Both light and heavy. all of which aim guaranteed to give satisfaction as the Work is under my own supervisor. I am alo prepared tn do all kinds "f blackâ€" smithing (I; repairing in the mnat won;- manlike manner, on the shortest notice, and on th_e most reasonable terms. In returning thanks to my numerous friends fur their liberal pntronage during the past thirty years. I beg to remind them and the general public that having erected entirely new and cnmmodious pcemises I am enabled to supply MapIe Pump Works Mr. W. B. Gram havmg gone out of fine businee in Maple, I am again prepared to uupply customers on shortest, notice. Postal notes promptly attended to. TRENCH’ S -CARRIAGE WORKS.- Phaetons, Buggies, Carriages, PLATFORM SPRING W A G UN 8 . Canada Life Building, Gutters, DENTISTRY 2 Progressive, Painless, Perfect. \VPKI. TE}le 0 E1 reduction in charge made to Horse-Shoeing H. JACKSON. MAPLE Paid a pecia,‘ attenth RICHMOND HILL. Gold. Filling, and Crown and Bridge Work (Specialty). HIGH CLASS WORK ONLY AND MODERATE CHARGES. Sleighs and ing, â€"â€" King Street West, ~â€" The largest Dental Ofï¬ce and Practice in Canada. 2e made to all country patients, consistent with the distance travelled. F. SMITH, DENTIST, miT. TINKLER & SON, STOUFFVIL‘LE, a: Saturday, Oct. 27th, 1894. East Riding of York Re- form Association A. FIJEURY & SONS. Stouffville, Ont. The best plow made. Any boy can use it. It can be used in hard ground, when it is impossible to use any other. l‘he next meeting of the Council of tbeTownship of Markham will be held at Uniouvine on ANNUM MEETING. VICTORIA HA L1,, UNIONVILLE, for receivxng the several reports of Committees and election of utï¬cera tor the ensuing year. As many important matters aflect‘mg the prosper- it) of mu Dominion and We parcy may be dis- cussed. includlng the revismn o! the Voters' Llsts for the ltidxng, a full representation from every sub-divisiun in the riding is moss earnestly solicmed. PLOW. J. C. CLARK. Sec‘y pro tem TINKLER’S PATENT WHEEL PLOW, -_._1N___ Markham 8c Scarboro, A Brick House in good repair, with good garden and small fruits, is toreut un Mill Street, in the Village of Richmond Hill. A ply to p 15-“ T. H. RILEY The undersigned will be pleased to Cake in how Stores 01' private (tunings, plain sewing or any Kind of work she can do In her home. 14-tf MRS. ANDREWS TEMEERANGE & GENE-EAL KbbiUILNL'E MAPLE. J. T. SAIGEON, GUHE HIST. MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE 00.: write us fox terms. 7 Address, The Hawks Nursery Company, ROCHESTER, N. Y. Cuuir taken at 2 p. m Saturday, Oct. 20th, ’94, Are Clerk’s Notice. House to Rent. EDD NOT PURCHASE UNTIL YOU SEE THIS ANTED SALESMEN altar ï¬dumimmmta. 1 me uuusn nmcrica, A180 the SEWING. East 80 West York, 80 Vaughan, from (Jon. 1 to 5. Insurance Agent The Annual Meeting of the privileged to sell these plows in any district, and are A: 10 o'clock a. 111. JOHN STEPHENSON Clexk lllfyéEJEE-“AGENTS :Â¥ Will be held in lumen 11’ ym line of N um ox- both, flex .__(m._. -â€"â€"FORâ€"~ Manufactured byâ€"â€"â€" ery Stock or maueut and p can give yo 1!; ml) pay y w. SQVO’I‘T.