l “In. Essentials, Unify; in Non-Essentials, Liberty ,- in all things, Charity.†RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBERG. 1894. 0: My 39 “ @2119 fluvial IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING AT THE LIBERAL PRlNTlNG & PUBLISHiNG HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, our. '1‘. F . McMAHON. EDITOR A: Pnornrzron. " BUSINESS CARDS. allciliml. DR. LANGSTAFF. RICEMOND HILL. OFFICE HOURS um 10a.ai|.; 6toSp.m. sr. Ells'ibhelhfl, MAPLE. ll. its, THCRNHILL, Graduate Toronto University. Member College 1 Physicians and Si .,,,<.ius. Our, two years As~ ' Sistant Surgeon Toronto General Hospital. Residenceâ€"Two doors north of post oï¬ice. Tel- ephone cnmmumriitmn by privute line with all outstanding places. Ofï¬ce hoursâ€"8 to 10 a. m. 1 to 2 p. m. W. J. WiLSON, M. D, RICHMOND HILL, Ont. OFFHCE HOURS ES to 10 a. “1.; and 6 to S p. m. an iltltlltl. .7313? USED BY Dr. A. Rollinsun, SURGEON DENTIST, Autorzi lst,S’-:li,1iith,:iiid 22nd of each month Richmond Hill .....9‘.-li and 24th .10 (at the Palmer House) Stouï¬ville . . . . . . . . . . . , 18th, if Sunday, 21st Markham .. .LtOtl: of ouch mouth Mt. Albert; . 4th do \Vooclhridgo . will do Elcinburg .. .zath do a.)leton......... .. ..;lnth do Reliable Gum Applications used when required. FSGGE your Cheap Teeth of Robinson. Address A ROBINSON L.D.S. Alix-01501115. W. ROGERS, DENTIST, A little cost of [flirln‘lulo station, over W. Collius’slvire.corner Of Queen and i\ orthcote Avenue, Wuimmmm Pvrterlunry 3f. ballmmugll, THORNHILL, ONT.. Veterinary Surgeon. Will visit Richmond Hill Wednesday afternoon of clch week. . W, , dâ€. it“. lï¬chlroy, . VETERINARY SURGEON VETERINARY DENTlST, CONCOR , - ONT. Cir-n limto of the Ontario Veterinary Collcac, (lie Unmrm ‘v'ctci'iniii'y .Mllplc n noun... :tllll l C1111; proiiipzly {LiccnllUtl \Vlll. ilipluiiizt liuiii: in :iuLl \. ‘ii l, "iill my: lII‘l -.~;- cuttlc iLIir'l UClZUI' ‘loincsticutv . m ll'L‘ALrL‘ll by the lures: .ind most upâ€" prin c". lllulilll in. l5 ffl‘ ' {‘4' I", 7'; W’ï¬j'. 7" g 42. est/silo $93153 -‘ stitbliiig unu clllClE’llb linstleS. 1A- CALL - SOLICITED.‘ Hitllllll. DI. TEEE‘XV. NOTARY PUBLIC. COMMISSIONER IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, &c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RIClElMOI‘lD HILL POST OFFICE. A G F LAWRENCE W S ()nmsrou, L L B LAWRENCE & ORMISTUN. Barristers, Solicitors, fzc. Toronto Officeâ€"No.15 Toronto Street. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce open every Saturday. ._.0__ MONEY T0 LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES J. R. MILLER E. J. B. DUNCAN Mignon .e fluwomv. B.lnBIST“RS, SOLICITORS AND NOTABIES. Toronto Ofï¬ceâ€"34 Bum: of Commerce Buildings, :9 King Street West. l‘homhillOfï¬ccâ€"Post Ofï¬ce every Wed- nesday from IO to 12 a. m. Collectionsin City and Country promptly attended to. Money toloau, 6.0. S. LINDSEY LYON LINDSEY LINDSEY & LINDSEY, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries and (jouvcyancers. Paciï¬c Buildings, ‘23 Scott St.' Toronto. Telephone 2984‘ Money to Loan ROBINSON, LENNOX & MACLEOD Barristers, Solicitors, «kc. TORONTO ‘AND AURORA. Mr. '1‘. Herbert Lcnuox will be at Kelly’s Hotel, Richmond Hill every \Vednesdey,for the transâ€" ocnion of business. WWW Salem Eckardl Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York Ontario and Pool. Goods sold on consignment Generolsules a stock, em, promptly attended to at reasonable rates. P. 0. address, UNIONVILLE . J runes C. Stokes. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York,re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence. sales uttciidcil on the shortest notice and a reusomibe rates. 19.0. address King J. 