Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Oct 1894, p. 7

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00K OUT FOR JAPAN. i _._ 1 She Dilly Completely Change all Existing lule~fllllll0nal llelnllons In tho linst. By their ~- ctories on land and sea the Japanese h 3 demonstrated in the only accepted way their right to a recognized place in the family oinations. Henceforth a new power must be reckoned with, and if her career of conquest is not arrested by European intervention is warlike and ag- gressive people, flushed with victory, may completely change all existing international relations in the East. If Japan goes on to the triumph which now seems within her grasp. there is little likelihood that she will be content to remain an island power playing a minor and unobserved part in the great drama of history. Her people are already pleased to think themselves the English of the Orient, and they will undoubtedly follow England’s example in reaching out for ter- ritory in the mainland of Asia and in the islands of the Pacific. \Vith a strong navy the Philippine islands will offer great temptation. The possessions of Spain and Holland in those Eastern waters will not be secure against a nation of 44,000,001) people, conscious of power and eager to prove it. \Ve already know that Japan has cast covetous eyes on the Sand- wich islands, and Will Australia. be content to remain a British colony when her inter- ests, perhaps her safety, may demand free- dom of action in her relations with a pow- erful neighbor? In commerce as in international politics Japan will have to be considered. She has stepped forth from the poetic Oriental dreamland and has become one of the forces in tho world of civilization. That she will be a growing power is evident to all who have studied her progress since she opened her ports to commerce and her mind to “'estcrn ideas. ,,_.-\. i +â€"â€"_ An Imporatnt Discovery. A genius who has dev0ted a good deal of is time to the question,has, he says, dis- overed how to prevent trousers from bag- ging at the knee. This is a piece of news wihich should send the public, or at least the male portion of it, into transports of joy. It will no longer be necessary for the p( verty-stricken dude to put his trousers under the mattress at night, nor for Wives who are proud of their husbands to iron their trousersâ€"the husband’s trousersâ€" after they have gone to bed. The theory which has been evolved is that all trousers are cut from cloth in which the thread runs up and down and straight across the leg. ence,when the strain comes upon the k as of the trousers, these threads stretch, be ause the strain is directed upon them an the trousers bag. A tailor has made a ' of trousers so that the thread runs diag onally across the leg, and the result is said to be highly satisfactory. The strain is d stributed indirectly upon the threads of th cloth, and the trousers fall back into proper shape as soon as the strain een removed. ‘i i ( A Curiosity of Eyesight. An aged sea captain is troubled with a. eculiai-ity of vision which is common to al- skippers and ship’s officers of high rank who have had long experience on the sea. 3 this particular instance the captain . omplains that through long use of the lesoope,the quadrant and other instru- ients used in making calculations at sea he sight has been drawn from the left eyes ~nto the one which peers so eagerly through 'he instruments. He says he can discern bjccts at an enormous distance with his ight eye, but is scarcely able to read with is left. The tendency of nature to adjust litself to conditions is heightened in these leases by the bright glare from the waters, 'which make the strain on the eye especially trying. .â€"â€"â€".