BOYS’ MI MEN VV. H. JACKSON, 1&5 Mr. W. 8:611 in Maple. . A reduction in charge made to all country patients, consistent with the distance travelled. Maple Wm Canada Life Building, , DENTISTRY 2 Progressive, Painlesg, Peflecï¬. HOMSON’S WT PECIALS ? Gold Filling, and Crown and Bridge Work (Specialty). HIGH CLASS WORK ONLY AND MODERATE CHAR( YOU SEEN Tips M. F. SMITH, DENTIST, ‘ip U pnly utteu Butt :ltt out of the busiues )ag‘ed _tp uupply rd TM A]? I, Warks TINKLER’S PATENT WHEEL PLOW, The largest Dental Ofï¬ce :led to 00 UO 00 OU Executor’s Notice PIGS FOR SALE BASPBERRIE S Late of th County of 16611 of J uu NOVEMBER, 1894 Fave“, Executnx of the said deceas In pursuance Statutes of Ont Notice is Breï¬imrs JAMES STOUTENBURGH, MEDO NOT PURCHASE UNTIL YOU SEE THIS PLOW. ' IN Markham & Scarboro, Stouffville, Ont. The It can be used in hard any other. T. TINKLER & SON, STOUFFVILLE, script. Zruicul Are privileged to sell these plows in any district, and are shy given thutall < claims against the WILLIAM POWELL, .118†:3sz fldvcrtimmmta. rplsember 27th, 1804‘ East 83 West York, 80 Vaughan, from Con. 1 to 5. e Village of Richmond Hill, in the York,yemnan.who died on or about the glen-l. are on or before the FIRST 0F Mt, 1594, required to send to Elizabeth :ecutnx of me last Will and testament deceased, their full names, addresses, is. a. statement of their claim and the and proofs thereof. and the nature ities, it any. held by them. ace is hereby given that alter the said ENnvember. 1894, the said Executrix :d to distribute the estate of the said among the ei'sons entitled thereto, and only to t 059 claims of which the mix then shall have notice, Run the mix mil not be liable for the’ said uy part thereof to any person or per- ose claim or claims notlce shall not received at the time of said distribu- LQST. -Z SOLE AGENTS Z- ELIZABETH POWELT the I [0 (181 zties; am‘lvA and 1 lane. Order from HARRISON, Ric! King It. mug; any person return- uimbly rewarded. 5A0 ChAPMAN, Thornhill )enem'npr n'ovisions of the Revihed S7),Chapter110, nouce is reditors and others havâ€" estate of A.D and Practice in Canada Street West, proliï¬c Raspberry and late. Now is each O. HARDING Richmond H: Manufactured byâ€"â€"-â€" EURXT & S()NS. 3 best plow made. Any boy can use it. :1 ground, when it is impossible to use 1' 10th, 1 ‘D retun xecutrix QOA 1 Hill HEB Special arrangement ‘ sums 1e Cour Evel'ythir New 111.... WE mg! WK AURORA BRANCH Sul‘ Forbes D. C. F0 RBES BOOTS SHOESfT NOTES DISCOUNTED. ATE CHARGES. Sal D‘ HAVE OPENED A NEW STORE AT I Kim} SWEET EAST, OPPOSITE CLYDE HOTEL. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT MUNICIPALITY OF VAUC iener ul Banking Business 9: BOOTS and SHOES RADCLIFFE. M'anngmn[ Every thing sold at r t of Revision omce At Bottom Pricesl 111‘ 00.. VOTERS‘ :u can ~be made for ft on deposit. Yongo Street [d upwards received. allowed thereon frnm t to withdrawal. SALE veu t1 the taken for {.01 am TORONTO LIST MANAGER Toronto, Dune Mill-D ‘lle 1 row fV M 3. White Rose Surf Wï¬i‘élflmï¬ W (A large new stock just arrived.) CIGARS, TOBAEEbS, &c. FAMILY FLOUR, â€"ALL KINDS OEâ€" PROVISIONS, FRUIT, CROCKERY, GLASSKVARE. CONFECTIONERY, YES, THEY SAY ,EQQWJV’S IS THE PLACE TO GET IT. \VHAT? THORNHILL REMEHME‘ Polici€ 107 20 cent I Ut 1t O. J. BROWN. if armer HOLE-I Niamey to 1402x1101 OUR SPECIALTIES SQLID CANflDEAN 1( 5c. FER KOLL WALL_§_APE --SAVAGESQ MW IIead 0h) 167 ICU For a Short T iront Poiic rm: lom‘ nuw on hand )al HL’W 1t: 53mm: UM r bbl TICOl'lt tom 3 occu‘patlon, 1C .LLLUU Ill 11 1nd ove JO )un WEE )mno mt 1C( SEWING ' MACHIN ES, 'ORGANS & PIANOS. )F o. J. BROWN, 1V OW lS FAI N. M SQEZPANY. the time to buy EASY TERMS ed every time. RICHMOND HILL )er foot. H em? Estate XTCH let on back CLYDE t C0. Y orl- December. QM UK “I JRE No re DE Der W21 I 0 cents HOTEL III ri Ff LE: