Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Oct 1894, p. 5

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Wmmmnmv 75w 1- Until further Richmond Hill at least Elite mentioned 11 Downsview PROCTOR‘b STAG SUMMER Evmmwzâ€"C RICHMOND ‘ORONTO Unian . arkdalc... ’aveuporu dni Last curg‘ Miss H. Wiley. corresponding secretary, :ia attending the annua‘ meeting of the Yurk County W.U.T.U. in Weston, to-day and to- marrow. 'nvrb Mr. T. Herbal" Hotel every Wec‘ Mas. Wells, Dentist, ardson House. Maple1 5the 10th of October. New Frilliugs at the Concrete Hon week, prettier than ever. Milliuery 0}: continued to-d Miss Basaiugthwnite is visitmg friends and Telutives at Smuffville and Baker Hill, and will be absent about three weeks. 0. Mason sells the Duchess of Oxford Ballgame better made. Call and see it. 1L2 Mrs. Robins Owen Sound, . their water, M Connect 10(5 Two new Pinu J. Brown. We have a line of cheap Blankets, also a special line of Grey Flannel. See them. Naughlou Bros., Elgin Mills MLsK. Murdock. cxty deputy, is in town this weak, his object. being to organize a Court of the Indépendem Order of Foresters. Do not forget to call and see the Millinery Display at the Concrete House to-day and to-morrow. We‘ll be pleased to see you. Mr. J. H. Brydon, of Duudalk, paid a "fly- ing visit to relatives here on Thursday evan- dng, leaving Friday ioreuoou. yeave 7 10.. A large lot of emp:y barrels for sale c at the Fire Proof. Ladies' Underwear, :1 very extensive range at the Concrete House. Special, Heavy Hy. gienio Vests a; 25 cts Each. The‘Seager farm on Thursday last did much the reserve bid, consequently that sirable property was not sold. 815 86.5 30:) POST OFFICE The Kerosene “ Oil right.” Til. M etropaii! DI L06 10 10 1010 1100. 410 4 40 5 oo. 910 930 4( ng at ti and tom [1110 will be at the Rich! on Wednesday nexb )be Concrete House marrow. yle W33; lawn isi’t’ with ale 136 Kelly's this not th‘ On Monday morning last. in the R. 0. church of this piece. Mr. Wm. Sliney and Miss Mary O‘Leary were united in the indie- soluhlo bonds of matrimony. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Father McMahon, pastor of the congregation, at 9 9.. m., after which was offered the holy sacrifice of the Mess. A number of the friends of the con- tractiug parties witnessed the interesting ceremony, and offered their congratulations to the newly-married couple, wishing them it continuation of the joy and happiness that surrounded them. Leaving the chiteh they l proceeded to the Kelly House where. with a I number of relatives and a few intimate ' iriends.they partook of an excellent wedding breakfast. prepared by Mrs. Keliy, sister of It'he bride. The couple then started on a short tour previous to settling in their home 1' l a. short distance north of .thie village, Bl We notice by the Vancouver World that a magnificent receptinn was given to Hon. Wilfred Laurie: and Mme. Laurie: at. Hotel Vancouver a few days ago. The brilliant afinir, which took the form of an At Home, was presided over by Mrs. Anderson, wife of the Mayor, and daughter of Rev.Dr.Peroiyal of this village. Why buy Stoves elsewhere when you can get them cheaper from 0. Mason, and have them delivered and set up free of charge. Markham . . Newmm‘ket Stoufiville Woodbridge Art Muslim; at 6. 7, 8, 10, 11. 12%. 