1 v..i l - m Trrwfliiiiiitiirisï¬iirrr ' Riommnn Hun. Thursday. Oct. 4, ‘94 Tilr. I. ll. Evans, reere of Etobicoke, inns dielined the nomination offered him by the Patrons of \Vest York, Mr. Evain. in declining; the honor, says: “.‘il’ter having supported Mr. '\\'allaee in all his previous contests, l tliiiil: it would lie dishonorable for me to him without better l‘CilSl‘llS than I now have." We surmise from Mr. Evans' letter that if he thinks it would be dishon- oral lie to oppose the present member, he is, therefore, prepared to support him in the next election. Before he does so he should take his name off the list or Patron members. ____....â€" Twice was the gallows built for illaewherrel. and twice was the hangâ€" inan forced to leave Brampton gaol yard without letting fall his deadly ti ap. Probably not one out of every twentv believes the unfortunate man innocent, nevertheless, the commuta- tion of the sentence by the Dominion Government to life imprisonment was satisfaetorily received, as there was yet a. doubt, which the doomed man U'tll‘lfle was entitled t0. â€"â€" The total number of failures in Canada as reported for Bradstreet‘s shows an increase for the nine months just ended. There were 1,122, com- pared with 1,323 for the same time last year. In the United States there were 9.251. coniparrd with 11.140 last year. .__._..._â€" The third page of the Toronto Daily ï¬lm] is noted for “Want†advertisements. If you want a situation. a mechanic, 3 busuiess, machinery, lodging. if you have lost or found anything, or if you want to ï¬nd out where anyone is, advertise in the Toronto Daily Mail, and read the adâ€" vertisements on the third page of that paper. The charge is two cents a Word etch insertion. or ten cents a wordfor 51X insertions. Address The Mail, Toronto, Canada. lechanics‘ Institute The Directors at the Mechanics' Insti- tute met in the Library Room on Tues- day evening, the 2nd of October. Membeis present: Messrs. Clubine, Law, Savage, Pugsley. Saiidersori,8torey, Robertson and McMahon. Minutes ot last meeting read and ad- opted. The foliowing accounts were read and on motion were ordered to be paid: T.F. McMahon. supplyingi magazines, nrint- ing, (to, $15.25; R. E. Law. 6 months’ salary as librarian to October 313i, $12. he treasurer reported that he had re- ceived a cheque from the Education De- partment for $176 50, being the Govern- ment Grant for the past year. On motion of W. T Storey. seconded by W. H. Piigsley, the Library Commit‘ tee were authorized to expend for new books the sum of $l50. The Library Committee were also in- structtd to Consider the advisability of havmg new catalogues printed, ascertain the probable cost, and report at the next meeting. It was also suggested that a notice be inserted in THE LIBERAL requesting members to send to the secretary or the librarian the names of any books they would wish to have added to the library. A regulation was passed to ask the fol- lowing ladies to canvas the village and vicinity for the sale of membership tick- ets: North of Centre St, Misses Storey and Moodie. South of Cuntre St..Misses Trench and McConaghy. Elgin Mills and vicinity, Miss Amy Newbery. The meeting adjourned. «4,â€"â€" Thc Delineator. The‘Iielineator for November, which is called the Thanksgiving Number in the ï¬rst of the three yreat Winter issues. and presents a table of contents that is most Varied and interesting. The fashions for the monih appear even more attractive than usual, and with such becoming styles womankind should appear at her best during the winter a". hand. A timely illustrated paper on Evening and Dinner Dresses supplements the regular articles. and appropriate contri- butions for the season are the Thanksgiving Dinner. u Thanksgiving in New England, Table Decorations.a nd How to Serve Apples and Pears. The initial paper of two new series appears in this number; one treats of the house. its location. etc; the other of the relations between mother and son. One of the most interesting papers of the month is a real conversation between Edith Thomas and Dr. Elliott on the subject of Women and War, which is followed by a charming little poem on ihe snbiect in Miss Alice Thomus‘ best vein. The third article on the Kindergarten takes both teacher and student through attractive work. and there is fascinating employment provided in Ven- etian Iron work and the uses of Crepe and Tissue Papers. herald nmmnmmmzwmrmmm w. \. 1‘ \Vliolegaie ,1 ‘l dzRetsil \JK a Importers. In accordance with n prerirus antioiiiiee- ment, ii public meeting wa-i la l-l in the ~.'.~i- , sonic Hall on Friday evening in Communion i with tho Workman limigi». The attendance , __ was not large. but those who Worn present paid the strictest attention to the informaâ€" tion imparted by the speakers. After a low T remarks by the chairman, liro. T. l". le- Mah3n,Bro.Urosby,D.]Hi.)l.