VOL. XVII. {HE LIBERALPRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMONDHILL. ONT. ‘1‘ § do 10 it. uh: IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING 33. WNW sasm‘, EEG. ï¬e LflNGSMEE Residencyâ€"Two dm ephone commuuu all out, (at we Palmer House Stoufl'ville .. . Markham . Ht. Albert . Woodbridge “ Kleinburg .. ooleton.. Amara. 1st,ssh, 16th, and Richmond Hill‘....‘9th ma QB. LANGSTAFF. Reliable Gum Applications used when required 8380': your Cheap Teeth 01 Robinson. (w. J‘ WILSON, M. 13., ) THORNHII W. ROGERS, DENTIST, Will vis Graduate of the with diploma. fr Dental School, wi prc $1 per annum, in advanCc. VETERINARY SURGEON ’hvsiciaus and E sistauc Surgeon Addrsss A ROBINFON h.D.S. Aurora Out RICHEIOND I . F. MUMAHON9 S to 10 :11. m.; 610 8 p. m. Oflice hoursâ€"8 A little east of Parkdale station, over W Collins’ store. corunr of Queen and N orthcote Avenue, J. T. MCEIEOY, RICHMON BUSINESS CARDS. VETERINARY DENTIST, RICHMOND HILL, Va!†.1235} £253.49 gig izc TORONTO 0FFI( Veterinary Surgeon. OFFECE HOURS TH' MAPLE. Richmond Hill Wednesday afternoon of each week. DKTOB LEG EN USED BY Dr. A. lcwhinlson. median. «"vrtcrimwy SURGEON DENTIST w‘xn__ Ont E HOURS imml. 1N"? :und 6 H) S p. in. gnaw ,nding place P as mxmon prio Veteriunr me Ontario Lt Maple on M( and Concord 1 24th tle .20th of 14th .28th 29th 30th each mom: do do do do 18th 6w. Me (mm, m iILL, Ont. latess L. ONT-. )1 post oflice )rivnto tine HILL if Sunday. {Hist of each month do auangh, u. 51'» i=1. ue with Tel § Issue: j ROBINSON, LENNOX& MACLEOD Barristers, Solicitors, ace. Toronto OFï¬ceâ€"NaJs Toronto Street. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce open every NOT MONEY T0 L AGFL Tex-onto Ofï¬ceâ€"34 Bank of Commerce Builllxngs, 19 King Street West. l‘hornlnli Oï¬ice‘Post Ofï¬ce every Wed- nesday from 10 to :2 a. m. LAWRENCE & ORMISTUN. M1242; ER flwwcgm Uollectionsin City and Country promptly attended to. Money toloan. Generalssles a stock. eta, vmmptlj to atreascnable rues. P. 0. address $19“ xnfl am Telepk Licenaed Auctioneer for the County of York Sales attended to on shortest notice and at rea- Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. General sales of implements, turnimrejtandina timber. eta, attended on the shortest. notice and at reasonable rates. Stock sales a. specialty. Patronage solicited. P. 0. address Umonville. ‘ssuer of Marriage Licens RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. mam-gum Every accommodation to guests. Board, 81. Der day Q10 snuablc rates. Patronage solicited. Residence Maple Thisflne hotel is ï¬tted up with all the modern appliances for health and comfort. Best brands of liquors and cigars. Sample rooms for com, mercial travellers. 'Busses meet 3.11 trains. Rates $1.00 per day. THE PALMER HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. HIGX- Having reï¬tted the above house lam prepared to turn '51: the hastaccommoduiou to boarders 31131 thee bravpllipg public. Best; bramls of Liquors and Cigars. Excellent atnbliug 9.1m etï¬cient hustlen. Sample looms for commercieJ men First-class Livery in con- nection. RISHARDSQN HBUSE, Nov 26-91 MISS c. HARRISON, DRESS - MAKER, RICHMOND HILL. A - CALL - SOLICITED. Funeral Furnishings Always on Hand :ensed Auctioneers for the County or York,re- :cï¬ully solicit your patronage and friendly luence‘ sales attended on the shortest notice 1 A reasonabe rates. P. 0. address King LINDSEY & lINDSEY, engeu Am 3110 and F STOKES U and «makers & Embalmc-l's, E9 gammy @flai’fï¬‚ï¬ EQE‘EEE" Mara-issugrs, solicitors, «ï¬e. 158 KING STREET EAST. TORONTO WRIGHT BROS, !m-hert Lenunx will be at. Kelly’s Hotex, .1 Hill everv Wednesday, for the transâ€" TORONTO AND AURORA Stokes & RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1894. 