'H‘. Saigeon, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Sales attended to on shortest notice and at reu- snuablo rates. Putmnago solicited. Residence Muple- .li. .l. Lunau, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. General Stiles of implemeuts, iurnimrebmnding timber. ctr“... attended on the shortest notice and at reasonable mtcs. Stock sales n. specialty. Patronage solicited. 1’. 0. address Uniouvillo. E. ‘ LEMQJV, biblfï¬lï¬ ï¬‚bh‘lï¬bg 158 KING s'mim'r EAST. Touou'ro Every accommodation to guests. Board, 31. nor dcy THE PALMER HOUSE RICHMO_1:T13 HILL. Thisfino hotel is ï¬tted up with all the modern appliances for health and comfort. Best brands of liquors and cigars. Sumple rooms for com. mere-ml truvelicrs. ’lsussss meet. all trains. flutes $1.00 per day. JOHN SELL Y, I’rom'ietor. sacmsescu Nuns. MA.ng Having leflï¬tml the above house Ium prepcrml to munch the hustncconimodutiou to boomers and the Marching public. Best. brands of Liquors uud Cigars. Excellent Sumple looms for r-miimerciul men First-class Livery in con- nuction. ’ WM. RICH RDSON, Proprietor .Nov 26-91 ‘ ill-SS l3, HllRRlelN, DRESS ' MAKLR, RICHh/IOND HILL. .. WW" 4 Minis?! '4. .. . . WE GET BROS, (Undertaker 5 db Emmanuel-s, Func '11! Fan III‘llingEo Always our ‘systcm may he removed, “and Our Ottawa Lebter. How persistently the government tries to divert public attention from the evi- dences of maladmiiiistrntiou that. have been accumulating against them during the past; few years. Their defence cou- tiuucs in the old lines of raising other issues entirely irrelevant. to the line of attack. They can find no justiï¬cation for their deeds, but still seek to avert honest warfare by picking flaws in the work of their opponents and thanking heaven they are not as other liicii are. Here is an example of the low desplciblc means the government, and its press are prepared 1:0 resort to to deceive tho peo- ple in the hope of drawing utioiit'iuii from their own mistlcells. The Citizen, the government organ horn, in discussing the duty on agricultural implements, s.iys:# "l‘licrc was'scarcely a member of the up position who did not plead for ‘fair play’ for the implement iimuufacturer when the government proposed the reduction of duty.†What was the motive of the gov- ernment organ in publishing that paraâ€" graph I Nothing more our less than to cull'v‘t‘y the iiiipressiuu that the Liberal party lll parliament. had cliaiiipiuucd the course of the implement manufacturer by opposing a. reduction of duty and the cou- scquoiit lowering of his protection. Can you make anything else out ct it? What. are the iactsl Sir Richard Cdrtwrlght and other Liberal meiiibei‘s urged the goyeriiiiient [out session to lower the duty on the raw material the agricultural im- plement iiimiulacturcr used in his factory iliut he might be in a. posninn to menu- fucturo more cheaply and consequently be able to supply to the farmer his imâ€" plements at less cost. The Citizen is not the only government organ that has en- deaVorod to distort. these facts into mak- ing the Liberal party the champions of the manufacturer and of protection. It shows the dishonest means the Conserva- tive party will resort to, the unfair war they Will wage in the hope of (lluwliig public attention from their own sins. If nothing, more it. furnishes evidence of the wenkucse of their own cuss, and a desper- ate case it must be when we find their whole defence being made up of such de- ceitful argument-s. If they would pract- ice the some economy in tho udmimsp M» ion of our public affairs that they do in economizng the truth, we would, indeed, be a prosperous couutry. For givmg expression to views held by myself in my letters I have frequently been attacked when in some detail they might differ from those held by a. few in- dividuul members of the Liberal party. Freedom of thought and freedom of speech is one of the prominent. planks in the Liberal platfonii. It is not so with their opponents. They ate not allowed to (lllllk for themselves, but must accept what the “Star Chamber†sees lit, to lay before them. They are taught to believe “the king can do no wrong.†Their pol- icy is directed by the iiiciiopolist. and manufacturer; the Libeml policy by the general Welfare of the Country; the peo- ple who pay the taxes. is it. not so ‘1 ll’ltlllllflâ€"lclurel', Money and Monopoly stand in gilt letters on the banner of the Tory party, for they are the three ele- ments m which they owe their lease of power. My object. is to arouse public tooling against this sort of government. My methods may be original or they may be it reflection of those already advanced, but. be what they may if I can only be in- strumental lll assisting to awaken those people who have been Siltlï¬tled to drift along, to the easy victims they have been for u dishonest. goveruiiieiit to operate upon, then 1 have accomplished my pur- pose, Anyway, [ challenge contradiction of itlly statement I may make ill the course of my letters, or figures I may use in support of my argument. So much for apology. Let Us talk of the duties before you. Ssxus Rsronu. One of tlic planks iii the Liberal plat- form is “ Sciiutc Rcform.†What. we have first to consider is whether the Scu- zito is u necessary piece of our legislative IllilUlllllL‘l‘y. ll ii; could he made to [like the position it wus originally intended it. should take iii our purllzuueiitury work, iis micsioii, as o chock on legislation, would be a most, important. and useful one. Tllltl‘. Cilll never be while the com position of the Upper House stands as it. does M the picsciir, for in the Senate we find but SIX liibcruls out of :i toml mim- bur of SBVL‘llly-lllllu. lf wc believe the Sciiutc is necessary to si'cuz‘u llllllr’flt leg- islutluii, tlicii we must look about for lllUHllS by whth the evils of the present The only way is to null“) that body elective. Nuw here i-i a. subject. for the electors. the people 'nlin iimt the bills. to silltly out, Lot. the rank iiiid lilo CU‘UPI‘FHEC with tho leutlvt'fl , iHlLl salvo the question. There are as good men out of [hil‘llztlllellt us there ftl'd iii it. There are men among our farmers in Ill" rural districts who, wliih: possibly they have not shared the 3mm: :irlvmitiegvs of elucatiou us some of the luv“ they send to parliament. to reprcsmit them, have been endowed by tho Almighty With , far more practical common sense than those they send to Ottawa. You would realize this fact had you sat. in the press gallery as I have for the past fifteen years. To return to the Senate. If we accept the idea that the Senate must bo elective, what surer means could be de- vised of securing a fair division than by grouping the counties together, say three Counties into in senatorial district, and al- low the municipal councils of those three counties to Join together in the election of a. Senator to represent. the district. In the ï¬rst place you would be vesting the municipal councils with a. responsibility and power that would certainly arouse a greater interest in our Federal Govern- ment. Again, knowing that. there was something in the municipal counml bo- yniid the distribution of mad money and administration of local affairs, would you not get the best men in your municipal Councils from which schools your parlia- mentary representatives might. graduate. This phase of the question seems reason- able; eVolvc it in your minds. There are single counties in the Dominion having