children than by taking up land in the West. In view of the pressure of the agricultural population on the labor mar~ kets oi the cities, and the outcries of the employes against the tyranny of the unions, it is a. question whether this state of things can continue long, but for the present, in deiault of special inducements on this side and special incentives at home, it is evident hat only a. moderate number of immigrants an be expected. t inly Eliced pomboes ; cover with Qome of t e paste, makea hole in Lhe centre and ke three hours and a half in a moderate 0 en. Make gravy from bones and pour in} when the pie is done. 4' There is no use in fooling with neuralgia. 1‘: is a disease that gives way only to the most powerful remedies. No remedy yet discovered has given the grand results that invariably attends the employment; of Pol- eon’s Nerviline. Nerviline is a. positive speciï¬c for all nerve pains, and ought to be kept, on hand in every family. Sold every where, 25 cents a. bottle. A great meat pie is “ hearty†and taste- ! L Make the mate as follows : Chop four 0 aces of beef such and put in a. stew-pan ith the same quantity of butter and a p In of water: when boiling pass through a sieve into two pounds of flour and stir iï¬h a. spoon until cool ; roll out and line a large earthen pudding dish with in. Fill t 16 centre with seasoned and flï¬ured strips oi rump steak alternately witl-x layers of J The young girl, whose name is Adrienne Sauve, is about l9years of age. She stated that some years ago she became ill. and gradually the disease took an alarming character. She was pale and listless, her blood was thin and watery, she could not walk fast, could not climb a stair, or do in fact any work requiring exertion. Her heart troubled her so much and the Palpi- tations were so violent as to frequently prevent her from sleeping at night, her lips were blue and bloodless, and she was subject to extremely severe headaches. Her condition made her very unhappy for. being an orphan, she wanted to be of help to the relations with whom she lived, but instead was becoming an incumbrance. Having read of the wonders worked by Dr. ‘Nilliams’Pink Pills, Miss nuave determined togive them a trial. After using one or two boxes she began to revive somewhat and felt stronger than before. She slept better, the color began to return to her cheeks, and anew light shone in her eyes. This encouraged her so much that she determin- ed to continue the treatment, and soon the heart palpitations and spasms which had made her life miserable passed aWsy, and she was able to assist once more in the household labor. Today she feels as young and as cheerful as any other young and healthy girl of her age. She is very thankful for what Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills have done for her, and feels that she cam not too highly praise that marvellous remedy. Indeed her case points a. means of rescue to all other young girls who ï¬nd that health’s roses have flown from their checks, or who are tired on slight exertion. subject to ï¬ts of nervousness, headaches and palpitation of the heart. In all such cases Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills are an unfailing cure. Sold by alldealers or sent by mail postpaid: at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, by addressing the Dr, \Villiam’s .Medicine Company, Brockville, Ont.. or lSchenectady, N. Y. Beware of imitations rand substitutes alleged to be “just as good.†The full duty of a. newspaper is not sim- ply to convey news to its readers, hut to give such information as will be of value to them in all walks of life. and this. we take it, includes the publication of such evidence as will warrant those who may unfortun- ately be in poor health giving a fair trial to the remedy that has proved of lasting beneï¬t to others. LaPatrie having heard of the cure of ayoung lady living at 147 St. Charles Borrome street, of more than ordinary interest, determined to make an‘ investigation of the case with a view to giving its readers the particulars. The reporter's knock at the door was answered by a. young person neatly dressed, and showing all the appearance of good health. “I came to inquire.