16 and 75cts. per yd; Madras Muslins a. 13 and 18 us. pm‘ yd.; Harness Spot Muslim at 16,20 and 2:3 cts per yd.; a very choice rnuge in calm-an iu decorating materials a: the Con- crete House. A phonographic entertainment under the ampices of the Epworth League, will be given in the Methodist church, on Mondav evening next, the 8th lust. Tickets, 15 and 10 cents. The above entertainment is Bald to be excellent, and far above any of a simi- larnature ever given here. The Fire Brigade received yesterday their prize, won M. the Barrie Tournament on the 6111 of August. It. is a silver pitcher,beauti- fully engraved, swung in a heavy {tame and stands nearly two feet high. It is accompan- ied by a. valuable silver cup. It is valued at $35.00; Now is the greatest chance of the year tor securing bargains, since after Stock-taking man} lines of Boots und Shoes must be sac- rificed to make room for the large Fall Stock coming. Don’t miss the rare chance as I have a full line from the best manufactur- ers. and can guarantee you splendid value and entire satisfaction, Robert Sivers. 12-5 South York Teachers. The next half-yearly meeting of the South York Teachers' Institute will be held in the town hall, Markham, on Thursday and Fri- day, October 11th and 12th. There will be three sessions on Thursday, commencing at 10 a.m.. 2 and 8 p.m.. at the latter of which Hon. G. W. Ross will deliver a. lecture, On Friday there will be two sessions commenc- ing aid) 8.. m. and 1.30 p. m. respectively., The papers on the programme embrace one‘ by Mr. Jae. Hand. principal of Stouflville’ Public School, on “Individuality,” and a. discussion on "Promotion and Entrance Ex-‘ mninmiona" led by Principal Jones..of Mark. . ham Public Schooi. 'Ibe public are cordial- ly invited. 3 Concrete t ods. Special All Wool Henriettas and Cashmere Serges Blacks, Browns, Cardinals, Navies, Péle use and Pinks, 36 inches wide at. 25cts per .. at the Concrete House. )rs. Wilson and Laugstafi attended a fling of medical men in Aurora, on Wed- day of lust week. The doctors of this ,rict met. for the purpose of hearing Dr. igster, who is a candidate for No. 12 die- t, as a representative 0! the Medical mail, the election to: which Will be held rtly. 1 his fri ionisJfl ubscril '0 us :rold ate 19 arrrva ind mm Sli rape ‘iou Court 11 annual church v ahd at. th R. Siverrs' Stock-taking Sale. luil Dun: Thai Arch of 1 v.11 VII Don‘t Miss 1t. the It‘s a Beauty. Fal ' I the Cc uble he Mamed. and Mrs. Evans. of St. Saturday at the Manse . Dr. Percival. Charles [rs.b‘t.‘blorns,of Toronto, iiting at. the Manse for Ath( rmexly lFl Ho: The Fairs marrow my and 1 Scotl d in front of the Monday morning. awle and Wraps at am: very handsome le Wraps, see them. evening and per yd annels at close cut 153. Speoiu1,Grey 0Wn€ ., will preach 12h! Harvest Sermon 2bun. next. Sun- E001 :s of Oxford latest make. 14-2 The G0 . 30. 40 solid colors and at the Oct 3 to “ 9 to ” 10 to Globe and their papers should bear w come by at morning and 40 and 16 to 18 to Mrs. were ‘veral aft at have The School Board mat of October. Preyentâ€"M Conagby, Naughton, Tre Switzer. Minutes read Principal of the Public 5 average attendance of th Inflows zâ€"lst. 38 7-10; 2 57 1-10. Mrs. Wiley nsk for one week comma} agreeing to supply a eat the request. was granted the attention of the BO! in one of the departme tion was left in his 11 judgment. The annual harvest home festival of the Zion Evan. Lutheran church, 4th Con. Vaughan, will be held on Monday, October 8. 1894. A supper consisting of pressed chicken and other delicacies will be served from 4 to 7 p. us. An entertainment will be given after supper consisting of music by Mrs. {Din} Sisley, Maple; Miss Laura Eakin, Uniouville; and Miss Maggie Burkbolder, Wuodbridge; also recitations by Miss Ina. Feuwxok, Toronto. Addresses by the follow- ing rev. gentlemen will be given :â€"J. F. Bruch, C. A. Campbell and A. Bedford. The chair will be occupied by J. K. McDon- ald, Esq, m' Toronto. On Sunday, October 7th, Thanksgiving Sermons will he preached “10.30 a. m. and 7 p. m. The church will be suitably decorated on the occasion. All me cordially invited. Admission to supper : The chair will be occupied by J. K. 1‘ ald, Flqu m' Toronto. On Sunday, ( 7th. Thanksgiving Sermons will he pl “10.30 a. m. and 7 p. m. The chm be suitably decorated on the oceasio me cordially invited. Admission to s ~Adulta. 