Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Sep 1894, p. 7

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“ How did you come to break with Miss Sweellips? You always said she was as good as gold.” " Yes ; but, 1 got acquainc- ed with :5 girl who had the gold." "Your wife takes great interest in the woman question.” “She does, sit : she is so much taken up with the rights of woman {nab she forgets men haveany.” Mrs. Bingoâ€"“Can’t; I have a bicycle, dear 1” Bingo-N Pamw. you’d never learn." Mrs. Bingo~-" Well, I’ve had enough practice working Lhe sewing machine." Judge~“ You say your boy was kept in the house nights and read books. What; books ‘2" Father of the youthful accnsedâ€" “ The Boy Bandits of Bombay’ series." bverett \Vrestm “‘dey, if you would like to have some Wood sawedâ€"" Mrs. Pottsa“ We burn gas." “Then perhaps you will let. me turn on the gas for me breakfast." Heâ€"“Do you know how to make good bread ?" Sheâ€"“ Oh, yes; but I don’t mean to;when I many I mean to get a husband who will be rich enough to buy me cake.” Ethelâ€"“What made people think they were husband and wife ‘3" Frankâ€"“Why, whenever he related a. good story she al- ways interrupted him by saying he‘d left out something.” Edithâ€"“ What. makes you think “mt. Charley is in love with you ‘2" Maudeâ€"- “ Why, ma. talked to him over halfan hour last; evening, and he really seemed to enjoy it.” Wifeâ€"“The doctor says I will gain ten or fifteen pounds if I go away for a month. Can’t I go, dear ?” Husbanddâ€"“Nob much! Why. not one of your gowns would fit. you then. ” Teacherâ€"“Now, Johnnie, we've been hearing of the changing seasons ; how can we tell when {all is here ?" Johnnieâ€"~â€" “flange everybody‘s clothes smell of camphor balls.” “ Ah,” said the casual caller, seeing the oer at Work in the adjoining room, “ the re of genius is burning, eh ‘2" “No,” said t, e poet’s practical wife. “ I guess it is his ~c‘zarette that smells so." Steaksâ€"“There goes Chanter Oakes. e‘s got one of the finest voices I ever h ard. Ever hear him sing? He‘s got a fine voice.” Oakes (aadly)â€"â€"“Yes; nice ‘ oice. I heard it; about an hour agoâ€"he orrowed ten." “Say. I don’t believe that story about Mrs. Danson’s hair turning gray in a night, do you ‘2" Susie â€"“Mercv, yes! That/’5 nothing: my mamma turned hers yellow in half a day.” A noise in Europeâ€" l‘hey asked what was it, ‘Twas little Japan In the China cloeb. " Do you think Sicklea will recover soon: sked she invalid’s friend. “ H’m’m," re. lied the physician thoughtfully. “ My nswer depends on whether you mean phya. 'cally or financially.” ‘: Sheâ€"~“ Why did you make me a promise you never intended to keep? You would hob treat a. man that way.” Heâ€"“ Of ‘icourse not. If you had been a man there kwculd have been ‘some show of reasoning ‘with you” ° I "I don’t believe Jack loves me as well as he ought Lo.” Berthaâ€"“Has he been neglecting you, dear?" “Oh, dear, no. He refuses to break our engagement when he know I could marry Mr. De Million if he would." “Of course it’s none of my business. dear,” said Mildred to Amy, "but if I were you I wouldn’t marry Mr. Spattera.” “ Why not. ‘2" “ With all your money, you ought to be able to get; a really handsome man.” " Here’s somethin’ greatâ€"simply great V.” exclaimed the aueet fakir, as be blocked the path of a. portly citizen. “I don’t, doubt it,” was the reply. “ But. I belong to the class of people, sir, who object to having greatness thrust upon them." Dr. Duncan the great Scottish theologian and Oriental scholar, having to preach in a. church near Aberdeen, set off one Sunday morning to walk to the place. Slowly moving along, he quickly got into the seventh heaven of mental .exaltation, and time, space and matter fell from him like garments. Reach ing the church, and see- [ing the people enter, it occurred to him to the a very proper [hing to engage in public horship. Going up to the elder at the Plate, he enquired who was to preach, end only “came to himself” when he was told tlhut the preacher was to be “M r. Duncan, from Aberdeen.” One is at first inclined to doubt the authenticity of wish anecdotes. but the present writer is ready to believe anything of the kind since an absent-minded friend of his returned hdme, after performing part of his journey by rail, to