0AM MAPLE J. T. Saigeon, .1ildings, 23 Scott St, Toronto Mom Erkardt tionepr for the Countles of York eel. Goods sold on consignment 9 stock 11%.. vrppaptly attended URT OF JUSTICE, &c. Marriage Licenses. ‘rs, Snlicitors, hotel-ms and (Lonveyancel‘s. \IMISSIONER IN THE {Y PUBLIC. SOLXCXTOBS AND NOTARIES AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES WM. RICHARD SON, Pmprietor “In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; . Lunau, JOHN KELLY, Proprietor. {ml W s UBMISTONLL L B Blougll. I. B. DUNCAN LYON LXNDSEY UNIO'NNILLE Money to Loan D BLOUGH Before this reaches you the Hun. Gen. Foster, our Minister nf Finance,. will be on the ocean on his way to England to burrnw a little more money. Don’t you tlnnk that seriously speaking, there shnuld be. a. hunt to this game? I say " sern-usly Speaking †for really the whole afl'air appears more in the character of a burlesque than anything else: a one act iaice With no end, and over whiCh the curtain never goes down. Is it not time ynu rung that curtain down, or are you an infatuated with the play that you wish it to continue? I have just been reading the Montreal Star, and every one knows that this leading daily newspaper has very pronounced Tory leanings. but listen to what it has to say about the way the machine is being run in Ottawa. Speaking nf the agricultural classes the " It is exasperating for a class, which cuuld till three‘fuurths of the seats in Parliament. and name a Government, of farmers if it so chuuse, to see 3 Finance Minister solemnly meet its demand for tariff reform with a few slight and wholly Inadequate reductions, and thefn a3 enl- emuly sand-paper these down t0 harmless proportiuus at. the bidding of a body of umuupolies’ ‘ Lobbyista.’ Now why should the farmer be compelled to cum. side: every penny he spends himself for himself, while lllat purllon of his money which the guvernment spends for him Is squandered with reckless extraVagance and wamunly expnaed to the pilieriug ï¬ngurs of party camp followers.†Epeukmg Starï¬says I hear you ask. “ But, what has that to do with Foster’s trip to England l" Credulnna and coutidiug taxpayer; un- suspecting victims of the consuraturs whn are drawing the very heart’s bluud out of yuu. it. has all to do with Foster’s mission to England; not satisfied wiil. putting you on the direct, mud to the poor-house, he and his colleagues are still at walk and he now goes to Lunduu to still further mortgage your future as at:- curity for fresh loans. But why ale these loans necessary? Every time a loan is floated you are told that this is to be the last one. Sir Chas. Tupper, when he asked your conï¬duime in 1878. told. you that if he and his polit ical friends were placed in charge of the treasury chest the national debt, which at that time was $140,302,009, would in a few years be reduced to $100,000,000. Now what. has been the result? instead of reducing the debt to one hundred million dollars it has been increased to $246,163,920. Why, in the past twelve months $4,483.948 has been added to your debt, or liability, and now the Min- ister of Finance goes to England to add another brick to the colossal monument since he found you took previous addit- ions so kindly. When Sir Chas. Tupper told you in 1878 that there would be no further increase in the national debt he proved one of Wu things: that he was a false prophet, or that he was an unblush- ing falsiï¬er. Which was he ‘I WHAT’S UP 1 But what does all this stir in the Tory camp mean just new? Ministers are on the war path and the word has gone forth to prepare for an election at an early date. Candidates are being brought out and decks are being cleared ready ful‘ action. It does not, however, mean that we will have the general election before session, but the government is preparing for an emergency. Coming events are already casting their shadows, and a. very signiï¬cant shadow is the activity of the government in looking after their friends. Witness the case of Meredith who suc- ceeds to the Chief Justicesliip of Ontario. l When we see the government beginning to distribute the spoils and good fat oflices among the faithful, we may safely assume that they are beginning to lose conï¬dence in their ability to secure another lease of power when the country calls for a renew- al of tenders. The most important mat- ter yuu have to deal with at the moment is the “ voters' lists;†remember that the 15th is the last day for recording your vote. See that your name is On the list. When you think that 108 votes if distributed over 108 constituencies Would give a majority to either party in whose favor they might be recorded. you can realize the importance of having every vote on the list. A handsome prim has been offered by the Tory organization here to the agent. who “ill secure the names and record them, of persons who have not yet appeared on the lists and who may be fairly calculated upon to record a vote for the Tory candidates when the time Comes. It is needless to say that there is some tall hustling going