Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Sep 1894, p. 5

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Ladies should not forget that for anything7 and everything in Millinery Atkinson dz Switzer‘s is Headquarters. Mrs. J. Kerswill 01 Elgin MillsI and Mrs. 5?. H. McKenzie o: Willowdale, an“ Io-day to visifi their sister, Mrs. J. Cameron, of Io- nia, Michigan, Dr. T. B. Law. is making u. visit relatives and frie Our Sto‘ Our pricea Mills. Dt. rV. W.Alexnuder, of Hemiugford, P.Q.. spent 2». few days at the Manse with his uncle. lfev. Dr. W. W. Percival, and left. on Tues- Misses Sadie and Marie Kelley of Bobcay- geon are visiting Mrs. Geo. Metculie, Patter- son. Pure Leaf Lard and Cottolene at correct prices at. the Concrete. Mr. John Palmer acted as judge on stan- dard bred trouers at. the Indusu‘ialexhibi- tion this week. Heavy 3-pr Cotton Grain Bags, 31 doz. m the Concrete. day momi For best value in Essences and Extracts go to the Concrete. For best value in Pure Spices go to the Concrete. Miss Mary Bassiugchwaite of Patterson has been visiting relatives in Toronto. thumorm HILL, Thursday, Sept. 13, ’94 Miss F with frie For 1.0 the Mr. T. Herbert Lennox will be at Kelly's Hotel every Wednesday. Mr. and are spendir 10 55...11 Last car I Leave 7 10.‘ at; least F‘xf‘n mentioned h Until further not Richmond Hill P05 MORNING 'â€"Gn‘m2 SUMMER TIME TABLE Connects House Riv] Mai' (1'. En: EVENING zâ€"G 'A cc 0: PER“? MATH S‘ 1255... .R. Kin: ....... Rxcmmxr Thornhill Downsvie‘ Dwenpnr For best value in Coffee :10 to Concrete PRUCTUR’b STAGE LINE. 10 05 5 345 'nrkd tile... ORG VTO ‘ORON’I‘O 'ewmar nrorm 0W1! arkda. POST OFFICE NOTICE 1400 A145. rnhill HMONE Metropolitan St. Railway Ease Efihmal Goi r best value in Fruit Jane and Sugar go Cnncrete. 111 113 115 )uth McNair is spending a. few weeks in Toronto. ’ rs. J. Powell of Buffalo. N. Y., the week with relatives here. W x} f Boots & Shoes is complete. right. Naughtou Bros., Elgm ...95o.... 95o...lolo .. 1010 1010.01030 . 1030‘ 1030...1c 5o ...... lo 65 ,. 11r 1.. .. .....1120 ..1140 north on Saturday mght leaves .. Crosging at 11.50 o‘clock. R. TIME TABLE. nth ‘red Letters must b3 Minutes nmrlier thhn' .171 of Dearboru, near Detroit. with his mother and other uds in the village. 910 Gbfim' son 4U 2: 01134 Nortl , Toronto. Maxkha )uth East: and W1 M. TEEFY. Postmaster [ails NORTH 10 ‘ 10 30‘ IO 50. 11 10 l] 30 1150 will be cloBed at the s fo'fiows:â€"â€" mh East and 112 Thonfi’njll, saving 310 lo Going North 20 40 nth Ac 11 10 720 7-10 800 350 410 430 8 oo 8 40. 30 2o 30 the Palmer 46 oo Ax- 30 hem dad in the above .25 per 8.0“ a m. ._11.00 a. m 600 p.111. pm ‘...3 05 12 55 845 MM] 710 The adjourned annual meeting of King Plowmen’s Association was held at Hogan’s Hotel, Springhill, on Saturday. the 8th inst. Theeuditors‘ report showed a balance of $16.78 in the Treasurer’s hands. The fol- lowing officers and directors were elected for the ensuing year : President, Jas. Wells; Vice-President, Stephen Armitage; Secre- tary, J. T. Saigeon ; Treasurer. George Law- son. Directorsâ€"W E Fox, Wm Walking- ton, Chas Norirmn, W A Butt, JamesCherrv, J N Lnrkins, Wilfred Heacock. A J McGaL lum, George Ramaden, A B Wells. John Tawae, Milton Pearson, Milton DuVis. David Rumble. D Blongh, Wm Wells. Jesse Wal- ton, D O Chappelln, J W Hutchinson. Hon- orary