\\'.for ‘i’ori: ills. J trict, was called upon. and give some t: lllrig; ï¬gures in connection with the :Yf‘itlUiff. lri .7, . W . . , referring to the strength of the Piii‘ii'lV he said there were 27mm mmilwvc in (in: 'io, r-vâ€"l - and a membership in (,‘nnadn and i‘l" ' ted i O 1n- States of 340,000. 1er. .T. Milne. [‘.(i.3l.'\V‘..i . was then introduced. and for thee {lll’il'lPl‘E not get our prices before purchas- ing your Winter of an hour explained the condiiions and ad- vnntnges of the order in a very sn’isi’nc'ioi‘y manner. He described the origin of the FTRHRSTS Blankets from Thornhiil, afterwards nmitl 7 speech. referring to tire faith he llllil in tin- society. At the close oi the public meeting : I Q J Hardwa to and House Furnishin- s . .~ 7 PATNTS OTLS GLASS Why‘d}: I’Eï¬ihClim‘S (inï¬rm w, l we T This it) Rgï¬t‘ig‘h'l‘. We import direct from hlanufacturei‘s work of other iiistiiuiionn working "long F _, my, 80 4 k ‘ x170†Similar lines. but COUl.Ol)IlHlllll1|l.llll: inillc U U L) e D l oldest. strongest and mos-t subst-In’nil. lle I showed that the A. 0. If. \V. uivrs i.i.--irnnee at actual cost, and allows its iiii'iiiliir? to do their own banking. or carry tlir :‘ii-pitis in their pockets. The c'lnil‘l‘ii'll ’i'Ulll'f‘i :i uni. form assessment of Si irii‘wpiclii‘ei t-l ani- ivas met bv strong mgunienu. “(To It'lli'i that want of space prevents fl. fuller account of Bro. Milne's excellent, inhlrv - 1‘--o.l»nrirl James, who was present mm a have nurnlwr . _ .___¢,__ _.V_ ._ wreaths a: co, 186 (Si. 188 lilNG ST. EAST. TDRONRU./ (3 Doors from George l .,___...______7._ After the exceedingly hot spell we have had, the system is H:i,\.- ii order 26 years ago. and eloquently referred to the extent of its benevolent intiur nee river the members repaired to the liong lhiom, where four candidates were initialed. After this continent. Ho relaxed to tho gi‘iillil a. cup of coffee together the, or. tlii'en separ- â€"‘.r~v 7777777777 v “mm considerably run down and what is needed is gOOd i 1) I.) Wle can you tonic and alterative, such as , ‘f U ‘ U) pmtcgs bthajot. 0903' Compound Extract of Surdock and FOR - - i 13 no 8 68’ m 8‘" Sargaparilla. ery department 8c specially good It contains value in PURE SPlCE . . . GO TO W. A. ‘ SANDERSOTT slit USE ONLY . . . DAIï¬izk' Baking - Powder, . . . Manufactured by W. A. SANDERSON, DRUGGiST, RICHMOND HILL. twice as much and is twice as strong as the C D DANIEL or, average preparation. Try a bottle. CO, IPERUGGISTE. O Opp. ciyde Hotel. 171 KING Sr, EAST, Tonoxr. - - R E S P I. L E 'RICIIBIOND IKIIJHJ HARNESS SHOP is always up with the times, and with No I STOCK, - GOOD WORK, - HONEST DEALING Can guarantee satisfactimi in all Grades and Styles of Harness. Fine Harness a specialty. Whips, Baqu Dusters, Wool and P..ibber Knee Rugs, Fly Nets, and other su plies always in stock, Repairing Promptly Attended 1:. PRICES RIGHT. McDonald, - Richmond Hil. Corsets, osiery. ~~ Some new and J. T. SAEGEQN, reliable makes of Insurance Agent and Winter GUHE HIST. MUTUlll. FIRE INSlliil'iNGE 89.: I no Dlillh'll America, Also the TEMEERANGE it GENERAL th'thl‘le MAPLE. Geo. Ramses min... HARDWARE - STORE Has on hand STOVES of the best makes at prices to suit the times. Stoves pipes and e1- bows all sizes and prices. Also Hardware and Tinware of all kinds; Eavetroughing, hot air furnaces. ‘ EOAL, WOOD AND SLABS Delivered on shortest notice at reasonable prices. For Men, Ladies and Children’s wear ; if you want a. strong Boot, see them. GROCERIES al- Wm. R. Proctor, ways fresh, and RICHMQNP £3199: prices the lowest Farm to Rent. for best quality The north half of lot :23. End Con. Yruehan, is THOS. MORTSON. to rent for u. term of years. The farm contains ~ Butter and Eggs Jenni-son P 0 Richmond Hill. Repairing promptly attended to . C. JVIASO "‘ ORDERS 30LICE'I‘ED. *“ [1 Li S T T: N l k.) a If you want to get Goods at Whnliitilr r Fries In can get them at DTLVVORTH’S “ DRUG ST 170 KING ST EAST, TORONTO- Agcncy for the Kalala Ceylon T a _,. _i¢___._ E 1 US 11â€"4 EESdhEi-‘L‘ii'a‘l‘iia‘ii‘fi‘iltiiiciiiiï¬iiim" bmmmgs' new taken in e X-- Plow Pilllll§ & tidal Change For pantie ulnrs 0.1)pr to 1 TI GI O 73 m 0n and after the 18th of September, the under- signed Will be prepared to MAKE} (DIEDER On Monday. Tuesday. and Wednesday of such week. at the old stand. BU‘x‘Lli'S MILL. half a mile west of Richmond Hill Village. 11.4w W. MAGlilt. Prop. Richmond Hill. Sept. 1'2tli. 18w. plate line of Nursery stock and seed potatoes. Highest salary and commission paid it eel;ly.p:1v- ing and permanent position guaranteed and the cess assured to good men. Hpacial inducements to begiiiiiei‘s.expoi‘ieiicenot necessary. Exclusive territory and vour own choice of same given. D" “°‘ “1ҠALLEN NURSE Y 60 Apply to.... ' Growers & Propagators, Roche ‘ er, N.Y. Dent fail to call and get a FREE SAMPL Cheapest. Strongest and Best, sell rig at \Yliolcsald Prices. - STORE, [I III ENERGE'i‘iC MEN to sell onrchoico and eoni- TOI{ONTO.