on here among the party workers just now in the hope of securing the prize, Ottawa, Oct. 0th, [804. The ()ounci‘ of the Municipality of the township of Vaughan met at the Town “all on Tuesday, the 9th of October, at 10 a. m. Our Ottawa Letter. he reev Vaughan Uouncu ‘e in t} ch air Members present: Messrs. Arnold, Bryson, Kirby and Watson. The minutes of last meeting were read and on motion conï¬rmed. The following claims for sheep killed by dog or dogs were presented: From Richard Cagely, for 2 ewes kill- ed, valued at $15 each, and 4 injured, valued at $15; from Wm. Delaney, for 1 sheep killed, yalued at. $6; from‘John Davker. for ] raln killed, valued at. $4; from Thus. Kersey, for l lamb killed, valued at $6; from John Drummond, for 2 sheep killed, valued at $18. Moved by Mr. Kirby, seconded by Mr. Bryson, that. the treasurer be and is hereby instructed to pay the following claims for sheep killed by dog or dogs, being two‘thirds their value: To Richard Casely ..................... $80 )0 “ Wm. Delaney ..................... 4 00 “ John Darker ........ 2 00 “ 'l‘hos Kersey...........'.'.'.'.'.If: 4 00 " John Drummond ....... â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Brysun, secunded by Mr. Kirby. that the treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay to the Treasurer of Vaughan Agncultural Society the sum of S3U.â€"-Carried . Mm‘ed by Mr. Watson, seconded by Mr. Arnold, that the treasurer be and Is hereby anyhorized to pay the following road accuunw: Disn-ict No. 1â€"- R. Rumble, for '26 lnads gravel ...$ 2 60 H. Rumble, for 44 loads gravel 4 40 R. Rumble, for 38 loads gravel . . 3 80 I). Muxtou, for 300 tiles . .......... 5 40 Cull; Campbell, hauling plank and posts to Sherwood .......... 1 00 Colin Campbell, hauling tiles from \Vuudbridge......... . . . . 3 00 Patrick Bruphy, putting in tile on . 4m com. opposite lot. 15 ........ . 4 00 S. C. Snider. cedar posts, plank, ï¬lling well and repairing culvert 4 50 J. C. Steele, for road plaue......l. 3U 00 H. Marsh,tur 1664 ELM $13 per M 21 G3 Dletncc No. 2-- Patrick Bruphy, putting in tile dlain and culvert between lots 15 and 16, 0911. 4 5 70 D. Mutton, fur Z50 tiles ........... . 4 50 Culiu Campbell, grading hill be- tween luls 15 and 16, con. 4. . . . Ralph Sutton. repairing washout, lut. 2, 6011. 6 .............. ..' . . . . . . . . . . James Watson, 3 days’ Work 011'. Luwnline at. $1.50, and day with team a: $1.50. half L0 be charged to Yurk...... . . . . . . Henry Marsh, 1000 ft. plank for bridge on sideline betwaen lots 5 and 6th, con. . . District No. 3.â€" To J. L Card, In: 2 cedar sticks,4 cedar posts, and 15 lbs. splkuS and wow on gravel road, oppo- site Im. 17... . . .. To J. L Card, for 458 ft. of cedar and 77 cedar posts, delivered on gravel ruad uppOslBe lot 31 ...... To J. L. Card. for 318 ft. of cedar, 110 it. of timber, and 36 posts delivered at race budge, Klem- To J. L. Card, for 132 ft. of cedar delivered opposite Neil A. Mal- lay on town line, one half to be charged. to King. . . . . . To J L. Card, for 64 ft of cedar, 35 punts, and 6 lbs. small spikes opposite John McGillwrny’s...... To Thomas Bruwnleu, fur drammg material and pumng in two cul- verts on side-line, opposite lots 25 and 26, Gun. 7 ............... To R. Rumble, for max-hug; 3 luads gravel to Powers bridga.. ...... . n a â€"Cu.rried. Moved by Mr. Kirby, seconded by Mr. Bryson, that the Clerk be and is hereby instructed to notify the Grand Trunk Railway to reduce, or cause to be reduced, the grade of the aperoach on the east side to their mad at the siderozid south of ’l‘hornhill station, as at the present time it is in a dnngerous state to the public in crossing the same; and further that in the event of an accident occurring to any person or persons after this notice the Council will hold the Railway Company responsible for the seineâ€"Curried. Movad by Mr Watson, seconded by Mr. Arunld, that. the treasurer and wave bra and are hereby auLhurized tn luau to John McKiunuu the sum of $2000 of the school funds of the township, pru- Yidiug security is satisfactory â€"â€"Carried. The'Cuuucll then adjourned m must on Tuesday, November 13th, at. 10 a.m. J. M. LAWRENCE, Clerk. ()n Monday night. burglars entered Mr. E. Caidweii’a tailor shop by cutting a panel out of the duor,and carried away a number of suits and several coats, and a number 0t pieces of cloth. As this is the uecund time within a few months that this shop has been burglarized, it is hnped that, the authorities will spare no efforts to ï¬nd the guiity ones and bring them to justice. in all things, Charity.