three representatives in the Senate, while there are groups of ï¬ve or six counties that. have now: been represented in the Upper House. If the beople are to be represented in the Senate the system of appointan must be abolished and the elective system adopted. It is the gov- eminent and not the people that. are now represented in the Upper Chamber. As- sist the Liberal leaders in reforiiiiug it. Ottawa, Sept. lst, 1894. -â€"â€"â€"« If you want, to buy or sell a farm adi vertise in the Toronto Weekly Mail. That paper reaches 100.000 farmers homes every week, and your advertisement should meet. the eye of some one who wants to purchase. Advertisements of this class are inserted in the Toronto Weekly Mail for ï¬ve cents a. Word for each insertion. Twenty cents a. word for live insertions. Address The Mail, To- rciito, Canada. Industrial Fair. PROGRA DIMEâ€"SECOND WEEK. MONDAYâ€"Toronto Citizens’ Dayâ€" Evary department open from 8 a. m. to 10 p.m. All machinery, impiements uud processes of manufacture in full operation. International dog show will be open. Competition for prizes for best. perform. aiiucs by professional coachmen, fouriu- liaiuds. gentleman‘s and children’s turn- outs. Running races, dog races, chariot races, umbrella races. hurdle races and high jumping. Exhibitions by wrestling lion,traiued leopard and boxing kangaroo. Balloon ascension and double parachute drop by Prof. Woolcotr and Miss Lamount. Display of Japanese day ï¬re- Works. EvssiNoâ€"Grounds illuminated and all special features going up to 10 o’clock. The great land and iiiival spectacle. the Siege of Algiers, and display of ï¬reWorks. TUESDAYâ€"Germanic. Day ~Every de- partment open till 10 p. m. All horses and cattle will be in the rings and judg- ing in progress. International dog show, poultry, natural history, and fish hatch- ery exhibit, flowers and fruit displays. Special features in the horse ring, includâ€" ing running races for farmers’ horses, open flat handicap, hurdle races, pony races, A30. Dug races, chariot races, um- brella. races. Balloon asceiisioiis, Japan- ese day ï¬reworks, and entertainment. by specialty company in front. of grand stand. Also all the other features, the living picture,Couper’s painting, Vienna Lutlics’ Court Orchestra, phantom car. miiistrcl company and other novelties. I EVENINGâ€"11h:miuatioii of grounds and‘ buildings. All the special features and the Siege of Algiers, with display of ï¬re- works. \VEDNESDAYâ€"Ful‘mers’ Dayâ€"All live stock in the ring during the day, and every department. of exhibition open till ll) p. m. Judging of thoroughbred and carriage horses, hunters zllld saddle horses. Judging of Ayreliires, Jerseys, (-lueiiiscys uiid Holstein cattle. Ex- llllll'tlul) of roadster and carriage horses. Furnich trotting race. Match between the trotting dogs Doc ziiid Victor. Huidlc jumping contests and high jumping by Welsh ponies. Exhibit and spec-limit. of llzillb houses on the truck. knees by the Kemp Combination with their dozen thoroughbred horses. Billooii us- tensions, wrestling lion and leopards, boxing kangaroo, and other features. EVl-JBIALIï¬lllllllilllilllul: of grounds and buildings. Build concerts, and the Siege of Algiers. 'l‘iiL'mmYâ€"Americaiis’ Daraâ€"Exhibit.