B. S. THMSQN’S, MISSES’ LADIES’ BOYS’ MEN’S THOMSON’S W. H. JACKSON, M Mr. W. B. Gram bavmg gone out of the busines in Maple, I am again [repared to supply customers on shortest notice. Postal notes promptly attended to. C anada. Life Building, A reduction in charge made to all country patients, consistent with the distance travelled Maple Puma; W3 DENTISTRY ! Progressive, Painless, Perfect. HAVE YOU SEEN mp Dongola Bufl’ Bal Tips at Grangers ........ Kangora Bals . Fine Dongola Tip boots at ...... $1 50 Cordovan Gaitar . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 13113 Bals ..................... 1 25 Top Boots 1 45 Stogas.... . . 2 00 Kangota. Bale 00 MAPLE. SPECIALS P Buff Bals Split Bals. . Gléve Graï¬n Butt Buï¬' Bnls Split Bals......... an Tip Oxford 0 Dongola Butt at . Kangora Butt Glove Grain Bals Gold Filling, and Crown and Bridge Work (Specialty). HIGH CLASS WORK ONLY AND MODERATE CHARGES. M. F. SMITH, DENTIST, The largest Dental Ofï¬ce and Practice in Canada. $1 5O 75 11â€"4w W. MAGEB. Prop. Richmond Hill, Sept“ 12th. 1894. THE LIBERAL The north half of lot 33, 2nd Con. Vaughan“ Is to rent for a. term of years. The farm cqnmms one hundred acres, has comfortable bulldmgs, good orchard and is well watered. For particulars up_p!y_t9 _________ On and after the 18th of September, the under- signed W111 be prepared to lVIAKE CIDER Edgely. Sept 8th. 1894? T. TINKLER SON, STOUFEVILLE, Any of which can be had on the same day apples are lnought to the mill. Parties wishing to have cider boiled down can get it done here to any Ghickness. Jelly Apples should be good fnr eating and two- thirda sweet. Parties wishing Apple Butter should keep their peeling and oonng anples separate from the cider apples. 15 cents per bag for sour. and 18 for sweet. “WINGER B308.I Edgely. Ont. Pluw Points & cider Edaely Cider and Jelly Mill W111 start on Wedâ€" nesday, Sept. 12th, 1894. and will run on Wed- nesday of each week in September, and on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of each week during October and up to the 2131: 01 November. Customers will take notice that we manufacture Raw Cider. “’e Boil Cider, “’0 Make Jelly. And Apple Butler For Sale 01 will exchange two ï¬nely bred colts, rising two years, for sound useful work horse 0: mare, not over 7 years old. This is a. good bur- gain to: some one. Both colts ,are sound and one of them is verv ï¬nelv bred. Address Saturday, Sept. 22nd, 1894 EEBER AND JELLY The next meeting of the Council of theTownship of Markham will be held at Unionville on EDD NOT PURCHASE UNTIL YOU SEE THIS PLOW. Markham & Soarboro, On Monday. Tuesday, and Wednesday of each week, at the old stand. BOYLE’S MILL, half a mile west; of Richmond Hill Village, fl A. FIJEUR‘SL’ 63:: S()NS. Stouffville, Ont. The best plow made. Any boy can use it. It can be used in hard ground, when it is impossible to use any other. TINKLER’S PATENT \VHEEL PLOW, Gide: Apple Wanï¬ed. Are privileged to sell these plows in any district, and are Farm to Rent. Clerk’s Notice. 11-4 FOR SALE “flew gtlvrrtiï¬tmmts. SLUQ Der Year. EDGELY East & West York, 86 Vaughan, from Con. 1 to 5. â€"A quantity 0!â€" Box 479, LIBEBQILOFFIQEJ At 10 o’clock a. m MILL. - Z SOLE AGENTS I - JOHN STEPHENSON Clerk King Street West, "THOS. MORTSQN. Richmond Hill 'Jeï¬Ã©rson P 0 Manufactured by .__1N__.__ chding Cakes on Shortest Notice. Contecllonery. Oranges. Lem- ons. Nuts and Fruit. RESIDENCE, Special arrangements can be made for large sums lelt on deposit. Sums of one dollar and upwards received on deposit and interest allowed thereon from date of deposit to withdrawal. HOUSE PAINTER, Glnzwr, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. W. HEWISON, DAVID HILL, BAKER & CONFECTIONER Richmond Hill. “'IIOLESALE and RETAIL. Everything New in ...... l) A. RADCLIFFE. Manager. THE mm!) BANK , AUROR-A BRANCH D. c. FORBES, - MISS F. M. BROWN, Forbes & 00.. -, Toronto, HAVE OPENED A NEW STORE A’I‘ 169 KING STREET EAST, BOOTS SHOESfT NOTES DISCOUNTED. DAVID HILL, Sale notes cashed or taken for collection Teacher of the Piano and Organ. Duï¬'erm Grove. Richmond dill. Banking Oflice. Yonge Street, Aux-om SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT General Banking Business Doue‘ OPPOSITE CLYDE HOTEL. fr? BOOTS and SHOES Proprietor. At Bottom Prices FULL EIN'E OF RICHMOND HILL TORONTO MANAGER The best in the world. 40 gallon barrel ............................ 28 cents per gallon. 25 “ “ “ “ Send us your order, or write for prices. We guarantee sat- isfaction In all orders entrusted to us. THOS. - LEATHER & RUBBER BELTING, and other choice fruit always on hand. Lorne Store, Richmond Hill ï¬mceries= crockery and Glassware VERY CHEAP. Thrashers, Attention! iHLE-EN-WE-WM Now opened up for this sea son’s trade at lowest prices. BANANAS, MELONS, THORNHILL A SGLID CANADIAN GGMPANY. Surplus or; Policy-Holders’ account at 3ISt of December, _ , I 1893. $164,598-65. Polmes absolutely Inconteqtable after ï¬rst year. No re- strictions as to occupation, residence or travel. M 167% KING ST. EAST, Farmers are not much beneï¬tted by the changes in the tariï¬, 20 cent PI o. J. BROWN, FRUIT JARS “ “ Chewing “ ............. In I 1b. lots and over, 35 cents per lb. cent T. & 3. Myrtle reduced to ..................... “ McDonald’s Briar “ ..................... Dioney HULE-IN-THE-WALL CIGAR STORE, 156 KING STREET,- E., TORONTO, Next Door to Clyde IIotel. Lace Leather and Belt Fastenings, Calf Laced 60 cents per pair. Try our PE PES AN D TOBAGCO (Next door to Hugh Miller & C 5c. PER ROLL Ruddy Harvester Magnum flil, WALL PAPERS Head Oï¬ice, 167% KING STREET EAST, TORONTO We are headquarters for all you require in so we will try and For a Short Time, Only. --SAVAGES¢- g of Navy Chewing reduced to.. H. M. ROWN. At prices to suit the times. Look at these prices: . . General Agent Co. York ~Joan on Real ‘ï¬istate. BORDERINGS TO MATCH. @Be sure to see them. O. J. BROWN, AGENT. 2 BEAUTIFUL PIANO - CASE INSTRUMENTS, up for it by ORGANS NOW ON EXHIBITION. Toronto. For sale cheap. OPPOSITE CLYDE HOTEL hemists. . 20 cents 10 cents