N. R. R. TIME TABLE ark Dave :lewmnrl Amara... Kinz.. Rmth Th ornhll RTCHMON‘D Kim: .. Aurora. Newmnrkeh TORONTO Until fur Richmond at least Elm mentioned 1 Mail Mon.me PROCTD SUMMER TIME TABLE Leave 7 10.. RICHMOND HILL, Thursday, VENING "Agreements betv ers " to: sale at Tar Mr. '1'. Herbert Leuuox will be at Kellyï¬ "Hotel every Wednesday. Try 2 cans Lynx Brand Salmon for ‘25 moms at. the Concrete; the quality is very ï¬ne. Court Richmond, row (Friday) eveuir ‘ M. Ransom, one of our local sports. shot a large duct: and n diver in Boyle's pond early Tuesday morning. ’ The best. brandsof Tomatoes, Corn and fans 3 onus for 25 cents 9.1: the Con- orele. A Sabbath school Institute is being held in the Cnrrville church this afternoon and will be continued in the evening. C. Mason sells the Duchess of Oxford Rangepo better made. Call and see it. 14-2 Miss Nellie McLean remrned to her home in Peterboro on Thursday, after a few days’ visit with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Marsh. Mkr‘a'lem ORONTO A few cords of lmrdwuod wanted. Enquire a: The LIBERAL Oï¬lce. Mr. AK Wiley, who wuh a. partner is run- ning a baking establishment in Uxbridge village, spent Monday night Wzth his parents here. Our 25 and 80 cent. Japan Teas are the growth of 1894, and the flavor and strength are all that, can be desired. {Reeve Pngsley and ex-reeve Trench nt- teuded the North York Fair at Newmarket yesterday. The former was a ‘judge on cattlerme letter on waggous and carriages. \You can’t check the mum!) of a good thing. and that is whv Atkinson & Switzer are such successful merchants. Mr. Harry L. Eichiuger, B. 12)., who spent. hm Week at “Elms Lea,†the residence of Mr. Wm. Marsh, started on Saturday fox New Cumberland, P9,. If you enjov a good cup of ï¬nely flavored «black Tea Hy half a pound of 11162806 Brand Pure Ceylon at the Concrete. Connects w POST OFFICE NOTICE nin‘ zlah upn Metropolilam $1. LOCALS. 1] 14 740. 800 830 41‘ ) Hr. Ru GO R’sâ€"$76210}: LINE. 1351}! G ‘ING NORT ï¬iï¬emi. nil 8.30 A. O. F , meats tovmcr- g, October 12th. cen Trustees and Teach- LIBERAL more. 3 Sam ug at 1 ‘1. TI MM 11 be closed at the allows:â€" Railway Jst‘lr FYJ Accom Oct. 1), ’94 10 20 10 50 11 10 11 30 1150 ‘ 9 50 1010 103‘: .1c 5‘ 1140 8 40 the Pl“! ant est (ms 330 ostmaste North lo handed in the above 30 30 to Al‘ 3110 a m. 11.00 a m 00 Mai] )enves [1161‘ 10 55 .3 05 4-1 Twn new Piano Case Organs for sale. J. Brown. 14-; Mrs. J. H. Brydnn and daughter, Miss Muriel Brydon, of Dundalk, are making a visit with reiutxves in We village. and are the guest: of Mrs. Stormy, Mrs. Brydou'u mother. Therein no excuse for some things. AI. kinson 5.: Swixzer’s clothing doesn't nee( any. It ï¬ts. and were the matter ends. {my Mr. J. M. Lawrence. clerk; Mr. Geo High. reeve; and the two township assessors spent yesterday M Maple selecting juxymen in accurdance with the statutes, Concrete Parlour L Cheap tor The ] Methodi connecti the occupie‘l and dau Mr. H L. Skee] Why buy S gel. them che them delivure Toronto, sp Wiiey last \x Miss Maggie drove up on all returned “Knowledge is power." Every one in Richmond Hill should know how much a dollar can buy at. Atkinson & Switzer‘s. nual Report of Dr. Barnardo’s Homes, a neat volume of 112 pages. A copy will be sent to any one on application to the Gener- al Secretary of the Homes, 18 do 26 Slepney CauseWay, London, E. Most of the cases tried at the Division Court here on Friday were uninteresting. The greater part were also adjourned until noxt court, Owing, probably, so the fact. that His Honor. Judge Morgan, was absent. Mr. Tait.n young Toronto lawyer acted as