†said the reporter, " concerning the young lady cured by the use of’ Pink Pills.†“ In that, case it must be myself,†said the young girl smiling, “forI have been very sick and laid up with heart disease, and some months ago thought I WOuld soon sleep in Cote des Neiges cemetery. Won't you come in and sit down and I will tell you all about in?" Ti ‘x‘Expt-rlrnm- of a Young lady In “an “real ‘Vlm Expected to llleâ€"Ilow llcr [We Was Saved. From LaPatrie, Montreal, IMMIGRATION PROSPECTS Get Rid of Neuralgia. A GRATEFUL GIRL. Beef Pie. b! ASHOOD Wrecked and Rescued. By \V. J. HUNTER, Ph.D.. D.D. A series of chapters to men on social purity and right liv- ing. Ibis writtenin plain language that all may under-Wand. Live Agents wanted. Cir- culars conmining terms senc on application. William Briggs. Publisher. Toronto. Ont. Washington Irving, great grandnephew of the famous author, is an ensign in the navy. ' Prices per bushel.Genesee Giant, $2.50; White Leader, $1.50; Dawson’s Golden Chaï¬, 31.00; Jonea' Winter Type, 85c; American Bronze, 85c; Early Red Clawson, 85c; Cotton bags 20c. Send for Circulars to the Steele,Briggs,Marcon Seed Co. (Ltd.) 132 King St. E., Toronto. Drink tit-Small Cost. Adams‘ Root Beer Extract. bottle Fleischmann's Yeast . . half a cake 811 at , . . e . . . . . . . . . . . . ..two pounds Lu ewarm Water . . . . A . . . . . e . y . e . . . two gallons Dissolve the sugar and yeast in the water. add the extract, and bottle : place in a warm place for twenty-four hours until it tel- manna. then place on ice. when it: will open sparkling and delicious, V mThémot’Be'er can be obtained in all drug and grocery stores in 10 and 25 cent bottles to make two and ï¬ve gallons. r ï¬séhd card for HesEiipii CominionLandAdvertising S}: ï¬nish. Pa‘ VAUSAGE MACHINE. New Smith Chop per. Cost. $110. will sell at >130. Decided Bargain.â€"â€"Park.Blackwell S: (‘0. lefl'oronto. The houses of the leading millionaires of New York are mostly guarded by secret police Beclpe.â€"Fo_r plgklng a Dellclonu Ileallll YOUR tlgtféi’. Have long plied their vocation on the suf- fering pedals of the people. The knife has pared Lo the quick ; caustic applications have tormented the victim of coma untxl the conviction shaped itselfâ€"there’s no cure. Putnam’s Painless Corn Extractor proves on what slender basis public opinion often rests. If you suï¬er from come get bhe Extractor and you will be satisï¬ed. Sold everywhere. The marked heuPIlt which people ovorcmuc by That. Tired Feeling derive from Iloml‘s Sar- sapurilla, conclusively proves that this mod» vim: "makes the \W‘ldk strong." J. l}. I‘Imm‘tuu, :1 \rr-ll known merchant of Auburn. Muluo. saw: "About live yours nun that I was troubled with Dyspepsia Ltulupli- muted with Liver and Kidney tx'nuhlm. 1 improved an (nu-p and am certainly very much better and feel more like \wrking. alwnvs gives me relief and gl'e-z-‘t (-mnfm't.’ m a God end to any one sulfm‘ingus 1 (111]. A Bostonian has electric lampsconcealed about, his windows so as to produce a similar effect to sunlight shining through the panes. St. Leon is recommended on the high- est scientiï¬c authority. \Vhy dose your system with ï¬lthy drugs when St. Leon can be obtained for a. trifle? Spooner’s Phenyle Disinfectant mixed with ï¬sh oil or grease, will prevent the Horn fly. Apply with a brush about the horns, head and back of animals. Mr. J. B. Emertun. The highest point reached by a. railroad in the Western hemisphere is the tunnel on the C. & O. R. R., Peruâ€"13,645 feet above the Paciï¬c. Boyâ€"Get & pail of water an’come