ask where he was geing to. Girls, as many of you will have to make yohr way in life aloneâ€"and all of you ought to be able to help others fight its battlesâ€"do not wait uutllynu are flung off by disaster, and your mother and your father are dead, and all the resources of your family have been scattered, but now, while in a. good home, and euvironed by prosperity, learn how so do some kind of quk um the world Lnusx. have as iongr as bhé world stands. Turn your attention frdm the embroidery of fine slippers, of which were is a. surplus, and make a useful article. Expeud the time in which you s cm a cigar-case in learning how to make a‘good, honest loaf of bread. Turn your attention from the making of flimsy noth- ings w the manufacture of important nome- things. Forgot all About it" FALL FUN To The Girls. The gold boom in West, Australia. is developing with wonderful rapidity. Al» ready in Western Australia, we are told, mere arespringing up townships, where desolation once reigned; railways are be- inglaid as fast as the workmen can put. them down; a wild and hitherto unpeopled region is pulsating with civilization and a. new life. The recent discovery of an auriferous reef of untold vaXue has given an impetus to the industry both in England andin the locality of the mines. Speaking of the discovery, Sir Malcolm Fraser, agent- general for Western Australia, reports oficially 55A follows: “It would seem to eclipse anything ever discovered in the world's history. ‘Aladdin and his Lsmp’ does not record greater riches than those ofiiciully vouched for. A hole5 feet 4 inches wide and 3 feet deep has yielded £10,000 first, and then enough gold is left to scale out; two hundredweighn. This reef outcrops a distance of half a. mile, and it is believed to be a deep one. If it is anything like this, the wealth which is resting there must be something which will startle the world." a is added. in comment by the London Financial News, that “if presentindica- tions are to be trusted it is nreasonable inierence that the reef which runs north and south of Coolgardie will turn out to be one of altogether eXceptionnl wealth, while at the Murchison field, although it has been hardly scratched over, the mines that have been opened are averaging from their crushiugs from three ounces to four ounces to the ton. During the six months ended June 30, 1894, the gold production of Western Australia amounted to 82,764 ounces, and it is estimated by eminent authorities that the total for 1894 will be 200,000 ounces, or nearly double the out- put in 1893. The gold is thereâ€"of that there can be no question.” with your flesh reduced below a healthy standard, for Consumption and other Scrafulous and dangerous diseases. And it's for just this condition that, Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery is especially valuable. If you’re thinner than you ought to be, whether from wasting diseases, defective nutrition, or whatever cause. the “Discov- ery” will surely bring you up no the healthy standard. By restoring the normal action of the deranged organs snd functions, it arouses every natural source and means of nourishment. As a. strength-restorer and flesh-builder, nothing like this medicine is known to medical science. Filthy Cod liver oil and an its disguised compounds can’t compare with it. “ So you are not going to send your son to college?" Uncle Oatbinâ€"“Tain’t no use ; don’t, care nothin’ fur games au’ never did.” Dr. Pierce'a Pellets cure constipation, indigestion, or dyspepsia. biliousneaa and headaches. Rosinaâ€"For Making a Deuclens Realm Drink at Small Cost. Adams' Root Beer Extract . . . . . . . . . . . one bottle Fleiichmann’s Yeast l l . l . , . .halt a cake Su ar . , . . . . . . . l . . A , . ..two pounds Lu swarm Water . . . . . . . . . . . ..two gallons Dissolve the sugar and yeast; in the water. add the extract. and bottle: place in a warm place for twenty-four hours until it fer menus. then place on ice, when it Will open sparkling and delicious. “‘i“h‘E}-Sa.tvl‘;éér can be obtained in 3,“ drug and grocery stores in 10 and 25 cent battles to make two and five gallons. Brownâ€"" What tobacco are you smok- ing most of now?” Bunkerw“0ther felâ€" lows.” Spooner’s Phenyle Disinfectant mixed with fish oil or grease, will prevent the Horn fly. Apply with