Judge, and gave good satisfaction. At a special meeting 0! the York Township Council held on Mnudw, a resolution was unauimeusly curried to bring mi action against. tax-Reeve Humberstnue (or certain monevs said to have been received by him and other members of the council for the years 1891-92~93, without the proper vouch~ era. 7 ton-oz. bars quality good) {01 Electric Soup for For prompt cash -- we sell a Woman's Solid Leather Laced Boo» at $1.00; Women’s Glove Gmin Boat, well made and warranted, $1.20. Nanghtuu 131118., Elgin Mills. We regret to have to state that Mr. Mac- leau, aseialaut teacher in the High School, has been conï¬ned to his bed through illness {or more than a week past. The trustees have endeavored to supply his place. but. so far have been unsuccessful. They,hnwever, expect. a. teacher to be on hand Monday morning. At the annual meeting of the York Conn- tv W. C. T. U., held at Weston last week, a resolution was adopted congmmlating Sir Oliver Mowat on his return to power, and urging him to make an effective redemption of his temperance pledges, should the de- cision of me court admit of his doing so. /We hear that under the caption of Woman a new Weekly journal, devoted exclusively to women. is to appear in Toronto on Sat. Oct. ‘13tb. If the projectors succeed in carrying out. their stated intentions, RVoman will hp a decidedly welcome addition to lhe current home literature of Canada. Our readers 38:) secure a sample copy free bv sending their name and addreas on a postcard. “The quality of mercy is not. strained." so Shakespeare said, neither 18 the quality of Atkinson a Switzer's ï¬ue groceries and provisions. The preprietors of the popular Hole-in- the-Wall Cigar Store. who have done such a large business at 167g'King St. east, have opened up a branch more at 446 Yonge St. for the convenience of their customers in the north. Read their change of advertise- ment. elsewhere in this paper, and note their quotations of the different. grades of to- bacooa. Mr. J. T. McElroy, Veterinary Surgeon. has moved into the north part of the Grand Central building, which has been ï¬tted up for his oï¬ice and dwelling. he is ,prepared to attend promptly to all calls relating to the diseases of horses, cattle and other do- mesticated animals. He will visit Maple professionany every Monday and Friduymud Will be at Concord from 1 lo 3 on Friday of every week. For 23 cents an the Concrete you can buy each of this list: 4 bars Surprise Hosp, 4 bars Rlchard‘s Pure Soap, 5 bars Wonderlul Soap. 1 ï¬ve pound bar Jubilee Soap, 4 Castile bars soap, 4 Oatmeal bars soup, ï¬rsz quality. -P.. Sivers‘ Stock-taking Sale. Now is the greatest chance of the year for securing bargains, since after Stock-mkin'a man} lines of.Boots and Shoes must be sac- riï¬ced to make room for the large Fall Stock coming. Don’t. miss the :rare chance as I haveniull line from the best manufactur- ers. and can guarantee you splendid value and emire satisfaction, Bobut Siren. 12,5 Mr. D ri n Miss Ky] We have received a gopy of thegsth An- term L D. Norman, a tbwlogical student arm University, prenched m the Meth church, Muple. on Sunday evening, place ot'Rev. Mr. Noble, who is aw few days HR! m oak 1) Sunday clmx_ch on wi:h Ihe . The prucee sells if! doubk Russian Electric Snap 5 cents, 14 eight-oz bars 5 cents this Week a: we 7 has purchm 1 Arnold SL, Andrews. Mr use moving and spent the Countess of Oxtord heater, lwtest make. owort}; Mus ifl mated to about xen you can m, and have {chm-3e. -. Newt)er here next ed Mr. M. prebe in the in nt The directors of Markham Agricultural Society were not fortunate in the selection of the days for the fair this year. It. ruined a good deal of the time. but notwithstanding this the fair was pronounced a success. It is said that. the attendance on the last day was lnrger than ever known at any previous fair held in Markham. Woodbridge Schomberg ‘ “ A Trip Around the world.