the question. No man can be im- bued. with genuine Liberal principles and be :1 member of the secret or- ‘ganiuatiou .refai‘red to. True Liber- als would rather remain “ in the cold shades of opposition †for even, than get into yower byjoining hands with Commons, at Weston, on the 18th inst, says that “The weakâ€"knead brethren think of Hon. N. C. Wal- lace’s majority of 800, and are in favor of a combination with Patrons and P.’ P. A.†There need be little compromise between the Liberals and the Patrons, as they are working al- most identically on the same lines, and as to a combination with the P. P. A’s, that would be entirely out of The World of yestcl‘ ring to the convention t the Liberals of West Yo ate a candidate for t at the recent entrance examinations to High schools, not one could he looked upon as having a good knowl- edge of reading. If pupils were occasionally plucked in their reading the same as in other subjects, there would be more interest shown in the teaching of this important art. seated themselvc extent n( much of County Council 13‘ D 1‘( at were 11( O 11 11M has a politic which are 1111 ‘comm andin liant 01‘at01 secure for thc 110$ a few of Wilfrid I all with 1‘ monstrativc am). Na K “that M1" rsuch re< 4that of 0111i; this country ( daVâ€"his hear It is safe to say that no other man in public life in Canada today can create among the people the same amount of enthusiasm as the Hon. Wilfrid Laurier. Last year when he made a tour through various parts of this province he was received where- And 1 this province he w ever he went with loyalty and good that he is engaged RICHMOND HILL. Thursday )f'ï¬c Vaughan Councilâ€". Farm for Saleâ€"00c To Rentâ€"D. Eakiu For Sale or to Rentâ€" Tendera Wantedf( NbEicéâ€"R. I actory avs t1" 5d 1( he annu :King in nu have it fro: 1t of all the hangsâ€"D CXDI‘ Winnipc A straw: asure irampt ial Mu: (ï¬ihcml. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS lOlKlle D HON. WILFRID LA URIER 1C 11' 11( A. G. Elliott. Wilkens & C0. Atkinson &Swi’azer dul engaged in a s1 enlightening the brv on the ques1 4 DING NEGLECTEI) ? ience 1)\' storm in in .unble 100136 1‘9 ions rts, it seems t! of reading is 1‘61 02111 uric 'niï¬cer 1' might ask I111 than they wen h of yesterday in refer- wention to be held by 'Wes‘t York to nomin- xte tor the House of Weston, on the 18th H “The weakâ€"knead 1( 'eate l‘( )I'E 11d many tri; ‘ne s the warm advoc‘ object of which is atest amount of m Jo. ths of hoe Store 1 pres 1‘ from being satis- ctor Fotheringham Le past twenty-three nonstautly urged at- ,din n they were a year ent demonstrations 101‘ of the distinguish- Dominion Opposition MM xprcssion H. Quatton St. (3 nukes H. Reflex. maidate the past S S In t-lu ;. M. Lawrence. Mucdonald & I comgs in (x i( from Il‘( from .mbel' t ask, “ Why is it lwavs meets with >uth ‘ns why7 11 various parts 01 LS received where- dcmonstrations of will. And now monotonow to Man iscertained carrie lucstions 0! even more 11 Public schools. the Inspectors 1 York to the ‘0 to Show that has decidedly characu but that and is 2 whom it ldln rl‘iV any subjc 1g examiner as who pre- one district milar These are ' the Hon ,her towns ate I‘GC( He ha is a b: W 150118 are his in} the city )t Wc 131011 year ertam tors of of the .106 much , and v e a]- act has : bril work from tics and 1E8 west, end of new Industrial Exhit the two weeks to and an rousoutxb' always on hand. The Hawks Nursery Company. ROCHESTER, N. Y. I)AI§EA§T§[ Baking - Powï¬er, new Tea, called Kala beautiful. If you Drug Store you can 3 of it. for nothing; it est Tea. we ever used Ald. Franklaud was not present at the previous meeting when his name was brought before the electors us 2), candidate and before the meeting on Saturday ml- journed he spoke, briefly thanking tlmse who had nominated him for the h-umr thev had done him, and announcing that, whiha he did nut, and would not, seek the nomination, he would, howewr, Ac- cept it if it were tendered. (Applause) At the conclusion of the special busi- ness for which the meeting was called, the President said that he noticed Mr. J. D. Edgar, the popular member for West Ontario, in the audience, and he was sure the meeting would be pleased to hear a few Words ti'om him. (Applause.) Mr. Edgar then took the platform and gave a good address. He said he was gave a good : glad to hear fn land and other asked to allow USE ONLY W. A. SANDERSON, that a candidate he not chosen at the present. time, but that. the committee ap- pointed ‘nt the last meeting to