†suï¬siauml sidewalk has been laid Maple ...Z.Z...$I7 60 13 00 (37 65 17 72 12 06 300 6 ()0 635 150 00 00 00 Lakeside Hall, the palatial residence of Mr. B. \Vestwuod. in Parkdale, is mourn- ing the death of Frank Westbrook, aged 18 years. The sun was shot on Saturday evening at 1050, and lingered until Wed- nesday morning when he breathed his last at 6 o’clock. The unfortunate young man who had been sitting with his mother reading in the dining room until the hour above named, ascended the stairs to retire to bed when the door bell rang. Frank at once descended the steps to answer the summons at the door. After lighting the gas in the hell he walked to the front door, unlocked it and threw it open. VVithont saying,r a word the assassin outside raised a. pistol and ï¬red at Westwood, the bullet taking efl'ect in the latter’s body. The victim ciied’uut ‘-“I am shot,†and fell unconâ€" scious to the ï¬lm!" The unknown man from the village to the railroad. This is an improvement, as the old one was in a; val-y bad Condition. Mr. J. Rupert; have his valuable road one day last Mr. J. Parry a Mr. J. Parry and family, haVe moved intn our village Mr. H. Franks has a new erected in front of hls hn more lamps are needed in t dagk mghts. Rev. 8. G. Noble has gone on an ex- cursion to Detroit. His work last Sun- day was taken by Rev. D. Norman, of Aurora. Mrs. W. B. Gram, of Weston, has been visiting her father, Mr. J. C. McQuarrie. If you want to buy or sell a farm ad- vertise in the Toronto Weekly Mai}. That paper reaches 100.000 farmers homes every week, and your advertisement should meet the eye of some one who wants to purchase. Advertisements of this class are inserted in the Toronto Weekly Mail for ï¬ve cents a. word for each insertion. Twenty cents a word for ï¬ve insertions. Address The Mail, To- ronto, Canada. FRANK Wzswwooo, 0F PARKDALE, THE VICTIM. at once méde 03', with the smoking pistol in his'hand. Doctors were immediately summoned, but. it was soon learned that the shot. would prove fatal. The dying young man was reticent as to the cause of the: tragedy, but it is believed be after- wards made n confessinn to the Crown Attorney. which may lead to the arrest of the murderer. The residents of Park. dale are naturally much excited over the ad occurrence L 5... R88 & BIL. CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT ? For a I Mom I answer and an honest opinion. WX‘IW t0 . I' N & .00." W9 W9 bay Henri: flmws' BANKERS. UFFIBE : YUHGE SLAB HUBA. acted. Notes Discounted. Special attention paid to the collection of Notes and Accounts. Money advanced on Notes and Mort- gages fur any length of time to suit the bormWer. BANK - OF - TORONTO tion Note Forms furnished free of charge on application. J.L.EOSS. - - Manager. ANTED SALESME 21052111113 complete line of Nurser? Stock or Sized Pucuuves. orl)(-t,h.1xe1‘lrmxmut and paying positions to good men. We CALI give you ex~ cluen'e territory if you wish. In mu pay you 1: write us fur terms. Address. The Hawks Nursery Company. ROCHESTER, N. Y. M U NN d: 00.. who have had nearly any yen-3' experience in the patent. buSIDESS. Commnniéa- nous strictly conï¬dential. A Handbook or In- formation concemxng Patents and how to ob- tain chem sem free. Also a analogue of mechan. lcgl and senentlflo books seng tree. Patents rmxen chgough Munn & Co. receive cinl noticem the pcleijnï¬c American. and t us are brought. Widely oemre the publlcwith- out coat to the inventor. This splendid aper. Issued weekly. elegantlyil'usirated. has by til-the largest. circulation of any seientiflc work in the mid. $3 ayear. Sample co ies sent. free. Building Edition. monthly, ~.502) year. Sin )9 on es. 25 cents. Every number Contains be u- t. in plates, in coiors. and hotogxraphs of new houses. With plans. enabling ulldel‘s [0 show the lama 'gng gnq same contrg Address Sale Notes cashed or taken for colloc- Shot at His Own Door. A general Banking Business is trans- meat deaiwné and secure cï¬ntracu. ' A’ddress «URN a: CO. NEW YORK. 861 BROADWAY- [Single copies, 3 cts. payable at. par on all the leading points. Drafts issued on the had the misfortune to cow killed on the rail- 5 his house. A ferâ€"v :ded in the village on street. lamp No. I 'oronto,