†The Sons of Scotland have secured the services of MR. W. E. Ramsay who will give his entertainment. in the Masonic Hall on Tuesday evening, We) 23rd mst. Mr. Ram- say has just returned from an extensive trip across the ocean, and We understand the programme to be presented here will be first- class. Full particulars will be given by posters. On Wednesday nnxt, the the fair, Proctor‘a 'bus willl for Woodbridge at 11 a. m wmhiug to go mua‘ be ready hour named. The fnllowing are the ofï¬cers of the Ep- worth League elected inst. evening for the incoming year :â€" President. A. J. Hume. lst Vice-President, Miss Storey. York At the We the followin ensuing year We than our "Subscriber" from Vie- toria Square for drawing our attention to the fact that Tm: LIBERAL puckage did not reach that post oiï¬ce at the usqu time last week. It seems the puckage became untied, consequently they were returned to the ofï¬ce of publication. They were remuilerl on Sat- urday morning, and, we trust, would reach their destination on Monday. We might nl~ so say that THE LIBERALS are invariably posted every Thursday afternoon in time for thoeveniug mail. The assessed rates for the village of Rich- mond Hill for the yle 1891 are us follows: Cor. 860., Miss Foster Rec. 8%., Miss Wiley, Treat. Mrs. \Vuodrnw Next year’s colWeuti Aurora. Cnuutypm’poses Village “ . High School “ Public “ r“ Totals.“ 049.83 at 12635/1000 “ There is ngï¬ebt, but the village has funds deposited in the bunk. It, has also good sidewalks, good high nnd public schoolsJour cburches,puhlic park and agricultural build- ing, a lock-up, skating and curling rinks,und street lamps. With moderate taxes and the conveniences nbdvé mentioned, Richmond Hill is Certainly a desirable municipality to reside in.-Recorder. Woodbridge Fair. The West York and Vaughan Fall Exhi- bition will be held at Wuoum‘idge on Tues- day and Wednesday 1392!, the 1611i and 17th of October. There is a large prize list,lhere will be special utiractions on each day of the fair, and good music will be furnished by the Victoria. Industrial School Brass Band, of Mimic-o, and the Nurrh Toronto Brass Band. The speeding on the track will be a prominent. feature of the fair. On the ï¬rst. day the followmg races will take place: Three year old single horse in harness, mile heals ; single horse in harness that never beat. 3 minutes, mile heats ; pony. 13 bands or under, in harness; gentleman‘s road horse in harness to buggy of not less than 250 lbs., speed and value to be consid- ered. 0n the Second day there will be an open race, n 2.35 race. and n farmer’s prem- ium. There Will also be a bicycle race, and prizes given for lady driver, huokuey driver. and saddle horse. The speeding each day will begin at 1 p. m. The annual handicap tournament of the Agincourt, lawn tennis dub drew an intercst- ed crowd uf spectators to their courts at “Hope Villa,†on Saturday last. The cou~ tests were exhibitions at the best kind of tennis. the swift. and frequent. rallies provok- ing caustant rounds of applause. The ac- companying are the dram and handicaps :â€"- Fmsr DRAW. G. H. Ramsey (owe 30) heat Dr. 0. Sisley (scratch), 6-3, 6-4; W. A. Kennedy (scratch) beat J. 0. Clark (owe .15), 6-3, 6-4; Dr. Clark beat G. H. Dean. 4-6, 6-3. 