‘ 'Preuident. abc rice and >r Se_ed paying Sums 01 one dollar and upwards received on deposit and intefast allowed thereon irnm data at deposit to withdrawal. THE 0mm BANK AURORA BRANCH Special arrangementu can be made for large sums left on deposit. Banking Ofï¬ce, Yonge street, Aurora. I) A. RADCLll-‘E‘E. Manager. ’JJ HE LIBERAL FALL GOODS I Some nice Sergei! in Navy and Black, alsoaline at 25 cents, all Wool, double wiiflz. Checks. especially suited for children’s wear. Underwear In Gents' and Ladies’. A special line of Ladiea' Vests at 50 can“. Snme in very choice patterns, both light and dark. Wnonen Stockings and Sox. Socks from 10 cents up. Men's, Women’s and Children’s Eigheat mg and cess uss‘ Blankets and W001 Sheeting. R. S. THDMSHN. WAMED G‘foï¬'ers & Pfï¬aégators, Rochestek, IVY: 1 RESIDENCE NOTES DISCOUNTED. Sale notes cashed or taken for collection. r16 SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT General Banking: Business Done. Dress Goods sell our choice and com- plete line of Nursery stock and seed potatoes. salary and commission paid weeklyyay. permanent position guaranteed and suc- umd to goovd men. Special inducements uex- chponeuce uot_uece§snry. Exclusqu $1.00 Der Year. Gents’ Ties and vbur uwu entries of same given. 5}??? ALLEN NURSERY CO. MAPLE. sThe LIBERAL Rubbers Hosiery ELF. RGETIC ME N to TORONTO nu com- Nursery totatoes. klymav- HOLE-IN it. OR THE convenience of our cuswmers in the north we have npened up a * BRANCH STORE. 446 Yonge street, just. below College street, where all Tohaccua and Cigars will be suld at, same prices as at our celebrated Holminxha. Wall Cigar Stare. MANUFABTURERS LIFE ENSEBRMSE GU. Head Ofï¬ce, - Toronto. A SOLID CANADIAN GGMPANY. DON’T FORG ET 167 1-2 KING ST. E Surplus or; Policy-Holders’ account at 3zst of December, . I > _ 1893, $164,598.65. Polxc1es absolutely mconteatable after ï¬rst year. No re- strictions as to occupation, residence or travel. THORNHILL . . . General Agent Co. York Dioney to IJOfl“ on Real 'l'flstate. PROVISIONS. FRUIT, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE , CONFECTIONERY, YES, THEY SAY IS THE PLACE TO GET IT CIGARS, TOBACCOS, &c. FAMILY FLOUR, Only $3.00 per bbl. White Rose Pastry Flour now on hand. Every thing sold at rock bottom prices. Delivered on shortest notice at reasonable prices. COAL, WOOD Wm. B. Proctor, RICHMONDHILEL Subscribe tor We HEWISON, Glnzwr, Grainer and Paper- O. J. BROWN. (A large new stock just arrived.) ORDERS SOLICI’TED. HOUSE PAINTER, 167% WALL PAPERS 50. PER ROLL ALL KINDS Obiâ€"â€" Good Black Chewing, ...... IOC McDonald Chewing per plug. 25c T. & B. Plug for. 20c Derby Plug for... H H WHAT? For a Short Time, Only. - - SAVAGE’S, - o -THE-WALi. mm 310% Hanger. SLABS AND KING STREET EAST, TORONTO .530 WW’S’ H. M. BROWN. RICHMOND HILL 446 YON GE ST, TORONTO. ....and.... A11... BORDERINGS TO MATCH; AST9 THE ADDRESS: . . FALL. 1894.. . SEWING MACHINES, ORGANS & PIAN OS. LOW PRICES . . & EASY TERMS. Guaranteed every time. AGENT, Wedding Cakes on Shanesl Notice. BAKER & CONFECTIONER Conlcclloncry. Oranges. Lem- ons. Nuts and Fruit. A.L.SKEELE, Also dealer in Grocerirzs and other Staple Articles. Prices ngm. ran-onus Solicized. RASPBERRIES Richmond Hill. \VIIOLESALE and RETAIL. The In DAVID HILL, DAVID HILL, O. J. BROWN, NQW is the time to buy Watch-Vlnker & Icweller. ......... 35c per 1b. reduced to 8c. Proprietor. FULL LINE OF RICHMOND HILL ..20c ..18c mm lame. Sow luuhmond Hm Raspberry