Membersâ€"Wm. Mulock, M. R; E. J. Davis, M. PB; Dr. T. J Norman, Dr. Brem- ton, Henry Marsh. The meeting was an enthusiastic one, and the coming watch hide fair to outshine all predecessors. The field Will be selected in the southern part of the township. The match is to be lield on Tues- day, November 6111. Competition open to the Province of Ontario. Members tickets have wbeen placed at the small sum 0! $1. The annual thanksgiving services and harvest home festival under the auspices of the Ladies‘ Aid of the Methodis‘ Church, Carrville. will he held on September 16 and 17, 1894. On Sunday, September 16th. thanksgiving sermons will be preached at )0.30 bun. and 7 p.m. by Joe. Tait, Esq, of Toronto. On Monday. 17w, Dinner will be served from 4 to 7 p.rn. The programme will consist. of choice selections of music by the Richmond Hill Methodist Church Choir; rpcitunions and addresses by Rev. T. E. Egerton Shore, of Newton Brook; Rev. Wesley Dean, Richmond Hill, and others. The church will be suitably decorated. Ad- mission, adults, 30 ctsu, children. 200“. Barrie '. . . . Uxbridge . . . Collingwood Markham . .. N ewmarkec. Smufiville . . Woodbridge Toronto Industrial. . Loudan...... . . . . . . A traveliing hear accompamed by t 70 men was the priucxpal attraction in the vill- age on Friday evening. After the usual Waltzing exercises of Mr. Bruin had been ex- ecuted. a collection was taken up after which a wrestling contest took place In from of the Palmer House. between the bear and one oi the bipeds. The honors all went to Bruin. The progrnmme was closed by the champion climbing to the Lap of one of the telegraph poles. Resolution of Condolence. At the last meeting of Richmond Hill As- sociation, Patrons of Industry, the iollowing resolution, signed by G. F, Legge. President, and E. H. Sisley. Secretary, wue unammous- lv cmriedzâ€"“Moved by Bros. Clubine and Noble, that. it is with feelings of deep regrel we hear of the death of Mrs. Henry New- bery, and that we do hereby tender to our esteemed bm’yher our heartfelt sympathy in his and bereavement.” Credit Sale. Credit. sale of groceries. dry goods, boots and shoes, etc.. on Tuesday, Sept. 18th, the property of Mrs. McElmy. Concord. No reserve as the proprietress is giving up busi- ness. Termsâ€"All sums of $8 and under, cash; over that. amnuut four months’ credit on apprmed joint notes. Sale at 6.30 p. m., and will be continued nightly until the whole is disposed of. J. T. Snigeon, Auctioneer. Gel: a half-pound packaga Bee Brand Pure Ceylon Tea at the Com-rem; for strength and richness of flavor this tea cannot be equalied. Atkinson & Switzer. I wish through the columns of Tm: Lis- EBAL to thank the Fire Brigade of ’I‘horuhill with the many friends and neighbors who so heroically turned out to save my home and remaining property from destruction by lightning, at 2 o’clock mnnday morning. ISAAC CHAPMAN. Messrs. Stokes :Sz Bl received lusLl‘u’cliuDs f Bealh to sell by public ises, on Wednesday, 0 that valuable farm, b of lot 4, 5th con. King pause. oats and pom see bills. Great value now Teas at the Concrete If husbands were at care and thought as have shown in lhvir Goods, marriage would During: the em aecliun of count; one Of Mr. Isaac lnw Thoruhill, w burned. 