6-4. SECOND DRAW. G. H. Ramsey [owe 30) beat W. A. Ken- G' 13' R‘msey [0W6 30) beat W. A. Ken- nedy (scratch), 6-4, 6-2. FINAL ‘EVENT. Dr. Clark beat G. H. Ramsey 6-8, 9-7, 6-3. DRAWS 0F LADIES’ SINGLES. Mrs. (Dr.) Sieley Vs. MiSS Aggie Peterson ; winner of ï¬rst event vs. Miss Mary Peterson. These events were not able to be ï¬nished owing to the long contest in ï¬nal event of gentlemen‘s singles between Mr. Ramsey and Dr. Clark, and “111 be played ofl along with the double events next Saturday. TUESDAY, Oct. 23.â€"Credic sale of farm stock. im- plements, &c., 011101: 10, 5th con. Vaughan. (11} miles north of Edgely), the property of Edward Wise. sale wlthout reserve. Sale at 1 o‘clock. Sulem‘Ecl-mrdt, auctioneer. TUESDAY. Oct. “ZSâ€"Credit sale of farm stock, 1111â€" plemeuts. 6am, on lot 20. 7th con. Vuuqhan. the property of Samuel Hilliard. Sale at '1 p. 112. Terms. :2 months. J. T. Saigeoq. auctioneer. TUESDAY, Oct. 30511,?‘01‘8diï¬ sale of farm stock. implements and household furmcure, on lot 61. let con. Whitchurch (near Wilcox Lake). the property of Mn. Christina. Thompson. Sale at 11 am. Lunch at. noun. No re erve. Tax-1113.12 months on amounts above $10. Stokes d: Blough, uncfioneere. ' [S’Parties getting thir Bills printed at this Orï¬ce' will receivaanatxce similarity the shave FREE OF CHARGE 2nd Vice 1 3rd che-I Secretary Treasurer Vice ‘Bus to ston Epworth League Sale Regj sner Misu F An Explanation Jrsfl hlrs Richmond Hill Lawn Tennis. J. Hume. dent, Miss Storey. ideut, Miss Mary Trench ldem, .135. Wright. an Bessxe Beddibt. Fan Fairs Woodbxidge, nnxt, the second day of bus will leave this vi Inge 11 a. m. sharp. Those mvention ‘remt sale of farm stock. 1111â€" ‘11 lot 20, 7th con. Vuuqhan, Samuel Hilliard. Sale as '1 1'). months. J. T. Saigeoq. h ri Led Toronto J twin, Wes lorkville. ichmond ' ’onagevill Ofï¬cers sharp. Thoée to mm at the ill 11 Friday last ï¬cers for the Oct 16t017 “ 18 to 19 l/lOO on the 11000 “ 1000 †unction held in CONCRETE HOUSE LADEES’ MANTLES, LADIES’ MANTLES, Boucle cloth, braid trimmed collar, etc., black and navy LADIES MANTLES, LADIES MANTLES, Boucle cloth, braid tlimmed collar and waist black and navy 6 50 LADIES MANTLES, LADIES MANTLES, LADIES EOLMANS, LADIES’ MANTLES, Ladies’ Mantles made up on the shortest notice, in the very newest styles, from the following goods : Black and Navy Heavy Nigger Heads at $1.25 per yard. " “ “ Boucle cloths 1.6:, “ Colored Mixtures Fancy Tweeds - FOR THE NEXT 80 DAYS - Atkinsen & Switzer. Split Long Boots at....$1 Kip Long “ . ....2 Grain Loud Hand~made Timeis Coming: . . Hip Rnbber.... Knee Rubber ............ Strong Laced Grangera. Fine Kangoro Buls, ...... M E omimon $1193 More, Fall & Winmr Goodgs New Black Cashmeres New Colored Cash-meres New Flanne‘lettes New French Flannels New Grey Flannels Etc., Etc., Etc. Grocery Stock COR. KING 8: GEORGE SIX, TORONTO T. DOVV'S‘V’ELL. New Mantles and Mantle Gloths. 3!; SOON \VHEN YOU WILL \VANT A GOOD 7]]? . . . STRONG PAIR OF BOOTS. ' RE Navy & Fawn Beavers Fancy Figured Goods “ Mattalasse Nigger Head cloth, at... Plain Beaver cloth at... Beaver cloth. braid trnnmed, black & brown IO 35 Mattalasse cloth, tfeather trimming Sealette, satin lined, etc aver cloth, fur trimmed, brown only ISAAC CROSBY \VE 'WILL OFFER: IBOYS’ & GIRLS’ NEW worth $1 85 cents, 95 cents and AT THEâ€"â€" 00 00 50 Boots and Shoes Pebble Bal or Butbrm..$1 Dongolo Kid Button ..1 Kangoro Laced Water- PrBof . Slippers. 2 pairs for L ADIES’ New Hosiery New Shuts and Drawers New Tweeds New Coatings New Trouserings Etc., Etc., Etc. Always Complete. E)r0prietor. .OO .1 25) †i To ........25(: ........ I7 85 00 worth $l 12 5o .......7ac I4 35 (K 550