____ A Woman’s Burdens are lightened when she turns to the right medicine. If her existence is made gloomy by the chronic weaknesses, delicate de- rangements, and painful disorders that afflict her sex, she will find relief and em- ancipation from her troubles in Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Presciption. Itshe’soverworked, nervous or “run down” she has new life and strength after using this remarkable remedy. It’s a powerful, invigorating v tonic and nervine which was discovered and used by an eminent physician for many years, in all cases of “female complaints” ‘ and weaknesses. For young girls just en- ptering womanhood : for women at the \‘Cl‘illCLll “change of life" ; in bearing down ensutions, periodical paini, ulceration. ipflammation, and every kindred ailment, i- it ever fails to cure, you have your money back. E â€".â€"________________â€"___â€"â€" â€"â€"_________. Don’t be Imposed Upon, whien you ask for Doctor’s Picrce’s Golden Me' ical Discovery. (:10 to a reliable dez-l- er. He will sell you what you want. Th ones who have something else to urge upon you in its place are thinking of the e ltra. profit they’ll make. These things pliZy them better, and they don’t care about yh ll. , None of these substitutes is “just as good” as the “Discovery.” This is the mnly blood-cleanser, flesh-builder, and litrength-restorer so far-reaching: and so ‘ unfailing in its effects that it can be guar- anteed. In the most stubborn skin, scalp, or scroiulous affections, or in every disease that’s caused by a torpid liver or by im- pure bloodâ€"if it over fails to curc,you have your money back. Oldham. England, cooperative societies have 11,000 members. The women of Chicago engaged in the broker business have organized themselves mo .1 union. An eminent aniericm divine writes:â€" lod has been pleased to store the earth llll the air with remedial agencies for the cure of disease and the prolongation of life. if believe St. Leon \Vater to be one of these agencies. It is invigorating, exhilarating; fond remedial. Used copeouslv, its etlect iipnn the whole urinary passage is most beneficial. “'31. Human, D. D Chicago. THE PREACHER’S TRIAL. AN INTERESTING CHAT WITH THE REV. W. J. CHAPIN. In the Strain of l’ulpil [.nlmr llc llml Over dran Ills Iicnllli Arcmlnl~llow Ho )lct the (‘rlsis :iiiil lkelurncd to Ills Dulles will: “Fllt‘fl'l’ll llrallli. From the Springfield. 111., Journal. In the pretty village of (Jhatham, lll., there lives a Baptist divine whose snow white hair is the one outward sign that he has encroachcd upon the days beyond the allotted threc score years and ten. His clear eye, keen mental faculties and inngni ficent physique all hear Witness to a life well spent. This iiineer in God’s eternal vineyard is Rev. \V. J. Chapin, whose 7'2 years are crowded with noble deeds in the Christian ministry. ToaJournal representative who asked him something of his carcerin the ministry, Mr. ('hapin talked in an interesting strain, and said that, in spite of the indications to the contrary, his life had not all been sun- shine and good health. “As my present appearance, testifies, I was fortunate in the possession of a very vigorous constitution. But as is too often the case, I ovsrestimatad my physical resources, snd when it was too late lcarncd thatI had overdrnwn my health account The crisis came about eighteen years ago. At the time I was preaching the gospel from the pulpit,and I became suddenly so ill that l I was compelled to stop before my scrmon l was finished. It was a bad case of nervous prostrstion, and for a time my friends and family were greatly exercised over my con- dition. Complete rest was imperative, and Mrs. Chapiii and I planned and took a long trip. My health was suiliciently restored to resume work, but I was not the same man. Ifelt absolutely worthless physically and mentally. I had so lost control of my muscles that my fingers would involuntarily release their grip upon a pen, and my hand would turn over with absolutely no volition on my part. About two years ago, to in- tensify matters, I was seized with a severe attack of la grippe. I recovered only parti- ally from it and had frequent returns of that indescribable feeling which accompan- ies and follows that strange malady. I looked in vain for somethliing to bring relief and finally I read an account of Dr. \Villiams’ Pink Pills for Pale People. Some- thing