15v the Tbornhill Fire B as hand was save Best XXX Picklin Viurgnr a: the Cone Next Suudav morning: at the Rev. Wesiey Dean will nddresa on the subject. “Life's Express Railroad." It is expected the be appnâ€"rpxinte for both old and in Dufierin Hall. 18th, to nominate of Commons. A: to have t era prom‘ Soup at UM Won Sara 'lerf Wcst Richard's Purnf nl Soup for 230 730.; 41)) Jubile ‘urrete House. me meeting, Addre meat in Dominic A Wrestling Bear King Plowmen. nuels Harvest Home. noeting Hall,W Methodist Church Card of '1 hanks (1D Ur York beeral Meeting. wting of Liberals will 1 all, Westo‘n, on Tuesday Auctio ow, au‘ ‘oncrete Barn Burned Fall Fairs Arraugam rm which passed over this y early on Monday morumg Chapman's barns. just be- ae struck bv lightning and exertion of neighbors and rigada another barn close yd. There was no insurance. b‘uctc Drawe DCI’E . Ocnm being ‘ug. A )butoes in New Season Japan (men with as much Atkinson (‘2 Swutzer new Fall Millmery never prove a failure. inegar and b th Sale 1i 111‘ am: a Miss g the I: Also a a. For ‘sseri by able 2: pohtics. lowest. figure 15 inson 1,9 Switzer. m for m Sept. 3 to “ 13 to “ 18 to “ 18 to “ 25 to " '25 to Oct 3 to “ 9 to ” 10 to " 16 to bars Sm‘pris Soap for 23¢ ‘inneersdmve Maggie Mc- uu the prem- l, at ‘2 p. m., masterly putt quantity of 1' particulars on Eternity”: sermon wil young. llxe 1 over this and zal hour children Eternitv’a law For sale, a. Team of Hag-y Draught Home. 11:. (or farm work. Apply to E. EDGIN GI‘ONLRiehmond ml! $4,999 will not mi; it"; some one; don'b miss 2'2: Highest salary and cuulmissi ing and permanent position : cess assured to good men. S to beginners,ex1'mriance not 11 terntorv and Your own cnoic‘ 1335????” ALLEN N beévers & Propagâ€"éibré; Rochester, N.Y Lot 34, 2nd 3011. Vaughan, containing 100 acres! to rent fig».- (1. term or years. “A1311!ng For a. term of year lot, 21 and part of lot of Markham. A 10-3 WANFEB TO RENT A good farm, 125 :tcres, being composed of part of lots 67 and 08, 15:. (Jun. Kiup. fronting on Yongu street. 00.1; Ridges, is for sale, or to rent for a. term of Years. The land is all umbiegood build- iuga and orchard. w 711 watered. with schoolptore, Post Omce and othur conveniences close at hand. Address 11-4w W. C. PATTERSON, i The Delineator. , The Delineator for October is called the ‘Autumu Number and contains an unusuelly lurge number of articles an interesting sub- jects. In addition to the regular fashion mat- ter there is a. special article of much value to mothers called Fitting Out the Family for Autumn and Winter. There are also articles for the housekeeper on Seasoneble Cookery, hints on serving peaches, apricots and plums, and the use of the house. Life and work at Mount Holyoke College are well treated by a recent graduate; the second paper in the Kindergarten Series opens up the study in an admirable Way, and there is a practical contribution on Milliuery as an employment for Women. The Relations be. tween Mother and Daughter are concluded in this number, and in How to Live Wisely the subject or illness and what not to do is ably discussed. Instruction in Artistic Handicraft is given in Venetian Iron Work and the Uses of Crepe and Tissue Paparaeud entertainment is provided in a Hallow‘en German and a Chrysanthemum Partv. A- round the ’Iea-Tuble is as gossipy as usual, and there, are papers on Knitting, Netting. Tatting, Lace-Making, Crocheting, etc., etc. The subseription price of the Deliuentor is One