quick! The chicken house is aï¬re an’ the hens is so excited with the heat that everyone of ’em in a-laying fried eggs. Hood’s Sarsaparilla the appetite, improves digestion, and re- stores health and vigor : all Lhe organs of the body are aroused to healthy action by Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery. More than all, the liverâ€"and that’s the key to the whole system. You have pure blood or poisonous blood, just as your liver chooses. The blood controls the health. the liver controls the blood, the “ Discovery " controls the liver. For all diseases caused by a. disordered liver or impure bloodâ€"dyspepsia, biliousneas, the most. stubborn skin, scalp and scrofulnus affections, the “ Disoovery †is the only remedy so certain and effective that, it, can be guaranteed. If it doesn’b beneï¬t, or cure, you have your money back. You pay only for the good you get. The County Court Judges of England have passed a. new rule enabling them, Without, loss of digniby, Lo wear straw hate during the hon Weather. VViï¬eâ€"I've got, to have some money and some new clothes and some shoes and a. hat and a wrap. Hubbieâ€"l-Gracious! youdon’ b have to have all that, do you? Wiï¬a (studying a minute)â€"\Ve1], I’ll compromise on the money. “ Yes.†said the proprietor of barber shop, “ he was a. Very good barber, but, we had [,0 let him go. He didn't underamnd Lhe business." “ “'hat did he do '2" “ He forgot to say to a baldheaded cus- tomer that his hair needed trimming to day.†You can escape just about half the ills that flesh is heir Lo, by being ready for them. Brace the system up with this medicine. which prevents as well as cures. Roses are now in full bloom. Many com- plain that Their plants throw suckers from the roots. ‘I‘hese are budded roses. You should buy roses grown on own roots, then will have no trouble. Brown Bros. Co., Toronm, Ont, are the leading rose growers in the country. \Vrite them for an agency. Thai Tired Feeling )ARMS WANTED.7H Hopo's PIL_LS ‘rin Charlatans and Quacks peristihi Laying Didn’t Understand HID. 1000 printings.postpaidmnly ts. The Herald. No. 156 A. Lu A Compromise Fall Wheats. It Sharpens Fried Eggs. ab you wish to sell, vc blank to the Old Company.ToronDo. mm (‘nnsï¬paï¬on by ,he alimentary canal. ..onc bottle ‘half a cake ,two pounds two gallons P. 726 LII“ FARME RS, "m0 somcun‘ng good Peerless - Machine TAKE Re-opens September 8, 1894. All teachers honor graduates of universities or 001188854 Regular courses for graduation telitemmre and science, music. art. elocution- inc. Excellent accommodation, inspiring int structors. reï¬ning associations and leasan. surroundings. Addreis the Principa. , A. BURNS, S.T.D.. L.L.D. OTHER Grinds everything. even to the ï¬nest seeds. Stones 3.31: a lifetime. Iron places. chilled 1-16. are not, in it, with French Buhr Stones. 6 inches thick. Chilled Clear Through. Easy to run. simple. durable, fastâ€"Write us SPLENDID RECORU of six candidates for Senior Matriculation. All were successful. Candidates prepared for Teacher's certiï¬cates. Diplomas awarded in Commercial Science. Music. Fine Arm, Eiocution. Will reopen Thursday. September 6th. ‘94. For calendar address PRINCIPAL DYER. ALA" D.D. IT'S MADE SPECIALLY FOR YOUR USE Hardware and Gum-ml Stores all sell it. SAMUEL ROGERS 8: 00.. Toronto. Ont Waterous, Brantford, CANADA. HAMILTON LADIES’ COLLEGE ' ' \L‘f/ [95 Really?) Equél {Sky/Importeday.) )TaJQ: Ivy Advuce and ‘2: E Ifljijt on gen/mg tï¬is; x Z’ 55% Made iu32-‘JO. 38-40 and 41-40 mum-es. The lightest. simplest and strongest. repeater on the marl-Len. TAKE . . 32:20 DOWN 38-40 is made ‘, 44-40 The most. practical rifles tor raugh “8825- Wflt‘e for cvata'lpgug-s to “HIQ‘S.†ST. JACQBS GEL Ll ' Mode! 1889 the Cream of Cod-liver Oil and hypophosphites. It is palatable and easy on the stoma ch. Physicians, the World over, endorse it. Don‘t be deceived by Substitutes! Scott. & Bowne, Belleville. AHDruggiats. 