â€" ion at its best. Grounds and buildings opci. iiiitii lU p. m. All iiiiicliincry, im~ plemeiits, dc, iii upui'dtlnii. Displuy (-1 live stuck in the now the :Il't'iLL dog, p-l Ell'HV, :igi‘icultuml, lllll‘llclllllli'dl uiiil fruit display. durucss horse GILLQN‘W Wlll be exhibited on the raw truck. Hurdle jumping, (lug races, &:. Bitlliloll mucu- sioiis, Japanese diiy llroworks, iiiid L'lllc‘l' tuiiimcut by the specialty company in front of grand stand. Serio-cumic pcr- I'Jl'llltllicca' by the Bela†dc Willi Company No.10 in their grotesque African specialties. EVENINGâ€"Special performances in front. of grand stand, and the great. land and naval spectacle, the Siege of Algiers. FRIDAYâ€"Review Dayâ€"This is one of the best days to view the Exhibition. Every department remains complete. Special parade of all the prize and most valuable horses and cattle of the country will take place in front of the grand stand at 2 p. in. All special exhibits and feat- ures will be on view. Special attractions will also be given. Running races on the track. dog races,chariot raceshigh jump- ing ponies, &c. Wrestling, lion, trained leopards. and boxing kangaroo. EVENINGâ€"Illumination of the grounds and buildings, and the Siege of Algiers, with display of ï¬reworks. SATURDAYâ€"Exhibitors’ Dayâ€"Grounds open at 7 a. m. to exhibitors and their assistants only, at which hour the ex- hibition will be considered closed. ..‘â€"-â€"-â€" Strip for tea. to-uight. I want. you to taste the Kulala Ceylon Tea; it is the richest cup of Tea. I ever tasted. You can only get it at. Dilworth’s Drug Store. You can buy it there at $1 a. caddie, other stores charge you $1.50. FermEgRent. Lot :34, 2nd 3013. Vaughan, containinz 100 acres, to rent for a. term of years. Apply to 8-4 C. KERSWILL, Elgin Mills w - plate line of Nursery . . stock and seed potatoes. Highest sulury rind commission paid weekly,pay- ing and permanent. position guaranteed and suc- cem assured to good men. Special inducements to beginners exporiencenot necessary. Exclusive territory and your own choice of some given. Do not deny. 60, Apply to.... Growers & Propagators, Rochester, N.Y. Farm to Rent. 'Lot '29, 3rd Con. Vaughan, containing 100 acres. more or less, is torent fur a. farm of years. Good soil,&nd. known to he one of the best potato- growing farms in the county. Young orchard, With almost every kind of fruit. Plenty of good water, hortland soft. Bank burn. and comfort- able house. Apply to 8»tf W. JONES, Richmond Hill I’.O J. T. SAIGEON, Insurance Agent -â€"FORâ€" Gilllli bi’d'i’. MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE 80-: I nc Dllle’ll nuicrlca, Also the ls b‘d‘flfldh uninhqu MAPLEL# l. l.. allâ€. 80.. BANKERS. flFFlcE : VBNGE ST.,AURORA. Drafts issued on the BANK â€" 0F - TORONTO payable at. par on all the leading points. ENE RGETlC MEN to sell our choice and com- _â€" A general Banking Business is trans- acted. Notes Discounted. Special attelltlun paid to the collection of Notes and Accounts. Money advanced on Notes and Mort- gages for any length of time to suit the borrower, Sula Notes cashed or taken for collec- lion. Note Formsiurnished free of charge on upplicat'ioii. ,cv lSlRlDE MllRKS ., ' COPYRIGHTS. CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT ? For a roumr, answer and an honest opinion. write to I l‘ NN a; (‘13.. who have. had newly ï¬fty years' cxi "notice in the parent busmcas. Communion. t'io ‘ strictly confidential. A Handbook of {no form. .ion concerning: Pale-nae and bow to or» ruin them sent free. Also a camlogue of mechanâ€" ic:il will scientiï¬c books sent Irce. Patents taken through Milan 5; Co. receive spccml notice in the is mine American. and rims are brought \ 'i_v before the public with- out cost to the irirem r. 'l‘h Fillellllld paper. issued weekly. clczmirL l'us ‘ 1. has by iarrhu lam-3st. Circulation of m ' ~ .iuc work in the wand. 33 a your. sound. '5 sent free. Building: Edition. mouth 3, . - your. Single copies, 2:} cents. Every number ntuins brnu- Liful plumes, iii colors, and pho'o houses. with plans. enizhlum \Illllll s in show the latest. dosh: _ and secure contrum'. Address AUNN .3; co" NLw Xuiin, 3:51 bliUADWAY‘ uphs of new