Dollar 3 year,- Single copies, Fifteen cents each. A-idress orders to The Delinea- tor Rubiishing (30., of Toronto 1Ltd.), 53 Richmond St. West, Toronto, Ont. For m as“ m mm! MACLEoDâ€"At‘ Calamry, N". W. T., on September 5th. James Furquharsoh Mucleod, C. M. G.. Justice of the quremo Court. N. W. T., thml son of the late Capt. Martin Macleod. of Drynocb, Oak Iiidges,aud formerly of the Isle of Skvo, Scotland, aged 58 years. The last two sets were not finished owing to darkness. A match between Thornhill and Aginoourt Lawn Tennis Clubs played on the grounds of the latter or. Thursday last, Sept. 6th, re- sulted in a draw as iollows .- DOUBLES. Drs. Gallnnough and Nelles beat G. Ram. say and G, Dean, 62, 11-9. Drs. Sisley and (‘lurk beat H. Reid and J. Elliston, 4-6, 6-4, 6-4. Rev. Mr, Speer praised the Fair. Rev. J. 0. Speer preached lo 9. large con- gregation at the Broadway Tabernacle on Sunday evening on tho subject of “The Great Exhibition." In a sermon of much eloquence and power the rev. gentleman claimed that by the traits of the people as exhibited in their popular amusements could be ascertainedthe condition of the public mind and the moral status of their being. H9 compared the exhibitions or to day with the cruel spectacles that were afforded the populaceiu the Coliseum and circus of An- cient Rome, arguing that the character of the present popular spectacles showed that. the world was growing better. He extolled the Toronto Exhibition, which was said by Home to be one of abe best on this continent. He described some of the features of the Fainâ€"Empire. Rev. J. C. Sp grégation at th Sunday evening Great Exhlbitiu el0queuce and claimed that by exhibited in the The Annual Meet Branch of the Wou in the School Boon Inn Friday afterm [here was an Imus Among the visitors and Rev. Mr. Dean. ing exercmes the :11 was proceeded Wit were elected {or the Mrs. J. \V. Elliott; Prector; Cor. Sec‘, Rec. 560.. Mrs. W. T. F. McMahon. U at their next moem Friday in Dumber : me of Welcoming )2 their society. Hams Em Sale 7-1;! H. Reid beat Dr. Sialey. 4-6. 6-4, 6-4. Dr. Clark beat J. Ellstnu. 6-0, 6-1. G. Dean beat. Dr. Nelles. 6-0. 3-6, 1-1. Dr. Gallauough beat G. Ramsay, 8-6, 1-6, Farm to Rent. Choice lbittle Lawn Tenms Match 1v} NERGE TIC MEN to sell our choice and com- plow line of Nursery stuck and _seed potatoes. ' und cuxmuissiuu pmd .ueut, pusitioll :uamnteed and sue: iguml men. Special inducements (porioncenut necessary. Exclusive (our uwu cnoim bf same given. gum mam go Women's Auxiliary DEATHS lllflsl‘lfi power the the traits ir popular a Avpiy D J. BROWN. fiox 4‘24, Richmond Hm SINGLES. cling meu' mm of 250 acres. being 11 6th 0011., Township E AKIN, Unionville‘ C. RERSWAILL. W b8 114 will I) Isl-5113181135117 ii}â€" egg}; desirable property. mu will. A snap to: or health, and wish- tmt valuable pron- mte Amos Wright, 1-03. 8. part of which :st class lnnd. well a. good state 01' cu!- kfront. nearly new; mallard. fruit WIII i the Rio! Auxiliary [nng C. PATTERSON, Thuruhill P. 0 , or to rent for a. I umbiegood build- d . with sch 001,5t0re, vonieucas close a: Rev. Mr. Vic rtbe usual 0 e the pleas- members to Elgin' Milli trust mond Hill was held mee m )flice mug Airs; that urch loc For this season lower than ever. Take a look at our Cot- tons and Flannelettes. Dominm We havejuSt purchased a Bankrupt Stock of Men’s Grain Boots at 69c. on the Dollar, which wili enable us to sell less than Manu- facturers’ Prices. DONT FORGET THE ADDRESS . INDUSTRIAL FAIR .. 