25 cents; children. 15 cent Lacrosse on Saturday. The two lacrosse matches in the Park on Saturday last served to awaken remem- brance of the national game as played here in days gone by. Both matches were well contested, and both resulted in victories for the home teams. Commencing at about 2 p. m. the juniors defeated a junior team from Newmarket by 4 games to 0. Then the Elms, a fast team from Toronto, faced our lst twelve,nnd put up an excellent game. The sides were well matehed,bnt the Vtsitors were finally forced to succumb to the home team by 4 games to 3. The play on both sides was free from roughness. and the best of feeling was shown throughout-just the way the game should always be. In the first game, Mr. Wootten, of Newmarket. and Mr. W. E. \Vllev acted as umpires, and Mr. Little, of Newmarket, was referee. For the senior match Messrs. Bastow and C.McLean. were umpires, W. E. Wiley and F. Soules were field captains respectively for the home and visiting teams, and Mr. Hugh Mc- Conaghy refereed the match. Our popular tonsorial artist has had erect- ed during the past week a very neat Sign in front of his fashionable shaving parlor in the Lorne Block. The workmanship was executed in two of the largest shops in the town, the wood being turned by lethes in the factory of L. Innes & Sons. while the elegant palnting was the labor of skilled hands in Trench‘s Steam Works. The pole hears the three characteristic oolorsâ€"-red, white and blueoâ€"symbolical of the propri- etor’s profession, as well as emblematicel of his adherence of the British ensrgu. Now that he has everything arranged to suit the most fastidious, he is pleased to inform the public and private, friends and foes, of both sexes and all sizes, that he will be found six days of every week at his evocation of shav- ing beards, dressing heads, in the latest style, together with all the many mysteries belonging to his artistic employment. He will make no charges for anecdotes. and guarantees to confine himself as much to the truth as is compatible with e. barber's pro- fession; and as it is one of his legitimate prerogatives to take even the gentleman by the nose, he assures all whom it may con- cern, from the Premier of the Dominion down to the Suwyur of wood, that he possess es the accomplishment of handling this peevish organ with the greatest delicacy and politeness. He powders heads, attends to the cultivation of whiskers, dyes moustacbes, combs the hair and brushes the costs with all taste and accuracy. Don‘t fail to call on him as he is always found with water hot, scissors sharp and razors keen. Weddzng Bells. A very pretty wedding took place at the tesndeuce of Mrs. J. E. Brown, Eglinton, sic-- ter of the bride, last evening. 'l‘ue contract- ing pal-fies were Mr. Jas.S.McConagby, clerk in the Post Oflice Department, Toronto, sou of our fellow townsman, Mr. Francis Mc- Couaghy, and well-known throughout the Dominion as goal-keeper of the Young Cun- ad‘mu lacrosse club. and afterwards of the Ottawa team; the bride being Miss ARDSb E. Pugéley, youngest. daughter of the late â€" Pngslev, and sister of Reeve Pugsley., Mrs. L.Gaby.and Mrs. W H Glass. of this village. The ceremony was performed about 7.30 p. m.. before about 40 of the relatives of both families. and a. few very intimate friends, Rev. Mr. Burtley oflficinting. The bride was attended by Miss McConughy. sister of the groom, and Misses Annie Glass and Gertie Brown, the bride's nieces. The groom was supported by Mr.Fred Pngsley, as best man, and by Messrs. Hugh MoConaghy