a. brush abous the 'horns, head and back of animals. “ Will you marry me 7" “ I'am already engaged to four men." “ But you can only many one, you know. Let me be the one." THE AUSTRALIAN GOLD FEVER Charlatans and Quacks Hue long plied their vocation on the suf- fering pedals of the people. The knife has pared to the quick ; caustic applications have tormented the victim of coma until the conviction shaped itselfâ€"there’s no cure. Putnam’s Painless Corn Extractor pro‘i/es on whatslender basis public opinion often tests. If ynu aufler from come get the Extractor and you will be satisfied. Sold everywhere. Nellâ€"“What makes you think your new suitor is entirely too honest ‘2” Belle â€"â€"“Because he wouldn't even steal a. kiss.” St. Leon’s “keeping” properties are un- equalled. It is just, as good in bulk as in bottle and much less expensive. There is no use in fooling with neuralgia. It is a disease that gives way only to the most powerful remedies. No remedy yet discovered has given the grand results that invariably attends the employment of Pol- son’s Nerviline. Nerviline is a. positive specific for all nerve pains, and ought to be kept on hand in every family. Sold every where, 25 cents a bottle. Ethelâ€"“What did you do when your fiance said he was going to have his mus~ tache shaved off ‘3” Maude-“Oh, I set; my face against in.” Get Rid of Neuralgia. Heâ€"“ You are the only girl I ever loved” â€"â€"Sheâ€"-“ 0h. never mind that. The main question is am I the only girl you ever will love.” u Givlnz a «rent Room to Busineis In Wmlern Australia. Roses are now in full bloom. Many com- plain that their plants throw suckers from the roots. TheSe are budded roses. You should buy roses grown on own roots, than will have no trouble. Brown Bros. 00., Toronto, Ont. . are the leading rose growers in the country. Write them for an agenCy. VVifeâ€"“ And did Mr. Gay really say I was posivively dove-like?” Husband-â€" “Something of that. sort. He said you were pigeon-toad, I believe." Fall Wheats. Prices per bushel,Genesee Giant, $2.50; White Leader, $1.50; anaon’s Golden Chafl‘, $1.00; Jones’ Winter Type, 850; American Bronze, 85c; Early Red Clawson, 850; Cotton bags 20c. Send for Circulars to the Sbeele,Rriggs,Marcon Seed ('0. (Ltd) 132 King St. E., Toronto. You‘re an Easy Prey, bottle .halt a cake .two pounds two gallons Tired Timâ€"“Wot's than you say? Look~ iu’ fer work ‘2" W'ayfaring VViHiamâ€"“Yep. I an’t no tramp. I work on farms. But I never stays in one sltyation more‘n a week." “Why non ?" “Well, by that time the folks generally stops treatia’ me as company, and Wants me no work." lieâ€"“She has very handsome teeth.” Sheâ€"“V‘Vhy shouldn't. she, when hex- brother is a. deunisc 1’" @mmgflgmg m : 70515213213000», Umeanada- ‘ M SEND FUR CATALOGUE. 1 “'rite f3} circulars Asnoon Wren-nod and Rescued. By W. J. HUNTER, Ph.D.. l).D. A series of chapters to men on social purity and right liv- ing. Ibis written in plain language that all may understand. Live Agents wanted. Cir- culars containing terms. sent on application. William Briggs. Publlsher. Toronto. Ont. SPLENDID RECORD of six candidates for Senior Matriculation. All were successful. Candidates prepared for Teacher's certificates. Dipl9mas awarded in Commercial Science. Muslc. Fine Arts. Elocution. Will reopen Thursday. September 6th. '9L For calendar address PRINCIPAL DYER. h1.A.. D.D. M05393??? Made in 82-40 and 38‘ on the market, for “1 Loan and Savings Company. Subscribed Capital Paid up Capital ., Reserved Funds, . ‘ . Total Assets . , , . . . ‘ . The enlarged capital and remurcns of chi Company, together with the increased facili ties in now has for supplying land owners with cheap money. enable the Directors to meet: with prompmesa all requirements for loaqs upon satisfactory real estate security. Applx- canon may be made to the Company's local Appraisers, or to . . . . the Cream of Cod-liver Oil. It contains material for mak- ing healthy Flesh and Bones. Cures Coughs, Colds and Weak Lungs. Physicians, the world over, endorse it. Who are thin, hollowâ€"chest- ed, or growing too fast, are made Strong, Robust and Healthy by Scott’s MMYMWWZ 'â€" IIIISUII] I'UIJIESIHHK WU” (LIMITED) 13 Adelalda St. west, Toronto; Send for... Fun guaranteed Capacity 1 CATALOGUE andTESTIMOHIAL some .. . .Manufnctured by.... The (NONE?! FOUNDRY COMPANY Ltd., TORONTO. WWW; mm WWW! 3mm 1 i E Scott, aBowne. Bellaville. Ali Druggista. 