seemed to tell me that they would do me good and I commenced using them. They gave me additional strength from the start and toned up my system from 0 condition of almost absolute prostration so. that I was able again to resume my duties as a minister. The impravenient was simply marvellous, and the credit is due Dr. \Villiams’ Pink Pills.” Mrs. Chapin was present during the con- versation and said: “ I don’t think Mr. Chapin could ever have resumed his preach- ing after he had the attack of la grippe had it not been for Pink Pills. They did him so much good that I decided to try their efficacy on myself. I have been troubled for years with what our physician, Dr. Hewitt, called rheumatic paralysis, and since taking the Pink PillsI have been stronger and the pain in my right arm and hand is less acute. \Ve keep the pills in the house all the time, and they do me a great deal of good in the way of toning up my system and strengthening me.” In all cases like the above Pink Pills offer a. speedy and certain cure. They act di- rectly upon the blood and nerves. Sold by all dealers, or sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of 50 cents a box or $2.50 for Li boxes, by addressing the Dr. \Villiams’ Medicine (10., Brockville, ()nt., or Schenec- tady, N. Y. Beware of substitutes and nostrums alleged to be “just as good.” â€"â€"oâ€"â€" Mule spinners’ unions have $50,000 in the treasury. Charlatans and Quacks Have long plied their vocation on the suf- fering pedals of the people. T a knife has pared to the quick ; caustic applications have tormented the victim of corns until the conviction shaped itselfâ€"there’s no cure. Putnam’s Painless Corn Extractor proves on what slender basis public opinion often rests. If you suffer from corns get the Extractor and you will be satisfied. Sold everywhere. a {In ~ -...,, ."g, i ‘ \ssgs. .illgiig- . \ ~ will“ ' o ‘ -\ \\ aft/,1“ o 0 u a MEO.MERRELL ° Toronto, Ontario. As Well as Ever After Taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla Cured of a Serious Disease. “I was suilcrliig from what is known as nglit’s disease for live your), and for days at 3. him I have boon unable to straighten myself up. I was in bed for three weeks; during that time I had lccclics iipplli-d and derived no bencâ€" fit. Seeing; Ilooil‘s Szirsspiirillu advertised in the papers I decided to try a bottle. I found HQ ’3 relief before I had finislicd taking hall oi r. bot- tlc. Igot so tutu-h help from taking the first bottle lll‘lt I decided to try another. and since taking the second bottle 1 tr-cl as well as ever i did in my life.“ G no. himuutrr, Toronto. Ont. .‘lood’s Pills are prompt and efficient, yet easy of action. Strld Ly all thuggiszs. 250. i. intuit CASE. 1 A PRETTY BRUNETTE STRICKEN DOWN IN PHILADELPHIA. A Story of a Young liirl Tlml (‘ri-iilcil :1 (iron! Flullcr Among: llu- )lmllrai l-‘ra IornIly. Pllll..~\lll<:l.l'lll.\, Oct. lst.-â€"A case that is creatinga great flutter among the medical dovevcots is that of Nellie Tailor, whose parents reside on I’owieton avenue. Miss Tailor is n prctty brunette with red checks and a smile that would set the heart of the steriicst rcportcr fluttering in two seconds. The facts oi the case are sooner told in her own words. “Three years ago,‘ she said, “my father moved from the country info Philadelphia. ldetermiiied to find some employment, not Wishing to be a. burden on the family. lob'aincd employment in \Van- namakcr‘s store and I had not been long there, when the indoor work began to tell on me. I lost the color in my cheeks and I grew pale and thin. My iooli did not agree with me and I had n headache all the. time. I finally grew sn ill that I had to quit work. Tim dootm was called in and he said that I was snilerint: from chronic dyspepsia and habitual constipation and he gave me very little hope of recovery. lie gave me several doses that nearly doubled me up With pain but gave no permanent relief. Finally I was that ill that food would only stay on my stomach fora couple of hours. Afier eating I Would sullet‘ from dizziness, and I would