conducl the revision of the voters’ list proceed with the work with all nelivfly. In due time a. convention for the purpose 0] choosing a candidate Will be held. Ald. Frankland was not present at; the previous meeting when his name was East. York Refurm Associahiuu on the chair, and there was a large am resentative attendance of electurs rangements were mad-e for the pa; of a number of small accounts and cussion took place on the advisabil choosing a candldute an .bhe present, Upnn a. vote being: taken, it. was d( that a candidate he not chosen 2 The third page of the Toronto Daily Mail is noted for “Want†advertisements. If you want. a situation. a mechanic, 8 business, machinery, lodging, if you have lost or found anything, or if you want to ï¬nd out where anyone is, Mi vertise in the Toronto Bail/y Mail, and read the adâ€" vertisements on the third page of that paper. The charge is two cents n Word each insertion, or ten cents a Wurdfor 51x insertions. Address The Mail, Toronto, Can ada. The adjourned conventi erala of East York, called 1 of considering the selection to contest the ruling n: th. ion election, and also to co ganlzalion tm voters' list, w: noon. at anu NO CANDIDATE FOR THE DOMINION ION YET CHOSEN. lwuys on hand. Patrogqge respectfully s an organization that binds itself by a solemn oath to proscribe its neigh- bors, if the latter happen to belong to a church with which the P. P. A‘s are at variance. 1 Wood Stova. Parlor Cook‘ 1 Small Cual‘Shove. 1 Child‘s Cot. The under Exhihiinn Siam“ Lxsten ANTED SALESMEE RICHMOND HILL. FOR SALE. East York Liberals. fm terin Applv to n! Have you mated the a, callgd Kalala Ceylon Teaâ€! SANDERSON FOR PURE SPICE ï¬gned having rented No. 1 Standâ€" mw Gram} Standâ€"at, the Toronto xhibition. will be prepared during Ls to furnish hot meals at all hours, unble rates. Frmt. and best drinks mus. ANDREWS. Richmond Em DRUGGIST, .- the work of revisi is held on Saturday m’s Hall, Main stree Isident W. Scott. ‘ )m Mr. Leslie, Mr. Frank- uentlemen who had been their names go before the r nomination, that they W. A. ut that the committee ap- Iast meeting to conduct f the voters’ list prnceed aumeuce, and He was sure uld be pleased to hear a him. (Applause.) en Look the platform and .(ldreas. He said he was m Mr. Leslie, Mr. Frank- e of Nursery Sto both, permanent en. We can gi you wish. It. will Address, g when his name was he electors us 2). candidate meeting on Saturday ad- a, briefly thanking (huge. :ated him for the humor 1m, and announcing that, -t, and would not, seek he would, howmer, ac- tendered. (Applause.) lion of the special busi- the meeting; was called. Manufactured by on the advisability of te an ,Lhe present; time. taken, it. was decided )0 not chosen at the ,hat the committee ap- t. meeting to conduct you msted the great ,1313 Ceylon Tea? it's u cull at Ullwurth’s lgetr a sample cmtmm Its the best and cheap- ’W-. J. GOULD GO TO ited “E to s'oll a. choice and 'y Stock or Seed )zment~ and paying Hill gwe you exâ€" 11. will pay you to Richmond Hill uccnpled and rep ise in the the ad- of that (1 Word rdfor 81X Toronto, ‘. Ar- yment a dis- LY m )S'E IWIMGNS c% 00, No I STOCK, - GOOD WORK, - HONEST DEALING VVhiDs, Buqu Dusters, VVUUi plies always in stock, Repairing Promptly Attended to?° At right prices. Nails, Hinges, and all kinds of Builders’ Hardware ; Eave- troughing and Tinsmithing work. ' Repairing clonel Buy the Oil Gas Stove, the best Oil Stove made. AA “‘1- After the exceedingly hot spell we h considerably run down and what tonic and alterative, 60mpound Ext It contains twice as much and is twice as strong as the average preparatlon. Try a bottle. EARN I7I KING ST., EAST, T01 HARDWARE - Farmers‘ & HAY HARVEST TOOLS WE‘LKENS & C109 PAINTS OILS 8: GLASS 186 & 168 KING S Hardwa SCYTHES, FQRKS, RAKES, LISTEN ! Can guararitee sanisfnc BE We import dire vare 8.1101 ï¬GHSE is always u (3 Doors from Georg HWIOND E-E Sarsamarilla Sto ANIEL 53?; (30.7 And all kinds Has tor 1E LCb‘U rekeepers’ Supplies, 0ND EIIIJL ct from Manufacturers. ONTO. 1 Graaes at T. EAST, TORONRO. he times, .1 WC lldVC leU 1d what is need ratlve, such as be: Kne Kalala Geylon Téa DILWORTH’S DRUG STORE Miesaia 6% Prices 186 F1 LISTEN! 170 KING ST EAST, TORONTI FREE :.; SAMPLE If you want to get Goods at Dont fail to call and get a. we had, the is needed is chmond Hi You can get them at us, My Nets, and other eup" Styles of Harness. C. SEASON 3111' Agency for the Opp. Clyde Hotel, STORE Mack and. VVEolesale & Retail Importers, system is DOG