50c. asm TAMME RING and tifltering permanent!" cured No advance (ea-1.74 Cure 5933175 "NEW 'iIâ€"aifixl CEKfiJfIIS. Emulsion Canada. Permanent officeâ€"Toronto St. Toronto. Children " lerIiI‘rdN, IREST'I'Z‘UTE Don't be deceived by Substitutes! I“ “LI-I‘ll“! ulna-5515,10“ 512926213000”. amemda ‘ M sznn FUR MYALDGUE ALBERT COLLEGE, Life's Problems Solved Wilson Publishing Go... AMUSI Everv Music Teacher in Plant is exempt from taxo- tz'an, water is free, best ship- ping facilities in the Dam in- imrâ€"all railway: and boat lines center at Outan'o’s capital. For particular: as to location and most mitaéle premises, addres: . . . . . Bellevule, Ont. Every Music Teacher in Ca, nada should know where they can‘ get their Music cheapest. Write us for Catal rues; also sample copy of the ANADIAN Musxcxui, alive mommyymr. nal with $100 worth of music in each issue. 83 to $6 per day madeby canvassers. See pram. ium list. We carry everything in the Music line. WHALEY. ROYCE 8:. CO. :53 mm: 21'. Tannmomnr. J. HERBERT MASON ,55 cnlrbrges. The only repeater em cmundgea. BS Shutâ€"e} sifTorSITm Mgzfiéging Director. 15qu 12,000,000 5.000.000 2,800,000 2‘5 In everymwa The mov-E liberal term; ever Ofl‘vrmi. Be the fin: to apply. “'rite: " The Earth.“ Earth Building. 73 co 8'. Adelaide 5:. “5.. Toronto. Ont. HAMILTON LADIES’ sou-ass DO YOU WANT “THE EARTH ’? The first edit trated weekly and it sold like introduced. ST. JACOBS OIL “HITSJ” Rea-opens September 6, 1894. All teachers honor graduates of univeraitiea or coUege-L Regular courses for graduation te literature and science. music. art. elocution- inc. Excellent accommodation, inspiring int s‘ructors, refining associationi and leaaan, surroundings. Address the Principal . A. BURNS, S.T.D.. Lb D. {\«ij‘w; Rifle.wa ‘ Eqml {Kay importedxx.‘ N TaKe/vx Advme and ( lugijt onéetfing $63123 10 Cent MoKe :- ' i 5651 fl ’mmc GLARE BROS. & 60., Make Your Homes (‘mnformble The MBULABY MFG. 00., SMMMMWMMMWMMMWMZ EOXNRD FURNACES§ They give perfect satisfaction in fit style, and finish, and it has become a. by-word that 77 _ (DLD, CHRONI'O GRAN BY RUBBERS. WE WANT PAINS succuma To HEAR: IT HITS THE SPOT AND CHRIS: HEATING on of this handsom newspaper appemr “ GRANBY BITBBERS wear like Iron ” SMART BOY Preston Furnaces are the Best. beml terms ever I. Write: “ The to 81 Adelaide 5:. 0ny Let us send you Catalogue and full particulars, and you can FARMERS, We have letters from all parts of Canada saying nsw illus. OUR SPECIALTY it was COAL Judge for Yourself. St. Leon Mineral Water Univ, Ltd. F‘Akn. 1‘14)-)printing«.;‘)«zr (‘v-nia. The Hez'u‘ri. .\'u_ 1‘ 5;. I’!11IL.. P1. Champion Canada. . . . Head Glaceâ€"King St. W.. Toronto. All Druggistsv Gr d Bomb. TAKE OTHER IT‘S MADE SPEEIALL‘! FOR YOUR USE SAMUEL ROGERS & 00.. Toronto. Ont Grinds everything. even to the finest seeds. Stones last a lifetime. Iron places. chilled 1-16. are not in it with French Buhr Stages. 6 inches thick. See our exhibit. at Toronto and Quebec Fairs Waterous, Brantford, CANADA. NO "Ch'iiied' ’c1eéu- Through; ' any to run. simple. durable. fastâ€"Write us £01m Famous Magnet 112 Gold Medals} Hardware and General Stores all 5611 it. 3855 W.H 'Peerless Machine 'e been " “ WATEROUS Ruhr Stone Chopper thing béhr'ixik while in general tamin- 13 an excellent regulator. having com- :ured me of constipation and kidney London - Winnipeg We can supply you with the best EVERY USER DELIGHTED Send (on. Wand Furnace HASLIT’I‘, 385 Manning Ave.. Champion Pedeatrian of Canada. Long Flro Travel,enclrcllng radiator Large Hegtmg Sgrfacc ‘ Ergo, Feeci Door Sectional Fire Pot 8.013ng Bespm'flnz Grate Large combustipnnchavnh‘epf bEEi3°ASH PIT HEAVY GRATB. especially adapted for wood burning Heavy Steel PlateFire Box Dome and Radiator. which heat; quicker and are more durable RADIATOR of Modequonstruc- non and Great, Heatmg Power LARGE ASH PIT PRESTON, ONT. WOOD FURNACE GOAL FURNACE has no equal. in Canada. Toronto St.Leon Minqml Water .l‘R, and consider it the ‘uae something good.l nto - Montrea! Vancouver. Your Profits Feed Your Stock Grain bya Will be increas‘ ed. your land. freed from foul weeds.if you. Ground onlyl

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