we i‘verything double. Then a terrible headache would set in followed by vomiting and pain. I tried u lot of medicines of iliifcrcnt kinds but they did me no good. At list a friend advised me to take Schillcr's Sarmpnrilln Pills. I followed his advice, and much to the wonder of myfriends I began to recover at once. Ten boxes of Schiller’s Sarsapar- illa Pills have completely cured me. My mother was completely run down nursing inc and Schiller‘s Sarsaparillii Pills have cured her also." Know your own mind. If your druggists will not get Schillcr's Sarsaparilla l’ills send to us and we w:ll mail you a box on reciept of Silo. orsix boxes for $2.51). Address K. H. Schiller & 00., Toronto. .___.__â€" Catarrhâ€"Use Nasal Balm. Quick, posi~ tive cure. Soothing, cleansing, healing. Brotherhood carpenters have 800 local unions. The Tree of Heaven is the common name for the Ailanthus, a very tropical looking tree. Frown Bros. 00.. Toronto, ()nt., tell A Cannibal Cemetery. MUSIC! Every Music Teacher in Ca- nada should know where they . can. get their Music cheapest. \ltl‘llt’ us for Catalogues; also sample copy of the CANADIAN Mi'sit'iAN, 3 live mnmhiyjour. nal with Simworrli of music in each issue. 33 to so ‘p(‘l‘ day madnhv canvassers. Soc prem- ium list. “'0 carry everything in the Music line. WHALEY, ROYCE & CO. i58 YONCE er. TCRDNT0.0NT. Although the battaks of Sumatra are still ferocious cannibals, they,like other anthro- pophagic races, are by no means in that low state of Civilization, so far as handicrafts l are concerned, that their cannibalism “ ould lead one to suppose. This is especially visible in the really beautiful and artistic doadhouscs in which l they deposit their dead for several days be- fore burial. The Side walls are of carved \vood, mid the roof is covered With lu-aiitiful i mats of tho most elaborate design. The dead ; bodies lie in Collins which are built in the ’ shape of a boat, richly adorned with nm- . licsques and carved figures. Some i f the tribes burn their dead. but iha majority oi them take them from the dcndhoiise and hang the i-ollin lwat-cn to poles several yards illii’)\'l’ the ground, or they sew the I bodies in mats which are similarly suspend- ed between two pairs. , They.» the corpse is left to decay in the burning sun, uniil ii returns if) dust, and ‘ ’ ’ â€" the Winds sc-iticr it Hi all diiections. 1 *_ ii? 051' “ fp T1 M 0 Ganada . . . civL-rs and r ‘ stininost pr - .- - 9.. ' _ i.» inrl'i “rum to rI‘llfl lllfllllll illE AllllS (70., . ‘ list: Haven, Conn., U.$.A w . . memoir” i fr lhnve been drinking Shim-on Mineral ‘Vulel‘ r lrctznlnrlf.‘ for four _\'c:ir\. zind con<ider it the a .‘ r ‘ _ , : \'('I‘)'li1}~l thing: to drink whilv in general ir lill‘ l inc. ll’ 14:1“ cXi‘i‘llI'ni rcuuloior, having coni- p'clolyvurcd inc of L'Oll~li['i.\l.l0n and kidney troubln. \V, 1L II.\'<i.i'i“i'. TN" Manning A ve., (Ihnnipion l"C(lc‘-‘ll‘liln of Canada. St. Leon Mineral Water Ut’y, Ltd. Head Officeâ€"King St.W.. Toronto. All l’>ruggi<ts Gr d Hotels. l0lll‘ Profits “'ill be increas. ed. your land freed from foul weeds, if you Feed Your Stock . ’ be. th edged @Uiflifiy is l“ @ffldfldfib Pale Faces show Depleted Blood, poor %- nourishment, everything Grain bad. They are signs of Ground ' v byn Anaemia. Bu r Stone Chopper. Grinds everything. even to the finest seeds. Stones last a lifetime. . . _ Iron plates. chilled 1-16, are not in it Wit French Buhr Stones. 6 more; thick. Chill-3d Clear Through. {Scott’s Emulsion us that it is not a very satisfactory grower for our section. This house wish an agent here. They pay salary and expensas and odor liberal inducements, Calumet (Mich.) candy stores may be forced to close Sunday. Spooner’s Phener Disinfectant mixed with fish oil or grease, will prevent the Horn fly. Apply with a brush about the horns, head and back of animals. Boston garment workers will run co-oper- ative shops. Get Rid of Neuralg‘ia. There is no use in fooling with neuralgia. It is a disease that gives way only to the most powerful remedies. No remedy yet discovered has given the