504‘" an leads to Consumption. Stop the Cough, heal the Lungs and strengthen the System with Scott’s m Mizï¬h'ï¬ï¬hï¬ 80.; New Haven, Conn., U.S.A. ' ‘ MARK ‘4 Coughing Emulsion ALBERT COLLEGE, Bulu' Stone Chopper 112 Gold Medals) l'dwarc and Gcm'ml Stowe all 3011 it VS‘l-‘JO 38-40 44-40 tat. pracioax r1 fr rough usage. or catalogues to ‘ Ianm P113 Arms 80., RI FLE S' 'Haven, Conn., U.S.A OLD, CHRONEG PAIRS succuma TO IT WE'VS THE SPOT AND @5858. Belleville. Ont. (o vméi Mama EAL. Feed Your Stock Grain Your Proï¬ts l E Ground } b) WATERousi Will be increm- ed. your land freed from foul weeds, If you The MBULABY MFG. 00.. Make Your Homes Comfortable GLARE BROS. & 80., . Send for... EFU“ Guaranteed Capacity - CATALOGUE andTESTIMDNIAL 300K. EThe cunuav rounan compAuv Ltd., macaw, DUPLEX PUMPS TORONTO, ONT- WWWWWWW‘WMWMMMNMMW xmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnmg THE NORTHEY MFG. CO.,L’TD DO YOU WANT “ THE EARTH ?" The ï¬rst edition of this handqome new illus‘ trared Weekly newspaper appeared Aug. '25 and it sold like hot cakes, everywhere it was introduced. \Vrite for circulars. ure and get one for your buggy. _Ta ke no wther kind. They won‘t, dlSappOlnL :you. They are better than ever for 1894. TAMI!!! RING- and tuttering permancndv cured 'n_ad vance feed. Cure}:ng They give perfect satisfaction in ï¬t style, and ï¬nish, and it has become a by-word that “ GRANBY RUBBERS wear like Iron †OXFORD 333:3" FURNACES GRAN BY RUBBERS. 'rnE‘ WE WANT A SMART BOY “FOR All. SIZES 0F BUILDINGS.- Qapccify frcm 10,000 {0 80,00 Gubic GFeet “EYCLGN?STEEL RAMA TOR " OXFORD WOOD FURNACE -.......,r “ya, “so - 7 .~ sample copy of the CANADIAN Mcswun, a live monthlyjouy- nal with $1.00 worth of music in each issue. 53 lo 35 per day madoby canvassers. See prgm- ium list. We carry everything in the Music line. WHALEY. ROYCE 84 CO. :53 mm: ST. TonflNT0,0NT. iiï¬TON “5' 'I'NSTITii'fE Ev'ery Music Teacher in Ca,- nada should know where they can_ get their Music cheapest. Writ? us for Qatalogues; also MUSICI .to apyly 65 Shube Presmn Furnaces are the Best. .15 send you Catalogue and full particulate, and you cln Ne have letters from all parts of Canada. saying OUR SPEGI COAL Manufactured by.. hit-Sf Judge for Yourself. St. Leon Mineral Water Gn’y, Ltd. Head Oï¬ceâ€"King St. W.. Toronto. AH Druggix‘tï¬. Grocers and Hotels. I have been drinking St.Leon Mineral Water regularly for four years, and consider it. the very best thing to drink while in general tr Lin- ing. 15 is an excellent, regulator. having com- memblly cured me of constipation and kidney tx‘ou e. Loan and Savings Company. The enlarged capital and recourcee of thi Company. together with the increased facili ties it now has for supplying land owners with cheap money, enable the Directors to meet with promptnesa all requirements for loans upon an tisfactory real estate security. Appli- cationmay be made to the Company’s local Canada. . . a Subscribed Capital Paid up Capitalâ€. Reserved Funds Total Assets . . 4 . . . _ , Champion ETERBOROUGH . gï¬ï¬eanada. n M SEND FUR [ATALDDPEt Appr £0111) Famous Magnet Can aia Perm 1n ant omcci'l‘oronto St. Toronto. London - Winnipeg aise Send {on W. H. HASLITT. 3R3 Manning Ava. Champion Perle-“trial: of Canada We can supply you With the best EVERY USER DELIGHTED lar’ge Feed Door Sectional Fire Pot Rotating _Bar Dumping (irate fl.....-\ n.. my“ Large Combustion Chamber Long Fm: Travel,encircling radiatnr Large Heating Sgrface adapoed for wood burning Heavy Steel Plate Fire Box Dome and Radiator. which hm“. quicker and are more durable RADIATOR of Modern Construcâ€" tion and Great. Healing Power LARGE ASH PIT HEAVY GRATE. especiallyg â€"-. MM“ b‘E‘EP’Asn PIT Wand Fumace :rs. or to PRESTON, ONT. WOOD FURNACE GOAL FURNACE in Canada. J. HERBERT MASON. of Toronto no equal. nto - Montreal Vancouver. Managiné Directbr.