10 per cent Digmunt Atkinsm Which is too Well known to need much p' Space will not perm", 113 to mentlon one quarter of the Ne“ marked off these last three weeks, but they are hen a careful inspection and comparison v . u A large shipment just in this week comprising Suns. Coats and Vests, Trous ers, and Oval-coats in nll the latest styles. New Table Linens and Napkins New Factory Cottons and Sheetings New Grey Union and Wool Flannels New Towels and Towellings New Shirtings and Cottonades New Crefonnes and Sateenq New French Printed Flannels New Furniture Cnverings New Caps and Tam O’Shanters New Ties and Scaris New Lined and Unlined Gloves New Tweeds and Over‘eoazinzs New Underwear and Top Shirts. A Fresh and Complete stock of Nemlieadxâ€"Made Glowing. New Flanneleuos & Primed Goods New Printed Molletous . .at 15 and 20 cent “ Printed Neuchntels . . . . . . "at 20 “ “ Printed Salisburys “at 10 and 12% “ “ Printed E‘munelettea at 10 and 123- “ " all wool Tartans .. . . . . . . . .nt 35 “ “ all wool Opera FIaunels . . . .ah 30 ” " Printed Skirtiugs . . . . . . . . . . at 20 “ ” Llama Shirtings . . . . . . . . 20 “ Nelyv .Milli‘nery New Our 4“: shipment of Fall and Winter Goods These From the Old Country Markets, and are tbc we are enabled by buying our goods in patrons from 25 to 35 p We have now the finest and most complete prices never were so low. We will met extend a cordial invitation to every J New Dress Goods CON CRETE HOUSE 40inch Meltons . . . . . . . . 20 ce Shotoerges........ . . . . . . . . 25 ‘ Sal-gen . . . . . . . . . . . . at 22 and ‘25 ca 44 inch Coming Serges 50 and 75 ' 35 inch fine all Wool Serges..25 ‘ 36 inch fine all wool Henriettas?5 ‘ 44 web fine all wool Henrietms 37; ‘ I 46 inch Black Sntinenes. .75 62 95 46 inch Black Bairitz . . . . . . . .95 Black Henriettas at 25. 33, 35, 371}, 50, 60, 65, 75, 80, 85, and 95 cents IMPORTED DIRECT BOOTS AND SHOE (Opening in a week or two; GROCERY STQCK GROCERIES COR. KING 6% GEORGE ST., T. DO‘WSRVELL. Coming Serges fine all \Vool S fine all wool He; fine all wool Hex Black Sutinettes Black Bairitz .‘ Arriving Almost Daily â€"â€"â€"A'l‘ THE~‘ Complete at lowest possible prices. UNTIL THE CLOSE OF THE ISAAC CROSBY Serges 50 \Vool Sen wool Henri wool Henri DRY GOODS fl wow, ON ALL 20 cent The Latest Novelties and a very large range. cents New B New H New H New F: New E New Gr New 11 New B New J I New CD New B New U New W New 01 New Li New C! New C] dy iu the v I New M Braid Trimmed Ladies brown :35 black Beaver Coats ew Hemp Carpets ew Jute Carpets ew Tapestry Carpets ew Brussels Carpets ew Union Carpets ew Wool Carpets ew Oxlcloths ew Linoleums ew Chenille Curtains ew Chenille Table 0( need much puffing. er of the New Goods which have been ‘ they are here and we invite lle ‘ black Maualasee Mantles . . . . ..14 Heavy Beaver Mantle Cloths Heavy Serge Mantle Cloths Heavy Mattalaase Mantle Cloths Fancy Mantle Cloths Eiderdowu Cloth for chihlren‘s went mak icinity to antics and Coats ack blue Heavy Serge ndlabest styles in vogue and th spotcnsb, to save our Curtains Table Covers Proprietor. a greak range) urcl haw 0111‘ leading uspect 01: Coats play. you and and ong

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