grand results that invariably attends the employment of Pol- son's Nerviline. Nerviline is a. positive specific for all nerve pains, and ought to be kept on hand in every family. Sold every where, :23 cents a bottle. A. P. 734 .iâ€"OH'S CURE. Itis sold. on a ntee all dru - slats, It cures ncipient ggnsumptiozn andth best Cough and. Group Cure. . ‘\ ANIIINIII “'rerkcd null "(‘s'l'llcd. By 1 w. J. I‘Il‘N'l‘Eli. can, iii). A series of chapters to men on social purity and right livâ€" ing. his written in plain language that all may llntl¢:r~l.llld. Live Agents; wanted. (fir- ('ulili‘> coutuining terms sent on application. “'illiiun Briggs. l’ublishcr. Toronto. Ont. (.‘ANADIANH will lN,‘ lllil‘l‘0\il.’il to know [hat the liiniou~ Bissoli (‘nrpt-t chcpcrs me now inniiiit’m-iiii-ml in :‘t brunch factory iii Toronto. ’l‘lll41lll‘lllhlllnl (Zinndinin will hc able to lllll‘l'llll<0 thc genuine lii<<1.-ll “‘VL’CIH‘I‘N zit pi‘i('c\ that will cnntlc every llnll\t.‘-i\0t‘lit‘l‘ io posse» :i ~\\'(*i:]iul' publicly recognized the lit-~t iii tht- world. GANANDQUE DRY EARTH as, L. CLOSET . .. “" £3222}... MANUFAOTURED BV CAN, GEAR CO, 25cm, 50cts. and $1.00 Bottle. Ono cent a dose. Every home should have one. Endorsed by all} Doctor- CHAMPION STUMP AND STONE EXTRACTORS. There are more (over «Loom of these machines in use in the Dominion than all other kinds. combined. Forcii'culnr giving [)1‘iCL‘L‘IC.:ulill'BsS the iiinnui'nviurci', S. S. KIMBALL, 577 (‘rziig SL. Montreal, 1’.Q Canada. Permanent Loan and Strings Conipaiiy. <0 Oflicew'l‘oronfo St. Toronto. 0 Subsc; ibed Capital . . .8 5.000.000 Paid up Capital . 2.600.000 Reserved Funds .. 1551000 Total Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . 12,000,000 0 The ciilnrgcd capital and recources of thi Company, togi'thcr with thcincrcascd facili tic» it. now has for supplying land owners with chi-up money. enable the Directors to meet with )il‘nlllpliics‘s all l'C-Illil‘elllcnl\ for loans upon satisfactory real equiv security. Appli- cation may be made to the Company‘s local Appraisers. or to ... J. HERBERT MASON, Managing Director. l‘ro LEARN IT ? Easy to run, simple, durable fast JVrlte Waterous, Brantfora, CANADA. the Cream of Cod-liver Oil, with hypophosphites, enâ€" riches the blood, purifies the skin, cures Anaemia, builds up the system. Physicians, the world over, endorse it. Don't be deceived by Substitutes! Scott & Bowne, Bolleville. All Druggists. 50c. & Si. aw //‘ i- on Wv'it: to the Ni’iQTliFRfi V PL ’ i. Orr, ii \ u cant I HOROL’I 2H Course <ir.c~sl".ducsiion. l" LEM 1 Ni}, PrinCipaJ. no 55'?- ‘.C.;AT"ALoGuE FRE' ' Nâ€"v ' MAR" imam; Equal {0311] importeddar.) Ta. em Advme an- K ‘yclfin’g this: , lrijij'c on g, 56.“) ; l0 cum SMoKe'Vor' ' 1fiAaE ‘ 7‘. lfky‘“~x/‘q a; WIRE o "\ ‘ y) 5 I Ming 5 GRANBY RUBBERS ‘ Better this season than ever. Everybody wants them. Every dealer sells them. They wear like Iron. T26 . IMETALIEICSRQQFlNG Q 4,21,Meadows-Tosome; HEATIN OUR SPECIALTY We have letters from all parts of Canada saying Preston Furnaces are the Best. Let us send you Catalogue and full particulars, and you can Judge for Yourself. .-,‘ GLARE BS. & to. PRESTON, ONT. gmmimimiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiimiiig WOOD FURNACES; and... ..FOR ALL SIZES 0F BUILDINGS.- COAL Gapacitp from 10,000 to 80.00 cubic ‘Feet 0 >6 "H c w “ CYCLONE STEEL RADIATOR "‘ "mum" WOOD FURNACE HEAVY CRATE. adapted for wood burning Heavy Steel Plate Fire Box Dome and Radiator. which he qnicker and are more durable RADIATOR of Modern Construc- tion and Great Heating Power LARGE ASH PiT COAL FURNACE Large Combustion Chamber Long Fire Travel,encircling radiator Large Heating Surface Large Feed Door Sectional Fire Pot Rotating Bar Dumping Grate DEEP ASH PIT Willi“ (D U «a (D O ... E3. ._. ~< p 0 Willlllllll OXFORD WOOD FURNACE Full Guaranteed Capacity .Manufactured by"... The GURNEY FOUNDRY COMPANY Ltd., TORONTO. Wéhllllléliiillélliléllllllllllélllwul . Send for... ' CATALOGUE andTESTIMONIAL 300K. filllfNMVlflmmmllfllml minimum

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