and. Albert Glass. The bride and bridesmaids were very handsomely attired, the four making a pretty group. After the ceremony the happy company sat down to an excellent snpper,the choicest ellibles being served without stint by the hostess and her attendants who were most neeiduous in their attention on each and all the guests. Allerwards a toast was proposed by Mr. Armstrong in honor of the bride and groom. which was ably and wittin responded to by Mr. Hugh McGonaghy. brother of the groom. A look at the large number of presents showed that they had been selected with particularin good taste. After warmest congratulations the happy couple were driven to their neatly furnished and oomlortable home in the oily. SLINEYâ€"O'LEAnYâ€"In the n. C. Church, by Rev. P. McMahon, on Monday, October lst, Wm. Sliney, to Marv O'hem‘y, both of this vxllage. McCox AGEYâ€"PUGSLEYâ€"At the residence of Mrs. J. E. Brown, sister of the bride. Eglinton. by av. Mr.Barclev, on Wednesday, October 3rd, J 5. S. McConaghy. to Agnes E.Pugsley, both formerly of this village. WEDNESDAY, Oct. lochâ€"Cream Sale of Farm Stuck, Implements, Hay, Household Furni- ture, an. the property of W. J. Beam, Elgin Mills. Sale an 12 o'clock noon. Terms 12 months. SB.le Eckm‘dt. auctioneer. “Purges getting r/hgir Bills printed at this mfioe Will receive a mace similar to the above FREE 01' CHARGE School Meeting Harvest Home Sale ionrd met on Monday, the lat :eyentâ€"Messrs. Newton, Mc- hton, Trench, GlassI Storey. ites read and adopted. The a Public School reported the mm: of the three divisions as 38 7-10; 2nd, 42 68-100; 3rd. Wiley asked leave of absence commencing October 29th, ply a substitute. On motion 5 granted. Mr. Clubine drew if the Board to some crowding departments. The classifica- iu his hands to use his best MA HIRIAG Next! Register LADEES’ MANTLES, LADIES’ MANTLES, LADIES MANTLES, LADIES’ MANTLES, Boucle cloth, braid tlimmed collar and waist black and navy LADIES’ MANTLES, LADIES’ MANTLES, LADIES DOLMANS, LADIES’ MANTLES, Colored Mixtures Fancy Tweeds Sealette, satin lined, etc .............................. 1785 Ladies’ Mantles made up on the shortest notice, in the very newest styles, from the tollowing goods : Black and Navy Heavy ngger Heads at $1.25 per yard. " “ “ Boucle cloths 1.65 “ W111 be continued to-day and to-murrow, to give every lady an opportunity of seeing t0 the best advantage the beautiful display prepared by Miss Patterson. Mkinson & Switzer. - FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS - Split Long Boots at....$ Kip Long “ . Grain Lond Hand-made Time is Coming; MEN’S at . . Hip RJbPPr Kn-ee Rubber ...... Strong Laced Grangers Fine Kaugoro Buls ..... Dominion fihoe Fall 5:: Winter Goods New Black Cashmeres New Colored Cashmeres New Flannelettes New French Flannels New Grey Flannels Etc., Etc., Etc. Grocery Stock New Mantles and Mantle Cloths. COR. KING & GEORGE ST.. TORONTO T. D()VVSVVE1LL. Proprietor. SOON WHEN YOU WILL \VANT A GOOD STRONG PAIR OF BOOTS. . . . F Navy & Fawn Beavers Fancy Figured Goods “ Mattalasse MILLINERY OPENING Nigger Head cloth, at Boucle cloth, braid trimmed qollarz Plain Beaver cloth at Beaver cloth, braid trlmmed Mattalasse cloth, feather trimming ...... Beaver cloth, fur trimmed, brown only ........ 12 50 ISAAC CROSBY \VE \VILL OFFER: IBOYS’ & GIRLS’ 00 0L) ,. NEW worth 85 cents, 95 cents and 1.00 ‘AT THEW PrBof . . . . . . . , ........ Slippers. 2 pairs for Boots and Shoes Pebble Bil or Buttnn..$1 Dungolo Kid Button . .1 Kangom Laced Water- L ADIES’ New Hogiery New Shlrts and Drawers New Tweeds New Coatings New Trouserings Eta, Etc., Etc‘ Always Gompleta. , black & brown black and navy 5 50 2.75 2.6% 00 worth IO I4 35 550

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